Which SageOne API country to choose? - sage-one

I work on a SageOne Api application for France based companies. When I take a look at the SageOne documentation it appears that there are different requirements depending on the country. However I cannot find an API documentation for France only.
Does someone know how to know which SageOne API documentation I need to follow for France?

Thank you for your comments.
After contacting Sage One support it appears that there is no API for french based Sage One accounts yet.


how to enroll dataset way in java

I am a java developer in Republic of korea
The data registered in ckan platform using java
it is difficult.
there no many information about java in ckan
I want RESTfull way to register the data.
I need help you
How to register the data using a Java method and using ckan api
I want to register data in a variety of ways and esay method
Please return to the relevant data and information
Try https://github.com/timrdf/CKANClient-J, it might give you a headstart.

PayPal - information overload

I have a Google App Engine Java running and would like to add PayPal payment.
Downloaded and build the App Engine toolkit
- Not much help there, missing "gallery.jsp" file and non working samples.
Has anybody actually been able to get a simple sample running.
Have a user pay for a service/digital goods or anything, and then get to know what the user bought. In my senario they will buy days for a service - therefore they pay per day or subscribe. But man, it does not seem to be possible for one developer.
Further more, Google Wallet is no better. Is it me or is it really that hard, or is it just for bigger companies who can throw x numbers of man hours on this?
Any information is welcome, but every information I have seen is really obfuscated for what ever reason.
Thanks in advance

Where are the specifications/XSDs for Amazon MWS feed XML processing reports?

Amazon provides a batch of documents describing the format of the feeds we can send via MWS, however, we also need to know what to expect in their responses, what status codes may be reported or what is the structure of XML when errors reported, etc...
Where can I get the information?
The MWS XML schemata are documented within the Selling on Amazon Guide to XML linked from the Developer Guides section in the Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) Documentation.
I'm omitting a direct link to the PDF, as this might change once in a while. For the same reason the XSD files you are looking for are not publicly linked by Amazon as well, rather you'll find the links to the most current schema documents within the respective sections of the Selling on Amazon Guide to XML.
You might also be interested in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide, the Feeds API Reference and the guide for the Amazon MWS Scratchpad, which are all available there as well.
Good luck!
I know this is a rather old question but I just wanted to look at the actual XML schema files myself today.
There is an XML Documentation PDF hosted on images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com which I assume will stay there for a while. This PDF contains links to the core schema files amzn-envelope.xsd, amzn-header.xsd, and amzn-base.xsd and some other API schemas like Product.xsd which all appear to be relative to https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/rainier/help/xsd/release_1_9/.
The PDF explicitly states that
The XSD samples shown on the Help pages may not reflect the latest XSDs. We recommend
using the provided XSD links to obtain the latest [ve]rsions.
However, the official MWS Feeds API documentation also links to some XSDs but these are relative to https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/rainier/help/xsd/release_4_1/ now, e.g. Price.xsd. Schema references also seem to be relative to this path. For example, Price.xsd includes amzn-base.xsd via <xsd:include schemaLocation="amzn-base.xsd"/> and sure enough there it is.
Unfortunately, I have no idea whether release_4_1 is the latest release of the schemas but the link from the MWS API documentation is a good indicator to me.
Another way to get the XSD's which I think is the most "official" way is to go to your Seller Central and navigate to Help > XML & data exchange > Reference > XSDs.
There you can download all the XSD's available to your account.
Hope it helps!
It seems that this XSD files are outdated.
Just checked the official sellercentral help page for the XSD files https://sellercentral-europe.amazon.com/gp/help/G1611
For the OrderReport there is still release_4_1 referenced.
Some time ago amazon has added a new field to OrderReport for EU markets. The new field is IsSoldByAB.
I am using the xsd files since many years for automatic code generation. And this fails from time to time because of new fields like this. This field is not descriped in one of this:
release_1_9 ($Revision: #7 $, $Date: 2006/05/23 $)
release_4_1 ($Revision: #10 $, $Date: 2007/09/06 $)
XSD files and I am not able to find a version that include this field.
Since some years I extend the XSD file on my own to generate my code. IsSoldByAB is just a boolean field as IsPrime or IsBusinessOrder. So this was an easy task but not "official"...

cakephp website with phpBB or simple machines forums possible?

I have a website made with CakePHP 1.3.7. This website has it's own login system. Now the client wants to include a forum in the website.
I've been looking at different free solutions and phpBB and SMF seem to be what I'm looking for. The only thing I'm not so sure is about integrating those forums with the login system that I already have.
I mean, if a user has already an account for the website (or creates a new one), he/she should be able to use that same account (username) in the forum section.
Is that possible? Any clue pointing me in the right direction would be much appreciated! I mentioned both forum solutions in case one is easier to integrate than the other one, that would be also good to know (or if there's any other better option).
Thanks so much in advance!
It's possible to use both but I personally prefer SMF. You have to configure CakePHP's session component to use database sessions and create a model that will use the forums session table.
You can decide if you want or need a separate users table besides the forums users table (or its called members, don't know right now).
The "hard" part is to make the cake app read/write the sessions and cookies in the same fashion SMF does to allow a smooth transition from the cake app to the forum and backwards.
Technically you can use both forums and archive your goal with both, it's just a matter of getting the frameworks components utilized right.
I ended up using: this
It has all that I needed and integrates perfectly into Cake :)

Publicly available ical

Are there more sites similar to http://icalshare.com/ ? I'd like to have a collection of sites that share the iCalendar file format for exchanging data between calendaring programs. Any help is much appreciated.
Your question is not clear, with poor wording, typos, and omitted words.
Do you want to publish your calendar or subscribe?
Are you referring to Apple's iCal program to manage one's personal schedule? Or are you referring to the iCalendar standard for exchanging data between calendaring programs?
iCalShare is a web site for sharing calendars.
Apple's OS X Lion Server includes "iCal Server 3" for serving calendars to client calendaring apps.
Google has a bunch of "interesting calendars"
Some of them are really fun to subscribe to.
I like the earth seasons calendar and
"eccentric holidays" which I cannot see on that list but is there somewhere try
Any of the websites that use my wordpress plugin amr-events also generally have their own publicly available ics files.
I give some of them free publicity here:
