iterating through two numpy arrays applying a function in Python - arrays

I have
import numpy as np
a = np.array([np.nan,2,3])
b = np.array([1,np.nan,2])
I want to apply a function to the a,b, is there a fast way of doing this. (like in Pandas, where we can do apply)
Specifically I am interesting in averaging a and b, but take the average to be one of the numbers when the other number is missing.
i.e. I want to return
for the example above. However, I would like to know the answer to this in a more general setting (where I want to apply an operation element-wise to a number of numpy arrays)

You can use numpy.nanmean, which ignores NaNs:
np.nanmean([a, b], axis=0)
# array([ 1. , 2. , 2.5])

If you want to iterate some custom functions through NumPy arrays with the efficiency of NumPy's universal functions (ufunc), the choices are
Write your own C code
Use the ufuncify method of SymPy to generate code for you.
Here is an example of the latter, where the function is exp(x) + log(y) (since NumPy's ufuncs exp and log are already available, this is just for demonstration):
import numpy as np
import sympy as sym
from sympy.utilities.autowrap import ufuncify
x, y = sym.symbols('x y')
f = ufuncify([x, y], sym.exp(x) + sym.log(y))
Now applying f(np.array([1, 2, 3]), np.array([4, 5, 6])) will return NumPy array [4.10457619, 8.99849401, 21.87729639] in a way that's not a Python loop but a call to (by default) compiled Fortran code.
(But in practice, you are likely to find that NumPy already has some ufuncs that do what you want, if combined in a right way.)


How to get a sub-shape of an array in Python?

Not sure the title is correct, but I have an array with shape (84,84,3) and I need to get subset of this array with shape (84,84), excluding that third dimension.
How can I accomplish this with Python?
This is called slicing. This particular example gets the first 'layer' of the array. This assumes your subshape is a single layer.
If you are using numpy arrays, using slices would be a standard way of doing it:
import numpy as np
n = 3 # or any other positive integer
a = np.empty((84, 84, n))
i = 0 # i in [0, n]
b = a[:, :, i]
I recommend you have a look at this.

Python collection of different sized arrays (Jagged arrays), Dask?

I have multiple 1-D numpy arrays of different size representing audio data.
Since they're different sizes (e.g (8200,), (13246,), (61581,)), I cannot stack them as 1 array with numpy. The size difference is too big to engage in 0-padding.
I can keep them in a list or dictionary and then use for loops to iterate over them to do calculations, but I would prefer that I could approach it in numpy-style. Calling a numpy function on the variable, without having to write a for-loop. Something like:
np0 = np.array([.2, -.4, -.5])
np1 = np.array([-.8, .9])
np_mix = irregular_stack(np0, np1)
# output: [-0.7, 0.09999999999999998]
Looking at this Dask picture, I was wondering if I can do what I want with Dask.
My attempt so far is this:
import numpy as np
import dask.array as da
np0 = np.array([.2, -.4, -.5])
arr0 = da.from_array(np0, chunks=(3,))
np1 = np.array([-.8, .9])
arr1 = da.from_array(np1, chunks=(2,))
# stack them
data = [[arr0],
x = da.block(data)
# output: ValueError: ('Shapes do not align: %s', [(1, 3), (1, 2)])
Am I misunderstanding how Dask can be used?
If it's possible, how do I do my np.sum() example?
If it's possible, is it actually faster than a for-loop on a high-end single PC?
I found the library awkward-array (, which allows for different length arrays and can do what I asked for:
import numpy as np
import awkward
np0 = np.array([.2, -.4, -.5])
np1 = np.array([-.8, .9])
varlen = awkward.fromiter([np0, np1])
# <JaggedArray [[0.2 -0.4 -0.5] [-0.8 0.9]] at 0x7f01a743e790>
# output: array([-0.7, 0.1])
The library describes itself as: "Manipulate arrays of complex data structures as easily as Numpy."
So far, it seems to satisfies everything I need.
Unfortunately, Dask arrays follow Numpy semantics, and assume that all rows are of equal length.
I don't know of a good library in Python that efficiently handles ragged arrays today, so you may be out of luck.

Implementing Permutation of Complex Numbers In TensorFlow

In this associative lstm paper,, they ask to permute a complex tensor.
They have provided their code here:
I'm trying to replicate this in tensorflow. Here is what I have done:
# shape: C x F/2
# output = self.permutations: [num_copies x cell_size]
permutations = []
indices = numpy.arange(self._dim / 2) #[1 ,2 ,3 ...64]
for i in range(self._num_copies):
numpy.random.shuffle(indices) #[4, 48, 32, ...64]
[ind + self._dim / 2 for ind in indices]]))
#you're appending a row with two columns -- a permutation in the first column, and the same permutation + dim/2 for imaginary
# C x F (numpy)
self.permutations = tf.constant(numpy.vstack(permutations), dtype = tf.int32) #This is a permutation tensor that has the stored permutations
# output = self.permutations: [num_copies x cell_size]
def permute(complex_tensor): #complex tensor is [batch_size x cell_size]
gather_tensor = tf.gather_nd(complex_tensor, self.permutations)
return gather_tensor
Basically, my question is: How efficiently can this be done in TensorFlow? Is there anyway to keep the batch size dimension fixed of complex tensor?
Also, is gather_nd the best way to go about this? Or is it better to do a for loop and iterate over each row in self.permutations using tf.gather?
def permute(self, complex_tensor):
inputs_permuted = []
for i in range(self.permutations.get_shape()[0].value):
tf.gather(complex_tensor, self.permutations[i]))
return tf.concat(0, inputs_permuted)
I thought that gather_nd would be far more efficient.
Nevermind, I figured it out, the trick is to just use permute the original input tensor using tf transpose. This will allow you then to do a tf.gather on the entire matrix. Then you can tf concat the matrices together. Sorry if this wasted anyone's time.

3x3 array with random numbers

I need to take the numbers 0-8 and rearrange them randomly in a 3x3 array using a function. What is the simplest way possible?
I need to get [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] as a 3x3 array with the numbers in random order
One idea is to use a flat list/array with sorted numbers, shuffle them (e.g. using random.shuffle), then reshape it into. Python doesn't support arrays natively, so you can use lists instead, then reshape them into lists of list, like:
import random
def arrange(x, rows, cols):
return [x[cols * i : cols * (i + 1)] for i in range(rows)]
print(arrange(list(range(9)), 3, 3))
numpy has an array object that you can use also use, which supports reshaping etc, see the documentation, like:
import numpy as np
### Numpy's array solution
def arrange_np(x, rows, cols):
return x.reshape(rows, cols)
print(arrange_np(np.arange(9), 3, 3))

Julia Approach to python equivalent list of lists

I just started tinkering with Julia and I'm really getting to like it. However, I am running into a road block. For example, in Python (although not very efficient or pythonic), I would create an empty list and append a list of a known size and type, and then convert to a NumPy array:
Python Snippet
a = []
for ....
b = numpy.array(a)
I want to be able to do something similar in Julia, but I can't seem to figure it out. This is what I have so far:
Julia snippet
a = Array{Float64}[]
for .....
The result is an n-element Array{Array{Float64,N},1} of size (n,), but I would like it to be an nx4 Array{Float64,2}.
Any suggestions or better way of doing this?
The literal translation of your code would be
# Building up as rows
a = [1. 2. 3. 4.]
for i in 1:3
a = vcat(a, [1. 2. 3. 4.])
# Building up as columns
b = [1.,2.,3.,4.]
for i in 1:3
b = hcat(b, [1.,2.,3.,4.])
But this isn't a natural pattern in Julia, you'd do something like
A = zeros(4,4)
for i in 1:4, j in 1:4
A[i,j] = j
or even
A = Float64[j for i in 1:4, j in 1:4]
Basically allocating all the memory at once.
Does this do what you want?
julia> a = Array{Float64}[]
0-element Array{Array{Float64,N},1}
julia> for i=1:3
julia> a
3-element Array{Array{Float64,N},1}:
julia> b = hcat(a...)'
3x4 Array{Float64,2}:
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
It seems to match the python output:
In [9]: a = []
In [10]: for i in range(3):
a.append([1, 2, 3, 4])
In [11]: b = numpy.array(a); b
array([[1, 2, 3, 4],
[1, 2, 3, 4],
[1, 2, 3, 4]])
I should add that this is probably not what you actually want to be doing as the hcat(a...)' can be expensive if a has many elements. Is there a reason not to use a 2d array from the beginning? Perhaps more context to the question (i.e. the code you are actually trying to write) would help.
The other answers don't work if the number of loop iterations isn't known in advance, or assume that the underlying arrays being merged are one-dimensional. It seems Julia lacks a built-in function for "take this list of N-D arrays and return me a new (N+1)-D array".
Julia requires a different concatenation solution depending on the dimension of the underlying data. So, for example, if the underlying elements of a are vectors, one can use hcat(a) or cat(a,dims=2). But, if a is e.g a 2D array, one must use cat(a,dims=3), etc. The dims argument to cat is not optional, and there is no default value to indicate "the last dimension".
Here is a helper function that mimics the np.array functionality for this use case. (I called it collapse instead of array, because it doesn't behave quite the same way as np.array)
function collapse(x)
return cat(x...,dims=length(size(x[1]))+1)
One would use this as
a = []
for ...
... compute new_a...
a = collapse(a)
