Angular Satellizer removing JWT from local storage when expired? - angularjs

I am using Satellizer along with Ionic and Laravel with JWT-Auth for the API.
I am trying to get refreshing tokens working but I think Satellizer is causing me issues.
If I have a token TTL of 5 minutes and log into my app the token is stored correctly. However, when 5 minutes pass and I try to use my app again the token is removed by itself from local storage.
I have searched the Satellizer code but cannot see where this happens, as even if the token has expired I still want to send it in the header so I can resend back a new one.
Any information on this? Thanks.

You are looking for:
I suppose
As far as I can see there seems not to be an easy workaround for this, except for changing package code and doing a pull request. I would suggest adding a config variable to SatellizerConfig like deleteTokenOnExpiration and only delete it if it is set to true, if it is true as default, all tests should pass.


Automate token grabbing from postman in React application

NOTE: I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this, so please let me know and I can move.
Currently, local development for an authorization module I am working on is quite painful. To get it running we are doing the following:
Make a postman request
Look in headers in location and grabbing a token
Using that token in our local url
The token expires quite quickly and whenever we reload the page or go to a new route we need to repeat the steps above. I'm reaching out to all for any resources in integrating postman in our React application to automate this. Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated.

ng-token-auth, ionic, devise_token_auth; token get lost randomly in xhr request

I have inherited a Ionic app which uses ng-token-auth+devise_token_auth to handle the authentication and the session between front and back.
What happens is quite strange. Sometimes (specially with slow connections) the request (or the response) get lost and after that I get only 401 http errors.
I know that that everytime I send a request the token expires, but when the xhr request is cancelled (by the server I suppose, or by the browser, I don't know) the token is expired without having been replaced by the new one generated by devise_token_auth gem.
I know Rails but I'm not familiar with Angular, neither Ionic and I don't know exactly where to look.
After reading a lot of SO answers where noone seems having my problem (which happens locally and in staging/production), I checked the following
storage is set as localStorage.
config.batch_request_buffer_throttle = 20.seconds
there is no pattern between cancelled requests, sometimes I perform get for the username, sometimes a post or a put to a comment.
Is not a CORS problem because it would happen always or never. (moreover I'm using a proxy as explained in ionic blog)
Maybe it could be related to provisional headers chrome bug. But, how can I be sure?
What puzzles my is that it happens only sometimes and not always. (and there are no errors in the backend)
The only workaround I have found in the devise_token_auth documentation is change config.change_headers_on_each_request to false avoiding in this way the regeneration of the token.
But I don't like this solution because I think it hides the real problem in an insecure way instead of solving the token loss. Any suggestion?
Kindly, please check this thing:
Version: which version of this gem (and ng-token-auth, jToker or Angular2-Token if applicable) are you using?
Request and response headers: these can be found in the "Network" tab of your browser's web inspector.
Rails Stacktrace: this can be found in the log/development.log of your API.
Environmental Info: How is your application different from the reference implementation?
This may include (but is not limited to) the following details:
Routes: are you using some crazy namespace, scope, or constraint?
Gems: are you using MongoDB, Grape, RailsApi, ActiveAdmin, etc.?
Custom Overrides: what have you done in terms of [custom controller overrides]
Custom Frontend: are you using ng-token-auth, jToker, Angular2-
Token, or something else?

Adding auth token to default headers vs. using $http interceptors

I've been diving into authentication between Angular and Express, and decided on using token auth with JWTs and the npm jsonwebtoken package. I've got everything set up on the server side and am receiving the token on the client side, but now I need to know how to make it send the token with every request.
From what I've found, most resources out there say to use an $http interceptor to transform every outgoing request. But people at work have always used $httpProvider.headers.defaults.common["Auth"] = token in a .config block, which seems a lot more straightforward to me. Here's a blog explaining how to do it both ways.
But the accepted answer on this stackoverflow post says it would be better to use interceptors, but he doesn't give a reason why.
Any insight would be helpful.
After a bunch more research and a conversation on Reddit, it seems like the best way to do it is through the interceptor. Doing the setup in the .config or .run blocks may be good for checking if the user is already authenticated when they first load the app (if there is a token in local storage), but won't be possible for handling dynamic changes like logging out or logging in after the app is loaded. I'm pretty sure you could do it through the $http default headers, but might as well just do it in one place.
Hopefully this helps someone in the future!

