how to render multiple languages in AngularJS webpage? - angularjs

I am new to AngularJS, I've a requirement where I should display the products of different countries in a single webpage with different languages(localized language of that countries). Response is coming in the single JSON file for all the countries.
I've tried to use Angular Translate but I was not successful. Could anyone suggest if there is any better way to do?

I use Angular Translate with Multi-language support and it's working fine,
You can check this link

Did you tried ?
we have implemented it by creating different js as per language


build website 'online help' with angularjs

Starting with a website build with AngularJS as frontend and a ReST API set as backend. I would like to append an online help content.
Does exist a project or a framework to do that quickly (using angularjs powerfull) ?
I have no special mandatory requirements. I think that two concept could be important:
help section representation as a tree,
quick link between webapplication and online help.
JHipser may be the one you need.
I finally decided to build it without additional framework:
a flat json file that describe the structure and contents of my online help,
a controller with $http.get(...) embedded to get back the content
a dedicated help page : I re-use the bootstrap help menu and I use the ng-repeat directive to show the active content.
(Anyway Thanks #Shaojiang Cai for your suggest).

Is there any advantage of using angular js with magento?

Angular js is new in market so is there any advantage of using angular js with magento ?
If yes then anyone knows how can we use both in a single project ?
Angular is not new in the market, it´s pretty old already. Anyway, the benefit of using Angular (or another client framework) is that your shop can be a lot faster - instead of a page refresh for every click, you can load data/templates with Angular. For example, with a REST API. Meaning: you only load what you need and the server can handle more users.
There are many resources about this topic already, here´s a small list:
Read through all those links and you will know why it´s good and how it can be done.

Assemble (static Site generator) With Angular JS

I want to create a site using assemble, yeoman, and angularJS.
The plan is that assemble will handle content and AngularJS will handle dynamic content via a REST API. Are the two compatible, is this a good choice of architecture? My concern is with the templating engine Assemble uses (HandleBars) and whether it is compatible with AngularJS as they both seem to use {{}}. I have only started investigating but am struggling to find examples of people using a similar architecture. How do i scaffold with Yeoman?
I'm doing something similar and to handle the issue with the template delimiters I use the angular interpolateProvider to change the delimiters for angular.
var app = angular.module('app', []).config(function ($interpolateProvider) {
I'm not sure if you can configure Yeoman to automatically use the new delimiters when running some of the scaffolds, but I hope this helps separate your templates from the assemble templates.
I've done similar for a client for a retail site, to create a basis, custom CMS.
Originally I had the idea that all the items for sale (the data i.e model) would be represented via the data files - a mix of .json and yaml. (At least the client could edit the yaml file with some ease as it is sort of human readable).
A later improvement was to allow the client to edit the stock via a webpage - rather than editing the data files directly - Angular was ideal for this to have a webapp that basically allowed editing the data / upload and transform images, etc via a much nicer interface.
Assemble uses Handlebars (among others) to render templates, so you can use its syntax to escape Angular templates in a .hbs file, this way:
\{{ qty * cost | currency }}

Upload Angular-locale dynamically

I use the i18n/angular-locale to manage the data.
In my html page I have a dropdown with the language, when I change the language I would like to upload the correct i18n/angular-locale (for example if I select France to upload i18n/angular-locale_fr.js...) there is a dynamically mode to load
this file instead of to upload all files
I hope to have understood your question: there's a nice AngularJS module called angular-translate that let you easily manage all the i18n stuff.

Looking for a very simple implementation of ckeditor and AngularJS

I have seen a few posts on how to create directives and controllers. However I am looking for something as simple as possible. Does anyone have any experience with creating some simple HTML code that allows me to use CKEditor. In particular the one thing I am not sure of is how to bind the editor contents to the model when I am using AngularJS.
Below is the link please check it
if you are interested in tinymce it is available in angularUI below is the link
