even two string are same but when compare result are coming false - selenium-webdriver

I am comparing two string.I am reading String 1 i.e expectedResult from excelsheet and String 2 i.e actualResult i am getting from web page by using " getElementByXPath("errorMsg_userPass").getText();
but when i equate two string even though they are same result of comparison are coming false i.e they are not same.
enter image description here
I don't know why it is happening like this .Please Help

use trim() to remove leading and trailing spaces!!

I recommend you looking at the exact bytes of the actual and expected strings. There might be for instance an unbreakable space instead of a regular space and then they will look the same but won't be the same for equals.
You can see the difference by running the following snippet:
String a = new String("a\u00A0b");
String b = new String ("a b");
System.out.println(a + "|" + Arrays.toString(a.getBytes()));
System.out.println(b + "|" + Arrays.toString(b.getBytes()));
Which will output:
a b|[97, -62, -96, 98]
a b|[97, 32, 98]


How to loop assigning characters in a string to variable?

I need to take a string and assign each character to a new string variable for a Text To Speech engine to read out each character separately, mainly to control the speed at which it's read out by adding pauses in between each character.
The string contains a number which can vary in length from 6 digits to 16 digits, and I've put the below code together for 6 digits but would like something neater to handle any different character count.
I've done a fair bit of research but can't seem to find a solution, plus I'm new to Groovy / programming.
OrigNum= "12 34 56"
Num = OrigNum.replace(' ','')
sNum = Num.split("(?!^)")
sDigit1 = sNum[0]
sDigit2 = sNum[1]
sDigit3 = sNum[2]
sDigit4 = sNum[3]
sDigit5 = sNum[4]
sDigit6 = sNum[5]
Edit: The reason for needing a new variable for each character is the app that I'm using doesn't let the TTS engine run any code. I have to specifically declare a variable beforehand for it to be read out
Sample TTS input: "The number is [var:sDigit1] [pause] [var:sDigit2] [pause]..."
I've tried using [var:sNum[0]] [var:sNum[1]] to read from the map instead but it is not recognised.
Read this about dynamically creating variable names.
You could use a map in your stuation, which is cleaner and more groovy:
Map digits = [:]
OrigNum.replaceAll("\\s","").eachWithIndex { digit, index ->
digits[index] = digit
println digits[0] //first element == 1
println digits[-1] //last element == 6
println digits.size() // 6
Not 100% sure what you need, but to convert your input String to output you could use:
String origNum = "12 34 56"
String out = 'The number is ' + origNum.replaceAll( /\s/, '' ).collect{ "[var:$it]" }.join( ' [pause] ' )
The number is [var:1] [pause] [var:2] [pause] [var:3] [pause] [var:4] [pause] [var:5] [pause] [var:6]

Codename One - String replace with empty character

I like to normalize the phone numbers I get from the contacts in the local phone book. To do that, I want to remove any spaces, dashes, plus signs etc from the number.
CN1 only offers the String.replace(oldchar, newchar) function, instead of String operations. From this post,
How to represent empty char in Java Character class, this should be the way to go:
primaryPhoneNumber = primaryPhoneNumber.replace(' ', Character.MIN_VALUE);
however, this approach has several implications.
the char in the console output looks like a space, but its not. its a string terminator.
+49 234-63446
0 234 63446
when using this normalized string literal, including the Character.Min_Value in a database, the database query involving this string crashes:
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00
How to properly remove spaces and other chars and replace them with a "nothing" character?
You can use:
String p = StringUtils.replaceAll(phone, " ", "");

Multiple line strings in Apache Zeppelin

I have a very long string that must be broken into multiple lines. How can I do that in zeppelin?
The error is error: missing argument list for method + in class String:
Here is the more complete error message:
<console>:14: error: missing argument list for method + in class String
Unapplied methods are only converted to functions when a function type is expected.
You can make this conversion explicit by writing `$plus _` or `$plus(_)` instead of `$plus`.
val q = "select count(distinct productId),count(distinct date),count(distinct instock_inStockPercent), count(distinct instock_totalOnHand)," +
In Scala (using Apache Zeppelin as well as otherwise), you can write expressions covering multiple lines by wrapping them in parentheses:
val text = ("line 1"
+ "line 2")
Using parentheses
As Theus mentioned. One way is parentheses.
val text = ("line 1" +
"line 2")
Actually all multiline statements which break by semantics can be included by parentheses. like.
Using """
For multiline string. We can use """, like this,
val s = """line 1
The leading space before line2 and line3 will be included. If we don't want to to have the leading spaces. We can use like this.
val s = """line 1
Or using different strip character
val s = """line 1

Select then parse using substring and cast gives different result from computation

I parsed a string which I use substring to get the last 11 i think numbers of characters. I accomplished that one but when I use cast and round it gives a different result from the manual computation I did.
Here's my query
SELECT round(cast(SUBSTRING('351856040520298,241111;1R,141117003059,A,1420.4629N,12058.7028E,0.0,77,0.9,20000006;2R,141117003059,11,98.3,12.58,04.10,282098820.9', 123,11)as float)/3600, 0, 1)
This gives me a result of 583. But when I try to manually compute using the computation below
282098820.9 / 3600
The result is
Is there something wrong with my query?
Thanks for the help.
The problem is with your SUBSTRING. It only returns 2098820.9 instead of 282098820.9. Try using RIGHT to extract the last 11 characters.
SELECT round(cast(right('351856040520298,241111;1R,141117003059,A,1420.4629N,12058.7028E,0.0,77,0.9,20000006;2R,141117003059,11,98.3,12.58,04.10,282098820.9', 11)as float)/3600, 0, 1)

SSIS How to get part of a string by separator

I need an SSIS expression to get the left part of a string before the separator, and then put the new string in a new column. I checked in derived column, it seems no such expressions. Substring could only return string part with fixed length.
For example, with separator string - :
Art-Reading Should return Art
Art-Writing Should return Art
Science-chemistry Should return Science
I knew this could be done in MySQL with SUBSTRING_INDEX(), but I'm looking for an equivalent in SSIS, or at least in SQL Server
Better late than never, but I wanted to do this too and found this.
TOKEN(character_expression, delimiter_string, occurrence)
TOKEN("a little white dog"," ",2)
returns little the source is below
of course you can:
just configure your derived columns like this:
Here is the expression to make your life easier:
SUBSTRING(name,1,FINDSTRING(name,"-",1) - 1)
FYI, the second "1" means to get the first occurrence of the string "-"
expression to deal with string without "-"
FINDSTRING(name,"-",1) != 0 ? (SUBSTRING(name,1,FINDSTRING(name,"-",1) - 1)) : name
You can specify the length to copy in the SUBSTRING function and check for the location of the dash using CHARINDEX
SELECT SUBSTRING(#sString, 1, CHARINDEX('-',#sString) - 1)
For the SSIS expression it is pretty much the same code:
SUBSTRING(#[User::String], 1, FINDSTRING(#[User::String], "-", 1)-1)
if SUBSTRING length param returns -1 then it results in error,
"The length -1 is not valid for function "SUBSTRING". The length parameter cannot be negative. Change the length parameter to zero or a positive value."
