I am implementing a way to transfer a set of data to a programmable dongle. The dongle is based on a smart card technology and can execute an arbitrary code inside. The input and output data is passed as a binary blocks that can be accessed via input and output pointers.
I would like to use an associative array to simplify the data processing code. Everything should work this way:
First the host application:
// Host application in C++
in_data["method"] = "calc_r";
in_data["id"] = 12;
in_data["loc_a"] = 56.19;
in_data["loc_l"] = 44.02;
Next the code inside the dongle:
// Some dongle function in C
char* method_name = assoc_get_string(in_data, "method");
int id = assoc_get_int(in_data, "id");
float loc_a = assoc_get_float(in_data, "loc_a");
float loc_l = assoc_get_float(in_data, "loc_l");
So my question is about the dongle part functionality. Is there C code or library to implement such an associative array behavior like the above?
Glib's hash table. implements a map interface or (associative array).
And it's most likely the most used hash table implementation for C.
GHashTable *table=g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
/* put */
/* get */
gchar *value = (gchar *) g_hash_table_lookup(table,"SOME_KEY");
My suspicion is that you would have to write your own. If I understand the architecture you are describing, then you will need to send the entire chunk of data in a single piece. If so, then most libraries will not work for that because they will most likely be allocating multiple pieces of memory, which would require multiple transfers (and an inside understanding of the structure). It would be similar to trying to use a library hash function and then sending its contents over the network on a socket just by passing the root pointer to the send function.
It would be possible to write some utilities of your own that manage a very simple associative array (or hash) in a single block of memory. If the amount of data is small, it could use a simple linear search for the entries and would be a fairly compact bit of code.
Try uthash, a header library implementing a hash table in C. It's small and fairly easy to use.
This is an old thread, but I thought this might still be useful for anyone out there looking for an implementation. It doesn't take too much code; I did mine in ~100 lines of without any extra library. I called it a dictionary since it parallels (sort of) the python datatype. Here is my code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct hollow_list hollow_list;
struct hollow_list{
unsigned int size;
void *value;
bool *written;
hollow_list *children;
//Creates a hollow list and allocates all of the needed memory
hollow_list hollow_list_create(unsigned int size){
hollow_list output;
output = (hollow_list) {.size = size, .value = (void *) 0, .written = calloc(size, sizeof(bool)), .children = calloc(size, sizeof(hollow_list))};
return output;
//Frees all memory of associated with a hollow list and its children
void hollow_list_free(hollow_list *l, bool free_values){
int i;
for(i = 0; i < l->size; i++){
hollow_list_free(l->children + i, free_values);
//Reads from the hollow list and returns a pointer to the item's data
void *hollow_list_read(hollow_list *l, unsigned int index){
if(index == 0){
return l->value;
unsigned int bit_checker;
bit_checker = 1<<(l->size - 1);
int i;
for(i = 0; i < l->size; i++){
if(bit_checker & index){
if(l->written[i] == true){
return hollow_list_read(l->children + i, bit_checker ^ index);
} else {
return (void *) 0;
bit_checker >>= 1;
//Writes to the hollow list, allocating memory only as it needs
void hollow_list_write(hollow_list *l, unsigned int index, void *value){
if(index == 0){
l->value = value;
} else {
unsigned int bit_checker;
bit_checker = 1<<(l->size - 1);
int i;
for(i = 0; i < l->size; i++){
if(bit_checker & index){
l->children[i] = hollow_list_create(l->size - i - 1);
l->written[i] = true;
hollow_list_write(l->children + i, bit_checker ^ index, value);
bit_checker >>= 1;
typedef struct dictionary dictionary;
struct dictionary{
void *value;
hollow_list *child;
dictionary dictionary_create(){
dictionary output;
output.child = malloc(sizeof(hollow_list));
*output.child = hollow_list_create(8);
output.value = (void *) 0;
return output;
void dictionary_write(dictionary *dict, char *index, unsigned int strlen, void *value){
void *hollow_list_value;
dictionary *new_dict;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < strlen; i++){
hollow_list_value = hollow_list_read(dict->child, (int) index[i]);
if(hollow_list_value == (void *) 0){
new_dict = malloc(sizeof(dictionary));
*new_dict = dictionary_create();
hollow_list_write(dict->child, (int) index[i], new_dict);
