Access 2013 ComboBox based on Combobox with Junction Table - combobox

Good day. I would like to know why a Parameter Request pops up when executing a query. I have a form with 2 comboboxes where the 2nd one depends on the value in the 1st one. I do know how to do this when it involves 2 tables. I am having trouble when there is a many to many relationship.
Table 1: name - Supply_Sources, fields - Source_ID(pk), SupplySourceName
Table 2: name - Warehouse_Locations, fields - WLocation_ID(pk), Location_Name
Table 3 (junction): name - SupplySource_WarehouseLocation, fields - Supply_Source_ID(pk), Location_In_ID(pk)
On my form frmInventoryReceivedInput I have cboSupplySource and cboWLocation.
I populate cboSupplySource with
SELECT [Supply_Sources].[Source_ID], [Supply_Sources].[SupplySourceName] FROM Supply_Sources;
I am trying to get a drop down list in the cboWLocation based on the value in cboSupplySource. I am wanting to see the location names of where the supplies are placed in the warehouse.
I have a requery in cboSupplySource After Update (with cboWLocation as the control name). The SQL that I have come up with so far is:
SELECT Warehouse_Locations.Location_Name,
FROM Warehouse_Locations RIGHT JOIN (Supply_Sources LEFT JOIN
SupplySource_WarehouseLocation ON Supply_Sources.Source_ID =
SupplySource_WarehouseLocation.Supply_Source_ID) ON
Warehouse_Locations.WLocation_ID =
WHERE (((Warehouse_Locations.Location_Name)=[frmInventoryReceivedInput].[cboSupplySource]));
When it runs, on tabbing out of cboSupplySource, Enter Parameter Value dialogue box pops up, looking for frmInventoryReceivedInput.cboSupplySource input. Nothing I input brings up the correct list in cboWLocation.
Obviously, I do not have the correct select statement. Any help would be appreciated.

For cboWLocation try the recordSource query:
SELECT Warehouse_Locations.Location_Name
FROM Warehouse_Locations INNER JOIN (Supply_Sources INNER JOIN
SupplySource_WarehouseLocation ON Supply_Sources.Source_ID =
SupplySource_WarehouseLocation.Supply_Source_ID) ON
Warehouse_Locations.WLocation_ID =
WHERE ((Supply_Sources.SupplySourceName)=([Forms]![frmInventoryReceivedInput].[cboSupplySource]))
Be aware, that the combobox columns have to be set to columncount 1 in this case with appropriate column width, because you said you only want to see the location names. Further, you should be sure that cboWLocation is not bound to a Control Source, to not overwrite anything.
You can apply it in VBA at the cboWLocation Enter Event.
In the following code example, the combobox cboWLocation is only updated, if there is a value in combobox cboSupplySource.
Private Sub cboWLocation_Enter()
If not (isNull(Me!cboSupplySource) Or Me!cboSupplySource.ListIndex = -1) then
Me.cboWLocation.RowSource = strSQL 'Put here the previous mentioned SQLString
End if
End Sub
HINT: It would be better for performance, when you change the bound column in cboSupplySource to the PK SourceID instead of the name. (With two columns in combobox cboSupplySource) Then use this PK to compare in your WHERE statement instead of the name. this is what keys in tables are for.
Edit: In the WHERE statement, maybe you have to put the namecomparison between ' ' because it is a string


SQL Server - add to this query to first check for existence of a string

I have an nvarchar field in my database called CatCustom which contains comma-separated 5-character codes. It can contain as little as one code, or as many as 20 codes, separated by commas.
Right now, I use this query to add a new 5-character code to the field in given records (in this case the new code is LRR01):
UPDATE dbo.Sources
SET CatCustom = CONCAT_WS(', ', RTRIM(CatCustom), 'LRR01')
WHERE SourceID IN (1,2,3,4,5,8,9,44,63,45,101,102,222,344)
I need to add to this though: I need the record to be updated only if that 5-character code doesn't already exist somewhere in the CatCustom field, to ensure that code is not in there more than once.
How would I accomplish this?
EDIT: I really don't understand how this can be considered a duplicate of the suggested thread. This is a VERY specific case and has nothing to do with creating stored procedures and or variables. The alleged duplicated thread does not really help me - sorry.
Use STRING_SPLIT function to split the comma separated list and then add Not Exist condition in the WHERE clause like below
UPDATE dbo.Sources
SET CatCustom = CONCAT_WS(', ', RTRIM(CatCustom), 'LRR01')
WHERE SourceID IN (1,2,3,4,5,8,9,44,63,45,101,102,222,344)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM STRING_SPLIT(CatCustom, ',') where value = 'LRR01')
UPDATE dbo.Sources
CatCustom = CONCAT_WS(', ', RTRIM(CatCustom), 'LRR01')
SourceID IN (1,2,3,4,5,8,9,44,63,45,101,102,222,344)
AND CatCustom NOT LIKE '%LRR01%';

