Bugzilla, how to search in the description of the bug reports - bugzilla

I am searching for bug reports in Mozilla Bugzilla, and I am trying to search for my strings in the description of the bug reports.
I do see the options to search in Summary, and Comments in the custom search.
And I know description is considered as a comment.
But is there any way to only search within description?


Old dataset image to excel file

I have a series of pictures from some old documents which I want to digitize them and convert them to excel file or other things like this.what is the best way to do this?
Depending on the pictures you are using, you might want to consider looking into a toolkit that supports both scanning in images and OCRing them such as the LEADTOOLS Document SDK, which has TWAIN and WIA scanning features for scanning in the document images as well as OCR features can be used to convert images into document formats. As I work with the vendor of this toolkit, I can suggest a number of approaches to improve OCR recognition of the text in your images, if this is indeed something that is suitable for you.
But without knowing more details, it is difficult to give a precise answer for what you need. You should provide more information when posting a question like this. For example, describing the input pictures in more details, giving examples on what exactly they are and how do you expect to handle them, as well as elaborating on the outline of the final Excel output you are seeking.

Magnolia Solr Confguration

We have magnolia cms which works along with solr for search. I am looking for configuration within magnolia cms to specify which all fields should be searched. Basically, I want more control on the query that gets fired from magnolia to solr.
I have tried searching but havent found anything useful yet. If you can provide any info or pointers then that would be very helpful
We have a connector to Solr which you can find the documentation here.

Why is Doxygen so unfriendly to mobiles?

Doxygen seems to be the number one choice for code documentation in C++ (and many other languages) but every time I browse Doxygen generated doc from my phone, the site literally does not scroll, text is horribly small ...
How come ?
I come from python/sphinx, and sites like readthedocs.org manage perfectly mobile friendliness in the HTML generation (IMO), whereas the most popular documentation system around can't ? I must be missing something.
I tried looking around the interwebs for some HTML theme minimising problems, but no one even mentions the pain of trying to browse API references from a phone (yes, I do that :p)
Anyone experience the same problems or has a solution / workaround ?
Ps: Try Google mobile friendliness test on doxygen API sites like this intro to Doxygen, generated with Doxygen
EDIT [2017] : Seems Doxygen is getting better, the link in question is now "fully compatible with mobile" according to the quoted google tool. Thanks to everyone in the community making things better !
There is a project on github called doxygen-bootstrapped using bootstrap for doxygen documentation, making it much more mobile friendly. See this demo.
The demo is marked as mobile-friendly by your link

Salesforce's APEX language specification

I'd like to find out exact APEX language specification (with all that grammars, etc.) but I've spent half a day and ended with almost nothing.
I know that APEX is Java-based language, but compiling it's spec on my own from Java spec and exclusively APEX things will be a pain.
Is there any place where I can get APEX language specification?
For those not familiar with them - I'm looking for a such document http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se7/html/index.html for it.
Thanks in advance!
My understanding is that Salesforce haven't currently published such a document. Instead they want you to use the Tooling API to get the tokens etc...
See Grammar for creating an Apex parser
Depending on your scenario you might find the Apex Language Server a useful tool. It does the Apex parsing etc... behind the scenes for the current VSCode tooling.
Incidentally, the Salesforce StackExchange site linked above is a great place to ask Salesforce specific questions.
Actually, Salesforce does publish a detailed Apex developer guide.
The current 2017 document can be found here :
This document and it's location could be updated frequently, so you can also Google 'Apex Developer Guide' to get here :
Once here, click the PDF button to generate/view the latest PDF, or use the available content options to view online.

How to get future publish/archive date for knowledge articles using apex?

Currently publishing articles in a custom VF page using the Knowledge Management Publishing Service Class, and publishing/archiving articles into the future. But I can't seem to find a way to display this future date to the user. It isn't stored it seems in any fields on the the article itself or in any apex jobs.
Does anyone know how SF displays this field on their own page? And if they allow access to this date somehow via apex?
If I understand your question correctly, the information you're looking for can be found in KnowledgeArticleVersion, probably under FirstPublishedDate. So you'll want to query for the latest row in KnowledgeArticleVersion for the article in question and then pull its FirstPublishedDate to get the date you're looking for.