dict = new_dict;
} else {
dict = (dictionary *) hollow_list_value;
dict->value = value;
void *dictionary_read(dictionary *dict, char *index, unsigned int strlen){
void *hollow_list_value;
dictionary *new_dict;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < strlen; i++){
hollow_list_value = hollow_list_read(dict->child, (int) index[i]);
if(hollow_list_value == (void *) 0){
return hollow_list_value;
} else {
dict = (dictionary *) hollow_list_value;
return dict->value;
int main(){
char index0[] = "hello, this is a test";
char index1[] = "hello, this is also a test";
char index2[] = "hello world";
char index3[] = "hi there!";
char index4[] = "this is something";
char index5[] = "hi there";
int item0 = 0;
int item1 = 1;
int item2 = 2;
int item3 = 3;
int item4 = 4;
dictionary d;
d = dictionary_create();
dictionary_write(&d, index0, 21, &item0);
dictionary_write(&d, index1, 26, &item1);
dictionary_write(&d, index2, 11, &item2);
dictionary_write(&d, index3, 13, &item3);
dictionary_write(&d, index4, 17, &item4);
printf("%d\n", *((int *) dictionary_read(&d, index0, 21)));
printf("%d\n", *((int *) dictionary_read(&d, index1, 26)));
printf("%d\n", *((int *) dictionary_read(&d, index2, 11)));
printf("%d\n", *((int *) dictionary_read(&d, index3, 13)));
printf("%d\n", *((int *) dictionary_read(&d, index4, 17)));
printf("%d\n", ((int) dictionary_read(&d, index5, 8)));
Unfortunately you can't replicate the list[x] syntax, but this is the best alternative I have come up with.
Yes, but it will not work in the way you have specified. It will instead use a struct to store the data and functions that operate on that struct, giving you the result you want. See A Simple Associative Array Library In C. Example of use:
struct map_t *test;
GLib's Hash Tables and Balanced Binary Trees might be what you're after.
Mark Wilkins gave you the right answer. If you want to send the data as a single chunk, you need to understand how C++ maps are represented in your architecture and write the access functions.
Anyway, if you decide to recreate the map on the dongle, I've written a small C library where you could write thinks like:
tbl_t in_data=NULL;
and then:
char *method_name = tblGetP(in_data, "method");
int id = tblGetN(in_data, "id");
float loc_a = tblGetF(in_data, "loc_a");
float loc_l = tblGetF(in_data, "loc_l");
The hashtable is a variation of the Hopscotch hash, which is rather good on average, and you can have any mix of type for keys and data (i.e. you can use an entire table as a key).
The focus for that functions was on easing programming rather than pure speed and the code is not thoroughly tested but if you like the idea and want to expand on it, you can have a look at the code on googlecode.
(There are other things like variable length strings and a fast sttring pattern matching function but those might not be of interest in this case).
I recently got an assignment to sort members in a struct by last name and if they are the same to sort by first name. What i have so far only reads their name and age from the file but I am not properly grapsing how I would be able to sort it. So far I gathered the data from the file but im at a loss from there. I followed a code I saw but i didnt get a proper grasping of the process so i reverted back to step one.
struct Members{
int id;
char fname[50];
char lname[50];
int age;
int main(){
int i=0;
FILE *fptr;
file = fopen("Members Bio.txt", "r");
while ( fscanf(file, "%d%s%s%d", &bio[i].id,bio[i].fname,bio[i].lname,&bio[i].age) != EOF)
printf("%d %s %s %d %d\n", bio[i].id,bio[i].fname, bio[i].lname, bio[i].age);
Can anyone help me out on this one?
Code goes something like this for your case.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct Members{
int id;
char fname[50];
char lname[50];
int age;
typedef int (*compare_func)(void*, void*);
int struct_cmp(void* s1, void* s2)
int l_result = strcmp(((struct Members*) s1)->lname, \
((struct Members*) s2)->lname);
if (l_result < 0)
return 1;
else if (l_result > 0)
return 0;
return (strcmp(((struct Members*) s1)->fname, \
((struct Members*) s2)->fname) < 0 ? 1 : 0);
void sort(void* arr,long ele_size,long start,long end,compare_func compare)
// Generic Recursive Quick Sort Algorithm
if (start < end)
/* Partitioning index */
void* x = arr+end*ele_size;
long i = (start - 1);
void* tmp=malloc(ele_size);
for (long j = start; j <= end - 1; j++)
if ((*compare)(arr+j*ele_size,x))
// Swap is done by copying memory areas
i= (i + 1);
sort(arr,ele_size,start, i - 1,compare);
sort(arr,ele_size,i + 1, end,compare);
int main()
FILE* fp;
int bio_max = 3;
struct Members bio[bio_max]; // Define bio to be large enough.
