Not able to install sonar runner in Mac (Sierra) - sonar-runner

I am trying to install sonar runner using below command.
brew install sonar-runner
Its giving me the error.
==> Searching for similarly named formulae...
Error: No similarly named formulae found.
Please suggest.

I think that sonnar-runner was replaced by sonar-scanner
brew install sonar-scanner


pipenv install glob fails

I tried to install glob in my virtual python (version 3.5) environment. This is an error I got. I found similar questions on this channel, but not much of help.
$pipenv install glob
Installing glob…
Collecting glob
Error: An error occurred while installing glob!
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement glob (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for glob
The issue is that pipenv looks up the version in the url specified in [[source]] in the Pipfile and glob is not in there. However, glob is part of the Standard Library in Python so you do not need to install it via pipenv and you can just call it from your script 'import glob' and it should work.
You are using python 3.X
here are the correct glob versions
for python 2.7
sudo pip install glob2
for python 3.7
sudo pip3 install glob3

/usr/bin/mingw32-cmake: line 84: fg: no job control (Midori cross-compiling error)

I'm trying to compile Midori Web Browser for Windows on Fedora 22. For that purpose I'm following this tutorial.
I installed these dependencies except faenza-icon-theme:
yum install gcc vala intltool
yum install libsoup-devel webkitgtk3-devel sqlite-devel
yum install mingw{32,64}-webkitgtk3 mingw{32,64}-glib-networking mingw{32,64}-gdb mingw{32,64}-gstreamer-plugins-good
yum install faenza-icon-theme p7zip mingw32-nsis greybird-gtk3-theme
Later I installed faenzai-icon-theme via using a third party rpm.
I downloaded source:
bzr branch lp:midori
cd midori
mkdir _mingw32
cd _mingw32
But at this step:
mingw32-cmake .. -DUSE_ZEITGEIST=0 -DUSE_GTK3=1 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=0
I'm getting an error:
/usr/bin/mingw32-cmake: line 84: fg: no job control
I don't know how to solve this problem and the meaning of this error. I made a research on internet but nothing came up.
FWIW: I had the same error message trying to build a project of mine. It went away after
yum install cmake
Both mingw32-cmake and mingw64-cmake need cmake to function. (Actually, make that dnf install cmake nowadays.)

Installing typescript definition manager

Hi I am trying to install the typescript definition manager (TSD) on my Ubuntu 14.04 VM. I am following the '5 minute tutotial' from Angular.
It says to run
npm install -g tsd#^0.6.0
After that I am supposed to run
tsd install angular2 es6-promise rx rx-lite
Anyway, after running the last command Ubuntu simply returns
tsd: command not found
Can anyone help here?
Can you run the npm install -g tsd again, it should output the location where it installs it for you.
In this case that location isn't added to your path variable and you should use a absolute location (or add it to your path).
You should be able to do this in ubuntu by creating a ~/.profile file with
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/tsd/folder/
The problem in my case seemed to be the nodejs version on my Ubuntu VM. I created a new VM and installed nodejs the following way
cd /usr/local/src
tar -xvzf node-v0.12.7.tar.gz
cd node-v0.12.7
sudo make install
which node
After this I could run
tsd install angular2 es6-promise rx rx-lite
and everything worked as expected. SO I believe updating the my nodejs was the solution. It seems that my old nodejs did not add tsd to the path
Can anyone help here?
Check your node version. Recommend you use latest iojs. It works as shown :

Angular with Yeoman 1.0 and Grunt

I am working on Win 7 professional.
Versions of various utilities on my computer are as follows:
Nodejs : v0.10.8
npm: v1.2.23
I am trying to seed the Angular application using Yeoman. I have followed the following instructions
First install yo,bower and grunt
npm install -g yo grunt-cli bower
Goto the directory where I want to create my webapp and run
c:\somefolder>yo angular
Runt the grunt server
C:>grunt server
Steps 1 and 2 above run fine but on step 3 I get the following errors
C:\somefolder>grunt -server
Running "clean:dist" (clean) task
Running "jshint:all" (jshint) task
3 files lint free.
Running "clean:server" (clean) task
Running "coffee:dist" (coffee) task
Running "coffee:test" (coffee) task
Running "compass:dist" (compass) task
Warning: You need to have Ruby and Compass installed and in your system PATH for this task to work. More info: Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
Now I do have ruby installed and its available in PATH variable.
C:>ruby --version
ruby 2.0.0p195 (2013-05-14) [i386-mingw32]
How do I oversome this? How do i ensure that grunt server does not abort ?
Any help will be highly appreciated.
gem install compass
also here:
I had the same problem as you mentioned and I noticed that Compass had to be called as compass2.0 so I symlinked compass to compass2.0 and it solved the problem.
Here's the command:
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/compass2.0 /usr/bin/compass
Hope this helps
I had this problem on OS X. Here is the series of commands I eventually used to get everything installed and working:
FWIW, it seems like the missing piece for me was gem install sass. In theory, gem install compass should have installed Sass too, but explicitly installing Sass made the error disappear.

Cannot install YUM in MacOS

I'm trying to run the build script from HTML5 Boilerplate and I have to install YUM for that. I am on Mac OS Snow Leopard 10.6.8. When I did sudo port install yum, i'm getting the following error. Any idea how can I rectify it and install yum properly?
---> Computing dependencies for py24-nose
---> Dependencies to be installed: py24-distribute
---> Activating py24-distribute #0.6.24_0 Error: Target org.macports.activate returned: Image error:
already exists and does not belong to a registered port. Unable to
activate port py24-distribute. Use 'port -f activate py24-distribute'
to force the activation. Error: Failed to install py24-distribute Log
for py24-distribute is at:
Error: The following dependencies were not installed: py24-distribute
Error: Unable to upgrade port: 1 Error: Unable to execute port:
upgrade py24-nose failed To report a bug, see
Previously after installing YUM, i was getting Segmentation Fault, so I uninstalled and installed it again using Macports to get the above error.
I think you've got the wrong end of the stick here. You do not need to install YUM on the Mac. In fact, that act is sheer madness, because you already have a perfectly good package manager in the shape of MacPorts!
Read again what it says
If you're on Mac or Linux...
You've got all your dependencies pre-installed, likely. You may need a yum install ant-contrib or what have you.
The key bit there is "or what have you". That is a cryptic way of saying "or the equivalent command for your package manager". On Red Hat-based systems, the package manager is indeed YUM; on Debian systems, it's APT; on the Mac, it's MacPorts.
So, remove your YUM installation, and simply do:
port install ant-contrib
You can now proceed to actually running Ant.
