google App Engine Install location Sites Folder? Folder Name - google-app-engine

The App Engine installer seems to insist my project folder be named with the project id ??? Can I name it something else? Tutorials all indicate installing the folder at the root but I prefer everything in the Sites folder. But I am having the devils own getting anything to work. Is this the problem?

You should be able to choose the Application Directory to save it in but the Google App Engine Launcher will name the source folder app_id. In the screen shot I would end up with /Users/Josh/Sites/app_id


Intellij Keeps Telling Me "App Engine SDK path is not correct.'

Trying to deploy my first Google Cloud Java app using Intellij. I've followed and read so many threads and have gotten absolutely nowhere on what is seemingly one of the simplest steps of getting this set up. I have installed gcloud CLI and followed the instructions here. After installing, I run the commands 'gcloud components update' and 'gcloud components install app-engine-java'. I see the folder located in both 'C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\platform\google_appengine' and 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\platform\google_appengine'. I installed as multi user after hours of trying to get the single user install working, so now I have both. When in Intellij I am creating a new Google App Engine project under Java EE, it asks to specify a Google app engine SDK. There are no options so I choose to select the path. I have tried both above paths and it only tells me 'App Engine SDK path is not correct'. What am I doing wrong?? The steps seem ridiculously simple and it just doesn't work.
You stopped at the general google app engine folder
You need to specify the full path to the java-sdk folder, see the image in this question.

Google Cloud SDK is trying to upload itself to app engine

I have been working on a website and I decieded to use google app engine to host it. I have been able use the config file to try and deploy with no errors in the config. I am using the google cloud SDK to upload and deploy my files. Whenever I try to deploy the SDK says it is uploading 30,000 files. I only have 11 files I need to upload. I think the SDK is trying to upload itself to cloud storage. My website files are in a www subfolder under my public directory where the SDK is installed. On my old computer I was able to move all the SDK files to my home directory and use my public folder as the sourse. When I try to do that now it says gcloud is not found. I am using gcloud app deploy and running windows 11. My old computer was running windows 10. I am not sure if that matters. I am also not sure if I need to specify anything in my app.yaml file. If anyone could help that would be great.
This is my app.yaml file:
runtime: php74
- url: /www/index.html
static_files: /www/index.html
upload: /www/index.html, /www/campsite-form-results.php, /www/contact_us.php
This is the command line screenshot:
Plese let me know if there is any other information need to add.
This is expected since gcloud will upload everything that is in the path where is the app.yaml file.
I suspect that C:/Users/evanh/public contains a lot of things (even hidden folders) and not only your files for the app.
Create a new folder and put there your code, then try to deploy the app from that new folder.
Since this was the accepted answer I'm editing this to include John's suggestion using his answer:
As a good practice, create a .gcloudignore file and specify what you do not want uploaded. You can see more info here:
gcloud topic gcloudignore
Ignoring files
Create a .gcloudignore file and specify what you do not want uploaded otherwise everything is uploaded.
gcloud topic gcloudignore
Ignoring files

Deploying Google App Engine and Slim3 code

I am developing a GAE app and using Slim3 for persistence. I've created the model and the metamodel. When I try to deploy the app to GAE I get the following error when I run the app.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The meta data of the model(com.principalmvl.lojackmykids.meta.ContactMeta) is not found.
at org.slim3.datastore.DatastoreUtil.createModelMeta(
at org.slim3.datastore.DatastoreUtil.getModelMeta(
I looked at the lib directory under the WEB-INF directory and I see the generated .CLASS files.
What is the issue? Is there something I need to do on the import or a configuration so that GAE sees this classs?
I believe the issue is in the Eclipse project. I recreated a new project and copied all of my servlets and meta data models and it worked. I killed the other project since it seemed to be corrupt.

Google App Engine plugin on NetBeans 6.9.1

I followed the instructions on this site: Getting Started With Google App Engine and NetBeans.
When I try to add a Google App Engine server, I correctly point it to the .app file on my computer. But it still complains to "Provide a valid Google App Engine location". Why is this so? Which location does the plug-in want?
I downloaded the sdk zip file from google,,
and then unzipped the file into a java sandbox subdirectory of my home directory. I then pointed to the unzipped directory structure and it worked.
I'm not familiar with netbeans, but it appears it wants a path to the App Engine SDK. This is a subfolder of the app, /Applications/

Eclipse Configuration Error: Invalid Google App Engine directory

I have problem creating a Pydev Google App Engine project, the configuration stop at selecting the Google App Engine Directory.
Below is the error that i encountered after pointing the directory to C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine:
"Invalid Google App Engine directory. Did not find: C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\lib\django"
Please help!
In 1.4.2 Google moved django into two folders: django_0_96 and django_1_2. You should copy one of those directories to just plain django (in the specified folder) to get it to work with the current PyDev. Hopefully PyDev will update with a fix soon.