/* Open FILE and setup bio matrix */
/* For testing */
bio[0].id = 0;
strcpy(bio[0].fname, "");
strcpy(bio[0].lname, "Apple");
bio[0].age = 0;
bio[1].id = 1;
strcpy(bio[1].fname, "");
strcpy(bio[1].lname, "Cat");
bio[1].age = 1;
bio[2].id = 2;
strcpy(bio[2].fname, "");
strcpy(bio[2].lname, "Bat");
bio[2].age = 2;
/* Sort the structure */
sort(bio, sizeof(struct Members), 0, bio_max - 1, struct_cmp);
/* Print the sorted structure */
for (int i = 0; i < bio_max; i++) {
printf("%d %s %s %d\n", bio[i].id, bio[i].fname, \
bio[i].lname, bio[i].age);
0 Apple 0
2 Bat 2
1 Cat 1
If the strings are not sorting in the way you want, you can redefine the struct_cmp function. Code is self explanatory, the base logic in the code is pass an array and swap elements using memcpy functions. You cant use simple assignment operator if you want to be generic, so that is why the element size is explicitly passed.
The code was not handling the condition, if lname are same. I missed it thanks for #4386427 for pointing this out.
I think you should define bio to be an array. And google sort algorithms please. Also recommend you google how to use libc function qsort.
Since the array address may change when memory is reallocated,
the main part of the program (in the body of the function main ()) should refer to the elements by
indexes, not pointers. Why?
Can you show an example of accessing items with pointers?
(Sorry for my English).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct Nameval Nameval;
struct Nameval {
char *name;
int value;
struct NVtab {
int nval; /* current number of values */
int max; /* allocated number of values */
Nameval *nameval; /* array of name-value pairs */
enum {NVINIT = 1, NVGROW = 2};
/* addname: add new name and value to nvtab */
int addname(struct NVtab *nvtab, Nameval newname) {
Nameval *nvp;
if (nvtab->nameval == NULL) { /* first time */
nvtab->nameval = (Nameval *) malloc(NVINIT * sizeof(Nameval));
if (nvtab->nameval == NULL)
return -1;
nvtab->max = NVINIT;
nvtab->nval = 0;
} else if (nvtab->nval >= nvtab->max) { /* grow */
nvp = (Nameval *) realloc(nvtab->nameval,
if (nvp == NULL)
return -1;
nvtab->max *= NVGROW;
nvtab->nameval = nvp;
nvtab->nameval[nvtab->nval] = newname;
return nvtab->nval++;
int main(void) {
struct NVtab nvtab = {0, 0, NULL};
int curnum;
curnum = addname(&nvtab, (Nameval) {.name="Andy", .value=12});
printf("%d\n", curnum);
curnum = addname(&nvtab, (Nameval) {.name="Billy", .value=18});
printf("%d\n", curnum);
curnum = addname(&nvtab, (Nameval) {.name="Jack", .value=71});
printf("%d\n", curnum);
for (int i = 0; i < nvtab.nval; i++) {
printf("%s %d\n", nvtab.nameval[i].name,
For example, why can`t we show array like this:
for (int i = 0; i < nvtab.nval; i++)
printf("%s %d\n", nvtab.*(nameval+i).name, nvtab.*(nameval+i).value);
You are not supposed to assign a pointer calculated for a specific index to a variable with storage duration which could extend over an insert operation.
That pointer could become invalid, so the lesson behind that example is to always re-evaluate iterators on dynamic data structures.
E.g. what not to do:
auto *foo = &nvtab.nameval[i];
addname(&nvtab, (Nameval) {.name="Billy", .value=18});
printf("%s %d\n", foo->name, foo->value);
In the last line it can work or crash. Depending on whether realloc moved the allocation or resized in-place. Except that you can never know for sure until you execute it, as it isn't even fully deterministic.
This is not valid syntax:
nvtab. *(nameval+i).name
The member access operator . expects to be followed by the name of the member. What you want is:
I am creating a deque to store stings in C, and when I call the free() function, the program crashes. I have implemented a similar structure but only storing integers, and encountered no problems, but this seems to be causing me a few. I created a struct containing a multidimensional array or characters, and i think maybe I am not using the pointers correctly? I have searched far and wide and cannot solve it The main area of concern is when i call clear() from the ain body. That in turn calls free(), and the program just stalls. :-( Any help would be extremely useful.
