Change cursor to hourglass in Win10 IoT XAML - cursor

I have a method where I am posting a tweet and would like to change the cursor on the Raspberry Pi to the hourglass whilst this is being performed. the this.Cursor is not available and I can't see how to change the cursor.

Probably what you're looking for is the answer here:
I tried the following code in the MainPage's Loaded event handler and I got the hourglass cursor at the end:
CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().PointerCursor = new CoreCursor(CoreCursorType.Wait, 13);
As the forum thread says if you need to change the cursor just for a UI element you need to write some custom code to handle that.
Here, you can find information about what other cursor types are supported and what unique identifiers are associated with them:
Also, a similar SO question: Change cursor in Windows Store Apps
Hope it helps!


Can i recreate a CompositionContainer?

i have a wpf application with login window before displaying the mainwindow.
i use mef to load all modules/parts. before the mainwindow start i check the user login data against the parts which i display then. the parts a Shared and NonShared.
private IEnumerable<Lazy<IComponent, IComponentMetadata>> _components;
[ImportMany("Resourcen", typeof(ResourceDictionary))]
private IEnumerable<ResourceDictionary> _importResourcen;
var catalog = new AggregateCatalog();
catalog.Catalogs.Add(new AssemblyCatalog(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));
catalog.Catalogs.Add(new DirectoryCatalog(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory));
_mefcontainer = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
_mefcontainer.ComposeParts(somepartwithaSharedExport, this);
this all works fine. but now i tried the "relogin".
_mefcontainer = null;
//here the stuff that works from above
first i thought it works, but it seems that the parts i create the first time still exist in memory and i have no chance to "kill" them. so i got OutOfMemory Exception when i relogin enough times.
that why i use this approach now
i dont feel happy with this.
is there a way to cleanup the Compositioncontainer and create a new one?
You could try to call _mefcontainer.RemovePart(somepartwithaSharedExport). More details here:
For the non-shared part you can call CompositionContainer.ReleaseExport:
For more info have a try the sample code from this answer.
As far as I know, the shared parts cannot be released without disposing the container. If you go with that path, then you will also have to make sure that no references to these objects are kept to allow for the GC to collect them. The documentation reference from mrtig's answer provides a lot of useful details concerning the lifetime of parts and you should probably study it along with the answer by weshaggard to a similar question. It also explains what happens to disposable parts.

Insert values in database at some intervals from a visual c++ program/project

I want to create a visual c++ program that automatically inserts some random values and the current system datetime in the database at particular intervals. I would be using the srand() function for this. I am not sure how to do this. I was able to achieve this using the winForm projects and scheduling it to run every 30 mins using Task Scheduler but the issue is that every time an empty form pops up and until and unless i close it the values are not entered. What i need is that all these happen on their own and the window should not pop up as its empty. Is winform the right way to achieve this and if not then what kinf of project should i choose. Maybe timers, threads...Please shed some light as i am relatively new to this.
PS: Here's the code
String^ constring = L"datasource=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password=root";
MySqlConnection^ conDataBase = gcnew MySqlConnection(constring);
MySqlCommand^ cmdDataBase = gcnew MySqlCommand("INSERT INTO `data`.`test` (`datetime`,`temp`,`pressure`) VALUES ('"+dt+"','"+rand_temp+"','"+rand_pressure+"');",conDataBase); MySqlDataReader^ myReader;
myReader = cmdDataBase->ExecuteReader();
//MessageBox::Show("Data Inserted");
The above code is inside my formload method
Use a console application project instead of a winforms project
You should put the code in the "Main" method and not in the constructor of your Form. You do not Need a Form at all...
Also I do not recommend using a console application, because this will popup a Console-Window...
please share your code for deeper insight.
the program is writing to the DB the values, but the DB won't be updated(A.K.A committed) until you'll close the connection/do manual commit. again share your code please. i would advise not to use winforms if you don't need a form. you can use a variety of different ways to achieve DB update. for example, you can use sleep so the thread will work once in a while(depends on how much u gave him on the sleep method).
in anyway, give us more information so we can help you
after the cmdDataBase->ExecuteReader(); use the MySQLConnection.commit() in order to commit the transaction. take all your code to the main function rather then in the creation of the form. it doesn't seems you need a form at all, right?
use the Sleep method to wait for some time if you need(read here) for more information or search google.
anything more?

