How to handle issues when we run out of connections to database? - database

I am looking for what are the commonly used / best practices in industry.
Assume the following hypothetical scenario:
If my app server accepts 200 user requests, and each of them need DB access.
But my DB max_connections are 100.
If all 200 users request at the same time, but we have only 100 max_connections, what happens to the other requests, which were not served max connections ?
In real world:
will remaining 100 requests be stored in some sort of a queue on apps servers, and kept waiting for DB connections ?
do we error out ?

Basically, if your database server can only handle 100 connections, and all of your web connections "require database access," you must ensure that no more than 100 requests are allowed to be active at any one instant. This is the “ruling constraint” of this scenario. (It may be one of many.)
You can accept "up to 200 simultaneous connections" on your server, but you must enqueue these requests so that the limit of 100 active requests is not exceeded.
There are many, many ways to do that: load balancers, application servers, even Apache/nginix directives. Sometimes, the web-page is only a front-end to a process that is broken-out among many different servers working in parallel. No matter how you do it, there must be a way to regulate how many requests are active, and to queue the remainder.
Also note that, even though you might have “200 active connections” to your web server, it is highly unlikely that all 200 of these clients “clicked their mouse at precisely the same time.” Requests come in at random rates and therefore might never encounter any sort of delay at all. But your system must nonetheless be engineered to handle the worst case.


Equal connection distribution is not happening in Aurora autoscaled insatnces

We are running a REST API based spring boot application using AWS Aurora as Database. Our application connects to read-only Aurora MySQL RDS instances.
We are doing load testing on it. Initially we have one database and we have autoscaling in place, which is triggered on high CPU.
Now we are expecting that if we are getting some X throughput with one db instance then we should be getting approx 1.8X when autoscaling happens, and connections should be distributed equally among with the newly created database instances.
But it is not happening, instead DB connections are going up and down on both database instances erratically. Due to which our load is not getting distributed equally and we are not getting desired throughput. Sometimes one database is running on 100 % CPU while the other is still on 20% CPU and after few minutes it is reversed.
Below are the database connection cofiguration :-
Driver - com.mysql.jdbc.driver
Maximum active connections=100
Max age = 300000
Initial pool size = 10
Tomcat jdbc pool is used for connection pooling
1) We have also disabled jvm network DNS caching.
2) we also tried refreshing the database connections every 5 minutes,
Even the active ones.
3) We have tried everything suggested by AWS but nothing is working.
4)We have even written a lambda code to update Route 53 when new db instance comes up to avoid cluster endpoint caching but still same issue.
Can anyone please help what is the best practice for this as currently we cannot take this into production.
This is not a great answer, but since you haven't gotten any replies yet some thoughts.
1) The behavior you are seeing replicates bad routing logic of load balancers
This is no surprise you, but this used to be much more common with small web server deployments – especially long running queries. With connection pooling, you mirror this situation.
2) Taking this assumption forward, we need to guess on how Amazon choose to balance traffic to read only replicas.
Even in their white paper, they don't mention how they are doing routing:
Likely options are route53 or an NLB.
My best guess would be that they are using an NLB. NLBs became available to us only in Q3 2017 and Aurora was 2 years before, but it still is a reasonable guess.
NLBs would let us balance based on least connections (far better than round robin).
3) Validating assumptions
If route53 is being used, then we would be able to use DNS to find out.
I did a dig against the route53 end point and found that it gave me an answer
dig +nocmd +noall +answer 1 IN CNAME 5 IN A
I did it again and got a different answer.
dig +nocmd +noall +answer 1 IN CNAME 5 IN A
What you can see is that the read only endpoint is giving me a CNAME result to
Zzz is name of my cluster, yyy came from my cloudformation stack formation, and yyy comes from amazon.
Note: zzz-0 and zzz-2 are the two read only replicas.
What we can see here is that we have route53 for our load balancing.
4) Route53 Load Balancing
They are likely setting up Route53 with round robin on all healthy read only replicas.
The TTL is likely 5s.
Healthy nodes will get removed, but there is no balancing based on
5) Ramifications
A) Using the Read Only end point can only balance traffic away from unhealthy instances
B) DB Pools will keep connections for a long time which means that new read replicas won’t be touched
If we have a small number of servers, we will be unbalanced – which we can’t do much against.
6) Thoughts on what you can do
A) Verify yourself with dig that you are getting correct DNS resolution that keeps rotating between replicas every 5s.
If you don’t, this is something you need to fix
B) Periodically recycle DB Clients
New replicas will get used and while you will be unbalanced, this will help by keeping changing.
What is critical though is you MUST not have all your clients recycle at the same time. Otherwise, you run the risk of all getting the same time. I would suggest doing some random ttl per client (within min/max).
C) Manage it yourself
Summary: When you connect, connect directly to the read replica with least connection/lowest CPU.
How you do this is slightly not simplistic. I would suggest a lambda function that keeps this connection string in a queryable location. Have it update at some frequency. I would say the frequency of updating the preferred DB is 1/10 of the frequency you are recycle the DB connections. You could add logic if the DBs are running similarly, you give the readonly end point..and only give an explicit one when there is significant inequity.
I would caution when a new instance comes up you want to be careful of floating.
D) Increase number of clients or number of read only copies
Both of these would decrease the chance that two boxes would get significant differences.

