Reporting Services: Cannot connect to Oracle using Integrated Security - sql-server

I have an Oracle 11g database instance and a SQL Server 2012 instance installed on 2 different servers in the same domain. The Oracle database is configured to accept connection with Integrated Security (ie. Active Directory authentication). SQL Server has the Reporting Services feature installed and configured. Reporting Services will connect to Oracle database using the Oracle .NET data provider from Microsoft.
When creating a data connection to the database in Visual Studio I have no problem to connect to the Oracle database using Integrated Security. I configured the connection with this connection string:
Data Source=INSTANCE_NAME;Integrated Security=True;Unicode=True
But whenever I try to create a data source in Reporting Services from the SSRS website, from Report Builder or from BIDS, I am getting a login error:
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
I tried copying the exact same connection string but the result is always the same. It looks like Reporting Services is ignoring the Integrated Security=True option for an unknown reason.
The same issue occurs with SQL Server 2008 R2.
Oracle .NET data provider from Oracle cannot be used with Reporting Services.

I finally found what was the problem. When you need to pass credentials that needs to be transmitted to another server (Client -> SSRS -> DB), the default authentication system (NTLM) won't be enough because it can't perform double hop authentication. You need to give the rights to the report server to delegate authentication through Kerberos on the DC. So that means that you also have to enable RSWindowsNegotiate as the default authentication system for your report server and that you define SPNs for SSRS and its service account.
More details can be found here:


Deploy a SSIS Package to ADF(Azure Data Factory) using SQL Server Authentication

I am trying to deploy a SSIS package to an ADF SQL Server. In the deployment wizard, when i want to Deploy our SSIS Package with SQL Server Authentication, it gives me the below error:
The operation cannot be started by an account that uses SQL Server Authentication. Start the operation with an account that uses Integrated Authentication. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 27123).
As far as I understand, it is saying that I must use Integrated(Windows), i have tried to connect with Integrated(Windows) Authentication but we are unable to connect,it gives me the below error:
TITLE: SQL Server Integration Services
Failed to connect to server
One or more errors occurred. (mscorlib)
Failed to resolve the UPN for the current windows account. (System.Data)
I'm assuming that you have already created the Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime in ADF. If not, please find the steps here.
Once your Azure SSIS IR is in running status, open the SSMS.
In the Login page, keep the Authentication as SQL Server Authentication only. Provide the Login and Password for your Azure SQL Server.
Now, Click on Options>> option in the SSMS connection and enter the SSISDB to connect to the database as shown below.
It connects to your Azure SQL Database, and you see an SSISDB database and integration Services Catalogs.
If you would like to know step-by-step to lift and shift SSIS packages using ADF, please refer this third party tutorial.

Install sccm reporting role unable to connect sql (invalid connection string)

I am trying to install the Reporting role In SCCM but I have a lot of issues while trying to connect to the reporting server because I dont know about SQL :( ..
The reporting role is installed in a diferent server than the sccm and is working fine, there is acces to the https and http urls.
I have dissabled the firewall in both server for testing purposes but I am getting a message that says the conection string is not valid.
I have tested setting up the reporting database name or the SCCM database name but y cant get along the error.
When install a Reporting Services point on a remote Site System, you need to be sure that the Report server must host SQL Reporting Service. Reporting Services connects to the Configuration Manager site database to retrieve data that is returned when you run reports. So in your screenshot above:
Site Database Server Name: Your site database Server Name (If not default instance, specify instance name)
Database Name: Your site Server database Name
Typically the wizard automatically retrieves the site database server FQDN and SQL database name.
Reporting Services Server Instance: Reporting service instance Name on remote server
User Name: Specify a account that Reporting Service use to connect to Site Database to retrieve data.
If you go through Microsoft Website, you'll get full detailed step by step guide at: InstallReportingServicesPoint