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 20 // number of characters for word
typedef struct {
char **deque;
int size;
int pFront;
int pRear;
} deque;
typedef int bool;
enum { false, true };
void initDeque(deque *d, int initialSize)
d->size = initialSize;
d->pFront = -1;
d->pRear = -1;
d->deque = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char*)*initialSize);
int idx;
for(int idx = 0; idx < d->size; idx++)
d->deque[idx] = (char *)malloc((MAX+1) * sizeof(char));
d->deque[idx] = "";
printf("d->size: %zu\n", d->size);
void clear(deque *d) {
if(d->pFront == -1)
printf("Queue is empty\n");
printf("Attempting to clear...\n");
for(int idx = 0; idx < d->size; idx++)
printf("Attempting to clear columns...");
printf("Attempting to clear rows...");
d->deque = NULL;
d->size = 0;
d->pFront = -1;
d->pRear = -1;
bool isEmpty(deque *d)
if(d->pFront == -1){
return true;
return false;
bool isFull(deque *d)
if(d->size == d->pRear+1)
return true;
return false;
void display(deque *d)
printf("Deque Values:\n");
int idx;
for(int idx = 0; idx <= d->pRear; idx++)
printf("Index: %zu\tValue: %s\n", idx, d->deque[idx]);
printf("Size: %zu\n", d->size);
void rAppend(deque *d, char item[]) // as in rear append - same enqueue for queue structure.
printf("Is Full\n");
int idx;
deque dTemp;
initDeque(&dTemp, d->size);
printf("dTemp Initialised\n");
for(idx = 0; idx < d->size; idx++)
dTemp.deque[idx] = d->deque[idx];
printf("deque copied to dTemp:\n");
for(idx = 0; idx < d->size; idx++)
printf("dTemp[%zu]: %s\n", idx, dTemp.deque[idx]);
printf("d cleared\n");
initDeque(&d, dTemp.size*2);
printf("New deque of double length initialised\n");
for(idx = 0; idx < dTemp.size; idx++)
d->deque[idx] = d->deque[idx];
printf("dTemp Copied to new deque\n");
printf("dTemp Cleared\n");
char **tmp = realloc( d->deque, sizeof (d->deque) * (d->size*2) );
if (tmp)
d->deque = tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < d->size; i++)
d->deque[d->size + i] = malloc( sizeof(char) * MAX );
printf("Appending to rear.. %s\n", item);
d->deque[d->pRear] = item;
if(d->pFront == -1)
d->pFront = 0;
int main(void)
deque d;
initDeque(&d, 5);
rAppend(&d, "when");
rAppend(&d, "will");
rAppend(&d, "wendy");
rAppend(&d, "walk");
rAppend(&d, "with");
return 0;
The problem is your are calling free() on static chain "when", "will",...
You can replace insertion in the function void rAppend(deque *d, char item[]) :
d->deque[d->pRear] = item;
d->deque[d->pRear] = strdup(item);
Doing like this chains are allocated in the heap and free from the heap.
After there is others problems in the code, but it run without crash.
The main problem seems to be that you don't appreciate the difference between copying / assigning pointers and copying / assigning the data to which they point. Secondarily, it seems you may not appreciate the utility of pointers that don't point to anything, especially null pointers. Some details follow.
You are dynamically allocating space for a bunch of strings ...
for(int idx = 0; idx < d->size; idx++)
d->deque[idx] = (char *)malloc((MAX+1) * sizeof(char));
... and then leaking all of that space by replacing the pointer to each with a pointer to an empty string literal:
d->deque[idx] = "";
As if the leak were not bad enough, you are not permitted to free a string literal or modify its content, which you nevertheless try to do to any of those pointers that remain in the dequeue whenever you clear() it. This is likely the cause of some of your errors.
If you want to set each allocated string to an empty one then modify its content instead of replacing the pointer to it. For example:
d->deque[idx][0] = '\0';
In fact, however, you probably don't need to do even that. You are already performing bookkeeping to know which arrays contain valid (string) data and which don't, and that should be sufficient to do the right thing. Supposing you maintain copies of the strings in the first place.
But that's not all. When you rAppend() elements to your deque you have a similar problem. You create a temporary deque, and then copy the string pointers from your original deque into the temporary:
dTemp.deque[idx] = d->deque[idx];
Not only does this leak the original (empty) data in the temporary deque, it aliases that deque's contents with the main deque's. When you later clear the temporary deque, therefore, you free all the string pointers in the original. Subsequently using or freeing them produces undefined behavior.