Concurrent requests handling on Google App Engine

I was experimenting with concurrent request handling on few platforms.
The aim of the experiment was to have a broad measure of the capacity bounds of some selected technologies.
I set up a Linux VM on my machine with a basic Go http server (the vanilla http.HandleFunc of the http default package).
The server would then compute a modified version of the fasta algorithm that restricted threads and processes to 1, and return the result. N was set to 100000.
The algorithm runs in roughly 2 seconds.
I used the same algorithm and logic on a Google App Engine project.
The algorithm is written using the same code, just the handler set up is done on init() instead of main() as per GAE requirements.
On the other end an Android client is spawning 500 threads each one issuing in parallel a GET request to the fasta computing server, with a request timeout of 5000 ms.
I was expecting the GAE application to scale and answer back to each request and the local Go server to fail on some of the 500 requests but results were the opposite:
the local server correctly replied to each request within the timeout bounds while the GAE application was able to handle just 160 requests out of 500. The remaining requests timed out.
I checked on the Cloud Console and I verified that 18 GAE instances were spawned, but still the vast majority of requests failed.
I thought that most of them failed because of the start-up time of each GAE instance, so I repeated the experiment right after but I had the same results: most of the requests timed out.
I was expecting GAE to scale to accomodate ALL the requests, believing that if a single local VM could successfully reply to 500 concurrent requests GAE would have done the same, but this is not what happened.
The GAE console doesn't show any error and correctly reports the number of incoming requests.
What could be the cause of this?
Also, if a single instance could handle all the incoming requests on my machine by virtue of only goroutines, how come that GAE needed to scale so much at all?
To make optimal usage in terms of minimizing costs you need to configure few things in app.yaml:
Enable threadsafe: true - actually it's from Python config and not applicable to Go but I would set it just in case.
Adjust scaling section:
max_concurrent_requests - set to maximum 80
max_idle_instances - set to minimum 0
max_pending_latency - set it to automatic or greater then min_pending_latency
min_idle_instances - set it to 0
min_pending_latency - set to higher number. If you are OK to get 1 second latency and you handlers take on average 100ms to process set it to 900ms.
Then you should be able to proceed a lot of request on single instance.
If you OK to burn cash for the sake of responsiveness & scalabiluty - increase min_idle_instances & max_idle_instances.
Also do you use similar instance types for VM and GAE? The GAE F1 instance is not too fast and is more optimal for async tasks like working with IO (datastore,http,etc.). You can configure usage of more powerful instance to better scale for computation intensive tasks.
Also do you test on paid account? Free accounts have quotas and AppEngine would refuse percentage of requests if it believe the load would exceed the daily quota if continuous with the same pattern.
Extending on Alexander's answer.
The GAE scaling logic is based on incoming traffic trend analysis.
The key for being able to handle your case - sudden spikes in traffic (which can't be takes into account in the trend analysis due to its variation speed) - is to have sufficient resident (idle) instances configured for your application to handle such traffic until GAE spins up additional dynamic instances. It can handle as high peaks as you want (if your pockets are deep enough).
See Scaling dynamic instances for more details.
Thanks everyone for their help.
Many interesting points and insights have been made by the answers I had on this topic.
The fact the the Cloud Console were reporting no errors led me to believe that the bottleneck was happening after the real request processing.
I found the reason why the results were not as expected: bandwidth.
Each response had a payload of roughly 1MB and thus responding to 500 simultaneous connections from the same client would clog the lines, resulting in timeouts.
This was obviously not happening when requesting to the VM, where the bandwith is much larger.
Now GAE scaling is in line with what I expected: it successfully scales to accomodate each incoming request.