OLAP cube / Analysis Services = error on transport layer

When connecting to an OLAP cube via Excel by using Windows authentication we receive this error: "An error was encountered in the transport layer"
When connecting to Analysis Services via SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2 by using Windows authentication we receive this error: "Cannot connect to Lake. A connection cannot be made. Ensure that the server is running."
The thing is that a connection with a proxy user via an automated SQL Server job in which the cube is deployed and processed worked. Using the credentials of that user when trying to connect to Analysis Services via SQL Server Management Studio however, does not work.
The server, on which the cube is deployed, is named Lake and is definitely running. Also, the connection to the database engine on Lake is possible.
What could cause this issue? Why is it possible that a proxy user can update the cube in a SQL Server Job but the very same credentials cannot be used to manually log in to the Analysis Services server?
It is possible that the SQL Job uses credentials of a Service Account - most likely SQL Server Agent (NT Service\SQLServerAgent) or Analysis Services (NT Service\MSSQLServerOlapService) to connect to the SSAS database and this account has access to the cube but the end-user running this job doesn't have an explicit access, hence the error.
Probably, you try to connect from another domain, than MS SSAS service works. You may check it by connecting with login from domain of MS SSAS server.

Microsoft SQL Data Sync Agent: Server and Database

I'm struggling with Microsoft SQL Data Sync Agent, which I need to setup the windows Azure platform.
In the ms sql data sync agent preview, the "Ping Sync Service" is successfully executed.
My windows firewall is allowing ingoing via port 1433.
The problem is, when I want to "Register":
First, I'm not sure that I enter the correct "Server" and "Database" names.
Second, I'm not sure whether I should use "SQL" or "Windows" Authentication
Third, how do I ensure that the Client Sync Agent has appropriate rights to the database?
Among alot of other trials, my best guess is:
Server " .\SQLEXPRESS"
Database "SiteSqlServer"
but still I get the following 2 error messages:
1) Unable to connect to the Database. PLease check if service account has connectivity, credentials and permissions to connect. Server: "XXX\SQLEXPRESS". Database: "SiteSqlServer".
2) Connection faild. Please check database credentials along with permissions for Microsoft SQL Data Sync Windows service logon account to connect to database with specified credentials.
Other reasons for failure:
Windows Azure SQL databases have to be added on the SQL Data Sync portal.
SQL Server databases lower than SQL Server 2005 SP2 are not supported on the SQL Data Sync.
I'm using: dotnetnuke CMS system and Microsoft webmatrix.
Any idea on how to proceed from here is warmly welcomed!
It seems you are trying to sync SQL Azure with SQL Express which is not supported and not tested. That's why when you try as described above you get that error. Based on my experiences there are issues using with SQL Express and SQL DataSync and SQL Express is not listed helow:
There are a few articles on internet where a few folks who went ahead and hacked the system to work with some vers'on of SQL Express so you are your own if you wish to try further. An article I found is here:

Login error to database for Team Foundation Server 2010

I have installed Team Foundation Server 2010 (basic configuration) on a Windows Server 2003 without any problems. But when I go to administer the Team Foundation Server Administration Console, I get the error when in the press "Administer Security" or "Group Membership"
Server was Unable to process request. ---> Team Foundation services are not available from the server. Technical information (for administrator): The request colud note asking Processed Because the application is configured correctly note. No host service is available for the request.
If I try to go to http://localhost:8080/tfs, an I Get Runtime Error
In the Event Viewer I get following errors each time I try to do anything
Failue Aud - MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS - Login failed for user 'SAG-S01\ASPNET'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database. [CLIENT: ]
Error - TFS Services - Exception Message: TF246017: Team Foundation Server could not connect to the database. Verify that the server that is hosting the database is operational, and that network problems are not blocking communication with the server. (type DatabaseConnectionException)
You could start investigating by starting the SQL Server Management Studio and navigate to the SQLExpress instance on your data tier. See if the Tfs databases are running and whether the ASPNET user has access rights for the database.
Now I found where the problem was. It was set in the IIS server that TFS would run with .NET 1.1 instead of 4.0
It's weird. Can you check that you can access the database via Sql Server Management Studio.
If you can access with local system account or sa user; you have to deep dive form TFS - SQL Server connections. May be your user doesn't grant to connect SQL. Please try first, connect via Management Studio.
