Although I have good understanding of beam search but I have a query regarding beam search. When we select n best paths should we sort them or simply we should keep them in the order in which they exist and just discard other expensive nodes?
I searched a lot about this but every where it says that keep best. Nothing is found about should we sort them or not?
I think that we should sort them because by applying sorting we will reach to goal node quickly. But I want confirmation of my sorting idea and I did not found it till now.
I will be thankful to you if you can help me in improving my concepts.
When we select n best paths should we sort them or simply we should keep them in the order in which they exist and just discard other expensive nodes?
We just sort them and keep the top k.
At each step after the initialization you sort the beam_size * vocabulary_size hypotheses and choose the top k. For each of the beam_size * vocabulary_size hypotheses, its weight/probability is the product of all probabilities along its history normalized by the length(length normalization).
One problem arises from the fact that the completed hypotheses may have different lengths. Because models generally assign lower probabilities to longer strings, a naive algorithm would also choose shorter strings for y. This was not an issue during the earlier steps of decoding; due to the breadth-first nature of beam search all the hypotheses being compared had the same length. The usual solution to this is to apply some form of length normalization to each of the hypotheses, for example simply dividing the negative log probability by the number of words:
For more information please refer to this answer.
****Beam search uses breadth-first search to build its search tree. At each level of the tree, it generates all successors of the states at the current level, ***
sorting them in increasing order of heuristic cost
***. However, it only stores a predetermined number of best states at each level (called the beam width). Only those states are expanded next. The greater the beam width, the fewer states are pruned. With an infinite beam width, no states are pruned and beam search is identical to breadth-first search.
NOTE: (I got this information from WikipediA during my search.)may be its helpful.****
I'm familiar with most path finding and graph search algorithms, but I'm not sure how I can solve this dynamically and I'm sure I've overlooked something .
Currently, my approach is very static and hard-coded. This is about a single player tetris like game for which I create the AI.
The current and next piece are known, no further. Since the branching factor is pretty wide, I only look at the best 3 states of all possible states for the current piece and then again the best 3 states that are generated with the next piece.
To get a deeper look at the future at depth 3 I generate all states for all possible pieces, get the best and calculate the average for them. This could be continued for further depths and only depend on CPU power.
Since I only take the best 3, then the next best 3 and then only the best to calculate the average, this doesn't seem balanced. I would need something that dynamically selects and expands a certain search node depending on its score and the score of its children..
Do have a more informed search strategy, you can look at
Expecti-Max algorithm, which is a version of Alpha-Beta search for stochastic problems, or
Monte-Carlo Tree Search (or UCT in particular).
I'm new to that area and I wondering mostly what the state-of-the-art is and where I can read about it.
Let's assume that I just have a key/value store and I have some distance(key1,key2) defined somehow (not sure if it must be a metric, i.e. if the triangle inequality must hold always).
What I want is mostly a search(key) function which returns me all items with keys up to a certain distance to the search-key. Maybe that distance-limit is configureable. Maybe this is also just a lazy iterator. Maybe there can also be a count-limit and an item (key,value) is with some probability P in the returned set where P = 1/distance(key,search-key) or so (i.e., the perfect match would certainly be in the set and close matches at least with high probability).
One example application is fingerprint matching in MusicBrainz. They use the AcoustId fingerprint and have defined this compare function. They use the PostgreSQL GIN Index and I guess (although I haven't fully understood/read the acoustid-server code) the GIN Partial Match Algorithm but I haven't fully understand wether that is what I asked for and how it works.
For text, what I have found so far is to use some phonetic algorithm to simplify words based on their pronunciation. An example is here. This is mostly to break the search-space down to a smaller space. However, that has several limitations, e.g. it must still be a perfect match in the smaller space.
But anyway, I am also searching for a more generic solution, if that exists.
There is no (fast) generic solution, each application will need different approach.
Neither of the two examples actually does traditional nearest neighbor search. AcoustID (I'm the author) is just looking for exact matches, but it searches in a very high number of hashes in hope that some of them will match. The phonetic search example uses metaphone to convert words to their phonetic representation and is also only looking for exact matches.
You will find that if you have a lot of data, exact search using huge hash tables is the only thing you can realistically do. The problem then becomes how to convert your fuzzy matching to exact search.
