Angular - ngToast clear all previous toasts and show only one - angularjs

I am using Angular ngToast. I am trying to show only one toast at a time. The previously displayed toast should be hidden before displaying a new toast.There should be only one toast at a time. I tried be specifying maxNumber but doesn't work.
className: 'info',
content: ' New Toast',
maxNumber: 1
//autoDismiss: true,
//maxOpened: 1
//timeout: 500,
//preventDuplicates: true,
//preventOpenDuplicates: true
//clickToClose: true

Here is a fiddle that might help you:
The only difference here is that before calling the new instance of toast object, just call the dismiss() which will be dismissing ALL the toast instances in DOM.
content:'I am unique <3'

Hope this may help:
Use the ngToast.dismiss() to clear all toasts.
ngToast.dismiss(yourToastMsg) to clear a particular toast.
For more details refer to this link.

The above answers are the easy quick one,but if you wan to take total control of your toastr config you need to take the below approach.
Why maxNumber:1 did not work is because this is available at only configuration level, So if you want to override those values you need to inject the config file while bootstrapping your application and override the maxNumber property.As described in the reference the * marked properties are at configuration level,rest others you can override on individual toast. ngToast
Something like this would work for you inject config to ngToast
app.config(['ngToastProvider', function(ngToastProvider) {
additionalClasses: 'my-animation'


Angular Material: Update Text Content in Toast

I am attempting to use $mdToast.updateTextContent() to update a toast and am unsuccessful. The docs don't go into detail on how to call it with a new message. My desire result would have the first toast display 'Adding account' then change to 'account successfully added'. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think the correct way to approach this using material design standards would be to only use the toast once the account has been added. The loading could be a spinner or maybe a loading bar (maybe like this
Once the $mdToast is open, you're able to call updateTextContent (as you stated)
$scope.onAccountAdded = function() {
$mdToast.updateTextContent('Account successfully added')
We're watching the variable for changes and update the view automatically, once the value has changed.
Here is a demo, which shows how it works.

AngularJS $scope.$watch() with two variables

scope.$watch('[apps, date]', function() {
Now I know that the above works, but what I need is it to display nothing unless an app is selected first and THEN after that when an app or a date is changed, the code must re-run.
Perhaps this isn't possible.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
What happens is I get a UI grid returned with no data(as no app has been selected) until I eventually select an app.
If your intent is to watch a group or a collection you just have to scroll down this page:$rootScope.Scope
Search for example: $watchGroup inside the page

How to reload the ionic view?

I have created a sidemenu based app, in that after login I am displaying a number of tasks. If I click on the task it will redirect to the task details page, in that page I can update the tasks.
So after updating a task I need to go back to the previous task list page. I am using $ionicHistory.goBack(); to go back.
My problem is after come back, I need to refresh the task list i.e. updated task should not be there in the task list. How can I refresh/reload the task list?
If you bind your task to a tasks array, which will be used in the task list page, it should be automatically updated.
But the question is about not displaying, newly added tasks (still my previous suggestion should work) if not, performance reasons ionic views are cached, So when you come back to the previous view it doesn't go through the normal loading cycle. But you 2 options
1 - disable the caching by using <ion-view cache-view="false" view-title="My Title!"> in your ion-view, but this is not a very elegant solution. read more
2 - use ionRefresher (my preferred). read more here
according to #hpawe01 "If you are using the current ionicframework (ionic: v1.0.0-beta.14, angularjs: v1.3.6, angular-ui-router: v0.2.13), the problem with the not-reloading-controller could be caused by the new caching-system of ionic:
Note that because we are caching these views, we aren’t destroying scopes. Instead, scopes are being disconnected from the watch cycle. Because scopes are not being destroyed and recreated,controllers are not loading again on a subsequent viewing.
There are several ways to disable caching. To disable it only for a single state, just add cache: false to the state definition.
This fixed the problem for me (after hours of reading, trying, frustration).
For all others not using ionicframework and still facing this problem: good luck!"
Hope this helps.
You can also listen to ionic events such as $ionicView.enter on $scope and trigger the code that refreshes the list if you haven't bound your list as #sameera207 suggested.
// List.controller.js
.controller('ListController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
// See for full events list
$scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function() {
.then(function(tasks) {
$scope.tasks = tasks;
Bear in mind that it's not the most proper way (if proper at all) and if you do this you certainly have a design flaw. Instead you should share the same data array via a factory or a service for example.
For your task you can also use ion-nav-view.
It is well documented. And if you are using now Ionic 2 beta you can use some of the view lifecyle hooks like onPageWillLeave() or onPageWillEnter(). I just faced the same problem and defined a refresh() function, but the user had to click on a button to actually update the view. But then I found:
You just have to import the Page and NavController module and also define it in the constructor. The you can use for example onPageWillEnter(), which will always invoke when you go again to a view:
onPageWillEnter() {
// Do whatever you want here the following code is just to show you an example. I needed it to refresh the sqlite database"SELECT * FROM archivedInserates").then((data) = > {
this.archivedInserates =[];
if (data.res.rows.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.res.rows.length; i++) {
this.archivedInserates.push({userName:data.res.rows.item(i).userName, email:
},(error) =>{
console.log("ERROR -> " + JSON.stringify(error.err));
With ionic beta 8 the lifecylcle events changed their names. Check out the official ionic blog for the full list of the lifecycle events.
if you are building data driven app then make sure use $ionicConfigProvider.views.maxCache(0);in your app.config so that each review can refresh for more details read this$ionicConfigProvider/

