Load angular module at runtime with/without ocLazyLoad - angularjs

I have a couple of modules that I am trying to load at runtime based on some conditions. Currently I am using theocLazyLoad module but I am the loaded module's are not working at all. Everything loads fine, there are no errors being thrown.
I first declare my main module
var app = angular.module('myApp',['oc.lazyLoad'])
modules : [{
name : 'mod1',
files : [CDN-Path]
and then somewhere in my controller
console.log('module loaded!');
What I truly do inside the resolved promise is that I register a new state with ui-router, and within that state I use some of the directives defined in mod1, but they simply don't work. Is there further initialization that must be performed after the module loads?

You can lazy load any module/directive/controller/javascript(jquery as well) before view as below:
angular.module('app', ['ui.router', 'oc.lazyLoad']).config(['$stateProvider', '$ocLazyLoadProvider', function ($stateProvider, $ocLazyLoadProvider) {
modules : [{
name : 'TestModule',
files : ['js/TestModule.js', 'js/AppCtrl.js']
$stateProvider.state('index', {
url : "/", // root route
views : {
"lazyLoadView" : {
controller : 'AppCtrl', // This view will use AppCtrl loaded below in the resolve
templateUrl : 'partials/main.html'
resolve : { // Any property in resolve should return a promise and is executed before the view is loaded
loadMyCtrl : ['$ocLazyLoad', function ($ocLazyLoad) {
// you can lazy load files for an existing module
return $ocLazyLoad.load('TestModule');
Edit Plunker sample with controller and ui-bootstrap lazy loaded : https://plnkr.co/edit/pUq3b1TDkwdGQOftcWDL?p=preview


AngularJS- Dynamic Loading of script files using LazyLoad- Webpack

Right now in my index.html page I have links to two CDN files one being a JS and the other a CSS file.
in the the bottom of my body
and in the head
But right now they aren't needed on my homepage but just in one particular route. So I was looking into how I can lazy load these CDN resources when that routes gets hit i.e. /profile and only then ?
These aren't installed via bower or npm but just loaded via CDN url for example jquery. How in Angular 1 and Webpack can I lazy load that based on a route ?
Here you go.. It is made possible using oclazyload. Have a look at below code. A plunker linked below
I have a module Called myApp as below
angular.module('myApp', ['ui.router','oc.lazyLoad'])
.config(function ($stateProvider, $locationProvider, $ocLazyLoadProvider) {
.state("home", {
url: "/home",
templateUrl: "Home.html",
controller: 'homeCtrl',
resolve: {
loadMyCtrl: ['$ocLazyLoad', function ($ocLazyLoad) {
return $ocLazyLoad.load('homeCtrl.js');
.state("profile", {
templateUrl: "profile.html",
resolve: {
loadMyCtrl: ['$ocLazyLoad', function ($ocLazyLoad) {
return $ocLazyLoad.load('someModule.js');
I have another module called someApp as below
(function () {
var mynewapp=angular.module('someApp',['myApp']);
//your code to route from here!
mynewapp.controller("profileCtrl", function ($scope) {
console.log("reached profile controller");
I have a Live Plunker for your demo here
I have this JStaticLoader repo, to ease me loading static files whenever I need them. Though, it's not angularized, but you can still use it in your app as a directive, direct call it from your controller or even in the $rootScope to load your desired js.
JStaticLoader uses pure js and require no dependencies. It uses XMLHttpRequest to load the static files.
As an example use in your app.js (on $routeChangeStart or $stateChangeStart)
.run(['$rootScope', '$http', function ($rootScope, $http) {
var scriptExists = function (scriptId) {
if (document.getElementById(scriptId)) {
return true;
return false;
var addLazyScript = function (scriptId, url) {
if (scriptExists(scriptId)) return;
var js = document.createElement('script'),
els = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
js.id = scriptId;
js.src = url;
js.type = "text/javascript";
els.parentNode.insertBefore(js, els);
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function (e, current) {
if (current.controller === 'MainCtrl') {
var pathUrls = ["https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/materialize/0.97.8/js/materialize.js"],
scriptId = 'lazyScript1';
if (scriptExists(scriptId)) return;
JStaticLoader(pathUrls, { files: ['js'] }, function (vals, totalTime) {
/* Success */
for (var i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
var path = vals[i];
addLazyScript(scriptId, path);
}, function (error, totalTime) {
/* Error */
console.warn(error, totalTime);
On the sample above, I get a js file by using xhr, and append it as a script in my document once it's finished. The script will then be loaded from your browser's cache.
Strictly talking about the Webpack -
Webpack is just a module bundler and not a javascript loader.Since it packages files only from the local storage and doesn't load the files from the web(except its own chunks).ALthough other modules may be included into the webpack which may do the same process.
I will demonstrate only some of the modules which you can try,as there are many such defined on the web.
Therefore a better way to lazy load the cdn from the another domain would be using the javascript loader - script.js
It can be loaded in the following way -
var $script = require("script.js");
$script = ("https://somedomain.com/files/js/js.min.js or https://somedomain.com/files/css/css.min.css",function(){
//.... is ready now
This is possible because the script-loader just evaluates the javascript in the global context.
References here
Concerning about the issue of lazy loading the cdn into the angular app
The following library Lab JS is made specifically for this purpose.
It becomes very simple to load and bloack the javascript using this library.
Here is an example to demonstrate
<script src="LAB.js"></script>
You can use the require.js
Here is an example to load the jquery
paths: {
"jquery": "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.1/jquery.min"
waitSeconds: 40
You should also consider the following paragraph from this article.
Loading third party scripts async is key for having high performance web pages, but those scripts still block onload. Take the time to analyze your web performance data and understand if and how those not-so-important content/widgets/ads/tracking codes impact page load times.

