EWS: Access shared calendars - calendar

I am trying to use Exchange Web Services to access calendar data, but I can't seem to figure out how to access calendars which have been shared by other users when it is not their default calendar. Assuming another user in my company created a shared calendar and shared it with me, I can't even find the calendar folder, let alone get the items within it.
The answers can be in terms of the EWS Managed API (version 1.0 or 1.1), the service objects directly, or even just the XML body of the SOAP message that needs to be sent to the server. I just need some kind of starting point. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here's how I managed to do it:
Dim _cal As New Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FolderId(Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, New Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Mailbox(_otherAddress))
Dim _calendarView As New Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.CalendarView(_startTime.Date, _endTime.Date.AddDays(1))
For Each appointmentItem As Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Appointment In _
service.FindAppointments( _
_cal, _
Note: this only works for the default calendar as that is all I needed for my requirements
Edit: For non-default calendars, have you looked into the ExchangeService.FindFolders method, I have not tried but this might not require root inbox access.

This is rather complicated, because you need the FolderId of the folder in question. In addition to access to the calendar folder you'll need read access to the root folder of the mailbox. This allows you to execute a FindFolder operation to retrieve that id.

I know it's a couple of years after the original post, but just to help people with similar problems, look at this.
It uses the EWS API's WellKnownFolderName.PublicFoldersRoot to access the public folder and browses to the requested subfolder using FolderId's.

If you need to do this in Java, here's and answer that could help. Office365 API - Admin accessing another users/room's calendar events. It's got a working sample of code. Until MS gets the Azure V2.0 REST API working, this is the way to do it.


Recover Cloud functions default service account with the undelete POST call

I have used Google Cloud Functions for quite a long time, with no real authentication problem for now.
Today I meet this error while deploying a new function
ERROR: (gcloud.functions.deploy) ResponseError: status=[400], code=[Bad Request], message=[Default service account 'PROJECT-ID#appspot.gserviceaccount.com' doesn't exist. Please recreate this account (for example by disabling and enabling the Cloud Functions API), or specify a different account.]
I tried several things :
disable/enable GCF API : no service account recovered
gcloud beta app repair reference here
No default service account recovered
the undelete API POST call
If I understand well the current GCP features, using the last option is my best solution, but somehow I keep getting a 400 error
I found my unique-id in my log activity at the creation of the default service account
I really can't see where is the problem in the undelete API call and would be really thankful if you could help with it
Thanks to #Maxim, I know now that my problem comes from the fact that the deleting of this service account happened more than 30 days ago. Which means that it has already been purged from the system and it's not recoverable anymore.
In case you meet this same kind of problem, please try out this link :
I see three alternative ways in how to proceed here next:
Create a new project from scratch to work from.
File a support case via the support center.
Open a private issue by providing your project number in the following component.
I believe it's convenient in reaching out GCP Support for help at this stage, and recommend you to do so; seeing as you've attempted most if not all ways of Service Account recovery to no success.
On a last note, as for the latter option, the contents of the private issue will only be visible to you, and to the GCP Support staff (us). If you choose this option, please let me know when it's opened, and I'll start working on it as soon as possible.

Creating a Message-Hub Bridge for IBM Cloud Object Storage

I'm trying to create a "Bridge" from Message Hub to S3 Object Storage, copying information from the credentials that I created but I always get an error that says "Please trying refreshing the page, or logging back into Bluemix."
I have already created an access policy for these credentials and the Bucket I want to use as destination.
Also tried with private and public end-points.
I wasn't able to found documentation that explains how to accomplish this. Nothing seems to work.
Apologies, this is an internal error caused by the S3 Object Storage bridges capability being made available in the UI but not in the backend.
An update to the Message Hub service will be made this week to correct this.

user / session variables appengine with python

I'm new to app engine, python an web development in general. I have an issue that i don't know how to solve. I want to maintain in the server an tuple with values that the user select. I pass this values to the server in the parameters of the page.
But the problem is that this tuple is modified by all the users and I want that each user can have his own values. The users aren't identified.
I've been looking for how to solve it, and I found some answers here in stackoverflow, but major part of them are more than 2 years old, and I think that I need to use the library gaeutilities, but not sure about it, and If Google have an “official” solution to maintain session variables with python in app engine.
I defined the var “categoria” as a class variable,
class returnElements(webapp2.RequestHandler):
categoria = []
def get(self):
cat = str(self.request.get("cat"))
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
('/returnElements', returnElements),
and here the url
It works fine, but just with one user at time :-(
By the way Im new to stackoverflow, sorry in advance if the question isn't accurate or solved in another thread.
In any web app, you must never store user-specific data in module or class-level variables as they will be shared by all users.
If you need to persist data for a user, save it in the datastore! That's what it's for. There are various implementations of user-specific sessions, such as the gaeutilities library which you link to. That library has full documentation which you should read.