Interactive html from server

somewhere in my application I get a formatted html from server to be displayed to user:
Now, I want to put in this html some links (like "add comment") in every record. I get this in the server!
But how to capture this links in extjs to act like a button or so ?
I would use a delegate for this.
me.myPanel.el.on('click', me._click, me.myPanel, {
delegate: 'a.linkclass'
In the code above you would have a couple of < a > tags in the body of your panel. delegate will make sure that the click only applies to your a tags with only linkclass on them.
Here's a fiddle:
I recommend to use the answer of Johan Haest
One other way would be to give unique ID's to the buttons. You can the use Ext.get('id') to fetch a Ext.dom.Element to which you can bind event like so
domElementRef.on('click', function() { alert('hit') })
You need to do this after the update is done.
Here's a JSFiddle

Jquery persistent css selector equivalent to '.live()'

So today I just came across the 'live()' function that binds any future and past elements to the whatever event you choose, such as 'onclick'.
Right now I'm having to set up buttons like the following each time I load a new button via ajax ...
$('a.btn.pencil').button({icons:{primary:'ui-icon ui-icon-pencil'}});
$('a.btn.bigx').button({icons:{primary:'ui-icon ui-icon-closethick'}});
So, instead of calling these lines each time I use ajax to add a new button, is there a similar way to tell JQuery to setup my buttons ANYTIME I add new ones?
Thanks for any help!
Mmh not really. But there is the function .ajaxSuccess() which is triggered whenever an Ajax call is successful. So you could do:
$('body').ajaxSuccess(function() {
$('a.btn.pencil').button({icons:{primary:'ui-icon ui-icon-pencil'}});
$('a.btn.bigx').button({icons:{primary:'ui-icon ui-icon-closethick'}});
But this will run on any links with the classes, not only on the new ones. But if you append them on a time (i.e. not multiple at once) you might be able to use the :last selector (
You can also create a function and just that from your callback functions:
function links() {
$('a.btn.pencil').button({icons:{primary:'ui-icon ui-icon-pencil'}});
$('a.btn.bigx').button({icons:{primary:'ui-icon ui-icon-closethick'}});
and in the Ajax call:
success: function(msg){
This way you can pass the parent element to the function in order to find the link only inside this element (so the code would only work on the new links).
A last option would be generate a custom event but in the end this would be similar to just doing a function call in your case so you gain not much.
You can use delegate in your success function too
$("body").delegate("a.btn", "hover", function(){
There is a Jquery Plugin called livequery which covers your requirements.
I like to think of this plugin as Jquery .live() but without the need for an event ('click') etc.
You can find more info here//
Jquery - Live Query Plugin