Where is Access form data populating data from

I am currently trying to help a friend out with their invoicing Access database. I have rarely ever used Access and I am having problems figuring out the location of where the form (frmEntry) is pulling its data from. I did not create this setup so I am unsure of how it works. I am trying to figure out where the address information is being pulled from for when a customer is selected in a drop down on a form. I checked the query and it is only pulling the CustomerID and CustomerName, no address. The table does have address fields but none of the customers in the table have any listed, yet there address is populated along with their name in the form.
I do see where there is another form (frmCustomer) that has customer and there addresses but I am not sure if the other form is pulling from here, and if so, why can I not find the addresses in any of the tables or datasheet views?
Any direction would be very much appreciated. My end goal is to obtain the customer information (address etc) so that I can insert it into a new database that I am working on
Your data contains linebreaks and a combobox only shows one line per record.
To show the data you can replace the linebreaks in rowsource.
SELECT Replace([CustomerName],vbCrLf, " ") as CName FROM table
' vbCrLf is the VBA constant for linebreaks (Cr - Carrige Return, Lf - LineFeed)
This is poor database normalization (imagine you want to search for a customer name that is equal to a city, e.g. Paris). Each line should be a separate field in table (and Postcode too). If there is a linefeed for every data (e.g. no street -> empty line), you can just split the data into the new fields.
'Put this code in a module
'Split function
Public function splitCustomerName(ByVal strCustomerName as String, ByVal index as long) as String
Dim arrCustomerName As Variant ' or declare a fixed array if you know the number of lines
arrCustomerName = Split(strCustomername,vbCrLf)
splitCustomerName = arrCustomerName(index)
End Function
The query
UPDATE table SET newCustomerName = splitCustomerName([table].[CustomerName],0)
, newCustomerStreet = splitCustomerName([table].[CustomerName],1)
, newCustomerCity = splitCustomerName([table].[CustomerName],2);
Just create the necessary columns for name, street and city, then run the query.
If you delete the CostumerName column and rename the table (e.g. newTable) you can create a query with the oldname of the table, that behaves like your old table.
, newCustomerName & vbCrLf & newCustomerStreet & vbCrLf & newCustomerCity as CustomerName
FROM newTable

How to get Option Set Description field in MSCRM

I've tried to find where Option Set descriptions are stored in CRM's database. After research on the internet I've found that Option Set data is stored in the StringMap SQL table but this table doesn't contain description Field I want.
Does anyone know where Option Set descriptions are stored stored in CRM's SQL database? Below is a screenshot highlighting the field value I'm looking for:
Try this:
SELECT Label FROM [LocalizedLabelView] llv
join [AttributePicklistValueView] apvv on llv.ObjectId = apvv.AttributePicklistValueId
join [OptionSetView] osw on apvv.OptionSetId = osw.OptionSetId
join [AttributeView] aw on osw.OptionSetId = aw.OptionSetId
where aw.Name = 'fieldname' and llv.ObjectColumnName = 'Description'
This works for both global and non-global option sets, you just have to put as fieldname the name of the attribute on the entity (not a name of global option set). Of course to handle only global option sets you will not need the last join, simply do osw.Name = 'globaloptionsetname'
This seems to work:
FROM MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l
LEFT JOIN MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue ap ON l.ObjectId = ap.AttributePicklistValueId
LEFT JOIN MetadataSchema.OptionSet os ON os.OptionSetId = ap.OptionSetId
WHERE l.ObjectColumnName = 'Description' AND os.Name = '<OPTIONSET_NAME>' AND ap.Value = <OPTIONSET_VALUE>
There are two parameters in the above script that you need to modify:
<OPTIONSET_NAME> must be replaced with the schema name of your optionset and prefixed with the entity's schema name. For example, if your optionset is called new_businessTypes and it's on the account entity, then <OPTIONSET_NAME> would be replaced with 'account_new_businesstypes'.
<OPTIONSET_VALUE> must be replaced with the integer value of the option you're looking for. In your example screenshot, that value is 2.