Perhaps you instead want to strcpy() all the elements of the main deque into the temp and back, but I suggest instead skipping the temp deque altogether with something along these lines:
void rAppend(deque *d, char item[]) // as in rear append - same enqueue for queue structure.
printf("Is Full\n");
char **tmp = realloc(d.deque, d->size * 2);
if (tmp)
d->deque = tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < d->size; i++)
// Copied from the original, but see below
d->deque[d->size + i] = malloc( sizeof(char) * MAX );
d->size * 2;
} // else?
printf("Appending to rear.. %s\n", item);
// Oops, this is another leak / aliasing issue:
d->deque[d->pRear] = item;
if(d->pFront == -1)
d->pFront = 0;
The whole point of the temporary deque is lost on me, since the realloc() you need to do preserves the original data anyway (as long as it succeeds, anyway).
Note too, however, that this still has an aliasing issue: you have aliased a deque element with the appended string, and leaked the memory allocated for that element. Furthermore, when you clear the deque, you free that string for everyone holding a pointer to it. Or at least you attempt to do so. You're not permitted to do that to string literals.
I suggest not allocating space in your deque for the individual strings at all, and not freeing it. Continue to use assignment to store elements in your deque, understanding and embracing that these are aliases. This will be more analogous to your implementation for ints.
using namespace std;
struct S {
S() { cout << "make an S\n"; }
~S() { cout << "destroy an S\n"; }
S(const S&) { cout << "copy initialize an S\n"; }
S& operator=(const S&) { cout << "copy assign an S\n"; }
S* f()
return new S; // who is responsible for deleting this S?
unique_ptr<S> g()
return make_unique<S>(); // explicitly transfer responsibility for deleting this S
int main()
cout << "start main\n";
S* p = f();
cout << "after f() before g()\n";
// S* q = g(); // this error would be caught by the compiler
unique_ptr<S> q = g();
cout << "exit main\n";
// leaks *p
// implicitly deletes *q
I am new to C programming and I am trying to create a key value structure as in Perl Programming. I saw one solution like :-
struct key_value
int key;
char* value;
struct key_value kv;
kv.key = 1;
kv.value = "foo";
But I don't know how to access these values from this structure. Can someone enlight on this ?
Here is an example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct key_value
int key;
char* value;
int main(void)
int number_of_keys = 2;
struct key_value *kv = malloc(sizeof(struct key_value) * number_of_keys);
if (kv == NULL) {
kv[0].key = 8;
kv[0].value = "Test 8 key!";
kv[1].key = 6;
kv[1].value = "Test 6 key!";
printf("Key = %d\nKey value = %s\n", kv[0].key, kv[0].value);
printf("Key = %d\nKey value = %s\n", kv[1].key, kv[1].value);
return 0;
What you are missing is a collection. Most languages have a data type called a dictionary or a map or an associative array or some variation thereof. C does not have a data structure of this type; in fact, the only collection type you have built in to C is the array. So, if you want something where you can supply a key and get the value, you have to roll your own or find one on the Internet. The latter is probably preferable because you are likely to make mistakes and produce a slow data structure if you roll your own (especially if you are a beginner).
To give you a flavour of what you'll end up with, here's a simple example:
You'll need something to represent the collection; call it a ListMap for now:
struct ListMap;
The above is called an incomplete type. For now, we are not concerned with what's in it. You can't do anything with it except pass pointers to instances around.
You need a function to insert items into your collection. Its prototype would look something like this:
bool listMapInsert(struct ListMap* collection, int key, const char* value);
// Returns true if insert is successful, false if the map is full in some way.
And you need a function to retrieve the value for any one key.
const char* listMapValueForKey(struct ListMap* collection, int key);
You also need a function to initialise the collection:
struct ListMap* newListMap();
and to throw it away:
void freeListMap(struct ListMap* listMap);
The hard bit is implementing how those functions do what they do. Anyway, here's how you would use them:
struct ListMap* myMap = newListMap();
listMapInsert(myMap, 1, "foo");
listMapInsert(myMap, 1729, "taxi");
listMapInsert(myMap, 28, "perfect");
char* value = listMapValueForKey(myMap, 28); // perfect
Here's a simple implementation. This is just for illustration because I haven't tested it and searching for entries increases linearly with the number of entries (you can do much better than that with hash tables and other structures).