Refreshing JWT in Express.js

I'm using JWT for authentication in my Angular.js application, with Express.js on the server side.
Basically, when user logs in, a new token is created (using and send back to the client. If token is valid also on the client side (angular.js part, using, a new user is created and the token gets stored in a cookie.
So, each request to certain path on the server is protected by a token validation. However, my token has an expiration time. Now let's say for the sake of argument that expiration time is 30 seconds; user can actively use my application for 30 seconds and after that, he gets logged out. That's not exactly user friendly.
So what I did was that with each request to the server, I create a NEW token and send it back in the head of response. When I receive the response in my Angular.js client-side, I read the token and overwrite the token in the cookie. That way, as long as client is active (or rather, makes requests to the server side), the token gets refreshed.
Now I'd like to know the following:
Is such an approach correct? The downside is, that token gets created at each request and send back in each head of response. Cookies get overwritten quite often (performance issues?)
What would be the correct approach?
Is it OK that the token expires if there are no requests to the server? Client might still be using the application, however, if he's only writing on client side something (or reading), the token does not get refreshed.
Thanks for your time and responses!
Yes, that is a valid approach. It is the same approach many take,
including the popular Angular module ng-token-auth. You might
consider saving the tokens to local storage, with a fall back to
cookie storage if the browser doesn't support it (see for coverage).
I would do what you describe.
One solution is to use $interval to basically ping the API. All you need to do is send in a token a get a new one back (i.e., in headers like you are now). Keep track of how many "pings" you've sent. You can reset the number of "pings" upon certain actions like on ui-router's $stateChangeSuccess (i.e., navigating to a new view) or anything you like, including submitting a form or other non-ping requests. When the number of "pings" reaches your threshold, warn the user that their session is expiring, and after a delay, erase the stored token and log them out. Check your ping responses for authentication errors from the API, indicating that the user might need to be logged out and/or redirected.
Perhaps you just gave 30 seconds as an example token lifespan. I would recommend getting closer to the browsing session timeout that you want. As points of reference, consider that the Ruby gem devise_token_auth defaults to 2 weeks and that .NET defaults to 10 hours. Your needs may vary.
The problem is also addressed by using refresh tokens. Your access token has a short life and is verified by signature. The refresh token has a longer life and is used to get new access tokens.
When the refresh token is used to get a new access token, that is a good time to do extra checks: has the refresh token been revoked? Is this user account still valid?
Both tokens can be stored in secure cookies and supplied on every request. Doing this allows your server to transparently use the refresh token when needed and set new access tokens in cookie responses.
This is the approach we've taken for Express-Stormpath and is documented in our Authentication section of the documentation. If you'd like to offload your authentication layer, I'd suggest Stormpath. (Disclaimer: I work there, and wrote that module).

Google cloud print OAuth scope not found

I'm creating an app that prints out a pdf from the server after it has been generated.
When using google cloud print I keep getting:
User credentials required
Error 403
Note: making this print request in the simulating page works fine, but that's because I'm already logged into my google account.
After doing some research I found out I need to use OAuth to get an access token to send with the request to make a print job.
And every single page I can find tells me to redirect me to:, which gives me a 404 error, neither can I find it in the google playground, and using any older versions of authentication ends up in the request to sign in being flagged as an attack from a hacker.
Is there any way around this?
I was stuck on this for a while. The docs don't tell you which scope to use or how to use it. I haven't implemented a Google API using OAuth2 yet, so I didn't have an understanding of how the scoping works.
It turns out the scope is just the base API route for CloudPrint.
To make sure your refresh_token or access_token is scoped properly to use the CloudPrint API you need to use have the following string in your scope object:
