Grails: save to Database without page reloading - database

How can i save the textfields and checkboxes to the DB without reloading the page?
Just to click on the button and then its in the DB. Nothing more. I don't get it. This means when I have a textfield where I type in a content -> then click the button, the content from the textfield should be in the DB and should do nothing more (not reloading the page, or go to top for example).
I don't get it.
When I have a a <div> tag with the id="testid" in the standard create.gsp:
def create() {
def mytestInstance = new Mytest(params)
and the <g:remoteLink> which should save this part looks like:
<g:remoteLink class="button" name="myForm" update="testid"
url="[controller:'mytest', action: 'create']" value="....." />
That does not work because the page is refreshing or something like this and the things are not stored in the DB, plus they are not in the textfields any more.

Use <g:formRemote> or <g:submitToRemote> to do the form submission with an Ajax call.

You should be able to use the formRemote tag to send the data to a controller via Ajax
As it says on that page;
This tag also requires the use of either the <g:javascript/>(link) or <g:setProvider/>(link) tags. See the AJAX section of the user guide to find out more.
Have you done that?


How to retrieve data from different page angular

I have a button in the table in the first page. When I click on the button, I want to save the panel Id and display on the next page. How can I call the data in angular? I'm desperately seeking for help since I'm stuck in there for almost a week now.
These are the images for my problem.
enter image description here
So this one is the first page, where there are buttons in each row.
After clicking Assign, it should show readonly data of ship name and panel name.
enter image description here
Regarding your issue, you should get the panel_id from params in the URL.
In the routing of the assigning page, you just set the path:
path: 'assigning/:id',
component: <YourComponent>
So you can get the panel_id by using ActivatedRoute.
On click event of "Assign" button, you can pass the value to the ts component. In the ts file you can pass it via URL route as a parameter to the next page or store it in localStorage and read from the next page.
<button (click)="passValue(value)">Assign</button>

Drupal Webform - How to load values from form, filled in a previous page

Working on Drupal, I have a page with a form made with "Webform" module, containing several fields (text fields and sliders) and a "Submit" button.
When the user enters the information and presses the "Submit" button, another page is loaded with custom code into it.
The new page is devided into 2 parts - the first one contains new information(based on the user input from the previous page); the second one contains (block) the same form, used in the previous page.
Is there a way to load the values, filled in the form from the first page into the new page?
First of all you would need to make a custom module, with the help of
You would need to store the previous form's information in cookies with prefix
and then display it in the new page like:
$form['submitted']['FirstName']['#default_value'] =

Angular Js + Rest API + Sharepoint List - Validation and Edit not working

I am having 2 problems in below code.
Validation is not working when i try to run the application as main page - applicationpage.aspx page. but when i use any html page for main page validation is working fine.
when i click on edit at list.html page. it is redirecting me to edit.html page. that is ok. but data is not coming for the employee for whom i want to edit. data only coming when i change some text in any input control. i don't why ?
1 now this is done as i have to provide there ng-form tag instead of form in child page. which is edit.html –

Extjs - url navigation

Extjs prefers your app to be a single page app, but I'd still like to be able to do things like refresh my page and keep my current location in the app, and enter a url to get directly to a particular point in the app. Is there a solution for this?
Yes, I do the same in my app. You can use the Ext JS history mechanism to do so. Have a look at this example from Sencha.
You can listen to the history change event like this
Ext.History.on('change', function(token) {
// you navigate-to-target code goes here, e.g. change the viewport content
You can then initiate navigation by setting the browser hash to some navigation target
document.location.hash = yourNavigationToken;
This gives you also the ability to use deep-linking and forward/backward navigation with the browser buttons.
You need to init the history:
// The only requirement for this to work is that you must have a hidden field and
// an iframe available in the page with ids corresponding to Ext.History.fieldId
// and Ext.History.iframeId. See history.html for an example.
and add an iframe and a hidden input field to your page, like in the example:
<form id="history-form" class="x-hide-display">
<input type="hidden" id="x-history-field" />
<iframe id="x-history-frame"></iframe>

Meteor - how to link html element to database entry on click event?

I'm trying to figure out how to link an html picture element back to the database entry that was originally used to generate the picture link.
I am using Meteor:
- I have a database that contains photosets data from Flickr API
- In the HTML, I have a handlebar "each" script that iterates through each photoset in the database and then uses this info to generate the html for the photoset cover picture links.
- When the html renders, the photoset cover pictures are downloaded from Flickr and displayed to the screen.
I would like to be able to click on the photoset cover picture and then automatically generate the links to the pictures in the photoset. But I don't understand how to dynamically link the html picture elements back to their respective database entries that were originally used for generating the picture links. I need to be able to find the original database entries so that I can load the info needed for generation of subsequent links.
As a newb to all of this I'm not really sure where to start looking or what to try. I've wondered about creating an object with custom key pairs to 'memorise' the identity of each photoset picture. Is this the way to go, or is there an easier way that I am overlooking?
Say you have your pictures being put out this way:
picture:function() {
return pictures.find()
You can also do this instead, which is pretty much the same thing:
Template.mytemplate.picture = function() {
return pictures.find();
With the html
<template name="pictures">
{{#each picture}}
<img src="{{src}}" class="pictureselector"/>
You can use events which can get data from that particular picture document/record{
'click .pictureselector':function(event,template) {
console.log(this._id); //Should give you the `_id` of the picture that was clicked
this is the data context of the element that was clicked & generate the link you want using the data inside this.
Be careful if you use something with a callback inside the click like, you will have to relay the message down via var self = this otherwise the context of this would become the one of