Angularjs UI router submodules and URLs

I have an app where a module looks at the URL. If the URL has anything past the "Document" section then one state is set using the information beyond that URL. If the URL has nothing beyond that point, then another state is set. So the two URLs are ...
I am currently solving the problem as below. This works, but I really need the two states to be in the same module and I can't figure out how to make that happen.
So, instead of the second state applying to app.documentEmpty, I want it to apply to app.document.empty.
.module('app.document', [
/** #ngInject */
function config($stateProvider, $translatePartialLoaderProvider, msApiProvider, msNavigationServiceProvider)
$stateProvider.state('app.document', {
url : '/Document/{path:.*}/',
views : {
'content#app': {
templateUrl: 'app/main/apps/document/worksheet/worksheet.html',
controller : 'DocumentController as vm'
resolve : {
Documents: function (msApi)
return msApi.resolve('document.documents#get');
emptyDocuments: function (msApi)
return msApi.resolve('document.emptyList#get');
bodyClass: 'worksheet'
}).state('app.documentEmpty', {
url : '/Document/',
views : {
'content#app': {
templateUrl: 'app/main/apps/document/documentEmpty.html',
controller : 'DocumentController as vm'
resolve : {
Documents: function (msApi)
return msApi.resolve('document.documents#get');
emptyDocuments: function (msApi)
return msApi.resolve('document.emptyList#get');
bodyClass: 'document'
The problem is that whenever I remove the second state from above and replace it with something like what's below in the directory submodule, the URL is not recognized and the proper page is not loaded. There are several other submodules that do not depend upon URL and they work fine.
$stateProvider.state('app.document.directory', {
url : '/Document/',
views : {
'content#app': {
templateUrl: 'app/main/apps/document/directory/directory.html',
controller : 'DocumentController as vm'
bodyClass: 'directory'
Is it not possible to route to submodules via URLs?
You are confused with state and module.
The dot notation in ui-router indicates child states. So when you are doing this: $stateProvider.state('app.document.directory',{}), the views will only be populated IF your app.document exists and it has a ui-view directive in it. Added to that, the url parameters set in the state object will be appended AFTER the url defined in app.document state.
Say for your example above, you have defined a state like this:
$stateProvider.state('app.document', {
url : '/Document/{path:.*}/',
//... omitted for brevity
Now, this will work:
.state('app.documentEmpty', {
url : '/Document/',
//... omitted for brevity
because app.document and app.documentEmpty are sibling states.
On the other hand, this will not work:
$stateProvider.state('app.document.directory', {
url : '/Document/',
//... omitted for brevity
because app.document.directory is the child state of app.document (child states are defined by the dot notation, i.e .directory)
So in order to work, you have to rethink of your states hierarchy. In your app.document.directory module, define a state app.documentDirectory (note that there is no dot after the document):
$stateProvider.state('app.documentDirectory',{ //not app.document.directory, because this will make it a child state of app.document
//omitted for brevity

