Eclipse Configuration Error: Invalid Google App Engine directory - google-app-engine

I have problem creating a Pydev Google App Engine project, the configuration stop at selecting the Google App Engine Directory.
Below is the error that i encountered after pointing the directory to C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine:
"Invalid Google App Engine directory. Did not find: C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\lib\django"
Please help!

In 1.4.2 Google moved django into two folders: django_0_96 and django_1_2. You should copy one of those directories to just plain django (in the specified folder) to get it to work with the current PyDev. Hopefully PyDev will update with a fix soon.


Intellij Keeps Telling Me "App Engine SDK path is not correct.'

Trying to deploy my first Google Cloud Java app using Intellij. I've followed and read so many threads and have gotten absolutely nowhere on what is seemingly one of the simplest steps of getting this set up. I have installed gcloud CLI and followed the instructions here. After installing, I run the commands 'gcloud components update' and 'gcloud components install app-engine-java'. I see the folder located in both 'C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\platform\google_appengine' and 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\platform\google_appengine'. I installed as multi user after hours of trying to get the single user install working, so now I have both. When in Intellij I am creating a new Google App Engine project under Java EE, it asks to specify a Google app engine SDK. There are no options so I choose to select the path. I have tried both above paths and it only tells me 'App Engine SDK path is not correct'. What am I doing wrong?? The steps seem ridiculously simple and it just doesn't work.
You stopped at the general google app engine folder
You need to specify the full path to the java-sdk folder, see the image in this question.

Is there a way to UPDATE files in google app engine

Is there a way to update files for google app engine. I deployed the google app engine. I want to update the files on the google cloud app engine but I am unsure how to do this. When I am following the django google app engine.
How I try to fix this problem is by "re-deploying " but I receive a "too many files error" I am unsure how to fix this. How do I change the source code in the google app engine with the correct code?
You update the files on App Engine by doing this command in your project root
gcloud app deploy . --version YOUR_VERSION_NAME --project YOUR_PROJECT_NAME
But it sounds like that's what you're trying to do but you're getting a "too many files error"
I think the limit is 10,000 files. There most likely is a rogue directory in your project root that is causing the problem.
In your app.yaml you can add a skip_files section for files that should not get uploaded to App Engine.
- ^\.git/.*
- ^node_modules/(.*/)?

Pycharm does not find GAE installation

When I create a new Google App Engine project with PyCharm, the App Engine SDK Directory field is automatically filled with the correct value.
The path name is the same used to run the app and the app runs without problems, but the Create button is grayed out and the message Please select App Engine SDK directory does not go away.
The folder is C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin.
How do I fix it?
In case you haven't already used the Cloud SDK to deploy or run the local development server, install the App Engine Python component of the SDK manually:
gcloud components install app-engine-python
Change your App Engine SDK path in PyCharm to:
C:\Users\<user-name>\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\platform\app_engine\
When installing google Cloud SDK, the appengine is not being installed automatically. So you have to install it before first use of google Cloud SDK.
If you install google cloud SDK for current user google_appengine path is
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\platform\google_appengine\
If you install google cloud SDK for all users the google_appengine path is
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\platform

Google App Engine Bitcoin Mining
I saw this, and it's quite a dead thread. I'm trying to implement this, but eclipse is having issues.
The App Engine SDK JAR appengine-endpoints.jar is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory lib /gaeminer-master/war/WEB-INF Unknown Google App Engine Problem
The App Engine SDK JAR appengine-jsr107cache-1.7.7.jar is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory lib /gaeminer-master/war/WEB-INF Unknown Google App Engine Problem
The App Engine SDK JAR appengine-api-labs.jar is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory lib /gaeminer-master/war/WEB-INF Unknown Google App Engine Problem
The App Engine SDK JAR appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.7.7.jar is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory lib /gaeminer-master/war/WEB-INF Unknown Google App Engine Problem
The App Engine SDK JAR is missing in the WEB-INF/lib directory lib /gaeminer-master/war/WEB-INF Unknown Google App Engine Problem
How do I fix this?
I've spent several hours pounding my head into a desk for this project. By the way, yes, I understand CPU mining doesn't make much money, I just wanted to see if this was possible.
I had a similar problem, and resolved it pressing right button on the error (Markers Tab) -> Quick Fix -> Synchronize lib with JDK libraries. Try it and tell me if it helps you =)

Google App Engine plugin on NetBeans 6.9.1

I followed the instructions on this site: Getting Started With Google App Engine and NetBeans.
When I try to add a Google App Engine server, I correctly point it to the .app file on my computer. But it still complains to "Provide a valid Google App Engine location". Why is this so? Which location does the plug-in want?
I downloaded the sdk zip file from google,,
and then unzipped the file into a java sandbox subdirectory of my home directory. I then pointed to the unzipped directory structure and it worked.
I'm not familiar with netbeans, but it appears it wants a path to the App Engine SDK. This is a subfolder of the app, /Applications/
