Connect Power BI to SQL Azure - sql-server

I have a database in the SQL Azure Service (not in a VM). I can connect to the database using SQL Server Management Studio but I'm not able to connect using Power BI Desktop edition. The error is very generic
"Unable to connect". I have tried to connect using both an AD and a SQL user. Is there a way to debug or troubleshoot a Power BI connection ? I do think Power BI is finding the server because if I put in a nonexistent server I get a message that the server can't be found. I'm wondering if this has something to do with the account I log into Power BI with although I have tried logging in to Power BI with the Azure admin account and I get the same failure message as in the screen capture image.

step 1
clean the stored credentials in the power bi
-file>option and setting> data source setting> find your azure server and delete/clear permission
and then try to login using database login method in powerbi and provide the azure server name and optional database
note: azure sql server name should be like this :
make sure, if you are able to log in on the server using ssms then use powerbi on the same machine
For detailed steps


Not able to access Azure SQL Server - Login failed

I am not able to connect to Azure sql server from my machine, I have added my public IP and azure sql server is configured for remote access but I am getting error
Cannot connect to your Azure SQL DB logical server/Azure SQL MI server, exception: Cannot open server "SERVER NAME" requested
by the login. The login failed.
Note: I am able to connect to Azure SQL database from Azure portal.
If that's the case, you should try to download Azure Data Studio and log in with your Microsoft account that you used for Azure.
May I ask you to add in a screenshot of your login detail (you can just fake the login but the syntax must be the same) so that the community is able to understand the situation better :D

OLAP cube / Analysis Services = error on transport layer

When connecting to an OLAP cube via Excel by using Windows authentication we receive this error: "An error was encountered in the transport layer"
When connecting to Analysis Services via SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2 by using Windows authentication we receive this error: "Cannot connect to Lake. A connection cannot be made. Ensure that the server is running."
The thing is that a connection with a proxy user via an automated SQL Server job in which the cube is deployed and processed worked. Using the credentials of that user when trying to connect to Analysis Services via SQL Server Management Studio however, does not work.
The server, on which the cube is deployed, is named Lake and is definitely running. Also, the connection to the database engine on Lake is possible.
What could cause this issue? Why is it possible that a proxy user can update the cube in a SQL Server Job but the very same credentials cannot be used to manually log in to the Analysis Services server?
It is possible that the SQL Job uses credentials of a Service Account - most likely SQL Server Agent (NT Service\SQLServerAgent) or Analysis Services (NT Service\MSSQLServerOlapService) to connect to the SSAS database and this account has access to the cube but the end-user running this job doesn't have an explicit access, hence the error.
Probably, you try to connect from another domain, than MS SSAS service works. You may check it by connecting with login from domain of MS SSAS server.

How can I use an Active Directory login in Microsoft Access linked to SQL Server?

We have a client who uses MS Access to manipulate data in their SQL Server DB. I know that we can set up SQL Server to authenticate using Active Directory. If we set this up, can they use their AD logins to connect to SQL Server through Access? How?
I tried Googling this, but to no avail. Any links or direction would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Also, please direct me to the correct place, if I should ask this question elsewhere.
Yes this should be pretty straight forward. You can use Windows Authentication to connect to sql server.
When establishing ODBC connection from your Client, The Wizard for connection configuration to SQL Server takes you to a page which gives you options to choose how you want to connect to SQL SERVER. There you can choose to use Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication. You can choose the Windows Authentication Option.
Now when a client tries to connect to the SQL Server their windows credentials will be used to authenticate the user. And obviously if they are on a network their AD Account will Authenticate them.
See below a snapshot from ODBC Data Source Administrator wizard when configuring connection to sql server.

Microsoft SQL Data Sync Agent: Server and Database

I'm struggling with Microsoft SQL Data Sync Agent, which I need to setup the windows Azure platform.
In the ms sql data sync agent preview, the "Ping Sync Service" is successfully executed.
My windows firewall is allowing ingoing via port 1433.
The problem is, when I want to "Register":
First, I'm not sure that I enter the correct "Server" and "Database" names.
Second, I'm not sure whether I should use "SQL" or "Windows" Authentication
Third, how do I ensure that the Client Sync Agent has appropriate rights to the database?
Among alot of other trials, my best guess is:
Server " .\SQLEXPRESS"
Database "SiteSqlServer"
but still I get the following 2 error messages:
1) Unable to connect to the Database. PLease check if service account has connectivity, credentials and permissions to connect. Server: "XXX\SQLEXPRESS". Database: "SiteSqlServer".
2) Connection faild. Please check database credentials along with permissions for Microsoft SQL Data Sync Windows service logon account to connect to database with specified credentials.
Other reasons for failure:
Windows Azure SQL databases have to be added on the SQL Data Sync portal.
SQL Server databases lower than SQL Server 2005 SP2 are not supported on the SQL Data Sync.
I'm using: dotnetnuke CMS system and Microsoft webmatrix.
Any idea on how to proceed from here is warmly welcomed!
It seems you are trying to sync SQL Azure with SQL Express which is not supported and not tested. That's why when you try as described above you get that error. Based on my experiences there are issues using with SQL Express and SQL DataSync and SQL Express is not listed helow:
There are a few articles on internet where a few folks who went ahead and hacked the system to work with some vers'on of SQL Express so you are your own if you wish to try further. An article I found is here:

Reporting Services: Cannot connect to Oracle using Integrated Security

I have an Oracle 11g database instance and a SQL Server 2012 instance installed on 2 different servers in the same domain. The Oracle database is configured to accept connection with Integrated Security (ie. Active Directory authentication). SQL Server has the Reporting Services feature installed and configured. Reporting Services will connect to Oracle database using the Oracle .NET data provider from Microsoft.
When creating a data connection to the database in Visual Studio I have no problem to connect to the Oracle database using Integrated Security. I configured the connection with this connection string:
Data Source=INSTANCE_NAME;Integrated Security=True;Unicode=True
But whenever I try to create a data source in Reporting Services from the SSRS website, from Report Builder or from BIDS, I am getting a login error:
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
I tried copying the exact same connection string but the result is always the same. It looks like Reporting Services is ignoring the Integrated Security=True option for an unknown reason.
The same issue occurs with SQL Server 2008 R2.
Oracle .NET data provider from Oracle cannot be used with Reporting Services.
I finally found what was the problem. When you need to pass credentials that needs to be transmitted to another server (Client -> SSRS -> DB), the default authentication system (NTLM) won't be enough because it can't perform double hop authentication. You need to give the rights to the report server to delegate authentication through Kerberos on the DC. So that means that you also have to enable RSWindowsNegotiate as the default authentication system for your report server and that you define SPNs for SSRS and its service account.
More details can be found here:
