Google App Engine plugin on NetBeans 6.9.1 - google-app-engine

I followed the instructions on this site: Getting Started With Google App Engine and NetBeans.
When I try to add a Google App Engine server, I correctly point it to the .app file on my computer. But it still complains to "Provide a valid Google App Engine location". Why is this so? Which location does the plug-in want?

I downloaded the sdk zip file from google,,
and then unzipped the file into a java sandbox subdirectory of my home directory. I then pointed to the unzipped directory structure and it worked.

I'm not familiar with netbeans, but it appears it wants a path to the App Engine SDK. This is a subfolder of the app, /Applications/


How to reduce ktor App file size for Google App Engine Deployment

I am trying to deploy app.yaml file to my Google App Engine project which I built using Ktor + gradle and I get this error,
ERROR: ( Cannot upload file [the file], which has size [43355410] (greater than maximum allowed size of [33554432]). Please delete the file or add to the skip_files entry in your application .yaml file and try again.
I am not using any images or videos in my projects, its pure Kotlin code but the project is 49.2MB. It seems like all the space is being occupied by the libraries I use. All of these libraries are essential to my project, how do I reduce the file size for Google App Engine since I cannot add the app.yaml file now. Strangely the project does upload when I use 'gradle appengineDeploy' command but not when I use 'gcloud app deploy app.yaml'
To resolve this issue you can set runtime in the app.yml file to java11 (I've tested it). The quote from the relevant answer:
I think this problem is related to Google App Engine Standard java 8.
When I used java11, the problem disappeared.

google App Engine Install location Sites Folder? Folder Name

The App Engine installer seems to insist my project folder be named with the project id ??? Can I name it something else? Tutorials all indicate installing the folder at the root but I prefer everything in the Sites folder. But I am having the devils own getting anything to work. Is this the problem?
You should be able to choose the Application Directory to save it in but the Google App Engine Launcher will name the source folder app_id. In the screen shot I would end up with /Users/Josh/Sites/app_id

Google App Engine Bitcoin Mining
I saw this, and it's quite a dead thread. I'm trying to implement this, but eclipse is having issues.
The App Engine SDK JAR appengine-endpoints.jar is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory lib /gaeminer-master/war/WEB-INF Unknown Google App Engine Problem
The App Engine SDK JAR appengine-jsr107cache-1.7.7.jar is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory lib /gaeminer-master/war/WEB-INF Unknown Google App Engine Problem
The App Engine SDK JAR appengine-api-labs.jar is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory lib /gaeminer-master/war/WEB-INF Unknown Google App Engine Problem
The App Engine SDK JAR appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.7.7.jar is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory lib /gaeminer-master/war/WEB-INF Unknown Google App Engine Problem
The App Engine SDK JAR is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory lib /gaeminer-master/war/WEB-INF Unknown Google App Engine Problem
How do I fix this?
I've spent several hours pounding my head into a desk for this project. By the way, yes, I understand CPU mining doesn't make much money, I just wanted to see if this was possible.
I had a similar problem, and resolved it pressing right button on the error (Markers Tab) -> Quick Fix -> Synchronize lib with JDK libraries. Try it and tell me if it helps you =)

Eclipse Configuration Error: Invalid Google App Engine directory

I have problem creating a Pydev Google App Engine project, the configuration stop at selecting the Google App Engine Directory.
Below is the error that i encountered after pointing the directory to C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine:
"Invalid Google App Engine directory. Did not find: C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\lib\django"
Please help!
In 1.4.2 Google moved django into two folders: django_0_96 and django_1_2. You should copy one of those directories to just plain django (in the specified folder) to get it to work with the current PyDev. Hopefully PyDev will update with a fix soon.

Deploy GWT Application to Google App Engine using NetBeans

I try to deploy a GWT application, to Google App Engine using NetBeans.
I had successful run GWT sample using Personal GlassFish v3 Prelude Domain, by
1) Copy generated source code from StockWatcher to C:\Projects\StockWatcherNetbeans\src\java\com\google\
2) Modify C:\Projects\StockWatcherNetbeans\nbproject\
3) Select Personal GlassFish v3 Prelude Domain, and run.
All works fine!
Now, I try to select Google App Engine server, and run. However, I get the error
"There is no appengine web project
I check... There is file called
with content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<appengine-web-app xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=' appengine-web.xsd'>
I am using
NetBeans 6.7.1
GWT4NB (GWT Plugin for NetBeans) 2.6.12
Google App Engine plugin for NetBeans from
Anything I had missed out?
Even when I right click to the project, the Deploy to Google App Engine options is disabled.
And yes, please do not ask me why not use Eclipse.
Starting with GWT 1.6, static files
have been moved to /war.
Instead of using war folder, I rename it to web folder. The Google App Engine plug-in comes with NetBeans needs the files to be placed in web folder.
