C program to make a calculator that can perform simple arithmetic and toggle between int and double variables - c

I am a bit new to c programming. For my project I have been tasked with developing a simple calculator that asks the user to input an option then that option declares what operation is to be performed (i.e. if the user enters 1, this corresponds to selecting the addition option which then allows the user to add two numbers they choose. I have the majority of the code worked out, but the catch is that I need the calculator to toggle between int and double variables. When the user enters 5, the calculator should now work with integers then if the user hits 5 again, the calculator switches back to doubles and vice versa so long as you want to switch back and forth. The calculator automatically works with doubles. So, more specifically, if I wanted to use integer variables, I would enter 5, then lets say I wanted to switch back to doubles, I should enter five and receive the message "Calculator now works with doubles." So here is my code thus far:
int main()
int integermode, doublemode, m, a, b, sum2, difference2, product2,
double i, j, sum1, difference1, product1, quotient1;
printf("This program implements a calculator.");
while(m !=6) {
printf("1 - addition\n2 - subtraction\n3 - multiplication\n4 - division\n5 - toggle calculator type\n6 - exit program\n");
printf("Please enter your option: ");
scanf("%d", &m);
if(m > 6) {
printf("Invalid option.\n");
printf("1 - addition\n2 - subtraction\n3 - multiplication\n4 - division\n5 - toggle calculator type\n6 - exit program\n");
printf("Please enter your option: ");
scanf("%d", &m);
switch (m) {
case 1:
if (integermode == true) {
printf("Enter first term: ");
scanf("%d", &a);
printf("Enter second term: ");
scanf("%d", &b);
printf("The sum is: %d\n", a+b);
if (integermode == false) {
printf("Enter first term: ");
scanf("%lf", &i);
printf("Enter second term: ");
scanf("%lf", &j);
printf("The sum is: %.15lf\n", i+j);
case 2:
if (integermode == true) {
printf("Enter first term: ");
scanf("%d", &a);
printf("Enter second term: ");
scanf("%d", &b);
printf("The difference is: %d\n", a-b);
if (integermode == false) {
printf("Enter first term: ");
scanf("%lf", &i);
printf("Enter second term: ");
scanf("%lf", &j);
printf("The difference is: %.15lf\n", i-j);
case 3:
if (integermode == true) {
printf("Enter first term: ");
scanf("%d", &a);
printf("Enter second term: ");
scanf("%d", &b);
printf("The product is: %d\n", a*b);
if (integermode == false) {
printf("Enter first term: ");
scanf("%lf", &i);
printf("Enter second term: ");
scanf("%lf", &j);
printf("The product is: %.15lf\n", i*j);
case 4:
if (integermode == true) {
printf("Enter first term: ");
scanf("%d", &a);
printf("Enter second term: ");
scanf("%d", &b);
if (b != 0) printf("The quotient is: %d\n", a/b);
if (b == 0) printf("Cannot divide by zero!\n");
if (integermode == false) {
printf("Enter first term: ");
scanf("%lf", &i);
printf("Enter second term: ");
scanf("%lf", &j);
if(j != 0) printf("The quotient is: %.15lf\n", i/j);
if(j == 0) printf("Cannot divide by zero!\n");
case 5:
if (m = 5) {
integermode = true;
printf("Calculator now works with integers.\n");
if (m != 5) integermode = false;
return 0;