listMapCapacity = 20
struct ListMap
struct key_value kvPairs[listMapCapacity];
size_t count;
struct ListMap* newListMap()
struct ListMap* ret = calloc(1, sizeof *ret);
ret->count = 0; // not strictly necessary because of calloc
return ret;
bool listMapInsert(struct ListMap* collection, int key, const char* value)
if (collection->count == listMapCapacity)
return false;
collection->kvPairs[count].key = key;
collection->kvPairs[count].value = strdup(value);
return true;
const char* listMapValueForKey(struct ListMap* collection, int key)
const char* ret = NULL;
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < collection->count && ret == NULL ; ++i)
if (collection->kvPairs[i].key == key)
ret = kvPairs[i].value;
return ret;
void freeListMap(struct ListMap* listMap)
if (listMap == NULL)
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < listMap->count ; ++i)
typedef struct key_value
int key;
char* value;
struct key_value k1;
struct key_value k2;
struct key_value k3;
k1.key = 1;
k1.value = "foo";
k2.key = 2;
k2.value = "sec";
k3.key = 3;
k3.value = "third";
You will need to create N times the struct and give them values the way you did the first one. Or create array with N structs and iterate assign it values with a loop.
List arr[29];
int i;
for(i = 0;i<=28;i++){
arr[i].key = i;
arr[i].value = "W/e it needs to be";
The functionality you are looking for needs your own implementation in C; e.g. an array of your struct-type.
Here is an example of how to read the value for a key, without knowing anything about at which array-index the key will be found.
I have the keys numbered backward in order to illustrate that.
Note that more sophisticated API definitions are needed for special cases such as non-existing key; I just blindly return the last entry to keep things easy here.
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAPSIZE 30
struct key_value
int key;
char* value;
struct key_value kvmap[MAPSIZE];
void initmap(void)
int i;
for(i=0; i<MAPSIZE; i++)
kvmap[24].value="find this"; // it has the key "5"
char* readmap(int key)
int i=0;
while ((i<MAPSIZE-1) && (kvmap[i].key!=key))
{ printf("Not in %d\n", i);
// will return last entry if key is not present
return kvmap[i].value;
int main(void)
printf("%s\n", readmap(5));
return 0;
"I have to store 30 key/value pair"
Create an array of struct e.g., key_value.
struct key_value
int key;
char* value;
struct key_value kv[30];
kv[0].key = 1;
kv[0].value = "foo";
printf("%s", kv[0].value);
You can loop through to assign values to keys and values.
Access to whatever is in kv is simple.
int i = kv[0].key`;// copy value of k[0].key to i
char *v = kv[0].value; // copy value of k[0].value to v;
Your code already have the method to acess the values.
kv.key = 1
kv.value = "foo"
To get the values assigned is simple
It is a simple struct, if you wanna something like python dict you will need to implement a hash struct which will be more complicated.
const static int VECTOR_BASIC_LENGTH = 20;
struct m_vector
void* my_vector;
size_t my_capacity;
size_t my_head;
typedef struct m_vector Vector;
Vector creat_Vector(size_t size,void *judge)
Vector _vector;
size = size?size:VECTOR_BASIC_LENGTH;
_vector.my_capacity = size;
_vector.my_head = 0;
//How I write the following two lines
_vector.my_vector = malloc(sizeof(*judge) * size);
return _vector;
The type of judge is uncertain,so I pass a void pointer as a parameters.I need the size of *judge to allocate memory to _vector.my_vector,for example if I use:
int *a;
I want the following line:
_vector.my_vector = malloc(sizeof(*judge)*size);
is equal to:
_vector.my_vector = malloc(sizeof(*a)*5);
How could I achieve this function.Using pure C
There is a forbidden thing done in your code.
You statically (at compile time) allocate/declare a local _vector of type Vector in your function creat_Vector. Then you return this object to the outside world. However, when you are exiting your function, all local data is dead. So, you should absolutely rethink this.
One suggestion would be:
int init_Vector(Vector* _vect, size_t size, unsigned int ptr_size)
size = size?size:VECTOR_BASIC_LENGTH;
_vect->my_capacity = size;
_vect->my_head = 0;
_vect->my_vector = malloc(size*ptr_size);
if (_vect->my_vector) {
return 0;
return 1;
Vector _vector;
char *a;
if (init_Vector(&_vector, 5, sizeof(char)) == 0) {
else {
/* treat appropriately (return error code/exit) */
/* do whatever with a (if needed) and _vector*/