Apricity database not found - database

I recently installed apricity-os and when trying to use pacman, I was prompted with an error message saying that I didn't have the apricity-core database .I wished to know of one of you could help me find it .

Apricity OS support is ended, as reported here https://apricity-os.github.io/.


prawn error reading generated pdf

Have had prawn successfully running and generating pdfs in an application for the last 4 years without any issue. Files are being generated and downloaded from the application onto local machine successfully but when trying to open file getting the following error:
"there was an error opening this document. The file is damaged and could not be repaired"
Any ideas how to resolve would be greatly appreciated - error is occurring on Windows 10 machine and latest adobe readers (don't have old installed anywhere now to test if this is a compatibility issue with the latest versions of this software). Research suggests it might be something to do with header generation in the document and improved security related to this but not clear.
Any ideas? thanks
See comment for solution found, not got to bottom of why server was causing error though

MS Access97 Run Time Error 2447

Someone left a system using MS Access97 and I dont have any idea on how to use access97 since it is my first time using it.
I installed a Microsoft Access97 to a new computer then try to open the system but it displays an error "Run Time Error 2447 There is an invalid use of the .(dot) or ! operator or invalid parenthesis". However the old computer can open the database without any error. I am really confused about this scenario. Can anyone help me?
Open the code editor. Go to menu Tools, References and check that no reference is prefixed MISSING. If so, resolve it.
In any case, go to the menu and select Compile and save all modules.
If some ocx or third-party control is installed and used on the old computer, you must install these on the new computer as well.

VTune 2013 Profiler giving Error: “The Data Cannot be displayed,there is no viewpoint available for data ”

I want to optimize my code which is written in C but this error is always displayed “The Data Cannot be displayed,there is no viewpoint available for data ”, am working on windows XP and the profiler is update 2!
There must be some error cropping up which is causing the executable to not run properly which is causing this issue. In my case, it was not able to resolve path for a .a file.
This sounds like a bug during collection stage. It is likely that result directory is missing some data due to collection error. Try to update to latest update 15 and repeat your experiment. If issue is still there you may wan to contact support team for investigation http://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/intel-vtune-amplifier-xe-and-vtune-performance-analyzer. Also make sure you XP has latest Service Pack (3?) installed

AMDeviceValidatePairing failed

While using Fruitstrap (or some other tools which uses MobileDevice.h) for installation of apps, we come across this error:
AMDeviceValidatePairing failed
How to solve this in MAC?
So if you are using fruitstrap, it actually uses MobileDevice.h for accessing the MobileDevice.framework. MobileDevice.framework is actually contacting iTunes and doing the required process. In between it opens up a process and fails to terminate:
/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/Resources/usbmuxd -launchd
On terminating this process, it will solve the problem and AMDeviceValidatePairing will succeed.
I encountered the same error in fruitstrap.
My problem was that iTunes was not authorized to access data from my mobile(since I had just update to 7.1.1).
So I opened iTunes once, gave authorize in the dialog which opened. In the device a popup asked me if I wanted to "Trust this computer". Once I gave yes, I got this error no more.

bugzilla 500 error

I have setup bugzilla 3.6.4 on my centOs 5 based on the instruction provided http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/3.6/en/html/installation.html . I chose mod_perl approach to execute it. I see my bugzilla running , when I go to create a new account , i get token url through mail. But once I fill the form and submit , 500 error occurs and same happens with forgot password .
No clue why it is happening .
Help is really really appreciated .
Thanks a ton in advance
If you get an 500 error, check out your web servers log. It usually contains a more detailed error message compared to the plain message that the browser displays. If I remember it correctly CentOS puts logs into /var/log/httpd but you might have defined another path inside your httpd.conf or your virtual server files.
For some reason on my installations using Ubuntu Server, Bugzilla 3.6.4 never worked well for me.
I so recomend the Bugzilla 4.0 upgrade. Installation Guide