General improvements
First off, you should notice your main function is massive for what it needs to accomplish, and takes a ton of indent levels (when properly indented). That is mostly because you've got a ton of duplicated functionality. You could easily extract the code that asks for the input numbers into a function and reuse it, changing only the operation performed in each case. Or probably even better, you could ask for the input numbers as a part of the main while loop, and then perform a different operation with them depending on the operation mode you're in.
You're not using <math.h>, so you can leave it out.
Another thing I've noticed is you don't initialize the m variable before using it in the while loop. That could potentially cause a lot of problems, so you should initialize it to some value that isn't a valid mode, like for example 0 or -1.
You're also using two consecutive if statements when if/else could be used.
if (integermode == true) {
if (integermode == false) {
is the same as
if (integermode == true) {
} else {
but harder to read and less efficient, as you're doing two comparisons instead of one.
Implementation of double/integer modes
About the functionality you want to implement, you could very well define an enumeration with the possible modes:
typedef enum _datamode {
} data_mode;
and then have a variable holding the current mode:
data_mode datamode = INTEGER_MODE /* Initializing this to the default mode */
then use integers or doubles during the calculation and output depending on the current value of the variable. Of course, this could be done in a shorter way with an integer instead of an enum and a typedef, but I find this to be a more verbose way.
For the inputs and the result, you could use the union C type, which reserves memory for the biggest type you specify inside it and lets you store any of them in it. For example:
union io {
int i;
double d;
} a, b, result;
declares three variables that have the io union as type. That way, you can use them as integers or doubles as you like (as long as you don't mix types up and, for example, store an integer and read it as a double)
Full working implementation
The following would be my implementation of the program you have to do. It could be accomplished in a much shorter way (take into account the switches dealing with enums take a fair bit of the total space) but I think this is way more elegant and verbose.
I've respected your print statements and the flow of your application, even though I think they could be better (maybe this is something your assignment imposes on you?)
Please take this as an opportunity to learn and don't just copy-paste the code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef enum _datamode {
} data_mode;
typedef enum _operationmode {
} operation_mode;
operation_mode ask_mode () {
int input = -1;
while (1) {
printf("1 - addition\n2 - subtraction\n3 - multiplication\n4 - division\n5 - toggle calculator type\n6 - exit program\n");
printf("Please enter your option: ");
scanf("%i", &input);
if (input < 1 || input > 6) {
printf("Invalid option.\n");
} else {
switch (input) {
case 1:
return ADDITION;
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
return DIVISION;
case 5:
return TOGGLE;
case 6:
return EXIT;
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* Error must've occurred in order for a different value to be present */
union _io {
int i;
double d;
void get_inputs_integer (int *a, int *b) {
printf("Enter first term: ");
scanf("%i", a);
printf("Enter second term: ");
scanf("%i", b);
void get_inputs_double (double *a, double *b) {
printf("Enter first term: ");
scanf("%lf", a);
printf("Enter second term: ");
scanf("%lf", b);
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
union _io operand1, operand2, result;
operation_mode o_mode;
data_mode d_mode = INTEGER_MODE;
printf("This program implements a calculator.");
do {
o_mode = ask_mode();
if (o_mode == TOGGLE) {
if (d_mode == INTEGER_MODE) {
d_mode = DOUBLE_MODE;
printf("Calculator now on double mode\n");
} else {
d_mode = INTEGER_MODE;
printf("Calculator now on integer mode\n");
} else if (o_mode != EXIT) {
if (d_mode == INTEGER_MODE) {
get_inputs_integer(&operand1.i, &operand2.i);
switch (o_mode) {
result.i = operand1.i + operand2.i;
result.i = operand1.i - operand2.i;
result.i = operand1.i * operand2.i;
result.i = operand1.i / operand2.i;
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* Error must've occurred in order for a different value to be present */
printf("The result is %i\n", result.i);
} else {
get_inputs_double(&operand1.d, &operand2.d);
switch (o_mode) {
result.d = operand1.d + operand2.d;
result.d = operand1.d - operand2.d;
result.d = operand1.d * operand2.d;
result.d = operand1.d / operand2.d;
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* Error must've occurred in order for a different value to be present */
printf("The result is %lf\n", result.d);
} while (o_mode != EXIT);