Preparing for a flash crowd on Google App Engine

I recently experienced a sharp, short-lived increase in the load of my service on Google App Engine. The load went from ~1-2 req/second to about 10 req/second for about a couple of hours. My number of dynamic instances scaled up pretty quickly but in the process I did get a number of "Request waited too long" timeout messages.
So the next time around, I would like to be prepared with enough idle instances to handle my load. But now the question is, how do I determine how many is adequate. I expect a much larger burst in load this time - from practically nothing to an average of 500 requests/second, possibly with a peak of 3000. This is to last between 15 minutes and 1 hour.
My main goal is to ensure that the information passed via HTTP Post is saved to the datastore by means of a single write.
Here are the steps I have taken to prepare for the burst:
I have pruned the fast path to disable analytics and other reporting, which typically generate 2 urlfetch requests.
The datastore write is to be deferred to a taskqueue via the deferred library
What I would like to know is:
1. Tips/insights into calculating how many idle instances one would need per N requests/second.
2. It seems that the maximum throughput of a task queue is 500/second. Is this the rate at which you can push tasks, and if not, then is there a cap on that? I'm guessing not, since these are probably just datastore writes, but I would like to be sure.
My fallback plan if I am not confident of saving all of the information for this flash mob is to set up a beefy Amazon EC2 instance, run a web server on it and make my clients send a backup request to this server.
You must understand that Idle Instances are only used when new frontend instances are being spun-up. This means that they are only used during traffic increases. When traffic is steady they are not used.
Now if your instance needs 20 sec to spin up and can handle 10 req/sec of steady traffic and you traffic INCREASE is 5 req/sec, then you'll need 20 * 5 / 10 = 10 idle instances if you don't want any requests dropped.
What you should do is:
Maximize instance throughput (number of requests it can handle): optimize code, use async db operations and enable Concurrent Requests.
Minimize your instance startup time. This is important because idle instances are used during spinning up of new instances and the time it takes to spin up a new instance directly relates to how many idle instances you need. If you use Java this means getting rid of any heavy frameworks that do classpath scanning (Spring, etc..).
Fourth, number of frontend instances needed is VERY application specific. But since you already had traffic increase you should know how many requests your frontend instance can handle per second.
Edit: There is one more obvious thing you should do: HTTP caching. GAE has a transparent HTTP cache which can be simply controlled via Cache-Control headers.
Also, if analytics has a big performance impact on your server, consider using client side analytics services (like Google Analytics). They also work for devices.

What is a Google App Engine instance?

