iterate over json object of arrays from ionic 2 post request - angularjs

I guess I'm stuck on stupid. I've been at this for the last few hours and can't seen to figure it out. Admittedly, I am new to ng/ionic2.
I am trying to loop through the response from my post request. I am getting a valid(validated online) big, fat JSON object from my own web api. It looks like this:
`"details": [{
"item_ID": "4",
"item_attribute_ID": "JiggyJamband_1_642",
"item_color_bool": "false",
"item_name": "Test Item 4",
"item_price": "18.95",
"item_desc": "4 This is a test of the ajax input",
"item_gender": "Girls"
{ ... },
"attributes": {
"JiggyJamband_1_642": [{
"color": "no-color",
"Xs": "80",
"Sm": "0",
"Med": "0",
"Lrg": "0",
"Xl": "0",
"Xxl": "10"
"JiggyJamband_5_5664": [{
"color": "no-color",
"Xs": "0",
"Sm": "0",
"Med": "0",
"Lrg": "0",
"Xl": "0",
"Xxl": "50"
{ ... }`
I am able to access individual "details" and "attributes" like this:
.subscribe(response => {
this.itemsJson = response;
this.dObj = this.boothItemsJson.details;
//this.aObj = this.boothItemsJson.attributes;
this.aObj = response["attributes"]["JiggyJamband_1_642"];
My provider looks like this:
getRemoteData(urlCode): any {
return'http://localhost/process-fe-app/_itemJson.php', JSON.stringify(urlCode))
.map(res => res.json()); }
My question: items in details is dynamic and has an item-attribute_ID that is related to at least 1 entry in attributes. Entrys for attributes are dynamic as well - each item can have multiple attributes. The array keys of the individual attributes are the static (sizes and colors) and either have values or they don't. I need to be able to loop over the attributes object (aObj) of arrays and the arrays inside them. I do not need the ngFor or ngIf statements as this data won't be directly displayed per se. The json data is returned just fine but I just need to be able to access it call methods on the based on the data (like putting into storage with the attribute ID as the key "JiggyJamband: color: no-color, xs:50, s:100... etc"
What I've tried: this tutorial, and googling ever iteration of the wording for this problem I could think of.

Perhaps this sample iteration will help you get your head around it.
.subscribe(response => {
for(var k in response){
for(var k2 in response[k]){


Javascript looping through an object

I have an object which is given back through my REST API and I need to iterate through it for synchronizing a DB. So the object contains another object called tables. The tables object has different arrays with table names and their key value pairs.
I could not loop through the tables object about two days whatever I did and it is really annoying getting null or undefined values back.
For example I tried iterating through the table array with the JavaScript function object.forEach((article)=>console.log(,;
const obj = response.content.tables.article;
function findArticles(obj) {
I can't get any value back. When I try to console.log(response.content); it shows me everything. As soon as I try to output response.content.tables it says undefined.
This is the structure of the object response.content:
"status": "1",
"message": "sync out request successfull",
"tables": {
"article": [
"id": 1,
"name": "baseball"
"id": 2,
"name": "truck"
"food": [],
"animals: []
Try converting the response to an object using JSON.parse(xyz) before attempting to get the properties.
var xyz = '{ "status": "1", "message": "sync out request successfull", "tables": { "article": [{"id": 1,"name": "baseball"},{"id": 2,"name": "truck"}],"food": [],"animals": []}}'
var obj = JSON.parse(xyz);
$(obj.tables).each(function (ix, el) {
I solved it like this:
var obj = response.content;
var JSON = JSON.parse(obj);
var articleTable = JSON.tables.article;
After I parsed the response.content object to JSON it was available to access the nested objects as 'tables' and 'article'. After passing the article object with the articleTable variable to the forEach it has been possible to access each elements. Now I get results.
I really appreciate your help
T3.0 it wasn't able to solve the problem without you.

Why *ngFor in Angular shows the new object first from the array of objects which is having .subscribe() method on in Ionic 3

I am new to Ionic 3 & Angular and ran into an issue with *ngFor and .subscribe() method. Please forgive me if it is an easy question. I tried to figure out the behaviour of http.get(..).map(..).subscribe() function when used along with *ngFor to maintain an array of objects and show the records to user using *ngFor on the .html template file but unable to know *ngFor's odd behaviour.
In my Ionic 3 App, I am getting the data using an API and storing it inside a component variable called "users" which is declared as below in component .ts file -
users: Array<any>;
I have below component function which gives me data for this users array -
addUser(count: number) {
this.http.get('' + count)
.map(data => data.json().results)
.subscribe(result => {
for (let val of result) {
Initially, I get data for 10 users from the API using above component function by simply calling it inside my ngAfterViewInit() function like -
This gives me 10 user record objects inside my users array which I show to the user using something like below in the view .html file -
<ion-card *ngFor="let user of users">
At this time *ngFor puts the last array element at first in the view and shows the records in the descending order as the elements in the array starting from index 9 to 0.(LIFO order)
Now I start popping the last element from this users array using users.pop(); and push another element at the beginning at index 0 by shifting current elements using users.unshift(..) in below function and calling it as addNewUser(1); -
addNewUser(count: number) {
this.http.get('' + count)
.map(data => data.json().results)
.subscribe(result => {
for (let val of result) {
At this moment, if we consider the first array which had 10 elements, the last object at index 9 had been removed and another element at index 0 has been added making the previous elements on index 0-8 to shift to index 1-9.
On doing so, my view gets updated which has *ngFor and surprisingly this time it shows the first element at first place which is actually on index 0 which is the one I recently put. This is opposite to the order earlier followed by *ngFor to render elements on the screen.
Why *ngFor in Ionic 3 view shows the recently inserted object element first from the array of objects which is dependent on the subscribe method .subscribe() method. I am really confused about this.
I really need to clear the concept of *ngFor and subscribe(). Please help me.
Note : The API mentioned above is publicly accessible for testing and you may call it to check the response structure if required.
Pasting a sample API response below on calling -
"results": [
"gender": "male",
"name": {
"title": "mr",
"first": "daniel",
"last": "stoll"
"location": {
"street": "9719 tannenweg",
"city": "cottbus/chosebuz",
"state": "bremen",
"postcode": 81443
"email": "",
"login": {
"username": "greenleopard994",
"password": "chat",
"salt": "OUjisBdQ",
"md5": "8148d51998f3fef835a5f3979218c181",
"sha1": "131ae09d045b345efe36a330bf17a450b76f7de3",
"sha256": "94c3a362b5f516d0fb1d4e9dbb632d32d57b8886d5cc7bf0d5cedc99e7d55219"
"dob": "1957-04-26 22:07:14",
"registered": "2002-04-29 10:57:34",
"phone": "0556-4348870",
"cell": "0172-5116200",
"id": {
"name": "",
"value": null
"picture": {
"large": "",
"medium": "",
"thumbnail": ""
"nat": "DE"
"info": {
"seed": "8fd4afe85884c767",
"results": 1,
"page": 1,
"version": "1.1"
Refer this example showing my issue.
If you have a sorting issue with indexing and you think it's related.. you could work around the issue by assigning an index:
*ngFor="let user of users; let i = index"
and then reference the direct index value
You should make a copy of that array. Editing array elements while looping them can lead to unexpected behaviour.

Using 'ref' as array in React

I have some issues when im trying to reference inputs as arrays in React with Redux.
The code below maps one Panel per article in the array.
var articles =, index) => {
return <Panel key={index} header={'Article ' + index}>
<Input type='select' ref='id' label='Article' defaultValue={} >
I'm trying to construct the refs so that they're in an array format, which does not seem to be possible at the moment. Array of references. #1899
I guess i could solve this by create some sort of ref="article["+counter+"][id]"
But that is a horrible solution, and i really don't want to go down that path.
The json array below would be my desired format for the refs:
"articles": [
"_joinData": {
"price": "100",
"quantity": "50"
"id": "05f54207-fb6f-40b5-820e-26059a803343"
"_joinData": {
"price": "200",
"quantity": "70"
"id": "05f54207-fb6f-40b5-820e-26059a803343"
The price & quantity index would be 2 more inputs.
Which i've decided to not include in the code example.
A nice solution to this problem would be very appreciated.
I believe you can iterate through this.refs like an array by using Object.keys.
Ex. Object.keys(this.refs).forEach(key => func(this.refs[key]))
To run func function for each reference.

How to access Json dynamically created

I need to create a simple input words system, where WORDS are nested inside THEMES. The Json file MUST be like structured like this. And the file is dynamically populated. Here´s the Json code:
"0": "ABACAXI",
"2": "MEXERICA",
"3": "GOIABA"
"0": "FERRARI",
"1": "FUSCA",
"2": "HONDA",
"0": "BOLA",
"1": "PIÃO",
"2": "BONECA",
"3": "CARRINHO",
"4": "TREM"
"JOGOS": {
"0": "XADREZ",
"1": "VIDEO GAME",
"2": "FUTEBOL",
My application needs to i.e. run inside "FRUTAS" then calculate its length and retrieve its values. Here's my code so far:
myApp.controller('catController', ['$scope', '$http', function ($scope, $http) {
.success(function (result) {
$scope.themes = Object.keys(result.TEMAS);
var array = Object.keys(result).map(function (key) {
return result[key];
.error(function (data, status) {
$scope.category = '';
$scope.words = '';...
Someone can help?
Best Regards.
Sorry for explaining so bad the issue. The stack of my application is like this:
1 - An AngularJS app that takes several word inputs, wich updates a Json file. I cannot work with a database.
2 - I have to write the Json file with a variable sent by a HTML form.
What is my problem?
Read the Json, copy its data to something (e.g. an array), insert the data inside it, in the correct position. For example, the user write a new word "FOODS" that must enter on the same level as "JOGOS". I must update the json with that word. Then, the user will write another word "RICE" inside "FOOD", like "XADREZ" stands for "JOGOS". But i need the file to be updated, keeping the same structure, words, etc as before plus the new words. Was that clear?
How to do that? I dunno!

Observable array from another JSON object with child arrays

I am trying to initialize an observable array from a json object which is rendered from the server as Javascript/Json;
Basically I have a simple model (from the server) that looks like this
var BaseModel = { "changeRequestLocations":
[{ "location": "New Zealand", "devices":
{ "id": "5", "deviceName": "Server 1" },
{ "id": "6", "deviceName": "Server 2" }
"id": 1 }] };
I then initialize an observable array from the baseModel
this.changeRequestLocations = ko.observableArray(BaseModel.changeRequestLocations);
This basically does what I want but the "devices" element is an array not an observable array.
I really need to have it as an observable array - is there a way to tell Knockout to do this automatically or do I need to do it manually?
See a fiddle here that shows the case
In itself Knockout does not do this for you automatically, so
you do it manually like your jsfiddle
you use the Knockout.Mapping plugin which is designed for this scenario: convert plain JavaScript objects to objects with observable properties.
So in your example you just need to write:
this.changeRequestLocations = ko.mapping.fromJS(BaseModel.changeRequestLocations);
and the mapping plugin will convert your location array into an observable array.
Demo JSFiddle.
