Turning off the QPython runtime log? - qpython

I created a Kivy project, developed it into a simple app (besides Kivy widgets, it only imports the socket module), tested it successfully and finally added a shortcut to run the project from the home screen.
How do I get rid of the runtime log that pop ups in the notification area whenever the app is run?


How do I launch a react js. app in full screen on windows?

I am building a react app for a kiosk with a windows operating system.
The app is supposed to appear as full screen (F11 look) right when it launches (without clicking any buttons).
I saw that as of a few years ago chrome does not support full screen launch. Has there been any changes with that?
unfortunately not directly. However, you can alter the shortcut to the web app by adding these two properties: --fullscreen --kiosk

Console logs from a react application loaded in an ElectronJS container

I am working on an electron application used for display management. The app is used in malls/restaurants/airports for digital display ads. The electron app internally loads a react web-app and then displays it. The react web-app comes from our vendor who has a platform for displaying ads from different vendors. The react web-app is crashing in some instances (it is not able to find the correct ad etc). I am unable to debug this crash because the console.log messages from react web-app are not shown anywhere.
Is there a way to redirect the console.logs from the react application to some file?
- Electron App is a full-screen container for playing any content.
- Vendor provides a web-app, which plays different ads. This web-app is a react application.
- Vendor web-app crashes, but not able to see those logs anywhere.
According to the documentation, if you are trying to debug a renderer process you can open dev tools for this by calling the openDevToos() method on instances of webContents.
This is an example:
const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let win = new BrowserWindow()
If you are trying to debug the main process, you should be able to leverage Google Chrome developer tools. If you open chrome and go to: chrome://inspect, you should be able to see your electron instance and click "inspect".
There are a few more options, which you can find here but I am of the opinion that these are the two simplest approaches.
I would also suggest leveraging debugger statements, as it will halt the execution of the code where you declare a debugger statement, and you could pin point more easily where the crash is happening.

React service worker not working?

Hello Guys !
Today I deployed an app online to test it but didn't understood very well why it didn't work.
What I did :
I've created a sample react app using bootstrap and used firebase to deploy it. Here is the link.
What was expected ?
I wanted the app to be able to be downloaded on the phone as angular.io is.
Reality :
Nothing special. It's in fact registered in service worker and very fast to load and download, but nothing more.
Problem now :
I've done it today two times but wasn't able to use it as well as the image of service workers I had.
What should I do ?
You need a a 144px square PNG icon to be defined in your manifest.json to enable the web app install banner.
You can validate whether your application can be added to your homescreen from Chrome on a desktop computer.
To do so, open the Chrome developer tools on your website, open the 'Application' tab, click 'Manifest' in the left navigation and then click 'Add to homescreen'.
If there's a problem adding to homescreen an error will appear in the console, when trying it on the website you mentioned I received the error 'Site cannot be installed: a 144px square PNG icon is required, but no supplied icon meets this requirement'.
You can read more about the requirements for web app install banners here https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/app-install-banners/.

Commands button not working on iOS build

I use codenameone to build android and javascript apps for many years. This is the first time I sending build to iOS. The apps is install on my device, everythings is working fine, just the Commands (on the Old GUI Form) not working when pressed (touch). This happen on every Forms (design using Old GUI Editor)
It this a iOS Build Server error(I don't think so)..
Anyone can help on this?

IBM Worklight - App only starts once; gives error after saying Failed to load webpage

I created an iphone app in IBM Worklight using Angularjs, generated by yeoman. Everything works fine in the simulator, but when I deploy to my physical device, the app will open only once. Using the iphone configuration utility, the error reported merely says Failed to load webpage at that url.
I do not understand why it would only work one time.
It don't think this has got anything to do with angularjs and/or yeoman.
It sounds like you've changed the HTML filename in the common folder and the mainFile value in application-descriptor.xml. Changing the mainFile value used to cause a bug after launching the app a second time - it wouldn't find the resource, the HTML file.
If you indeed did the above, try the following:
Rename the application folder name to match the renaming you've done above
update the ID attribute of the application element in application-descriptor.xml to match as well
Make sure to delete the native folder
Re-build and deploy the app
This should now make the app launch a second, third, ... time as well.
Fixed in the upcoming Worklight 6.1.0.