Access Sitecore DB from API in Console application

I would like to accesss the sitecore DB and items from console application like
Sitecore.Data.Database db = Sitecore.Context.Database
Sitecore.Data.Database db = Sitecore.Data.Database.GetDatabase("master")
how do I configure and setup my console application to access the DB as above?
Thanks Everyone for the suggestion, I am really interested in config changes, I used webservice, but it has very limited methods. For example, if I would like create an Item with the template and insert the item with prepopulated value, there is no such option. The reason I am looking for the console apporach is I would like to import the contents from XML or excel sheet and push those to the sitecore tree, eventually use the scheduled task to run the console app periodically. I do not want to copy the entire web.config and app_config. If anyone has already done this, could you please post your steps and necessary config changes?
You have two options I think:
1) Import the Sitecore bits of a website's web.config into your console application's app.config, so that the Sitecore API "just works"
I'm sure I read a blog post about this, but I can't find the reference right now. (I will have another look) But I think the simple but long winded approach is to copy all of the <sitecore/> element and all the separate files it references. I'm fairly sure you can whittle this down to a subset of the config required for data access with a bit of thinking.
2) Don't use the Sitecore API directly, connect to a web service that exposes access to it remotely.
There are a few of these that already exist. Sitecore itself exposes one, Sitecore Rocks has one, and Hedgehog TDS has one too. And you can always write your own (since any web service running inside the Sitecore ASP.Net app can make database calls and report values back and forth - just remember to consider security if this web service might end up exposed externally for any reason)
John West links to some relevant stuff here:
-- Edited to add --
I've not found the blog post I remember. But I came across this SO thread:
Accessing Sitecore API from a CLI tool
which refers to this blog post:
which I think gives the info you'll need for option 1.
(And it reminds me that, of course, when you copy the config stuff you have to copy the Sitecore binaries into your app's folder as well)
I would just like to expand on #JermDavis' post and note that Sitecore isn't a big fan of being accessed when not in a web application. However, if you still want to do this, you will need to make sure that you have all of the necessary configuration settings from the web.config and App_Config of your site in your console application's app.config file.
Moreover, you will never be able to call Sitecore.Context in a console application, as the Sitecore Context sits on top of the HttpContext which means that it must be an application and have a valid request for you to use it. What you are looking for is something more along the lines of Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master").
Good luck and happy coding :)
This sounds like a job for the Sitecore Item Web API. I use the Sitecore Item Web API whenever I need to access Sitecore data from the master database outside the context of the Content Management server or outside of the context of the Sitecore application. The Web API definitely does not allow you to do everything that the standard Sitecore API does but it can act as a good base and I now extend upon the Web API instead of writing my own custom web services whenever possible.
Thanks to JemDavis's advise.
After I copied the configuration and made changes to config section to get rid of conflicts. I copied almost all of Sitrecore, analytics and lucene dlls, it worked great.
Only thing you have to remember is, copy the app_config folder to the same location where your dlls are.
Thanks again JemDavis....

Azure Blob Shared Access Signature without the api

I'm trying to create a REST call to Azure to List Blobs within a container. The container is private so I need to access it through a Shared Access Signature (SAS).
I make that call in a Silverlight application so I cannot use the Client API.
I find a lot of examples with ClientAPI but nothing really clear and obvious for REST.
Anyone has a nice... clean and simple example on how to do that?
I wrote a blog post a few days ago about exactly the same: http://gauravmantri.com/2013/02/13/revisiting-windows-azure-shared-access-signature/. I've included samples for various common functions both using REST API and Client library. As far as listing blobs is concerned, if you use REST API you get raw XML back which you would need to parse in your SL app.
