Can angular and knockout be used in same web application? - angularjs

I am learning Angular JS and Knockout JS. So usually during interviews I have encountered a question like,
Can we use both Angular JS and Knockout JS in the same application at a time.
Also what could be the disadvantages and advantages if we do that?
If we cannot use both frameworks in the same web application, what are the reasons.
Please help me out.

Yes you can ("But why would you? AngularJS already has data binding" would be my counter question)
Devs must learn two frameworks.
As mentioned above, increased loading time.
None that I can see.
See 1.


Angular2 Multi-page Application Consuming Spring Rest Microservices API

Good day Pals, I have no experience of Angular 2, but a bit of Angularjs 1x. Having done my little research.
I found out that for a new project I am better off going for ng2.
Also, that there is better support for TypeScript against JavaScript.
This is more learning curve for me, since I am from a JS background.
In my project we have built multiple spring bootstrap rest microservices and we need to knock out UI as speedily as possible using Angularjs2, HTML5, CSS3/Bootstrap.
I am looking for a good sample application for Angular2 showing features like: multiple page routing/navigation, templates, directives and components to implement calling our existing rest endpoints/API. Typical CRUD application references will be appreciated etc
It will be good to to see a rich client application partitioned/architectured with best practice in mind.
I have googled and there isn't much out there, I need some expert guidance please. References to code/bloggs/github etc
Thanks in advance.

Is zurb-foundation compatible with Angular JS?

I need to migrate an site from one framework to another because I need to use Angular JS.
I found zurb-foundation very interesting. It happens that it seems to use jQuery.
According to this website
When building out Angular projects, you should not add on the full jQuery library. jQlite is already included in Angular and this should be all the jQuery that is necessary.
I had a bad experience running Bootstrap and Angular together and I don't want to repeat the same mistake.
It happens that I found the following line at zurb-foundation index.html
<script src="js/vendor/jquery.js"></script>
A quick search has shown that it seems to be a "simplified" version of jQuery (am I wrong?).
I've seem many people questioning things related to Angular in Foundation apps.
My question is: Is Angular compatible with Foundation?
While you'll read in many places that you should stay away from jQuery when using Angular, you'll also notice a subtle "at first" here and there. Angular is quite opinionated, and employs a declarative way of doing things, whereas jQuery is imperative. Check this out for more on the topic.
To answer your question:'s tutorial about Angular and Bootstrap involves UI Bootstrap, a library of directives written in Angular to be able to integrate common Bootstrap functionalities easier.
The equivalent of UI Bootstrap for Foundation is Angular Foundation. I recommend giving this thread a look-over as well, as it contains information that may be relevant to your use case.
So yes, Angular is compatible with Foundation. Happy hacking :)
a quick answer is of course they are compitable with each other. check this out from Zurb. However if you do not want to use JQuery, then the easiest way is to use pineconellc for foundation 5. foundation 6 does not have a port yet as far as I know.

AngularJS-based UI Components, quantumui vs. angular-strap vs. angular-bootstrap-ui

I have been looking for a component set for a start-up project which would be based on AngularJS.
After some research, I have found three common component sets which can be applicable.
The first is AngularJS Bootstrap UI. It seems clear, but there are no enough examples and documentation.
The second is angular-strap. I have seen that it is a simple implementation of bootstrap.js with some additional features, but it seem very simple.
And the last one is QuantumUI. I have seen that it is amazing, but it seems very new.
What is the experience with these frameworks? Can you list pros cons for them?
I am owner of QuantumUI and is is not truth to say anything about other's projects.
However I can say that in short;
ui-bootstrap: is pure angular based, but it is old and not compatiable with new angular versions. Also it's plugins are very simple.
Also angular-strap is a implementation of bootstrap.js. Namely, it isn't a project of angular thinking.
However QuantumUI is a compact angular solution. It's components are powerful, server and developer friendly and also there is no Jquery dependency. All components are results of angular thinking.

backbonejs + angularjs integration

do you have any experience with integrating AngularJS component into existing BackboneJS application?
Could you just briefly give me some help, what should I do to make it work?
Thank you
I was able to make it work after all
for the future reference - this gist helped me a lot:
anyway, Charles is right - it is definitely not nice to combine these two frameworks (in my case, it was not my call to do so...)
Angular scope will overcome the backbone scope. There is no point using those two frameworks on the same project. Mixing those two will result in a poor designed project.
Either stick to Backbone or replace it with Angular.

Client side MVC plus media responsive UI

I m still new to client side MVC and at this point exploring my options.
Angular.js, Ember.js both are highly recommended frameworks, backbone.js is a library but most of the implementation user has to do.
Need a opinion from someone who has been working in client side MVC, as to how should one decide which one to go for?
Plus I need the UI to be media responsive, for which twitter Bootstrap looks ideal.
Is it possible to use one of these framework along with Twitter Bootstrap? In which framework is it easier to integrate Bootstrap?
AngularJs and Bootstrap are the two which I would start with.
AngularJS is opinionated, this means it will help you structure your code well. If you just want binding then don't forget knockoutjs. This is in the mvc package by default in VS.
Bootstrap is just html and css markup so should work with everything.
If you start a MVC5 project now in VS2013 you will by standard have bootstrap.
Many people will have different opinions on this so you could wait for an answer for a long time.
I understand your confusion when it comes to selecting the right JavaScript framework. There are many deciding factors that you must evaluate before dedicating your time and money. I noticed that you mentioned a MVC in your questions title. The first thing that you will want to understand is exactly which MV* architecture that you want to have for your app and why. Once you have that nailed down then selecting the framework will be much easier since you will have eliminated a few of the frameworks. The four architectures are MVC, MVVM, MVP and MV*. Another major factor that you will want to look at is the binding mechanism used for the framework. Some frameworks only allow one way bindings while others support 2-way bindings.
To answer your question, based on what you have explained, I would say that Ember is going to be your best bet. Ember will work with Bootstrap
If your still researching the facts then you will really want to check out this helpful link to a page that goes over the pros and cons of the most popular JS frameworks.
Check it out here:
