Editing a combo box in access 2007 - combobox

I have a combo box on my form that needs to be editable. It is currently populated by a query that provides a set of values based on the value in another combo box. The "Limit to List" is set to "No". The "Allow Value List Edits" is set to "Yes". Sometimes the user wants the ability to add an item to this box. The value does not need to be stored permanently in the tables.
The question is, is the edit feature disabled because of the kind of query that I have for populating it i.e. dependent on another combo box value? What are the options for enabling the edits?
Thanks in advance

I should have checked this out properly. I was expecting to see something at the bottom of other values similar to what happens when you have a value list. That doesn't happen.
I was able to type in directly into the Combo box and the value did get added to my table on executing the code to add a record. The "Limit to List" should obviously be set to "No". When that is set to "Yes", you get an error message about selecting only the available values.


Vaadin: Reload ComboBox List while typing

I got a ComboBox in Vaadin and want to reload (from db) the set of entries in the dropdown list while typing in the text field of the ComboBox. I always got the exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: A connector should not be marked as dirty while a response is being written.
I tried to lock the session (getUI().getSession().getLockInstance().lock();), but it didn't help.
Is it possible to dynamically set/load the selection list of a ComboBox?
why do you want to change the content from DB as the user type? you'll get a postback and a query every key the user presses... isn't better to use the standard combo feature (which tries to autocomplete the value given what the user is typing)?
Anyway, if you really need this feature, you may extend the standard behaviour of combo extending the container behind the combo, as the data shown is taken from a container.

MS ACCESS 2007 restrict editing to form fields until combobox selection is made

How do i restrict the editing of form fields until a combobox selection is made? I am using MS Access 2007.
Thanks for your help.
On the form, you can start off with all the fields being locked (cannot edit) and disabled (cannot click on them) (you can find those in the property sheet of the form). Then on the On Change event of the combo box, in VBA, cycle through all the fields and enable them again.
This answer provides code for how to loop through controls on a form. In this example, you would set ctl.Enabled = True and ctl.Locked = False (where ctl is the control you are referencing)
A note, to make sure that the combo box is always changed, I usually put "Choose One..." as the first item of the list. And check it on form submission to make sure it's not still selected. That way, it forces the On Change event to fire where it wouldn't if someone used the first option of the list.
Hope that was at least enough to get you started...
EDIT: Additional info
In the table design, I put default value of "Choose 1" on the Combo Box and made it the first option. So when the form comes up, that's what you see.
You can set the Locked property of your memo and date fields to Yes (found in the property sheet under data or you can use the .Locked = True in VBA.
Then, in the on change event of the combo box, click the ... and use the code builder and put something like this:
Dim ctl As Control
If Me.Combo77.Value <> "Choose 1" Then
'Loop through all controls on form
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
'Only text boxes, not labels, or combo box ect.
If ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Then
'Unlock the field and allow editing
ctl.Locked = False
End If
End If
I tried it out and it works on my little test database.
Here is the MSDN article on the control types: MSDN Control Types
To do it this way, I would recommend what I said above and put the first item of the Combo Box something they're not going to choose.

add checkbox to subtab on a NetSuite form

This may be a simple quesiton but I need to ask to be sure I am in the correct direction. In the Item Fulfillment form for example, there is a first column Fulfill that is a checkbox. Above it there are buttons for Mark All and Unmark All as well. What I would like to do is have similar functionality on one of my other subtabs. I already have a custom child record that lives on my subtab and added a checkbox bool field to the record. I could get that to somewhat work but what I would like to know is
1- is that the correct approach.
2- does it need to be a field that is selected to be saved,
3- for their functionality this only appears in Edit mode. is that a limitation?
4- I notice their "checkbox field" is not as wide as the one I made
5- Is there a way that I would only get this "field" to appear in the record when it is in a sublist and not when it is in its own custom form to create a new item? I would only have it as a checkbox in a subtab.
Or is my approach wrong and perhaps there is an easier way to do it?
1 - You can create a check box using inline HTML field - script the check box that way. Call a client script's function to handle the click.
2 - Not really sure what you're talking about - if you mean "Store Value" in the field definition, the answer is "No".
3 - Edit mode, yes. You can't change values of a field when not in edit mode.
4 - Width of a field can be controlled on the form design.
5 - Create 2 different forms. The data entry form would not include the check box, the sublist form would.

ADF Table Editable Field Issue

I am updating an application written in ADF In almost all of my screens, i have ADF Tables with editable fields and every table has a row selector enabled.
I have a problem where if a user clicks in an editable field, of a table row that isnt yet selected, the field row selector appears to fire off and then the browser loses the focus on the field that the user intended to select.
Per my example screen above, the 2nd table row is currently selected. However, if i click inside any editable field in row 3 (like End Date), browser sets the focus on the field. But then the Table Row Selection listener invokes immediately after, and then takes the focus off the field i originally clicked. This happens on any editable field type.
The most annoying thing is when i update a checkbox of a table row (not selected), the value is immediately overwritten back with its original value.
Currently, the only way to get around this problem, is the user first selects the table row, then updates the field data.
Any experience with this issue? I'm thinking about a client listener or value change listener but wanted to see what your thoughts are.
Update 01:
I set "immediate" property to "true" for the table, still get the same results. I applied immediate=true to the parent Panel Boxes, same results.
Update 02:
The table's Iterator' and Binding's ChangeEventPolicy was set to default (none). But i set it to none anyways. Same results..
Update 03:
Removed validators, same result.
Does your selection listener still retains "#{bindings.xxx.collectionModel.makeCurrent}"? this is used to set the currently selected row as current row, if you have removed this then it means that even when you select the row by clicking on a field, the model still has previous row selected in its iterator.

Editing multiple entries in Jabref

Is there a way to edit multiple Jabref entries? E.g. add the same data to an empty field, like "keywords", of multiple files?
Yes, there is. Select the entries you want to edit, then choose "Tools">"Set/clear fields" in the menu bar. This will bring up a dialog prompting what field and what value (also with a "clear" option). There's also a checkbox allowing you to set only the empty field to a certain value.
