I have a client with a Salesforce environment at a custom URL: https://_______.my.salesforce.com, and while I was able to install the Docusign package, I cannot seem to get it to connect to my demo/dev account for the last step of initial setup.
When I'm on Docusign's Connect settings and I use the custom URL option, I get an error that returns with some HTML from the page and no matter what alternate options I select I cannot get it to connect. I have verified that the Docusign IP addresses are set up properly on Salesforce's side to allow access.
Thanks in advance!
When setting up a custom Salesforce URL for Connect the URL must point to the API endpoint - not the login page. So, for example, you'd use something like this:
I am working on Safaricom Daraja API B2C but some of the required test credentials are not displayed in the Safaricom Dashboard.
As you can see above, the initiator name and security credentials are not provided yet they are needed in the B2C API call.
How do I get these credentials.
This question was asked before Safaricom upgraded to the new Daraja Dashboard. The problem has now been sorted
Apparently, for some unknown reason to us, Safaricom chose to hide the test credentials and if you need them, you have to write them an email at apisupport#safaricom.co.ke and request for the test credentials. You will get a response in less than an hour with shortcodes and initiators that you can use for test.
Source -> https://survtechnologies.co.ke/get-test-credentials-safaricom-m-pesa-daraja-api/
The test Credentials are on the simulator link, bottom right redirects to the link.
Please try this with the new mpesa portal2.0 - It is straight-forward
I would like to know how to add a Back to App link on the keycloak login page.
I'm using a react front end, and when i use the method keycloak.login() i'm going to my keycloak server. And here i want to add the possibility to go back to my app on the redirectUri sent by the keycloak login method.
I don't find any options in the realm management, and i have created a custom theme and i don't get the name of the properties to acces to the redirectUri link.
in the login/template.ftl file you have access to a client variable. This variable is an instance of ClientBean. This bean exposes a variable baseUrl, which you can use to link to your client application.
For Example:
In my case I wanted to use my app's sign up page via a link in keycloak login page.
What I did was I set my app base url in "Base url" in my client settings. And then I was able to access it from login.ftl using "${client.baseUrl}"
I am trying to display the name of my website on AuthO popups. No issues with Facebook, Twitter or GitHub auth. But Google's popup keep showing 'Sign in to continue to projectName.firebase.com' Instead of 'example.com'.
I mean it shows firebase's default domain instead of custom one.
Even if I change display name to some custom name in console.developers.google.com.
In the newest version of Firebase user guide they explain how to fix this, by pointing authDomain initialization property to your domain, and making a few other preparations: https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/web/google-signin#customizing-the-redirect-domain-for-google-sign-in
Create a CNAME record for your custom domain that points to your project's subdomain on firebaseapp.com:
auth.custom.domain.com CNAME my-app-12345.firebaseapp.com
Add your custom domain to the list of authorized domains in the Firebase console: auth.custom.domain.com.
In the Google developer console or OAuth setup page, whitelist the URL of the redirect page, which will be accessible on your custom domain: https://auth.custom.domain.com/__/auth/handler.
When you initialize the JavaScript library, specify your custom domain with the authDomain field
Update: one important detail that's missing from the instructions is that the custom auth domain must be configured for Firebase Hosting (i.e. add it to the list of custom domains for Hosting on the Firebase Console). Otherwise you will get a certificate mismatch error as #AmritanshSinghal correctly points out.
Ok, for those following these instructions and running into issues, I have two other pieces of advice.
In the Google developer console or OAuth setup page, whitelist the URL of the redirect page, which will be accessible on your custom domain: https://auth.custom.domain.com/__/auth/handler.
This was really confusing to me. Here is where to do that.
Once you do all of this, you'll then get a CERT failure. Follow the instructions on this stackoverflow issue, wait a few hours, and everything will magically work!
Good luck!
I have a WSO2IS 5.2 acting as a federation hub. The AuthnRequest that it sends to IdP (in this case PingFederate) includes this NameIDPolicy:
<saml2p:NameIDPolicy AllowCreate="true"
After logging in at PingFederate it sends back SAML message including this:
<samlp:StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Requester">
<samlp:StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:InvalidNameIDPolicy" />
<samlp:StatusMessage>Cannot provide requested name identifier qualified with WSO2IS</samlp:StatusMessage>
I've tried uid and mail NameID values in PingFederate but I always get this response. I would like to try changing the NameIDPolicy format that wso2is sends but have not found a way to do it. I think it should be a SAML:2.0 format.
Only thing I found was "Include NameID Policy" check box in IdP settings but it stays checked even if I uncheck it and save.
How to change the NameIDPolicy format?
UPDATE: I solved the problem by enabling pseudonym identifier at PingFederate and sending username as attribute. Still it would be good to know the answer to my question.
Yes your understanding is correct. You could need to change the NameIDPolicy. You can found it in service provider (SP) creation page. Go to WSO2 IS management console, Home>service Provider>Add> .
After that need to enter the name for SP and click the register button.
Now you are in Service provider configuration page.
GO to Inbound Authentication Configuration>SAML2 Web SSO Configuration>configure.
This page you can configure SAML2 Web SSO configuration and page header show as
Register New Service Provider and go to NameID format change the urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:emailAddress instead of urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress.
You can found more details from WSO2 documentation [1].
[1] https://docs.wso2.com/display/IS500/Configuring+Single+Sign-On+with+SAML+2.0
I would like to sync my google contacts into roundcube. I already installed 2 plugins (calendar sync with caldav is working like a charm with url, user and password) but I cant find the correct url for the carddav service.
Does anyone knows it?
Thank you
The URL at this moment is:
But the client you're trying to connect from should not be using this permanently, but instead discover the correct URL by sending a PROPFIND to https://www.googleapis.com/.well-known/carddav as described in the Developer's Guide.
Anyway, Roundcube would have to support OAuth2 authentication, not user and password, to be able to connect properly, which I don't believe it does.