Issues with do while loop

The code allows you to choose between star and delta resistive network conversions. There is also an exit option. I wanted to validate the values for R_a, R_b, R_c etc. however, I have run into some trouble with my do while loop. The lower limit is 1000 and the upper is 1000000.
I intend to have the program carry on if the input is within range and prompt for another input from the user if it is not. However, as of now, the program continues if the value is within range, but also continues after giving a warning when it is not - when I want it to loop back to the first input prompt.
Once correct, I will add the loop to all inputs.
If anyone is able to fix/find the issue, it would be greatly appreciated.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void)
printf("\n\n\t\tDelta and Star Converter\n\n\n");
int choice, num, i;
unsigned long int fact;
printf("1. Star \n");
printf("2. Delta\n");
printf("0. Exit\n\n\n");
printf("Enter your choice : ");
case 1:;
float R_a=0,R_b=0,R_c=0,R_ab,R_bc,R_ac;
printf("Please enter the value of the Star connected resistors:\n");
do {
printf("R_a = ");
if (R_a > 1000000) {
} else if (R_a < 1000) {
printf("Number to low\n");
}else {
}while(R_a = -0);
printf("R_b = ");
printf("R_c = ");
printf("the equivalent Delta values are: \n");
printf("R_ab = %.2f Ohms\n",R_ab);
printf("R_bc = %.2f Ohms\n",R_bc);
printf("R_ac = %.2f Ohms\n",R_ac);
case 2:;
printf("Please enter the values of the Delta connected resistors:\n");
printf("R_ab = ");
printf("R_bc = ");
printf("R_ac = ");
R_a = (R_ab*R_ac)/(R_ab + R_bc + R_ac);
R_b = (R_ab*R_bc)/(R_ab + R_bc + R_ac);
R_c = (R_ac*R_bc)/(R_ab + R_bc + R_ac);
printf("the equivalent Star values are: \n");
printf("R_a = %.2f Ohms\n",R_a);
printf("R_b = %.2f Ohms\n",R_b);
printf("R_c = %.2f Ohms\n",R_c);
case 0:
exit(0); // terminates the complete program execution
while (0) ; }
printf("\n\n\t\t\tThank you!\n\n\n");
return 0;
while(R_a = -0)
= is the assignment operator. This assigns -0 to R_a, and evaluates to the same falsy value, ending the loop.
Change the do ... while to an infinite loop, and break the loop when the value is in range.
while (1) {
printf("R_a = ");
if (1 != scanf("%f", &R_a))
if (R_a > 1000000) {
fprintf(stderr, "Number too high.\n");
} else if (R_a < 1000) {
fprintf(stderr, "Number to low.\n");
} else {

Repeat the c program according to user

I want this program to repeat every time when users wants to continue.
I want user to choose "yes" to continue the program using other options but it's not executable. I used 'if else' statement for that but I am not getting any applicable or satisfying results. Can someone help me on this matter?
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
float a, b;
int p;
char q;
printf("Enter the first number:");
scanf("%f", &a);
printf("Enter the second number:");
scanf("%f", &b);
printf("Choose the option:\n1.Sum\n \n2.Subtraction\n \n3.Multiplication\n \n4.Divison\n \nyour choice=");
scanf("%d", &p);
switch (p)
case 1:
printf("The sum of above numbers is: %f", a + b);
case 2:
printf("The subtraction of above numbers is:%f", a - b);
case 3:
printf("The multiplication of above numbers is:%f", a * b);
case 4:
printf("The division of above numbers is:%f", a / b);
printf("\n\nDo u want to continue:(y for yes and n for no) :");
scanf("%c", &q);
if (q == 'y')
return main();
return 0;
You need to use a loop for this. Explanations in the comments:
int main() {
float a, b;
int p;
char q;
do // use a loop here
printf("Enter the first number:");
scanf("%f", &a);
printf("Enter the second number:");
scanf("%f", &b);
printf("Choose the option:\n1.Sum\n \n2.Subtraction\n \n3.Multiplication\n \n4.Divison\n \nyour choice=");
scanf("%d", &p);
switch (p)
case 1:
printf("The sum of above numbers is: %f", a + b);
case 2:
printf("The subtraction of above numbers is:%f", a - b);
case 3:
printf("The multiplication of above numbers is:%f", a * b);
case 4:
printf("The division of above numbers is:%f", a / b);
printf("\n\nDo you want to continue: (y for yes and n for no) :");
scanf(" %c", &q); // use " %c" instead of "%c", the white space
// will absorb any blank space (including newlines)
} while (q == 'y'); // continue loop if user has entered 'y'
return 0;

How can i make the user choose the unit

I have a converter, but it converts all the units that are in the program.how can i make that the user who opens the project to choose what type of unit to convert?
int main()
float m, f, l, g, cm, inch;
printf("Type meter : ");
f = 3.2808399 * m;
printf("feets: %f",f);
printf("\nType gallons : ");
l = 3.78541178 * g;
printf("litres: %f",l);
printf("\ninches : ");
scanf("%f", &inch);
cm = 2.54 * inch;
printf("cm: %f", cm);
return 0;
This code below is definitely not the best one in terms of complexity, portability, optimisation (Memory/Time) and many other aspects of programming, but it should get you going.
I have added comments to explain the code. Almost all of the code with all those printfs is self-explanatory.
int main(void)
// We need just 3 variables
// This one is for getting the user option
int choice = 0;
// We need these to float variables for user input and an output
float Input = 0.0, Output = 0.0;
// Following code till `while(1)` is optional.
printf("\nThis is a converter with a fixed set of functions.");
printf("\nNote: This converter does support floating point inputs.");
printf("\nNote: Floating point inputs and outputs are truncated to 2 digits after decimal place.");
printf("\nNote: Press any key to acknowledge!");
// To get user input multiple times, you'll need to loop
printf("\n\nFollowing functions are supported, enter a suitable choice form the list below.");
printf("\nPress `1` for Converting Metres to Feet.");
printf("\nPress `2` for Converting Gallons to Litres.");
printf("\nPress `3` for Converting Inches to Centimetres.");
printf("\nPress `0` for Exiting the program.");
printf("\nEnter your Option : ");
scanf("%d", &choice);
// Lets implement a switch-case statement to get the job done
case 1:
printf("Enter input value (in Metres) : ");
Output = 3.2808399 * Input;
printf("%0.2f Metres is equal to %0.2f Feets", Input, Output);
case 2:
printf("Enter input value (in Gallons) : ");
Output = 3.78541178 * Input;
printf("%0.2f Gallons is equal to %0.2f Litres", Input, Output);
case 3:
printf("Enter input value (in Inches) : ");
Output = 2.54 * Input;
printf("%0.2f Inches is equal to %0.2f Centimetres", Input, Output);
case 0:
printf("Thank you. The program will exit now!\n\n");
return 0;
// This default case should take care of the invalid set of choices entered by user
printf("Option you entered is either invalid or is not supported as of now!");
return 0;
Another way to implement this could be using an if-else if-else ladder.
So you can remove swtich-case statements from the code below and replace it with the following:
if(choice == 0)
printf("Thank you. The program will exit now!\n\n");
return 0;
else if(choice == 1)
printf("Enter input value (in Metres) : ");
Output = 3.2808399 * Input;
printf("%0.2f Metres is equal to %0.2f Feets", Input, Output);
else if(choice == 2)
printf("Enter input value (in Gallons) : ");
Output = 3.78541178 * Input;
printf("%0.2f Gallons is equal to %0.2f Litres", Input, Output);
else if(choice == 3)
printf("Enter input value (in Inches) : ");
Output = 2.54 * Input;
printf("%0.2f Inches is equal to %0.2f Centimetres", Input, Output);
// This should take care of the invalid set of choices entered by user
printf("Option you entered is either invalid or is not supported as of now!");
char unit;
printf("Which unit do you want to convert (input:m,g,i): ");
if(unit == 'm') ...
else if( if(unit == 'g'))....
else if( if(unit == 'i'))....
else printf("wrong input ! \n");

y/n loop at the end of a function

good evening,
Here is my code. I am making a little calculator but I'm battling at the end to make the function repeat with a y/n loop. I have looked at others but can't seem to get the right answer.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int n, num1, num2, result;
char answer;
printf("\nWhat operation do you want to perform?\n");
printf("Press 1 for addition.\n");
printf("Press 2 for subtraction.\n");
printf("Press 3 for multiplication.\n");
printf("Press 4 for division.\n");
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("Please enter a number.\n");
scanf("%d", &num1);
printf("Please enter the second number.\n");
scanf("%d", &num2);
case 1: result = num1 + num2;
printf("The addition of the two numbers is %d\n", result );
case 2: result = num1 - num2;
printf("The subtraction of the two numbers is %d\n", result );
case 3: result = num1 * num2;
printf("The multiplication of the two numbers is %d\n", result );
case 4: result = num1 / num2;
printf("The division of the two numbers is %d\n", result );
default: printf("Wrong input!!!");
printf("\nDo you want to continue, y/n?\n");
scanf("%c", &answer);
while(answer == 'y');
return 0;
You have this code
char answer;
printf("\nWhat operation do you want to perform?\n");
//... more code
printf("\nDo you want to continue, y/n?\n");
scanf("%c", &answer);
while(answer == 'y');
Try to change it to:
char answer;
do {
printf("\nWhat operation do you want to perform?\n");
//... more code
printf("\nDo you want to continue, y/n?\n");
scanf("%c", &answer);
} while(answer == 'y');
So the basic form is:
do {
// code to repeat
} while (Boolean-expression);
BTW - You should always check the value returned by scanf
if (scanf("%c", &answer) != 1)
// Add error handling
Also notice that you often want a space before %c to remove any white space (including newlines) in the input stream. Like
if (scanf(" %c", &answer) != 1)
// Add error handling

