Why can i still make request while the server is disconnected? - sql-server

I'm using SQL Server Management Studio.
I log in my server, open a "new request" window and write a query that select ALL the element of a table.
SQL Server then display a table with the content queried.
However, as this request work when i'm connected, which is perfectly logic, i don't understand why this request still work when i disconnect from the server.
Is it a normal behavior ? When i disconnect from a server it's specifically to not execute a query by accident.

When you say disconnect, do you mean on your server connection on the left plane or on the current query you are on? Because a query can be open with a seperate connection to a database than from your left databases pane. It can be empty because that list's connection has been disconnected but the queries that are open run in a separate window and use a seperate connection –
Right click on your query window, go to connection and select disconnect then the query will not be able to run
When you open a query on the current database they will use the connection details, but they use a seperate connection to the database, so if you close your conneciton on the left databases pane. your query still has its own connection open

Most probably the query result is cashed for better performance. That is why for the next select it doesn't use the connection, just the cashed result. You can even add the where condition and it will work.


How to stop a running query?

I use RODBC to send queries to an SQL-Server. Sometimes they take too much time to run, so I need to cancel them.
Clicking the red "stop" button in RStudio yields this error message:
R is not responding to your request to interrupt processing so to stop
the current operation you may need to terminate R entirely.
Terminating R will cause your R session to immediately abort. Active
computations will be interrupted and unsaved source file changes and
workspace objects will be discarded.
Do you want to terminate R now?
And if I click yes my session is indeed terminated. (note: using Rgui instead of RStudio doesn't make things better)
when I use another software (named "Query ExPlus") to connect to this same SQL-Server, I have a similar stop button, and clicking it instantly interrupts the query, without any crash.
when I connect to a PostgreSQL database using the RPostgres package I can also interrupt the query at any time.
These two points lead me to think that there should be a way to solve my problem. What can I do?
So far my workaround is:
withTimeout(mydf <- sqlQuery(myconnection, myquery), timeout=120)
Note: I don't have permission to kill queries from the database side.
I've just stumbled upon the odbc package. It allows to interrupt a query at any time.
Basic usage goes like this:
myconnection <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
driver = "SQL Server",
server = "my_server_IP_address",
database = "my_DB_name",
uid = "my_user_id",
pwd = "my_password")
dbGetQuery(myconnection, myquery)
I don't have a deep understanding of what happens behind the scenes, but for what I've seen so far in my personal use this package has other advantages over RODBC:
really faster
get the column types from the DB instead of guessing them (see here)
no stringsAsFactors and as.is arguments necessary
Most SQL Server users use SQL Server Management Studio (which is free and can be downloaded from Microsoft) to connect to SQL Server or execute commands from the command line via a tool called SQLCMD.
If you can determine the session id that the SQL Command is being run in you can kill the session which would stop any executing command(s). SQL Server will still need time (could be a 'long' time) to rollback any changes made during the execution of the command.
Terminating a session (depending on the software) can take a while to communicate to SQL Server that the session has been terminated. When I connected to DB2 from SQL Server using linked servers DB2 would buffer the terminate command and it would frequently take up to an hour for DB2 to realize the session had been terminated.
To determine what the session you are running in you can try:
select ##spid;
once you have the spid (lets say 86)
you can then issue (depending on if you have permission to do so)
kill 86;
but as Microsoft notes:
Terminates a user process that is based on the session ID or unit of work (UOW). If the specified session ID or UOW has a lot of work to undo, the KILL statement may take some time to complete, particularly when it involves rolling back a long transaction.
Try to close your "tab query" on SQL Server Management Studio
Then it will appear pop-up,
This Query is currently executing. Do you want to cancel this query ?
Cancel anyway, choose "yes".
try to set your connection prior to query:
sql = odbcConnect('Database name')
Then use same line to run your query:
mydf <- sqlQuery(sql, " myquery ")
Note: The running time is dependant on both database and R server but setting up the connection this way should resolve termination problem.

SQL Server SPID doesnt change for every connection

We are building an ERP system, and sometimes we need to see the SQL statement in SQL Server Profiler for debuging purposes. I can catch my ERP's queries by the SPID on Profiler. My ERP doesnt keep an open connection, it opens a connection everytime it needs it.
I have been thinking that everytime my ERP opens a connection, it should get a new SPID. How does it give the same SPID?
SPIDs are recycled, they are guaranteed to be unique at any one time, but if a connection drops, its SPID can be reused by a new connection.

SQL Management Studio 2008 R2 "wrongly" reconnects after connection loss

up to a while ago I used SQL2k5 exclusively but recently got updated to 2008 R2. Apart from the obvious changes in Mgmt Studio, there is one quirk that's starting to be very annoying : each time a connection is dropped, I have to switch back to the 'lost' database again as it seems the conneciton automagically reconnected to the initial database again.
In SQL 2005 I simply had to press F5 twice and the first time it would give me an error saying the connection was lost, the second time it would reconnect to the database it was on before the connection got dropped and then execute whatever sql-commands it had. It did not really matter how I had gotten to that database, be it by using the dropdown-box on top, or a USE statement...
In SQL 2008 (R2) I now press F5 and mgmt studio will "eat" the lost connection silently and instead immediately reconnect to the server and execute the code on the default database or the database that I 'forced' while connecting using the [>> options] button/tabs
This happens quite a lot as I often have one tab open that kills all connections and restores the database, and another (series of) tab(s) with changed procedures, test-cases etc...
Is there some (hidden) configuration to (re)set this behaviour ???
I know I can try to add USE statements on top everywhere, or 'force' every connection directly to it's 'target' database, but bye bye for ad-hoc queries then =(
ps : doing some extra searching I'm wondering if this isn't due to the "fix" bespoken
here [connect.com]
ps: as a side note, after reconnecting the SPID on the bottom of the screen isn't updated properly either, as a result I've already been killing the wrong connection as I based myself on stale information ... yay for progress =( (**)
Anyone with better google-fu than me ? Or closer connections to Microsoft ? =)
(**: man, I so miss Query Analyzer =)
If you register the instance you're connecting to in management studio, you can go to "Connection Properties" on the registered instance and set "Connect to database" to be the main database you use on that instance. When you are disconnected and it auto-reconnects, it will use that default database again.
You can only set this to one database per instance, by design.
You need to connect using that registered instance to get it to work (right click on it, then 'New Query'). If you just do a new connection without going to the Registered Servers pane, it won't apply the properties to the connection.
Certainly not a perfect solution, but perhaps better than nothing.
PS: Connect bug for incorrect spid is here. It looks like there is a promised fix in Denali
Note: rereading, I see you're already setting the database on the advanced options for your connection at times. This is no more helpful than that, of course, just prevents you from having to do it each time.

How to connect a new query script with SSMS add-in?

I'm trying to create a SSMS add-in. One of the things I want to do is to create a new query window and programatically connect it to a server instance (in the context of a SQL Login). I can create the new query script window just fine but I can't find how to connect it without first manually connecting to something else (like the Object Explorer).
So in other words, if I connect Obect Explorer to a SQL instance manually and then execute the method of my add-in that creates the query window I can connect it using this code:
But I don't want to rely on CurrentlyActiveWndConnectionInfo.UIConnectionInfo for the connection. I want to set a SQL Login username and password programatically.
Does anyone have any ideas?
I've managed to get the query window connected by setting the last parameter to an instance of System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection. However, the connection uses the context of the last login that was connected instead of what I'm trying to set programatically. That is, the user it connects as is the one selected in the Connection Dialog that you get when you click the New Query button and don't have an Object Explorer connected.
I'm writing (or hoping to write) an add-in to automatically send a SQL statement and the execution results to our case-tracking system when run against our production servers. One thought I had was to remove write permissions and assign logins through this add-in which will also force the user to enter a case # canceling the statement if it's not there. Another thought I've just had is to inspect the server name in ServiceCache.ScriptFactory.CurrentlyActiveWndConnectionInfo.UIConnectionInfo and compare it to our list of production servers. If it matches and there's no case # then cancel the query.
Just in case anybody else is searching for a way to create and connect a query window programmaticaly - a short example for SSMS 2012:
UIConnectionInfo u =new UIConnectionInfo();
u.ServerName = "TestPC\\ServerInstance";
u.ServerType = new Guid("8c91a03d-f9b4-46c0-a305-b5dcc79ff907");
u.AuthenticationType = 0;//Use AuthenticationType = 1 for SQL Server Authentication
u.AdvancedOptions.Set("DATABASE", "AdventureWorks2012");
IScriptFactory scriptFactory = ServiceCache.ScriptFactory;
if(scriptFactory != null)
scriptFactory.CreateNewBlankScript(ScriptType.Sql, u, null);
This code snippet will open a new query window connected to specified server and database with windows auth.
I have not found a way to do this, since there appears to be no way to hook into the connection dialog window.
what are you working on?
If i understand correctly you want to intercept the query being run and if it matches the production server cancel it else send the text and results to a db?
hmm... while this would be possible but is a real major pain in the behind, and i wouldn't use an add-in for this. plus an add-in can be disabled, uninstalled etc.
you better try doing this with proper security setup on your production server.
I haven't tried this yet but didn't know if you have given it a shot.
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.RegSvrEnum.UIConnectionInfo u =
new Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.RegSvrEnum.UIConnectionInfo();
Should allow you to make your own connection. But like I said, I haven't tested it yet.
You'll need a reference to Microsoft.SqlServer.RegSvrEnum.dll.
Let me know if it works.

Grouping sys.dm_exec_connections by database (it's not quite like sys.sysprocesses)

Following on from my last question:
I've written some code to upgrade a SQL Server database. Before I upgrade the database, I plan to limit access to the database with the following statement:
Before running this code, I'll give the user an opportunity to opt out. At the time of prompting the user, I thought it would be nice to show the list of active connections (continuously polled at a set interval); providing the user with a tool to identify applications/users they would like to boot off the server before proceeding.
In SQL 2000, you can use the sys.sysprocesses table to see all connections that apply to a database. This includes connections that have no active request (like when you open a Query Analyser window and select a database).
However, using:
sys.dm_exec_sessions; and
I couldn't figure out a way to achieve the same outcome. It appears that these views only tie connections to a database through a request. Is there a way to mimic the behaviour of sys.sysprocesses? I'd prefer not to use this table for SQL Server 2005/2008 databases.
Er... I recommended these for your other question.
Sorry, but, I've found out that you still have to use sysprocesses
It's logged as a bug in Microsoft Connect 144515 to be fixed, I found it here
Personally, I still use sysprocesses because I'm comfortable with it, however lazy and luddite that may be...
