Is there any way to change the text size (font size) of specific blocks when you using asciidoc? - text-size

I need your help.
Now I am using AsciiDoc and AsciiDoctor to create some manuals.
I want texts smaller on some specific blocks, for example wide table, wide list, and so on, but not want main texts smaller.
Especially I need to make texts of wide tables smaller as my customer requests so.
Is there any way?

You mention lists and tables...
About lists, it can't be done as stated in AsciiDoctor Documentation:
Complex AsciiDoc markup is not permitted in attribute values, such as:
multiple paragraphs
other whitespace-dependent markup types
As you can see, there it mentions multiple paragraphs, so while #EhmKah answer is a correct way to set a custom styling block, it won't be rendered as expected in a table/list as it's multi-paragraph.
The Built-in CSS class syntax is the way to go [small]#any phrases#
But in order to make this work in a table, you must set the cell type with a specifier in this case, the AsciiDoc specifier denoted by a
This means the cell (or column) will render supported AsciiDoc statements, attributes, etc.
Here's a working example:
a| image::images\logo.png[] a|[.small]#Autor: {author}#
If you have tons of rows/columns, you don't have to manually apply the a to all of them. You can set the columns you need this behavior this way:
| image::images\logo.png[] |[.small]#Autor: {author}#
You can check its documentation for more about Column Formatting and you can check the Rendered table with variable widths and alignments sub section for more about AsciiDoc (a) and other specifiers.

docinfo.html + --attribute docinfo=shared
You can drop your CSS modifications into a file called docinfo.html:
/* Your custom CSS. */
and then build with:
asciidoctor --attribute docinfo=shared README.adoc
and that makes Asciidoctor 2.0.10 place docinfo.html at the bottom of the <head> element.
So you can override most of the default Asciidoctor style from there.
Then it's just a matter of understanding the generated HTML and previous style definitions to override them.
For image specifically, see also: How to set a custom image height for an image in Asciidoctor?

When you use a theme file, you can add a role to it like this:
font-color: #333
font-size: 10
Now you can reference your newly created role right from your table cell:
a|[.mycustomfont]# some text #

I read something about
[small] and [%autofit] option I never needed it so maybe you give it a try.
should be rendered in smaller font.
really long text that doesn't want to fit on a single line with the default font size, so we'll make it shrink to fit.


sortPropsAlphabetically, requiredPropsFirst, and special characters

Trying to sort properties in our OpenAPI ref using react.
At the moment, everything is alphabetized using sortPropsAlphabetically: true
Was hoping:
Is there any way to combine sortPropsAlphabetically with requiredPropsFirst so we can force specific properties to be at the top while the rest get alphabetized?
We'd like to keep the properties our readers refer to the most at the top.
Is there any way to augment sortPropsAlphabetically so special characters are at the bottom?
Currently, special characters come up at the top, so lists gets sorted like...
More than happy to provide further context!

How to avoid leading whitespace being trimmed off of directive string bindings?

I'm creating a custom directive that I want to use to display the value of a field and an optional suffix (expected for units and such). Note that my example is shortened to stay concise.
My template looks something like
<div class="my-value">{{boundValue}}{{boundSuffix}}</div>
For the value, I'm using a two-way binding (=) and for the suffix, I'm using a string binding (&).
It worked great when I bound &deg into the suffix to display a temperature, but when I tried to bind in meters (note, there's a leading space - I don't want it pushed up against the number) the leading space seems to get trimmed and my result ends up looking like 123meters.
Using the chrome developer tools, I added a link function and inspected the directive's scope. By the time it reaches the link function, boundSuffix has already been trimmed. It seems like Angular is pulling some shenanigans on my behind the hood. Is there any way for me to avoid this trimming?
It's better to use angular filters to solve your problem. Filters allow to format your output as currency or as UPPERCASE (for example). Try to look here for more info. And here is working example

Get a Done list with doxygen

It is well known how to obtain a TODO list in Doxygen, typing:
\todo Item one
\todo Item two
and so on, but when something has been done, how to keep track of this?
If I have done item two I don't want to remove it, I want to mark it as done:
\todo Item ono
\done Item two
How do I do this?
I dug around in the Doxygen documentation and stumbled over the \xrefitem. It's supposed to be:
A generalization of commands such as \todo and \bug. It can be used to
create user-defined text sections which are automatically
cross-referenced between the place of occurrence and a related page,
which will be generated. On the related page all sections of the same
type will be collected.
The first argument is an identifier uniquely representing the
type of the section. The second argument is a quoted string
representing the heading of the section under which text passed as the
fourth argument is put. The third argument (list title) is used as the
title for the related page containing all items with the same key. The
keys "todo", "test", "bug" and "deprecated" are predefined.
So you could specify a new alias, e.g. "done" in your Doxyfile:
ALIASES += "done=\xrefitem done \"Implemented TODOs\" \"Implemented
TODOs\" "
And in your code you should be able to use the new "done" tag like all the others:
/// \done fixed broken function
According to the doxygen manual there is no such "inverse" of the \todo command. Perhaps you can just keep the \todo and mark it manually as done, somehow.
Unfortunately doxygen's Markdown doesn't seem to support strikethrough (unlike Stack Overflow's, obviously), that would otherwise have been a good and common choice. Perhaps you can set it up using custom styling and spans.

Programmatically determining max fit in textbox (WP7)

I'm currently writing an eBook reader for Windows Phone Seven, and I'm trying to style it like the Kindle reader. In order to do so, I need to split my books up into pages, and this is going to get a lot more complex when variable font sizes are added.
To do this at the moment, I just add a word at a time into the textblock until it becomes higher than its container. As you can imagine though, with a document of over 120,000 words, this takes an unacceptable period of time.
Is there a way I can find out when the text would exceed the bounds (logically dividing it into pages), without having to actually render it? That way I'd be able to run it in a background thread so the user can keep reading in the meantime.
So far, the only idea that has occurred to me is to find out how the textblock decides its bounds (in the measure call?), but I have no idea how to find that code, because reflector didn't show anything.
Thanks in advance!
From what I can see the Kindle app appears to use a similar algorithm to the one you suggest. Note that:
it generally shows the % position through the book - it doesn't show total number of pages.
if you change the font size, then the first word on the page remains the same (so that's where the % comes from) - so the Kindle app just does one page worth of repagination assuming the first word of the page stays the same.
if you change the font size and then scroll back to the first page, then actually there is a discontinuity - they pull content forwards again in order to fill the first page.
Based on this, I would suggest you do not index the whole book. Instead just concentrate on the current page based on a "position" of some kind (e.g. character count - displayed as a percentage). If you have to do something on a background thread, then just look at the next page (and maybe the prev page) in order that scrolling can be more responsive.
Further to optimise your experience, there are a couple of changes you could make to your current algorithm that you could try:
try a different starting point and search increment for your algorithm - no need to start at one word and to then only add one word at a time.
assuming most of your books are ASCII, try caching the width of the common characters, and then work out the width of textblocks yourself.
Beyond that, I'd also quite like to try using <Run> blocks within your TextBlock - it may be possible to get the relative position of each Run within the TextBlock - although I've not managed to do this yet.
I do something similar to adjust font size for individual textboxes (to ensure they all fit). Basically, I create a TextBlock in code, set all my properties and check the ActualWidth and ActualHeight properties. Here is some pseudo code to help with your problem:
public static String PageText(TextBlock txtPage, String BookText)
TextBlock t = new TextBlock();
t.FontFamily = txtPage.FontFamily;
t.FontStyle = txtPage.FontStyle;
t.FontWeight = txtPage.FontWeight;
t.FontSize = txtPage.FontSize;
t.Text = BookText;
Size Actual = new Size();
Actual.Width = t.ActualWidth;
Actual.Height = t.ActualHeight;
if(Actual.Height <= txtPage.ActualHeight)
return BookText;
Double hRatio = txtPage.ActualHeight / Actual.Height;
return s.Substring((int)((s.Length - 1) * hRatio));
The above is untested code, but hopefully can get you started. Basically it sees if the text can fit in the box, if so you're good to go. If not, it finds out what percentage of the text can fit and returns it. This does not take word breaks into account, and may not be a perfect match, but should get you close.
You could alter this code to return the length rather than the actual substring and use that as your page size. Creating the textblock in code (with no display) actually performs pretty well (I do it in some table views with no noticeable lag). I wouldn't send all 120,000 words to this function, but a reasonable subset of some sort.
Once you have the ideal length you can use a RegEx to split the book into pages. There are examples on this site of RegEx that break on word boundaries after a specific length.
Another option, is to calculate page size ahead of time for each potential fontsize (and hardcode it with a switch statement). This could easily get crazy if you are allowing any font and any size combinations, and would be awful if you allowed mixed fonts/sizes, but would perform very well. Most likely you have a particular range of readable sizes, and just a few fonts. Creating a test app to calculate the text length of a page for each of these combinations wouldn't be that hard and would probably make your life easier - even if it doesn't "feel" right as a programmer :)
I didn't find any reference to this example from Microsoft called: "Principles of Pagination".
It has some interesting sample code running in Windows Phone.
You can also look this article about Page Transitions in Windows Phone and this other about the final touches in the E-Book project.
The code is downloadable:
You can query the FormattedText class that is used AFAIK inside textBlock. since this is the class being used to format text in preparation for Rendering, this is the most lower-level class available, and should be fast.

XSL-FO: Static content AND Flow content in Region-Body: Possible?

I have the following problem:
I need to use XSLFO to generate a 2-column multipage document. Problem is: I need to have a vertical line between the 2 columns. Since XSLFO does not seem to specify a option for creating such a divider, I need to manually put it there.
I was thinking of using a static rotated blockcontainer with a leader in it.
However, it looks like it's not possible to use static-content on the same region as where the flow content comes.
<fo:region-body region-name="xsl-region-body"
<fo:page-sequence master-reference="page">
<fo:static-content flow-name="xsl-region-body" ><!-- This gives a error -->
<fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
Results in (XEP):
[error] Duplicate identifier: flow-name="xsl-region-body".
Property 'flow-name' should be unique within 'fo:page-sequence'.
Are there any methods to place static content on the main region when also flow content is placed there?
Or: Is there a way to define the divider that divides a 2-column layout?
I finally went with the following solution:
Use a <FO:Region-Before "extend=100%">.
It looks like you can easily overlap content this way. So, it's a bit of a hack, but with some absolute positioning of a block-container, or just a relative positioned block, it does the job.
