Get GPS on mobile browser without HTML5 Geolocation? - mobile

I'm wondering if there's a way to get GPS/location data (non-IP based location) on mobile browsers without having to use HTML5 Geolocation API.

To get the GPS Location in an Browser you have to use the Geolocation API. There is no other way to get the exact Location without it.


Responsive Website both mobile and phone, mingle both Reactjs and React native

I want to the responsive web app on Mobile and Web page. I have built a website on React js. I have brought that website using a web view to React native and made it a mobile app. Now I need to direct my users depending upon the platform. If they are mobile users I need to direct them to React native app(live on the browser) and if they use the system they should be seeing the website I build. How can I do that? Is it possible? Suggest me a better Idea.
You can achieve this using your backend code by checking request user agent if you get mobile, you can redirect to some other url (Probably play store).
You can do the same via front end JS also (not advisable). You can use these methods to detect if the user is on mobile, based on that redirect it to play store.
Check if the navigator userAgent is mobile or not. If mobile add a links to your app or app store to download it.
if (/Mobi|Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
// if I'm here that mean I'm a phone

Gmail mobile mailto: Subject and Body using -

I am able to construct a prepopulated message with Gmail using:
It works great on PC and however it works on mobile, it is very small and require the user to zoom and scroll around in order to view or edit the message before sending it.
I am seeking a solution to do the same using the following URL:
The latter URL display much better on mobile devices.
Does anyone know how I could go about to prepopulate the Subject and Body for this (mobile) version?

Navigate to settings screen when location is off in Codenameone

I want to navigate to Settings screen from my app when the location of the device is off.I did this in android,but i want to do it using CodenameOne. How can i able to achieve this in CodenameOne without using native interfaces.
That's something that only exists in Android and is not as commonly used now-days. Location is always on for modern Android devices since even if you turn off the GPS network location still works.

Ionic Offline MAP

I am working on a hybrid mobile app using ionic. I have developed all feature of app but One of the features I need is offline google map. I want to get lattitude and longitude of user when there was no internet and after reaching in interent zone it threw data using web API.
Is there a way how to do it? I want it for Android and Ios both.
If your issue is only getting the user location, that can be done with no need for internet. Instead, you can use GPS to get the location, and that can be specified by some options when you are getting the location, depending on what library you are using.

Pre Poulate a Text Field with a URL

I have a mobile simulator at and was wondering if there is a script or way to populate the text field so that I can send a sampole of the customer mobile website to them.
Maybe I need to change it to a php file or something.
So I would like to send them to say
That website uses javascript within the page to load the entered URL within their "emulator" and does support passing parameters as the web page is not a "real" web form.
If you have a specific question about the functionality of a specific website, then why not contact them
There are alternative online mobile emulators which do support the funcitonality you require, such as:
