how to create folder and file with datetime in wpf application - wpf

I have WPF application. where I want to create folder within folder with datetime format.
I tried below code
string reportPath= environment.currentDirectory+"\\Reports\\";
string datetime="dd-MM-yyyy_HH:mm:tt");
string todaysDateFolder= path.combine(reportPath,datetime);
//string todaysDateFolder = reportPath+datetime+"\\"; //This opetion also try but get error
code to create directory folderlike as below
if (!Directory.Exist(reportPath))
Directory.createDirectory(todaysDateFolder); ///get error here that path format is not supported
if I use any fix name instead of date , It works. But I want date formatted folder also file.

When using a date field in a folder or file name, it is customary to use this reverse format, so that they can be ordered correctly:
string formattedDate = Datetime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");
If you format using the day first, then the folders will not be able to be ordered by date. This format also has no forbidden characters in it (like the colons (:) in your date format. You can find out which characters cannot be used in filenames in the Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces page on MSDN.


How to convert a .dm3 file (with annotation and scale bar) to .jpg/jpeg image?

I wonder how to convert a dm3 file into .jpg/jpeg images? there is test annotation and scale bar on the image. I setup a script but it always show that "the format cannot contain the data to be saved". This can be done via file/batch convert function. So how to realize the same function in script? Thanks
image test:=IntegerImage("test",2,1,100,100)
image frontimage:=GetFrontImage()
string filename=getname(frontimage)
imagedisplay disp = frontImage.ImageGetImageDisplay(0)
ImageDocument frontDoc = GetFrontImageDocument()
string directoryname, pathname
number length
if(!SaveAsDialog("","Do Not Change Me",directoryname)) exit(0)
frontDoc.ImageDocumentSaveToFile( "JPG Format", pathname )
To convert to jpg you have to use "JPEG/JFIF Format" as the handler (=format).
It has to be exactly this string in the ImageDocument.ImageDocumentSaveToFile() function. Other formats are mentioned in the help (F1 > Scripting > Objects > Document Object Model > ImageDocument Object > ImageDocumentSaveToFile() function). Those are (for example):
'Gatan Format'
'Gatan 3 Format'
'GIF Format'
'BMP Format'
'JPEG/JFIF Format'
'Enhanced Metafile Format'
In your code you are using the SaveAsDialog() to get a directory. This is not necessary. You can use GetDirectoryDialog() to get a directory. This saves you the name operation for the directoryname and avoids problems when users do change your filename.
Also for concatinating paths I prefer using PathConcatenate(). On the first hand this makes your code a lot more readable since its name tells what you are doing. On the other hand this also takes care of the directory ending with \ or not and other path related things.
The following code is what I think you need:
Image test := IntegerImage("test", 2, 1, 100, 100);
Image frontimage := GetFrontImage();
ImageDisplay disp = frontImage.ImageGetImageDisplay(0);
ImageDocument frontDoc = GetFrontImageDocument();
string directoryname;
if(!GetDirectoryDialog("Select directory", "C:\\\\", directoryname)){
// ↑
// You can of course use something else as the start point for selection here
string filename = GetName(frontimage);
string pathname = directoryname.PathConcatenate(filename);
frontDoc.ImageDocumentSaveToFile("JPEG/JFIF Format", pathname);
This answer is correct and should be accepted. Your problem is the wrong file-type string. You want to use "JPEG/JFIF Format"
A bit more general information on image file saving in DigitalMicrograph.
One doesn't save images but always imageDocuments that can contain one, more, or even zero image objects in them. Script-commands that save an image like SaveAsGatan() really just call things like: ImageGetOrCreateImageDocument().ImageDocumentSaveToFile()
The difference doesn't really matter for simple one-image-in-document type images, but it can make a difference when there are multiple images in a document, or when a single image is displayed multiple times simultaneously (which can be done.) So it is always good to know what "really" goes on.
ImageDocuments contain some properties relating to saving:
A save format (“Gatan Format”, “TIFF Format”, …)
Default value: What it was opened with, or last used save-format in case of creation
Script commands: ImageDocumentGetCurrentFileSaveFormat() ImageDocumentSetCurrentFileSaveFormat()
A current file path:
Default value: What it was opened from, or empty
Script commands: ImageDocumentGetCurrentFile() ImageDocumentSetCurrentFile()
A dirty-state:
Default value: clean when opened, dirty when created
Script commands: ImageDocumentIsDirty() ImageDocumentClean()
A linked-to-file state:
Default value: true when opened, false when created
Script commands: ImageDocumentIsLinkedToFile()
There are two ways of saving an imageDocument:
Saving the current document itself to disc:
void ImageDocumentSave( ImageDocument imgDoc, Number save_style ) This utilizes the current properties of the imageDocument to save it to current path in current format, marking it clean in the process. The save_style parameter determines how the program deals with missing info:
0 = never ask for path
1 = ask if not linked (or empty path)
2 = always ask
Saving a copy of the current document to disc:
void ImageDocumentSaveToFile( ImageDocument imgDoc, String handler, String fileName ) This makes a copy and save the file under provided path in the provided format. The imageDocument in memory does not change its properties. Most noticeable: It does not become clean, and it is not linked to the provided file on disc. The filename parameter specifies the saving location including the filename. If a file extension is provided, it has to match the file-format, but it can be left out. The handler parameter specified the file-format and can be anything GMS currently supports, such as:
Gatan Format
Gatan 3 Format
GIF Format
BMP Format
Enhanced Metafile Format
In short:
To save the currently opened imageDocument with a different format, you would want to do:
imageDocument doc = GetFrontImageDocument()
doc.ImageDocumentSetCurrentFileSaveFormat("TIFF Format")
While to just save a copy of the current state you would use:
imageDocument doc = GetFrontImageDocument()
string path = doc.ImageDocumentGetCurrentFile() // full path including extension!
path = PathExtractDirectory(path,0) + PathExtractBaseName(path,0) // path without file extension
doc.ImageDocumentSaveToFile("TIFF Format", path )