My do while loop is not looping correctly

I might be giving more than enough but long story short I am working on an ATM machine program and I am trying to put the "switch" statement in the main function inside a loop so the user can get more transactions.
I am running into a problem where I would deposit 100 but then when I check the balance it is still at 0. I know everything else works fine but that loop is killing me, I would appreciate any help!
Don't mind all of the extra stuff it is just there to give an idea on what i am working on
int main ()
char option;
float balance ;
int count = 1;
option = displayMenu();
switch (option)
case 'D':
case 'W':
case 'B':
case 'Q':
printf("Thank you!");
} while ( count <= 5);
return 0;
char displayMenu()
char option;
printf("\n Welcome to HFC Federal Credit Union \n");
printf("\n Please select from the following menu: \n ");
printf("\n D: Make a deposit \n ");
printf("\n W: Make a withdrawal \n ");
printf("\n B: Check your account balance \n ");
printf("\n Q: To quit \n ");
scanf("\n%c" , &option);
return option;
float getDeposit(float balance)
float deposit;
printf("\n Please enter the amount you want to deposit! ");
scanf("%f" , &deposit);
balance += deposit;
return balance;
float getWithdrawal(float balance)
float withdrawal;
printf("\n Please enter the amount you want to withdraw! ");
scanf("%f" , &withdrawal);
balance -= withdrawal;
return balance;
void displayBalance(float balance)
printf("\n Your current balance is %f " , balance);
You're recursively calling main() on every iteration of the loop. Just remove this call, and you should be good to go.
You'll also need to assign the return values of your functions to balance, otherwise they won't be able to affect its value.
There are a number of issues with this code... Here are my main pointers (but not all of them, I'm just answering the question):
You're calling main over and over again, for simplicity, you could consider this as restarting the application every time (except for stack issues, that I'm ignoring and other nasty side effects).
You didn't initialize the balance (and friends) variables. They might contain "junk" data.
You're ignoring the return values from the functions you use. If you're not using pointer, you should use assignment.
Your menu printing function is out of the loop... I doubt if that's what you wanted.
Here's a quick dirty fix (untested):
int main() {
char option;
float balance = 0;
int count = 1;
do {
option = displayMenu(); // moved into the loop.
switch (option) {
case 'D':
balance = getDeposit(balance);
case 'W':
balance = getWithdrawal(balance);
case 'B':
balance = displayBalance(balance);
case 'Q':
printf("Thank you!");
} while (count <= 5);
return 0;
char displayMenu(void) {
char option;
printf("\n Welcome to HFC Federal Credit Union \n");
printf("\n Please select from the following menu: \n ");
printf("\n D: Make a deposit \n ");
printf("\n W: Make a withdrawal \n ");
printf("\n B: Check your account balance \n ");
printf("\n Q: To quit \n ");
scanf("\n%c", &option);
return option;
float getDeposit(float balance) {
float deposit;
printf("\n Please enter the amount you want to deposit! ");
scanf("%f", &deposit);
balance += deposit;
return balance;
float getWithdrawal(float balance) {
float withdrawal;
printf("\n Please enter the amount you want to withdraw! ");
scanf("%f", &withdrawal);
balance -= withdrawal;
return balance;
void displayBalance(float balance) {
printf("\n Your current balance is %f ", balance);
Good Luck!
I think the main problem is the update of the switch control variable outside the loop.
Reacting to "Q" with ending is somewhat necessary... then only allowing 5 becomes unneeded.
I fixed several other things, too; and provided comments on them.
And I improved testability a little (5->6). I kept the counting, just extended to 6, in order to allow a complete test "D 100 , B, W 50, B ,Q".
Nice design by the way, to return the balance from the functions, instead of using pointers or global variable. But you need to use the return value instead of ignoring it.
/* include necessary headers, do not skip this when making your MCVE */
#include <stdio.h>
/* prototypes of your functions,
necessary to avoid the "immplicitly declared" warnigns
when compiling "gcc -Wall -Wextra"; which you should
char displayMenu(void);
float getDeposit(float balance);
float getWithdrawal(float balance);
void displayBalance(float balance);
/* slightly better header of main, with "void" */
int main (void)
char option;
float balance=0.0; /* initialise your main variable */
int count = 1;
/* your very important update of the switch control variable has been moved ... */
option = displayMenu(); /* ...here */
/* If you do not update your switch variable inside the loop,
then it will forever think about the very first command,
this explains most of your problem.
switch (option)
case 'D':
balance=getDeposit(balance); /* update balance */
/* removed the recursive call to main(),
it is not needed as a solution to the problem that the program
always uses the first command (when updating inside the loop)
and otherwise just makes everything much more complicated and
case 'W':
balance=getWithdrawal(balance); /* update balance */
case 'B':
case 'Q':
printf("Thank you!");
/* adding a way to get out of the loop,
using a magic value for the count,
this is a mehtod frowned upon by most,
but it minimises the changes needed to your
own coding attempt.
} while ( (count <= 6)&&(count>0) ); /* additionally check for the magic "Q" value
check against count<=6, to allow testing D,B,W,B,Q */
return 0;
/* use explicitly empty parameter list for functions */
char displayMenu(void)
char option;
printf("\n Welcome to HFC Federal Credit Union \n");
printf("\n Please select from the following menu: \n ");
printf("\n D: Make a deposit \n ");
printf("\n W: Make a withdrawal \n ");
printf("\n B: Check your account balance \n ");
printf("\n Q: To quit \n ");
scanf("\n%c" , &option);
return option;
float getDeposit(float balance)
float deposit;
printf("\n Please enter the amount you want to deposit! ");
scanf("%f" , &deposit);
balance += deposit;
return balance;
float getWithdrawal(float balance)
float withdrawal;
printf("\n Please enter the amount you want to withdraw! ");
scanf("%f" , &withdrawal);
balance -= withdrawal;
return balance;
void displayBalance(float balance)
printf("\n Your current balance is %f " , balance);
you haven't changed the variable in main().
you can change the loop to this:
switch (option)
case 'D':
balance = getDeposit(balance);
case 'W':
balance = getWithdrawal(balance);
case 'B':
case 'Q':
printf("Thank you!");
} while (count <= 5);
