Integarate Biscom in Salesforce to send FAX - salesforce

I am new to Salesforce and I have to Integrate Bicom in Salesforce to send Fax.I have researched alot on this but no luck.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.

I've answered the same question on developerforce and stackexchange. Unfortunately it doesn't exist, but we created it. Biscom's solution only handled communications between SFDC and a Faxcom server. Everything inside SFDC had to be built. We just finished a full implementation of the Biscom/Faxcom to SFDC, complete with document generation/handling for faxing out from Accounts/Contacts/Cases as well as inbound routing using a barcode to automatically attach the returned fax to the Contact/Case Object. Be happy to discuss further if you're still interested, otherwise you'll want to reach out to Biscom for their basic connector. Here's pics:
Inbound Fax Wizard and
Sending Outbound Fax


Salesforce DocuSign API Sync Issue

New to the forum :) - first post. I am trying to set up DocuSign in Salesforce for a client and keep running into an issue when trying to create an envelope template. Some context: my client has a DocuSign Business account (not Gen/ Negotiate), I have added the documents, and can add non-merge fields fine. The only issue is when I try to place the merge field, not create it, I receive an error:
Save Error: Some fields might be out of sync. Unable to connect to the service. Failed to connect to the salesforce service.
So far I have tried: adding IP addresses to Salesforce, removed MFA authentication for API, I have tried clearing cache and cookies, in different browsers, and in incognito mode - no success. I think I just have missed a step in set up? OR is this just not a feature of the client's current account and they need to enable the "Gen" feature to use merge fields?
Appreciate the help - I am also new to Salesforce administration and coding - so I am learning as I go and bear with me if I am not picking up all the "lingo" up front.
It sounds like you're using the legacy DocuSign for Salesforce package if you're not using Gen/Negotiate, so there are typically a couple of issues that could cause the error that you're seeing. The first is a caching issue, so you could try in an incognito browser or by clearing cache and cookies for the browser.
The other issue could be that the connection between DocuSign and Salesforce was broken and needs to be connected again. If that's the case, you could follow the steps in this article. If you're still running into problems, I'd advise to reach out to the DocuSign support team so that they can take a look with you (

Adding Kinetise service on Bluemix answers with 500 error

When trying to add the Kinetise Service from the Bluemix Catalog, a pop-up appears saying:
Service broker error: {"description"=>"Error 500 received from broker url"}
I haven't found any pb recorded on the Bluemix Status page.
I'm currently on US-South.
This problem depends most likely by some issues in responding at the broker side.
Could you please open a ticket at Bluemix support using one of the following methods:
Use the Support Widget. It is available from the user avatar in the
upper right corner of the main Bluemix UI. After opening the support
widget panel, select Get Help > Get In Touch, select the type of
assistance you need, and then fill out the support form.
Use the Support Site 'Get Help' form. This form is available on a
separate site that is made available for ticket submission when you
cannot log into Bluemix and access the Support Widget. Go to and fill in the support request form.
This is a known issue and is being worked out by the Kinetise team. Will update you as soon the service becomes available.

Best way to maintain consistency while implementing a mail client

Sorry if it's not a question conforming to SO standards but I don't really know where else to ask for advice.
I'm implementing a mail client which downloads all mails and stores them locally. Any mail deleted locally should be reflected in the online inbox and vice versa. Also if the download of mail stops before all mails are downloaded, it should resume from the stopped mail next time.
Currently I'm using a combination of message id and message uid for this but I heard it's not a reliable method for this. Can you guys suggest me any other approach ?
You should use IMAP UIDs. RFC 4549 should help.

EWS: Access shared calendars

I am trying to use Exchange Web Services to access calendar data, but I can't seem to figure out how to access calendars which have been shared by other users when it is not their default calendar. Assuming another user in my company created a shared calendar and shared it with me, I can't even find the calendar folder, let alone get the items within it.
The answers can be in terms of the EWS Managed API (version 1.0 or 1.1), the service objects directly, or even just the XML body of the SOAP message that needs to be sent to the server. I just need some kind of starting point. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here's how I managed to do it:
Dim _cal As New Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FolderId(Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, New Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Mailbox(_otherAddress))
Dim _calendarView As New Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.CalendarView(_startTime.Date, _endTime.Date.AddDays(1))
For Each appointmentItem As Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Appointment In _
service.FindAppointments( _
_cal, _
Note: this only works for the default calendar as that is all I needed for my requirements
Edit: For non-default calendars, have you looked into the ExchangeService.FindFolders method, I have not tried but this might not require root inbox access.
This is rather complicated, because you need the FolderId of the folder in question. In addition to access to the calendar folder you'll need read access to the root folder of the mailbox. This allows you to execute a FindFolder operation to retrieve that id.
I know it's a couple of years after the original post, but just to help people with similar problems, look at this.
It uses the EWS API's WellKnownFolderName.PublicFoldersRoot to access the public folder and browses to the requested subfolder using FolderId's.
If you need to do this in Java, here's and answer that could help. Office365 API - Admin accessing another users/room's calendar events. It's got a working sample of code. Until MS gets the Azure V2.0 REST API working, this is the way to do it.

Get position data from mobile browser

I am developing a web app that will be hit frequently by mobile browsers. I am wondering if there is a way to get enough information from the browser request to lookup position data (triangulation or GPS) Not from the request directly, of course. A colleague suggested there some carriers supply a unique identifier in the request header that can be sent to a web service exposed by said provider that will return position data if the customer has enabled that. Can anyone point me in the right direction for this or any other method for gleaning position data, even very approximate. Obviously this is app candy, e.g. if the data is not available the app doesn't really care...
Or perhaps a web service by carrier that will provide triangulated data by IP?
Google has ClientLocation as part of their AJAX APIs. You'll need to load Google's AJAX API (requires an API key) and it'll try to resolve the user's location data for you.
I've got blackberry gps to javascript working OK in a GMaps mashup. Pretty simple, actually. -- help yrself to view source.
(I don't currently have a bb. A user emailed me with "... it seems to be polling every 15 seconds or so, so it keeps adding new locations ... ".)
I'm looking for javascript gps info on an iPhone equivalent. And Nokia, and ... .
Any information appreciated.
I have used this javascript library sucessfully:
The examples work great. The user will always be prompted to share their location--don't know a way to avoid that.
Use the source IP address to approximate a network location. No, you won't get latitude and longitude in an HTTP request from an iPhone. Not unless you write a 3rd party app and ask them to run it.
You might be better off just running a poll on your website.
I know that some providers in Japan have a tracking service for location of cellphones.
I also know that the information is not public. I think you need to have a very good reason before the provider gives that information free as it is in my opinion sensitive personal data. Of course they will give the information to police officers but not to the general public.