Calendar locale (German) for PlantUML gantt diagrams

Can someone tell me, how I can define another calendar's locale (e.g. German) for the rendered calendar parts of the nice gantt feature in plantUML
I have something like:
-- Vorbereitung --
Project starts 2020-12-01
[Themenfindung] starts 2020-12-01 and ends 2021-01-01
[milestone] happens at 2020-12-15
-- ... --
The output prints month and daynames in English:
Is it possible at all and if so how can this be changed to German.
There is nothing about this in the documentation (
With last beta you can now specify a language for the Calendar.
For example:
Language DE
Project starts the 20th of september 2017
This will be integrated in next official release.
According to their source code,
there are hardcoded values for days and months as Enums
and they use name() method to get their English names.
I would recommend you to clone their repo and change the hardcoded values in two classes:
In file src/net/sourceforge/plantuml/project/time/
replace method shortName like this:
public String shortName() {
Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
String s = StringUtils.capitalize(java.time.DayOfWeek.valueOf(this.toString()).getDisplayName(TextStyle.SHORT_STANDALONE, locale));
return s.substring(0,2);
In file src/net/sourceforge/plantuml/project/time/
replace two methods like this
public String shortName() {
return StringUtils.capitalize(java.time.Month.valueOf(this.toString()).getDisplayName(TextStyle.SHORT_STANDALONE,Locale.getDefault()));
public String longName() {
return StringUtils.capitalize(java.time.Month.valueOf(this.toString()).getDisplayName(TextStyle.FULL_STANDALONE,Locale.getDefault()));
I compile only these two classes and replace them in jar file. This works for me.