A common approach is to use locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) with a smart hashing method, but as you can see in your two examples, sometimes you can get away with even simpler approach.
Btw, you are looking specifically for text search, the simplest way you can do it split your input to N-grams and index those. Depending on how your distance function is defined, that might give you the right candidate matches without too much work.
I suggest you take a look at FLANN Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbors. Fuzzy search in big data is also known as approximate nearest neighbors.
This library offers you different metric, e.g Euclidian, Hamming and different methods of clustering: LSH or k-means for instance.
The search is always in 2 phases. First you feed the system with data to train the algorithm, this is potentially time consuming depending on your data.
I successfully clustered 13 millions data in less than a minute though (using LSH).
Then comes the search phase, which is very fast. You can specify a maximum distance and/or the maximum numbers of neighbors.
As Lukas said, there is no good generic solution, each domain will have its tricks to make it faster or find a better way using the inner property of the data your using.
Shazam uses a special technique with geometrical projections to quickly find your song. In computer vision we often use the BOW: Bag of words, which originally appeared in text retrieval.
If you can see your data as a graph, there are other methods for approximate matching using spectral graph theory for instance.
Let us know.
Depends on what your key/values are like, the Levenshtein algorithm (also called Edit-Distance) can help. It calculates the least number of edit operations that are necessary to modify one string to obtain another string.
Given a k-dimensional continuous (euclidean) space filled with rather unpredictably moving/growing/shrinking  hyperspheres I need to repeatedly find the hypersphere whose surface is nearest to a given coordinate. If some hyperspheres are of the same distance to my coordinate, then the biggest hypersphere wins. (The total count of hyperspheres is guaranteed to stay the same over time.)
My first thought was to use a KDTree but it won't take the hyperspheres' non-uniform volumes into account.
So I looked further and found BVH (Bounding Volume Hierarchies) and BIH (Bounding Interval Hierarchies), which seem to do the trick. At least in 2-/3-dimensional space. However while finding quite a bit of info and visualizations on BVHs I could barely find anything on BIHs.
My basic requirement is a k-dimensional spatial data structure that takes volume into account and is either super fast to build (off-line) or dynamic with barely any unbalancing.
Given my requirements above, which data structure would you go with? Any other ones I didn't even mention?
Edit 1: Forgot to mention: hypershperes are allowed (actually highly expected) to overlap!
Edit 2: Looks like instead of "distance" (and "negative distance" in particular) my described metric matches the power of a point much better.
I'd expect a QuadTree/Octree/generalized to 2^K-tree for your dimensionality of K would do the trick; these recursively partition space, and presumably you can stop when a K-subcube (or K-rectangular brick if the splits aren't even) does not contain a hypersphere, or contains one or more hyperspheres such that partitioning doesn't separate any, or alternatively contains the center of just a single hypersphere (probably easier).
Inserting and deleting entities in such trees is fast, so a hypersphere changing size just causes a delete/insert pair of operations. (I suspect you can optimize this if your sphere size changes by local additional recursive partition if the sphere gets smaller, or local K-block merging if it grows).
I haven't worked with them, but you might also consider binary space partitions. These let you use binary trees instead of k-trees to partition your space. I understand that KDTrees are a special case of this.
But in any case I thought the insertion/deletion algorithms for 2^K trees and/or BSP/KDTrees was well understood and fast. So hypersphere size changes cause deletion/insertion operations but those are fast. So I don't understand your objection to KD-trees.
I think the performance of all these are asymptotically the same.
I would use the R*Tree extension for SQLite. A table would normally have 1 or 2 dimensional data. SQL queries can combine multiple tables to search in higher dimensions.
The formulation with negative distance is a little weird. Distance is positive in geometry, so there may not be much helpful theory to use.
A different formulation that uses only positive distances may be helpful. Read about hyperbolic spaces. This might help to provide ideas for other ways to describe distance.
I have read about Levenshtein distance about the calculation of the distance between the two distinct words.
I have one source string and i have to match it with all 10,000 target words. The closest word should be returned.
The problem is I have given a list of 10,000 target words, and input source words is also huge.... So what shortest and efficient algorithm to apply here. Levenshtein distance calculation for each n every combination(brute force logic) would be very time consuming.
