Open embedded Visualforce charts in new window - salesforce

I have two embedded charts in a custom VF page that is then displayed on the Account detail screen. I'm passing the correct parameters and the reports work fine and display fine on the Account detail page.
<div class="col-md-6">
<analytics:reportChart reportId="00Oi0000005jhBz" cacheResults="true" size="medium" filter="[{column:'Order.Account.Id', operator:'equals', value:'{!Account.Id}'}]"></analytics:reportChart>
What I would like to do, however, is instead have a text link and those reports open up in a new window. Can embedded charts open in a new window and I pass the correct parameters via the URL?
I can get the reports to display in a new window fine, but I am unclear how to pass the correct filters in my link so the reports actually display the correct data:
<a href="/apex/getIndustryAccountReports?vID={!Account.ID}" target="_blank">
Are there certain ways I have to do this, so that the reports in the new window get passed the correct filters?

your Visualforce page can call on action
"init" would be a function on your controller like so:
public void init() {
String vid = ApexPages.currentPage.getParameters.get('vid');
You can now use "vid" to embed the report in your visualforce page.


How do I pass data with my MEAN app? From a page of products to a new page with details about the specific product that the user clicked on?

I am a newbie at the MEAN stack. I have a full app working and have searched extensively on how to solve the following problem but I'm realizing that I don't know how to "ask" the question to be sent to the proper resource.
I have a marketplace. In the dashboard, a user can enter details about their product (a boat) and it is sent to the DB. In my marketplace, I'm retrieving all of the boats from the DB and theyre styled and listed on the page.
I want a user to click on one of the tiles components that I have created with an ng-list (boat) and be sent to a new page with a fully-expanded view of that specific boat. (larger pictures, expanded details, etc.) basically all the details about the product that won't fit in the minimalistic tile component in the marketplace.
How do I pass data about that specific boat that the user clicks on and be sent to a new page? Is this an ng-directive? an API/route thing?
I just am unsure how to reference the specific boat from the list i'm retrieving and have the user sent to a new details page. Any direction or resources that will teach me to solve this problem?
In general, use ng-repeat to display a list of products and ng-click to handle clicks.
<a ng-repeat="product in productList" ng-click="goto($index)">
<h2> {{product.title}}</h2>
<img ng-src="{{product.picture}}">
$scope.goto = function(index) {
Use a router such as ngRoute or ui-route to intercept the new location and load the appropriate template and controller.

IBM WCM Plugin:RequestAttribute is not working, when used on published site ( only preview is working)

I've made a menu component to create tabs which contains rendered results from another menu component.
The internal component is using Location/Site Areas (set by Query string) as a criteria and in the main component I use [Plugin:RequestAttribute(...)] to set the Site Area I want the content from in specific tab. In order to do so, I put the internal component inside [InContext(...)][/InContext] tags - in this case Result design code of the main component is:
title="[Property field="title"]">
[Plugin:RequestAttribute key="year" mode="set" value="[Property field='title']"]
[InContext context="autofill"]
[Component name="omantel_en/investors/financial snapshots/financial statement menu" startPage="" resultsPerPage=""]
The header ends with <div class="tab selected", while separator is set as <div class="tab" which in the end construct a valid HTML structure (of that I'm sure).
Tabbing is held by javascript I put in the beggining of header and works fine.
Everything works fine while using Preview option - content is generated properly, I can even use Preview on site I actually want the component to be used on and this will give me desired result.
The problem occurs when I put the main menu component tag in published Article. Then it shows only tabs, without any content from the inner component. It looks as if the [Plugin:RequestAttribute(...)] tag that is used as substitute for Query string stops working.
I already tried to put the main menu component tag (in the actual Article) inside [InContext(...)][/InContext](with all of possible options) but it gave no good result. I'm kind of new in using IBM websphere~.
Any suggestions?
Actually it was a problem with Libraries - I simply put wanted content in single library and now it works fine.

Set data from database to generated popup window in CakePHP

I have created a popup window in cakephp.
<div id="pop_box">
<span id="close">×</span>
<h2>This is the Popup Box</h2>
<span id="selected_content"></span>
Now I want to set data to this popup window by getting data from database(MySql). Normally we are getting data from database for a new page using functions in controller. Here it is not a new page. How can I do this with that popup window?
first create a view for your controller action. the view file name has to be conventionally named i.e underscored version of the cooresponding controller action e.g if you have action named viewArticle the view file w'd be view_article.ctp
public function viewArticle(){
$data = $this->{$this->modelClass}->find('all',$conditions);
// here set your data to view
now create the view file (view_article.ctp)and paste your popup window code and your data from controller sh'd be readily accessible with $data
PS: the data to use with js popup window was preloaded. if you need your popup to get its data asynchronously then checkout cakephp + ajax usage they sh'd be couple them here on stackoverflow.

How does Google+ contact process glass shared timeline items?

I am testing out the mirror api and so far I have a sample app running nicely.
The issue I am having is that I added a menu item for the action 'SHARE' but when I try to share the timeline card created by my app to Google+ it posts an empty Google+ post. The only text in the Google+ post is #throughglass. The contents of the timeline card is some simple html (see below) which renders find on glass. I also set the speakable text which works great with the 'READ_ALOUD' menu action. What gives on the 'SHARE' action, am I missing something?
Link to Google+ post
Timeline Item html:
<article class="auto-paginate">
<p class="text-auto-size">
Hello Word.
Each application is free to choose what, from the shared timeline item, it will use as part of the share command. The Google+ Glassware appears to use the text field only when sharing a textual item and ignores the html field.
(This makes some sense. Google+ can't display the HTML formatting, so it chooses to go with the text that it knows should be good.)
When you're writing Glassware, you should make sure both the text and html (and speakableText, for that matter) fields contain the correct representation of your item.

Grails: save to Database without page reloading

How can i save the textfields and checkboxes to the DB without reloading the page?
Just to click on the button and then its in the DB. Nothing more. I don't get it. This means when I have a textfield where I type in a content -> then click the button, the content from the textfield should be in the DB and should do nothing more (not reloading the page, or go to top for example).
I don't get it.
When I have a a <div> tag with the id="testid" in the standard create.gsp:
def create() {
def mytestInstance = new Mytest(params)
and the <g:remoteLink> which should save this part looks like:
<g:remoteLink class="button" name="myForm" update="testid"
url="[controller:'mytest', action: 'create']" value="....." />
That does not work because the page is refreshing or something like this and the things are not stored in the DB, plus they are not in the textfields any more.
Use <g:formRemote> or <g:submitToRemote> to do the form submission with an Ajax call.
You should be able to use the formRemote tag to send the data to a controller via Ajax
As it says on that page;
This tag also requires the use of either the <g:javascript/>(link) or <g:setProvider/>(link) tags. See the AJAX section of the user guide to find out more.
Have you done that?