Send XLSX file as mail attachment via ABAP

I have to create an email and attach an XLSX file. I looked at the BCS_EXAMPLE_7 program.
I have transformed the content with the following method:
iv_string = lv_content
iv_codepage = '4103'
iv_add_bom = 'X'
et_solix = pt_binary_content
ev_size = pv_size ).
CATCH cx_bcs.
ls_return-type = text-023.
ls_return-message = text-024.
APPEND ls_return TO pt_return.
CONCATENATE lv_save_file_name '_' sy-datum '.xlsx' INTO lv_save_file_name.
lv_attachment_subject = lv_save_file_name.
CONCATENATE '&SO_FILENAME=' lv_attachment_subject INTO ls_attachment_header.
APPEND ls_attachment_header TO lt_attachment_header.
lo_document->add_attachment( i_attachment_type = 'XLS'
i_attachment_subject = lv_attachment_subject
i_attachment_size = pv_size
i_att_content_hex = pt_binary_content
i_attachment_header = lt_attachment_header ).
The email is sent correctly but when I open the attachment I see the error
Cannot open the file because the file extension is incorrect
Could you help me? thanks
That's a normal behavior of Excel, unrelated to ABAP, when the file name has extension .xlsx but doesn't contain data in format corresponding to XLSX. Excel does the same kind of checks for other extensions. If you need more information about these checks, please search the Web.
As I see that your program creates the attachment based on text converted into UTF-16LE code page (SAP code page 4103), I guess that you created the Excel data in format CSV, tab-separated values or even the old Excel XMLSS/XML 2003 format.
In that case, the extension .xlsx is not valid, to avoid the message, use the adequate extension, respectively .csv, .txt or .xml.
If you really need the extension .xlsx for some reason, then you must create the data in XLSX format. You may use the free API abap2xlsx. If you need further assistance about how to use abap2xlsx, please ask a new question (unrelated to email).
NB: maybe you were told to use the extension .xlsx although there is no real need to use it (each format has its own features, but simple unformatted values can be achieved with all formats), in that case you may propose to use a simple format like CSV or tab-separated values.
NB: you may also have the opposite case that Excel sniffs that the file contains data in format corresponding to XLSX, but the file name doesn't have the extension .xlsx, and the same for all other formats, but I can't say what is the exact Excel reaction to each case.
It appears that whatever you have in lv_content isn't actually a valid excel file. You can not just take arbitrary data, give it the extension .xlsx and expect MS Excel to know what to do with it.
Unfortunately, creating valid MS Office files is anything but trivial. It's a format which is theoretically open and based on XML (actually a zip archive containing multiple XML files), but in practice the specification is over a 5000(!) pages long.
Fortunately, there is a library for that. abap2xlsx is an open source (Apache License) library which provides an easy API to create (and read) valid XLSX files in ABAP.
You could also try to open the file with a text editor (eg. NotePad++), maybe this gives a hint of the actual content.
But I guess that something went wrong generating the binary table. Maybe you are using the wrong file size or code page.
Possible problems:
First problem: as correctly said by Sandra you may have invalid content of your lv_content variable, which doesn't correspond to correct XLSX structure.
Second problem: which you already solved, as seen from your coding, BCS classes do not support 4-character extensions.
Here is the sample how to build and send correct XLSX file via mail:
FROM spfli
INTO TABLE #DATA(lt_spfli).
cl_salv_table=>factory( IMPORTING r_salv_table = DATA(lr_table)
CHANGING t_table = lt_spfli ).
DATA: lr_xldimension TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node,
lr_xlworksheet TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element.
DATA(lv_xlsx) = lr_table->to_xml( if_salv_bs_xml=>c_type_xlsx ).
DATA(lr_zip) = NEW cl_abap_zip( ).
lr_zip->load( lv_xlsx ).
lr_zip->get( EXPORTING name = 'xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml' IMPORTING content = DATA(lv_file) ).
DATA(lr_file) = NEW cl_xml_document( ).
lr_file->parse_xstring( lv_file ).
* Row elements are under SheetData
DATA(lr_xlnode) = lr_file->find_node( 'sheetData' ).
DATA(lr_xlrows) = lr_xlnode->get_children( ).
* Create new element in the XML file
lr_xlworksheet ?= lr_file->find_node( 'worksheet' ).
DATA(lr_xlsheetpr) = cl_ixml=>create( )->create_document( )->create_element( name = 'sheetPr' ).
DATA(lr_xloutlinepr) = cl_ixml=>create( )->create_document( )->create_element( name = 'outlinePr' ).
lr_xlsheetpr->if_ixml_node~append_child( lr_xloutlinepr ).
lr_xloutlinepr->set_attribute( name = 'summaryBelow' value = 'false' ).
lr_xldimension ?= lr_file->find_node( 'dimension' ).
lr_xlworksheet->if_ixml_node~insert_child( new_child = lr_xlsheetpr ref_child = lr_xldimension ).
* Create xstring and move it to XLSX
lr_file->render_2_xstring( IMPORTING stream = lv_file ).
lr_zip->delete( EXPORTING name = 'xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml' ).
lr_zip->add( EXPORTING name = 'xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml' content = lv_file ).
lv_xlsx = lr_zip->save( ).
DATA lv_size TYPE i.
DATA lt_bintab TYPE solix_tab.
* Convert to binary
buffer = lv_xlsx
output_length = lv_size
binary_tab = lt_bintab.
DATA main_text TYPE bcsy_text.
* create persistent send request
DATA(send_request) = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
* create document object from internal table with text
APPEND 'Valid Excel file' TO main_text.
DATA(document) = cl_document_bcs=>create_document( i_type = 'RAW' i_text = main_text i_subject = 'Test Created for stella' ).
DATA lt_att_head TYPE soli_tab.
APPEND '<(>&< )>SO_FILENAME=MySheet.xlsx' TO lt_att_head.
* add the spread sheet as attachment to document object
i_attachment_type = 'xls'
i_attachment_subject = 'MySheet'
i_attachment_size = CONV so_obj_len( lv_size )
i_attachment_header = lt_att_head
i_att_content_hex = lt_bintab ).
send_request->set_document( document ).
DATA(recipient) = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( '' ).
send_request->add_recipient( recipient ).
DATA(sent_to_all) = send_request->send( i_with_error_screen = 'X' ).

Check whether file exists in server with partial name

I want to search for a file, say with name having the date time stamp (DDMMYYYYhhmmss)(14122017143339). But in the server possibilities are there that the filename which I am expecting can be like either (14122017143337 OR 14122017143338 OR 14122017143339 OR 14122017143340) as there is a minute change in the seconds.
Now, I am trying to search for the file with only a portion of its name say like (DDMMYYYYhhmm)only uptil the minute. Meaning the file which i am expecting should contain the string (141220171433) in its name.
Can someone help on how can we achieve this Using Java?
Note - Am using Selenium for my coding purposes.
Below code in in Java and will find all files in a folder. you can search for required file name to match
File[] allFiles = new File("FOlder path").listFiles();
for (File f : allFiles)
if (f.isFile())
System.out.println("true and file found");
// do something here

Save file on disk with name based on title of object

If in Yii 1.1.x there is some extension, to create valid file system(linux) name from object title with unique name, like a slug, but with unique name in given directory ?
I mean I want to save file on disk with name based on title of object.
Actually I would like a bit more :
1) In title of object all illigel chars(for Linux/windows OS) and space must be converted to '-'
2) if there is such file add valid counter for it , like "_45"
Maybe that not yii extension, but some php function.
The simplest way - you can add object id to prefix of file. Then your file names always be uniqueness. For example:
you can use php own uniqueid() to generate unique ids!
$title = uniqid('wp_'); // have wp_ prefixed for title