I am trying to estimate the monthly costs for having GAE for in-app store and I do not really understand what is an instance and what can I do within one instance.
Can I just have one instance with multiple threads to deal with multiple clients? And as I have 28 hours of free instance per app per day (, does it mean that I would not pay for my server app running all the time?
An instance is an instance of a virtual server, running your code, that is able to serve requests to clients. This is usually done in parallel (Goroutines, Java threads, Python threads with 2.7) for most efficient usage of available resources.
Response times depends on what you're doing in your code, and it's usually IO dependent. If you have a waterfall of serial database lookups, it takes longer than if you only have a single multiget and perhaps an async write.
Part of the deal with GAE is that Google handles the elasticity for you. If there are a lot of connections waiting, new instances will start as needed (until your quota is exhausted). That means it can be difficult to estimate cost upfront, because you don't know exactly how efficient your code is and how much resources you'll need. I recommend a scheme where more usage means more income, and income per request is higher than cost per request. :)
You can tweak settings, saying you want requests to wait in queue, or always have a couple of spare instances ready to serve new requests, which will affect cost for you and response times for users.
In an IaaS scenario you could say that you will use five instances and that's the cost, but in reality you might need only 1 at night local time, and 25 the rest of the day, which means your users would most likely see dropped connections or otherwise have a negative user experience.
A free instance is normally able to handle test traffic during development without exhausting the quota.
Well AppEngine may decide you need to have more than one instance running to handle the requests and so will start another one. You won't be able to limit it to one running instance. In fact, it's sometimes unclear why AE starts another instance when it seems like the requests are low, but it will if it decides it needs another warm instance to be ready to handle requests if the serving instance(s) are too near their limit.

Why is it bad practice to make multiple database connections in one request?

A discussion about Singletons in PHP has me thinking about this issue more and more. Most people instruct that you shouldn't make a bunch of DB connections in one request, and I'm just curious as to what your reasoning is. My first thought is the expense to your script of making that many requests to the DB, but then I counter myself with the question: wouldn't multiple connections make concurrent querying more efficient?
How about some answers (with evidence, folks) from some people in the know?
Database connections are a limited resource. Some DBs have a very low connection limit, and wasting connections is a major problem. By consuming many connections, you may be blocking others for using the database.
Additionally, throwing a ton of extra connections at the DB doesn't help anything unless there are resources on the DB server sitting idle. If you've got 8 cores and only one is being used to satisfy a query, then sure, making another connection might help. More likely, though, you are already using all the available cores. You're also likely hitting the same harddrive for every DB request, and adding additional lock contention.
If your DB has anything resembling high utilization, adding extra connections won't help. That'd be like spawning extra threads in an application with the blind hope that the extra concurrency will make processing faster. It might in some certain circumstances, but in other cases it'll just slow you down as you thrash the hard drive, waste time task-switching, and introduce synchronization overhead.
It is the cost of setting up the connection, transferring the data and then tearing it down. It will eat up your performance.
Evidence is harder to come by but consider the following...
Let's say it takes x microseconds to make a connection.
Now you want to make several requests and get data back and forth. Let's say that the difference in transport time is negligable between one connection and many (just ofr the sake of argument).
Now let's say it takes y microseconds to close the connection.
Opening one connection will take x+y microseconds of overhead. Opening many will take n * (x+y). That will delay your execution.
Setting up a DB connection is usually quite heavy. A lot of things are going on backstage (DNS resolution/TCP connection/Handshake/Authentication/Actual Query).
I've had an issue once with some weird DNS configuration that made every TCP connection took a few seconds before going up. My login procedure (because of a complex architecture) took 3 different DB connections to complete. With that issue, it was taking forever to log-in. We then refactored the code to make it go through one connection only.
We access Informix from .NET and use multiple connections. Unless we're starting a transaction on each connection, it often is handled in the connection pool. I know that's very brand-specific, but most(?) database systems' cilent access will pool connections to the best of its ability.
As an aside, we did have a problem with connection count because of cross-database connections. Informix supports synonyms, so we synonymed the common offenders and the multiple connections were handled server-side, saving a lot in transfer time, connection creation overhead, and (the real crux of our situtation) license fees.
I would assume that it is because your requests are not being sent asynchronously, since your requests are done iteratively on the server, blocking each time, you have to pay for the overhead of creating a connection each time, when you only have to do it once...
In Flex, all web service calls are automatically called asynchronously, so you it is common to see multiple connections, or queued up requests on the same connection.
Asynchronous requests mitigate the connection cost through faster request / response time...because you cannot easily achieve this in PHP without out some threading, then the performance hit is greater then simply reusing the same connection.
that's my 2 cents...
