XPath - How to select by #text that contains new line - mobile

In the Mobile application view I see text like this:
Test string
with new line
But in the elements tree of this view (it looks like expandible tree viewer) I see value of the #text attribute of this one like this:
Test stringwith new line
I have tried to use the following ways:
xpath=//*[#text='Test string\nwith new line']
xpath=//*[#text=concat('Test string','\n','with new line']
But they don't work.
Is it possible to select element by its #text attribute containing new line?
If it is possible How to do that?
Note: I don't have ability to see source code and change it.

I don't know of a good way to place a single newline character into an XPath, but you could use normalize-space() if your main objective is to select the element and the fact that it contains a newline isn't all that important:
//*[normalize-space(#text) = 'Test string with new line']


need xpath where the next descendant that has text is returned

I am trying to write a locator where the next text descendant is returned. I wont know the text. The following xpath works:
but I dont like the div[4] as this could easily change. The element is the first div type descendant under show that contains text. Any suggestions?
Considering the following clauses:
the next text descendant
I wont know the text
div[4] as this could easily change
element is the first div type descendant
To locate the element a couple of effective approaches are as follows:
Using xpath:
//*[#id='myChart']//label[contains(., "Show")]//div[text()]
Using xpath with descendant:
//*[#id='myChart']//label[contains(., "Show")]//descendant::div[text()]
Using xpath with following:
//*[#id='myChart']//label[contains(., "Show")]//following::div[text()]
I think this will work for you:
To give more confident answer we need to see the actual page / XML.
In case the desired div is a direct child of the label containing the "Show:" the above expression can be presided to

Place plaintext right beside variables (without whitespace) in VS Code User Snippets

I would like to create a User Snipper in VS Code that is a combination of variables and plaint text. This can typically be achieved by combining variables and plain text with a whitespace between then. But I would like to ad a variable next to a text without a whitespace.
For Example, I would like to create the current timestamp like this:
Below is what I tried
Notice the T in between $CURRENT_DATE & $CURRENT_HOUR
You can add $ symbol before the plain-text you want to add.
In this case, you need at add $T instead of T
Note that $T will get considered as a placeholder, and it will be the last item selected while tabbing through the inserted snippet.

URL Type Hierarchy in Adobe DTM

I'm trying to create a page type hierarchy where I can use it both a page hierarchy as well as props and evars, using the page URL. In a nutshell my URL would look something like this:
The mindset is to take the URL and use a data element to split the URL, and then capture the values into separate data elements that could also be used in a page hierarchy.
var url = "http://www.domain.com/part1/part2/part3/part4"
var parts = url.split('/').splice(2);
var baseUrl = parts[0];
var part1 = parts[1];
var part2 = parts[2];
var part3 = parts[3];
var part4 = parts[4]
My question is, would it even be possible to capture each individual portion of the URL into separate data elements? Or is my approach overkill.
Create a Data Element
The following will create a Data Element that returns an array containing up to 4 elements, depending on how many dir levels there are in the URL.
Go to Rules > Data Elements > Create New Data Element
Name it "hier1" (no quotes).
Choose Type Custom Script and click Open Editor.
Add the following code to the code box:
return location.pathname.split('/').filter(Boolean).slice(0,4);
When you are done, Save Changes.
Populate the Hierarchy Variable
Here is an example of populating hier1 on page view.
Go to Overview > Adobe Analytics Tool Config > Pageviews & Content
Under Hierarchy, select Hierarchy1 from the dropdown (this is shown by default).
To the right of the dropdown, in the first field, add %hier1%
Leave the other 3 fields blank.
Leave Delimiter as default comma , (it doesn't matter what you put here).
Note: DTM stringifies the returned array (String(Array) or Array.toString()) from the Data Element, which is effectively the same as doing Array.join(','). This is why the above shows to only put the Data Element reference in the first field, and the Delimiter is ignored.
If your implementation uses a delimiter other than a comma, see additional notes below.
Additional Notes
Populating other Variables
You can also reference %hier1% to populate other variable fields in the Global Variables section. Note that the data element will be stringified with default comma delimiter.
Alternatively, you may consider using Dynamic Variable syntax (e.g. D=h1) as the value, to shorten the request URL. If you are using the latest AppMeasurement and Marketing Cloud Service libraries, this isn't a big deal (the libs will automatically use a POST request instead of GET request if the request URL is too long).
Using the Data Element in Custom Code Boxes
You can use _satellite.getVar('hier1') to return the data element. Note that this returns an array, e.g. ['foo','bar'], so you need to use .join() to concatenate to a single delimited string value.
Using a different Delimiter
If your implementation uses a delimiter other than a comma (,) and you use the same alternate delimiter for all your variables, you can update the Data Element as such:
return location.pathname.split('/').filter(Boolean).slice(0,4).join('[d]');
Where [d] is replaced by your delimiter. Note that this will now cause the Data Element to return a single concatenated String value instead of an Array. Using %hier1% syntax in DTM fields remains the same, but you will no longer need to use .join() in Custom Code boxes.
If your implementation uses different delimiters for different variables, implement the Data Element per the original instructions in the first section. You may use %hier1% syntax in DTM fields only if the delimiter is a comma. For all other delimiters, you will need to populate the variable in a custom code box and use a .join('[d]').
Capturing more than Four Directory Levels
Since you are no longer trying to put a value in four hierarchy fields, you may consider pushing more levels to hier1 or other variables.
In the Data Element, change the 4 in .slice(0,4); to whatever max level of dirs you want to capture. Or, if you want to capture all dir levels, remove .slice(0,4) completely.

Reportbuilder showing the same like WPF

So I'm programming and I want to show my first name and last name but i want my last name on a new line. Of course I use the function \n right after my first name. In WPF it shows it like how it should be shown:
first name
last name
If I now want to show this through a report with SSRS this will not work cause my report will show first name \n last name. Is there anyway that report builder will understand this function and give me the same representation like in WPF?
I don't think it will ever understand "\n". Instead of "\n", use "vbcrlf" - that sticks in a carriage return and drops the text to a new line.
You can just encase the field with your text with the below:
=Replace(Fields!<<fieldname>>.Value, "\n", vbcrlf)
Make sure the text is not set to interpret tags as HTML and you'll be fine.

Protractor : Find Element by ID with spaces

I've got a button with the following ID
<button id="Emp Btn"....
I'm unable to access it because of the space
I've tried the following and they don't work
element(by.id("Emp Btn"));
element(by.id('Emp Btn'));
its bad idea to use spaces in ID. HTML 5 says, that an id must contain at least one character and must not contain space characters.
But you still can find such element using XPath.
Try to use something like this:
.\\button[contains(#id,'firstPart') and contains(#id,'secondPart')]