Any hints, or ideas are most welcome.
I guess it depends a little on how the words are structured. For example this guy improved the implementation based on the fact that he processes his words in order and does not repeat calculations for common prefixes. But if all your 10,000 words are totally different that won't do you much good. It's written in python so might be a bit of work involved to port to C.
There are also some kinda homebrew algorithms out there (with which I mean there is no official paper written about it) but that might do the trick.
There's two common approaches for this, and I've blogged about both. The simpler one to implement is BK-Trees - a tree datastructure that speeds lookup based on levenshtein distance by only searching relevant parts of the tree. They'll probably be perfectly sufficient for your use-case.
A more complicated but more efficient approach is Levenshtein Automata. This works by constructing an NFA that recognizes all words within levenshtein distance x of your target string, then iterating through it and the dictionary in lockstep, effectively performing a merge join on them.
I've read in one of my AI books that popular algorithms (A-Star, Dijkstra) for path-finding in simulation or games is also used to solve the well-known "15-puzzle".
Can anyone give me some pointers on how I would reduce the 15-puzzle to a graph of nodes and edges so that I could apply one of these algorithms?
If I were to treat each node in the graph as a game state then wouldn't that tree become quite large? Or is that just the way to do it?
A good heuristic for A-Star with the 15 puzzle is the number of squares that are in the wrong location. Because you need at least 1 move per square that is out of place, the number of squares out of place is guaranteed to be less than or equal to the number of moves required to solve the puzzle, making it an appropriate heuristic for A-Star.
A quick Google search turns up a couple papers that cover this in some detail: one on Parallel Combinatorial Search, and one on External-Memory Graph Search
General rule of thumb when it comes to algorithmic problems: someone has likely done it before you, and published their findings.
This is an assignment for the 8-puzzle problem talked about using the A* algorithm in some detail, but also fairly straightforward:
The graph theoretic way to solve the problem is to imagine every configuration of the board as a vertex of the graph and then use a breath-first search with pruning based on something like the Manhatten Distance of the board to derive a shortest path from the starting configuration to the solution.
One problem with this approach is that for any n x n board where n > 3 the game space becomes so large that it is not clear how you can efficiently mark the visited vertices. In other words there is no obvious way to assess if the current configuration of the board is identical to one that has previously been discovered through traversing some other path. Another problem is that the graph size grows so quickly with n (it's approximately (n^2)!) that it is just not suitable for a brue-force attack as the number of paths becomes computationally infeasible to traverse.
This paper by Ian Parberry A Real-Time Algorithm for the (n^2 − 1) - Puzzle describes a simple greedy algorithm that iteritively arrives at a solution by completing the first row, then the first column, then the second row... It arrives at a solution almost immediately, however the solution is far from optimal; essentially it solves the problem the way a human would without leveraging any computational muscle.
This problem is closely related to that of solving the Rubik's cube. The graph of all game states it too large to solve by brue force, but there is a fairly simple 7 step method that can be used to solve any cube in about 1 ~ 2 minutes by a dextrous human. This path is of course non-optimal. By learning to recognise patterns that define sequences of moves the speed can be brought down to 17 seconds. However, this feat by Jiri is somewhat superhuman!
The method Parberry describes moves only one tile at a time; one imagines that the algorithm could be made better up by employing Jiri's dexterity and moving multiple tiles at one time. This would not, as Parberry proves, reduce the path length from n^3, but it would reduce the coefficient of the leading term.
Remember that A* will search through the problem space proceeding down the most likely path to goal as defined by your heurestic.
Only in the worst case will it end up having to flood fill the entire problem space, this tends to happen when there is no actual solution to your problem.
Just use the game tree. Remember that a tree is a special form of graph.
In your case the leaves of each node will be the game position after you make one of the moves that is available at the current node.
Here you go
Also. be mindful that with the A-Star algorithm, at least, you will need to figure out a admissible heuristic to determine whether a possible next step is closer to the finished route than another step.
For my current experience, on how to solve an 8 puzzle.
it is required to create nodes. keep track of each step taken
and get the manhattan distance from each following steps, taking/going to the one with the shortest distance.
update the nodes, and continue until reaches the goal