HomeController not defined error angularjs

I have been using oclazyload to reduce response time. While loading the homeController I can see that it has been loaded in network tab through oclazyload. But the controller is not triggered whie calling the html page. I am getting error like :
Error: [ng:areq] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.3.12/ng/areq?p0=homeController&p1=not%20aNaNunction%2C%20got%20undefined
my Routes config :
templateUrl: 'app/components/home/home.html',
controller: 'homeController',
{ // Any property in resolve should return a promise and is executed before the view is loaded
loadMyCtrl: ['$ocLazyLoad', function($ocLazyLoad) {
// you can lazy load files for an existing module
return $ocLazyLoad.load('app/components/home/homeController.js');}]}});
How can I resolve this?

Using ui-router and ocLazyLoad to load a controller and set the partial to it

I'm a complete Angular noob and trying to do some fancy stuff quickly, so forgive me if this is a dumb question.
I've created a website that uses routing, and I'm using ui-router for the routing instead of the standard Angular router. The theory is still the same - I have an index.html page in the root of my website which is the "master" or "host" page, and loginView.htm, which is a partial, exists in a separate directory.
The mainController for the project is loaded in the index.html page. Referencing this controller does NOT cause an error or problem.
What I'd like to do, in order to keep code manageable and small, is have the custom controller for a partial page lazy load when I load the partial, and then associate that partial page with the newly loaded controller. Makes sense, right? I don't want to load all the controllers by default, because that's a waste of time and space.
So my structure looks like this (if it matters to anyone):
This is my loginController code. For testing purposes, I have made the mainController code match this exactly.
var loginController = function ($scope, $translate) {
$scope.changeLanguage = function (key) {$translate.use(key); };
angular.module('app').controller('loginController', loginController);
Finally, here is my routing code:
function config($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $ocLazyLoadProvider) {
.state('login', {
url: "/admin/login",
templateUrl: "app/admin/login/loginView.html",
controller: loginController,
resolve: {
loadPlugin: function ($ocLazyLoad) {
return $ocLazyLoad.load([
name: 'loginController',
files: ['app/admin/login/loginController.js']
.run(function ($rootScope, $state) {
$rootScope.$state = $state;
Now - if I remove the whole "resolve" section, and change the controller to "mainController", everything works. The page loads, the buttons work, they call the "changeLanguage" function and everything is wonderful.
But I want the "changeLanguage" feature to reside in the loginController because that's the only page that uses it. So when the code looks like it does above, an error fires("Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]") and the partial page fails to load.
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong, and I'm not finding what I need via Google (maybe I just don't know the right question to ask).
Looking through the docs I cannot find the name property for ocLazyLoad#load.
Try the following:
resolve: {
loadPlugin: function ($ocLazyLoad) {
return $ocLazyLoad.load(['app/admin/login/loginController.js']);
Or, pre configure it in a config block:
app.config(function ($ocLazyLoadProvider) {
modules: [{
name: 'loginController',
files: ['app/admin/login/loginController.js']
// then load it as:

Angular "state already defined" error after running concat/uglify

I am developing an AngularJS application. To ship the code in production, I'm using this Grunt configuration/task:
grunt.registerTask( 'compile', [
'sass:compile', 'copy:compile_assets', 'ngAnnotate', 'concat:compile_js', 'uglify', 'index:compile'
It's really hard to debug, and it's kind of a question to people who already ran into such problems and can point to some direction.
My main module is including those submodules:
.module('controlcenter', [
The error I get is following:
Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module controlcenter due to:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module controlcenter.websites due to:
Error: State 'websites'' is already defined
If I remove the websites module, I get the same error for
I am using the ui-router to handle routing inside the app.
After my build process (for integration testing), everything works just fine:
grunt.registerTask( 'build', [
'clean', 'html2js', 'jshint', 'sass:build',
'concat:build_css', 'copy:build_app_assets', 'copy:build_vendor_assets',
'copy:build_appjs', 'copy:build_vendorjs', 'copy:build_vendorcss', 'index:build', 'karmaconfig',
So maybe ngAnnotate or or concat/uglify are doing weird things here?
It has something to do with my configuration of the modules. Here is the code:
config.$inject = ['$stateProvider'];
function config($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state( 'websites', {
url: '/websites',
views: {
"main": {
controller: 'WebsitesController',
templateUrl: 'websites/websites.tpl.html'
When I change the name of the state to websites_2, I get an error
with 'websites_2 is already defined'.
When I remove the module completely, the next one hast the same problem inside the config file. So is the structure wrong?
Update 2:
The problem seems concat related.
It takes every JS file and adds it one after another to one, bigger file. All of my modules are at the end. The last module always has the problem with 'state already defined'. So it's not just the order of the modules appending to each other, it's something elsse...
Update 3:
I placed my code (I've excluded every Controller-Code and functions, just the scaffold) in a gist. This is the outcome after my compile process, without uglifying it.
You have multiple files that contains a config function to configure your module, like this:
.module('controlcenter.websites', [])
function config() {
// ...
The problem is that after you concatenate all files you end up with a big file with multiple declarations of config. Because of JavaScript's variable hoisting, all declarations are moved to the top and only the very last of them is evaluated, and this one is:
function config($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state( 'websites', {
url: '/websites',
views: {
"main": {
controller: 'WebsitesController',
templateUrl: 'websites/overview/websites.tpl.html'
data : {requiresLogin : true }
Hence, each time you .config(config) a module, you are telling Angular to configure your module with that particular configuration function, which means that it executes multiple times and tries to define the state websites more than once.
Wrap each JavaScript file code with a closure. This way you will avoid declaring a variable/function more than once:
(function (angular) {
'use strict';
.module('controlcenter.website.details', ['ui.router'])
config.$inject = ['$stateProvider'];
function config($stateProvider) {
.state( 'websiteDetails', {
url: '/websiteDetails/:id',
views: {
"main": {
controller: 'WebsiteDetailsController',
templateUrl: 'websites/details/website.details.tpl.html'
data : {requiresLogin : true }
.state( 'websiteDetails.categories', {
url: '/categories',
views: {
"detailsContent": {
templateUrl: 'websites/details/website.details.categories.tpl.html'
data : {requiresLogin : true }
I strongly recommend you wrap your files into closures. However, if you still don't want to do that, you can name your functions according to their respective modules. This way your configuration function for controlcenter.website.details would become controlcenterWebsiteDetailsConfig. Another option is to wrap your code during build phase with grunt-wrap.
window.angular and closures: This is a technique I like to use on my code when I'm going to uglify it. By wrapping your code into a closure and giving it a parameter called angular with the actual value of window.angular you are actually creating a variable that can be uglified. This code, for instance:
(function (angular) {
// You could also declare a variable, instead of a closure parameter:
// var angular = window.angular;
angular.module('app', ['controllers']);
angular.module('controllers', []);
// ...
Could be easily uglified to this (notice that every reference to angular is replaced by a):
On the other side, an unwrapped code snippet like this:
angular.module('app', ['controllers']);
angular.module('controllers', []);
Would become:
For more on closures, check this post and this post.
If you check it in the concatenated file, do you have the states defined twice? Can it be that you are copying the files twice? Check the temporary folders from where you are taking the files (also in grunt config, what you are copying and what you are deleting...).
So I had the same problem but with the following setup:
yeoman angular-fullstack (using typescript)
With the angular-fullstack configuration, the closures were already implemented (as Danilo Valente suggests) so I struggled quite a bit until I found out that in Webstorm, I had the typescript compiler enabled which compiled all of my *.ts files to *.js. But since Webstorm is so 'smart', it does not show these compiled files in the working tree. Grunt however concatenated of course all files regardless if it is typescript of JS. That's why - in the end- all of my states were defined twice.
So the obvious fix: Disabled typescript compiler of webstorm and deleted all the generated *.js files and it works.
