Why bootstrap-select plugin not working with ajax - bootstrap-select

I have created dropdown list for category and from that category after that I created another dropdown list for subcategory using ajax it works fine. But in second dropdown I want to select multiple option for that I am using bootstrap-select plugin. From this plugin I am using selectpicker class. On any file this plugin works fine but on ajax response page it does not show the effect of that plugin selectpicker class. Why is it so?
please help...

AJax does not work with bootstrap-select
populate the second drop down and use this to refresh it after ajax is complete and options are populated


Dropdown component on header toolbar of fullcalendar in react js without jquery

I am using fullcalendar in react js and want to display dropdown in it's header toolbar. I have a separate component for dropdown and want to integrate it in the header. Is there any way to do that without using jquery I checked their documentation but there is nothing like that. We can create only custom buttons and can't even pass any tags in those buttons. There have just limited options .

jsfiddle angularjs binding not working

I create a jsfiddle page:
jquery datatable with Angularjs - individual column searching
all the angularjs binding not work, it shows
which should show the actual binding content.
the external resource angularjs, cdn URL seems does not working.
the external resource angularjs cdn url does not work,
you must click javascipt setting, then choose framework & extensions, as angularjs
see screen shot

CKEditor conflicting with TextAngular

We have a nifty AngularJS 1 app and we're using TextAngular add on. Works great. We now have the requirement to add the customer's custom header into our work, which is being added via JS AJAX call and it inserts the HTML into the page. This header is using CKEditor. I've asked to remove it but they can't. As a result, when I click into my TextAngular box, the CKEditor toolbar appears.
Thoughts on how I can separate the two? It appears CKEditor is attaching itself to any div where contenteditable="true". Is there a way to tell CKEditor to ignore divs?

Getting issue when implementing angular grid in mvc

I have one MVC project where previously i used kendo controller all the things are fine there.
Now when i added angularjs ui grid in my new and used kendo datepicker so angular js was not working because of i added those angular.js script in _layout.cshtml page just after kendo.all.min.js. but did not find angularjs worked. so i removed the script from there and added those script in newly created view so angular grid is working now but the new issue i got that is Jquery function not defined for kendo datepicker. i know this issue becasue jquery.min.js it is used now in two places first in layout.cshtml and second in new view. if i remove this jquery.min.js script from new view gettting issue like angularjs injecterr. if i am using this view my kendo datepicker is not working.
If anyone who have idea to set all the angularjs script in _layout.cshtml only then it would be good.
Need help.
One more layout used in application name as MyLayout.cshtml i added those script there and removed the same from Layout.cshtml page and now angular and kendo controls both are working fine without any issue.

Display result of request in different page on JQM/Angular

I'm creating a little JQuery Mobile + angular app.
I have index.html page which has few controls. When clicking on the button, I'm calling a function in the $scope of the controller which returns a result.
The thing is that I want to display the results using angular on another page but its not working. It works if I'm displaying the results on the same page(index.html) but doesn't works if I'm moving to another page (lets say results.html) which uses the same controller...
Any idea?