Delphi XE3: DBLookupCombo Dropdown side effect

We are porting a D6 application to XE3.
In D6 I inherited a complex code which used shared datasets and datasources everywhere.
This worked well in D6.
After we could run the XE3 version, we experienced that lookup combo boxes changed.
On dropdown they reset the other dropdown's keyvalues (everywhere in the program)!
If two dropdowns use on dataset, and if I click on the first to down it, and select, on down the second keyvalue changed to NULL; and reverse - if I click on the second, the first's keyvalue change to NULL...
This is global in this program, so I need to find fast solution.
May somebody have any information about this "bug" (or "feature"? :-) ), or have a solution in his/her hand?
Thanks for any answer!
This is intentional. Take a look at the implemention of TCustomDBLookupComboBox.ListLinkDataChanged; in Vcl.DBCtrls. You will find the comment:
{ Fix for Defect# 204311, Non-bound control should clear when list datasource changes }
Solution: put your datasets on a data module. Instantiate that for every form, so every form works with a separate instance of the dataset. Make sure you set the name of the data module to an empty string after instantiation, or the Delphi streaming system will still use the first correctly named instance when hooking up the form's datasources with the datasets.
When the data module(s) are in the form's uses clause (interface or implementation doesn't matter) the IDE will still offer you their components through the Object Inspector.
You will want to put the database connection on a different data module that you only instantiate once (possibly automatically).

CEF disable address bar

I am using CEF3 and want to hardcode and disable the address bar of the browser. I am not finding the right place in the code base to do the same. Any pointers would be of great help.
Either through the C++ or Javascript methods would help.
Are you using cefclient? I don't think there's a clean way to turn it off in the standard version of cefclient.
However, in the brackets-shell fork of cefclient there's a #define you can use to toggle it on/off cleanly. Just search for references to SHOW_TOOLBAR_UI (it's only used in four files). I'm guessing it wouldn't be too hard to manually apply those diffs back onto a clean copy of cefclient (you probably don't want to take the brackets-shell fork as-is – it's not very generic).
You can build a CEF application using the binary, just like the WIKI does. Please see the github project for a reference
I realize this question is old but I had the same question and found the solution.
In the cefclient example, the address bar is drawn within the RootWindowGtk::CreateRootWindow function.
Delete the gtk_container_add function call that adds the GtkToolItem* corresponding to the address bar and the address bar will be gone.

"The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this." Error in WPF?

I am creating a xps document as below.
Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
//read embedded xpsDocument file
Stream helpStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceNameOfContext);
if (helpStream != null)
Package package = Package.Open(helpStream);
string inMemoryPackageName = "memorystream://" + topicName + ".xps";
Uri packageUri = new Uri(inMemoryPackageName);
//Add package to PackageStore
PackageStore.AddPackage(packageUri, package);
docXps = new XpsDocument(package, CompressionOption.Maximum, inMemoryPackageName);
return docXps;
When i am trying to get docXps.GetFixedDocumentSequence();
I am getting the above error. Can anyone help?
Your problem has nothing to do with the code surrounding the creation or use of the XPS document. It has everything to do with what thread you are running under.
You will receive the The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this error whenever any of the following are attempted on a MTA thread:
You construct any object derived from FrameworkElement (including Controls and Panels)
You construct any object derived from BitmapEffect
You construct any object derived from TextComposition
You construct any object derived from HwndSource
You access the current InputManager
You access the primary KeyboardDevice, StylusDevice, or TabletDevice
You attempt to change the focus on a FrameworkContentElement
You provide mouse, keyboard or IME input to any control that accepts text input
You make WPF content visible or update its layout
You manipulate the visual tree in such a way as to cause a re-evaluation for rendering
Several other changes, mostly having to do with display and input
For example, I received this error last year when I tried to deserialize some XAML that contained <Button> and other WPF objects from within a WCF service. The problem was simple to solve: I just switch to a STA thread to do the processing.
Obviously most work with XPS documents will trigger one or more of the above conditions. In your case I suspect that GetFixedDocumentSequence ends up using TextComposition or one of its subclasses.
No doubt the my solution of switching to a STA thread will also work for you, but first you need to figure out how your code that works with XpsDocuments is getting executed run from a MTA thread. Normally any code from from the GUI (eg a button press) is automatically run in a STA thread.
Is it possible that your code that manipulates XPS Documents may be being executed without a GUI? From a user-created thread? From a WCF service or a web service? From an ASPX page? Track that down and you'll probably find your solution.
If that doesn't work, let us know the details of the path through which GetFixedDocumentSequence is called, so we can diagnose it. The directly surrounding code isn't nearly as important as the call stack and how it is originally being invoked. If it is hard to explain you probably should add a call stack to prevent misunderstandings and help us diagnose the problem further, or tell you how to start a STA thread in your particular situation.
Is your code trying to access the xps doc from a background thread? If this is the case, you'll want to use the dispatcher. Info on that here.
If this doesn't help, could you post the code where you're actually calling GetFixedDocumentSequence()?
