Telerik RadDatePicker hiding behind iframe in IE11 - raddatepicker

I have a RadDatePicker that hiding bihind the iframe when pdf is viewed. I tried using z-index but It didn't work. Please advise. Thanks in advance for help.

RadDataPicker offers an Overlay property that you should set to true to fix the problem.


Facebook-messenger-bot. How to implement checkboxes?

Please share the experience with how to implement checkboxes in Facebook messenger bot.
There is an idea to change the color of the button by clicking on it. But I have not found a way to edit the buttons.
Thank you in advance for any help.
Today the only way to do checkboxes is to use the webview

Angular Material md-datepicker open in full screen with white background

IĀ“m working with md-datepicker. In some screen resolutions (or if I do a zoom out in the browser), the calendar open in Full Screen Size and all the background is White. Also, the bar that shows the days, is hidden.
I attach an Image for reference. How can i debug for find the reason of that behavior? I have been modifying some styles, and using diferent containersĀ“ options, but without success. Thanks in advance for your help and ideas!
This was a bug in 1.1.0. Version 1.1.1 fixes it.
Workaround is setting overflow:hidden; on the md-datepicker-input-mask class

How to implement toggle effect to ng-map

I am using ngmap to my project.I need to implement initially ng-map should hide,if we click button then it will visible and again click it should hide. i did using ng-hide and ng-show method,but if we click button its getting gray color and map does not working, Can some one help me, Thanks in advance
We ran into the same issue and this StackOverflow page helped us out a lot.
Google Maps Display:None Problem
We also used lazyload which worked as well.!map-lazy-inint.html
Hopefully this helps.

Page Scroll down and mouse positioning issue with LobsterPot HTML5 PivotViewer

there is one issue with page scroll down you can,t select any tile i that for this try to re size your browser
and create a vertical scroll and then select any tile you will see the issue. please see this screen shot am facing this issue in html5 version. Thanks any help will be appriciated
Please see the attached screen shot
i got success to get resolved the issue. by getting scroll top and scroll left in jquery to get highlight specific tile in pivotviewer . so now when page resize it don,t disturb its position. :P

My page content is not centered in IE7. Why?

I coded and integrated a website into Wordpress, but for some reason it looks awful in Internet Explorer 7.
The content is not centered. Is there any hack for this?
All the other browsers seem to be working fine...
This is my website:
If you are using the auto margin method to center the content, try to set the text alingment of the parent element to centered. This should fix the problem.
