programmatically open a bootstrap select - bootstrap-select

I need to programmatically open a bootstrap select, not show like documentation says
(it affects displaying)
It seems to be a missing method, so how can it be done?

Use the toggle method. It programmatically toggles the bootstrap-select menu open/closed.

I tried the documentation and it wasn't working for me either, so I did some research and apparently opening a select list is not an easy thing to do programatically with JavaScript.
check out this Post and this Post.
What I would probably recommend is to use a Bootstrap .btn-dropdown instead of a select list if possible?


disable multiple select in checkbox treeview in react

This is my example with treeviewCheckbox. Now this allow multiple checked. I want to check only one at a time.
If there any suggestions please help me.
You can change the setChecked([...checked, ...updatedValues]); to setChecked([...updatedValues]);. But still, if you select a folder it will auto-select all the items beneath it.
If you want to be able to select a single folder, without its its children, then you can remove all your isParent relevant code and add the noCascade property to the tree.
If you read the supported option in the documentation you can find other customization as well.

react-multiselect-checkboxes - how to hide the search box

Need to remove the search feature in react-multiselect-checkboxes. Tried isSearchable: {false}, but didn't work. how to hide the search feature in it?
Currently I am using same library and needed the same behavior. Quickly looking at the source code, found this.
hideSearch: true
Above parameter will hide the search when dropdown opens. Above code works and has been tested.

AngularChosen change the single select input to be like the multiple select

I hope someone can help me with this. I'm using angular-chosen and I'm really happy with it, but I want to remove the button type select box with the single select, into the text type box that's used with the multiple select, an example here.
I tried using a different module, acute-select, because the combo mode was exactly what I wanted, but the module is still too incomplete and I can't use it.
Does anyone know how I can achieve this using the chosen directive, or is there maybe another, working, module?
I ended up forking acute-select in order to make something that suited my needs. I removed most of the other features and only kept the combo-box.
It's tailored to be used in a bootstrap dropdown in a bootstrap nav-bar.
You can view the demo and source here.

Is it possible to show SimpleDialog internally?

I didn't really find any way to show SimpleDialog internally in MetroWindow. Is it possible?
Note: SimpleDialog has been renamed with CustomDialog.
Have you seen the documentation for dialogs? I also recommend to have a look at the sample application.
I was just looking at this myself. To show the dialog internally you use the ShowMetroDialogAsync Method on the MetroWindow:
From a user control:
And you can close it from inside the dialog using the MetroWindow.HideMetroDialogAsync:

Angular-slider on a modal window

I'm trying to get the angular-slider ( to work on a angularjs twitter bootstrap model dialogue. It works fine on the page, but I cant get it to work on the modal window. Any thoughts? I'm just learing angularjs...
Here is my code:
Thanks, Ryan
Looks like that's a known bug. It's logged here:
If you don't want to wait on them fixing it (looks like their last commit was 4 months ago...) you can look at the slider provided by angular-ui:
Or here's an example of writing your own:
I created a new slider that allows for multiple sliders and has the capability to be used in a modal window.