SqlDataAdapter taking too long to Fill VB.NET SQL Server 2012

I'm working on a winform application and I'm using a table named [File] in my SQL Server database.
I have a form that views some of "[File]" fields fID and fName in a combobox named SearchName. fID for Value and fName for Display.
SearchName Combobox is bound to dataset with dataadapter filling table with fID, fName, fPhoneNumber, fBalance, so I can use fName and fID.
I have also textboxes to add new "File" data like : fName, fAge, fNationality,fSex with a Save button with another combobox showing something called "Source".
When User clicks Save the data is saved to table [File] In DB and the adapter is filled again.
The dataset tableadapter was using a stored procedure as the following:
create proc [dbo].[ReadFileData](#fid int,#filter varchar(20))
declare #f varchar(20)=#filter;
declare #id int =#fid;
select fID,fName,fPhoneNumbers,fBalance from [File]
select fID,fName,fNotes,fBalance,fBlockDate,uFullName
from [File],[User] where fBlocked='True' and fBlocker=[uID]
order by fBlockDate desc
select fID,fName,fPhoneNumbers,fBalance from [File] where fBlocked='False'
select fID,fName,fPhoneNumbers,fBalance from [File] where fAllTestsOK='False' and fBlocked='False'
select fID,fName,fPhoneNumbers,fBalance from [File] where fAllTestsOK='True' and fBlocked='False'
select fID,fName,fPhoneNumbers,fBalance from [File] where fBalance<0
select f.fID,fName,fSex,fBirthDate,fPhoneNumbers,fAddress,fNationality,fNotes,fBalance,fBlocked,(select uFullName from [User] where uid=f.fBlocker) as fBlocker,
fLastEdited,(select uFullName from [User] where [uID]=f.fEditor) as fEditor, fBlockDate from [File] f where fID=#fid
It was taking too much time to save and fill the combobox again. I searched over the internet and I found out the problem is called "Patamter Sniffing/spoofing", because my procedure was selecting fields based on the values of the parameter it receives. I tried different ways to solve it, but nothing worked out for me. (P.S. I am using the same SP on other forms and data is filled immediately with no problems).
I deleted the whole dataset and created a new one with a new dataadapter using new Stored Procedure, this:
create proc [dbo].[GetAllFiles]
select fID,fName,fPhoneNumbers,fBalance from [File]
Now first time the save and fill is done in no time, but after that it takes like 10+ seconds to fill.
I want to know what can I do to continue using the dataadapter to fill the combobox and solve time consuming problem?
If you have any suspicions that might cause these kind of problems, please let me know.
What other code parts or even design pictures can I provide to make my problem clearer?
Thanks to #Plutonix. He wrote it in a reply, just to make it clearer.
"You should spend a few hours on MSDN. You do not need to requery/refill/rebuild a datatable when you add rows; they can be refreshed. – Plutonix"
I used DataAdapterName.Adapter.Update(DatasetName) in save button and other update places. And kept fill only in page load event.

NVarchar Prefix causes wrong index to be selected

I have an entity framework query that has this at the heart of it:
SELECT 1 AS dummy
FROM [dbo].[WidgetOrder] AS widgets
WHERE widgets.[SomeOtherOrderId] = N'SOME VALUE HERE'
The execution plan for this chooses an index that is a composite of three columns. This takes 10 to 12 seconds.
However, there is an index that is just [SomeOtherOrderId] with a few other columns in the "include". That is the index that should be used. And when I run the following queries it is used:
SELECT 1 AS dummy
FROM [dbo].[WidgetOrder] AS widgets
WHERE widgets.[SomeOtherOrderId] = CAST(N'SOME VALUE HERE' AS VARCHAR(200))
SELECT 1 AS dummy
FROM [dbo].[WidgetOrder] AS widgets
WHERE widgets.[SomeOtherOrderId] = 'SOME VALUE HERE'
This returns instantly. And it uses the index that is just SomeOtherOrderId
So, my problem is that I can't really change how Entity Framework makes the query.
Is there something I can do from an indexing point of view that could cause the correct index to be selected?
As far as I know, since version 4.0, EF doesn't generate unicode parameters for non-unicode columns. But you can always force non-unicode parameters by DbFunctions.AsNonUnicode (prior to EF6, DbFunctions is EntityFunctions):
from o in db.WidgetOrder
where o.SomeOtherOrderId == DbFunctions.AsNonUnicode(param)
select o
Try something like ....
SELECT 1 AS dummy
FROM [dbo].[WidgetOrder] AS widgets WITH (INDEX(Target_Index_Name))
WHERE widgets.[SomeOtherOrderId] = N'SOME VALUE HERE'
This query hint sql server explicitly what index to use to get resutls.
