set selection range after set innerText (angular js) - angularjs

I have two directives. The first one called restricted-text watch for ngModel changes and replace current value with old one if new one doesn't respect given regexp. It works very well when placed on input.
The second one is a directive called input-editable. It's a span[contendeditable]. It works very well too.
Then, we plug the first one on the second :
<input-editable ng-model="lol" restricted-text="^[a-z]+$"></input-editable>
and it fails…
When I type a not allowed character, then, the content of the spec is well changed. But ! The crret go back to the start of the span. I would like the caret stays at the same place, or at worst, go the the end like an input. I've tried lot of things with getSelection and createRange, all that I get is the caret position. The cursor don't move when I call setStart.
Have a look here


LogicApp Split and Replace having problems with \n

I have been trying to split a string into an array of each line \n
As this doesn't work I tried replacing replace(outputs('Compose_6'),'\r\n','#') with a view to then splitting on #.
I have searched the internet and tried various things but nothing seems to work.
Can someone explain how to do this?
Thanks in advance
Using split(variables('string var'),'\n') expression, you can split string into array. By default logic app will add an extra black slash to original back slash. So suggesting you to change expression in code view as mentioned above.
I have created logic app as shown below,
In first initialize variable action, taken a string variable with text as shown below
Test split functionality
Using logic apps
Next initialize variable action, using a array variable and assigning value using expression as split(variables('string var'),'\n'). Make sure you dont have double back slash added in code view. Only one back slash should be there when you see it in code view.
Code view:
The output of logic app can be shown below,
Refer this SO thread.

Adding a new Entry in a Struct holding a TArray as Member value doesn’t update it’s entries

I am currently working on a Character Customization System where a HUDLayout dynamically create Widgets based on a set of Skins available for the Character Selected. A Skin is represented as a Struct called MaterialInstanceContainer and holds a TArray. Player can mix and match their selection according to the Body Parts they select. In order to achieve the final result, I want to create a TMap<string, MaterialInstanceContainer> so that I can map each BodyParts available for selection with the individual material instance targeting the same BodyPart.
ISSUE: My issue is as follow, when I try to foreach over my collection of Material Instances inside my Container, I do a string comparison and if the output is valid, I can then break my struct to access the Material Instance Array and ADD to it however, at the very end of the process, the length of the array inside Material Container is still at zero.
How can I add a new entry in the array that my Material Container Struct hold?
enter image description here
The issue here is actually pretty straight forward: in Blueprints when you 'Find' a member of Map you are not getting it by-reference, instead you get the copy.
This is exactly what happens at the end of your nested loop: You get a copy, you add item to it, and when another iteration kicks-in the copy gets terminated.
And here on my side it returns exactly the same result as expected:
The fix for that would be easy:
After editing a Copy, you can overwrite the Map member by its copy (via 'Add' node).
But in your case it will be more tricky. You cannot just plug the same BreakStruct/Array node that you just used because it would call whole Find sequence again which creates another copy. Look
If you are confused. This code actually looks like this for Unreal's point of view.
So you have to store the the Struct in local variable first, then perform any operations on it and after everything is done - overwrite the Map member by its locally stored copy. And the result is
Map member gets overwritten every time and everything is as it should be.
Well, almost... For some reason your code is stored in Macro. I think you have to change it to a Function to be able to create local struct variable. But it shouldn't be a problem in this specific case because in your code there is no logic that needs to be done in macro.
Hope, it helps

How to avoid leading whitespace being trimmed off of directive string bindings?

I'm creating a custom directive that I want to use to display the value of a field and an optional suffix (expected for units and such). Note that my example is shortened to stay concise.
My template looks something like
<div class="my-value">{{boundValue}}{{boundSuffix}}</div>
For the value, I'm using a two-way binding (=) and for the suffix, I'm using a string binding (&).
It worked great when I bound &deg into the suffix to display a temperature, but when I tried to bind in meters (note, there's a leading space - I don't want it pushed up against the number) the leading space seems to get trimmed and my result ends up looking like 123meters.
Using the chrome developer tools, I added a link function and inspected the directive's scope. By the time it reaches the link function, boundSuffix has already been trimmed. It seems like Angular is pulling some shenanigans on my behind the hood. Is there any way for me to avoid this trimming?
It's better to use angular filters to solve your problem. Filters allow to format your output as currency or as UPPERCASE (for example). Try to look here for more info. And here is working example

angularjs mask override characters

I have a mask setup on a date field using the angular-ui masks module like so:
<input type="text"
ui-mask="99/99/9999" />
If I have 30/05/2013 in the field and want to change that to 10/05/2013 by simply putting a '1' at the start it pushes all the characters over so it becomes 13/00/5201.
Is there way to force ui-mask to overwrite the character insted of inserting it? (This would save someone from hitting 'delete' then the character.
If you type '30' at the front of my example you will end up with 30/01/0120 I would rather it override the characters and produce 30/01/2010
I don't know it there is an easier way, but you try the following :
You will need to download mask.js, unminified, from source and link it in your html, if you haven't already done so.
Then you will need to modify the source code of mask.js like this (seach for the comment //Update Values and put this code below) :
// Update values
if (oldValueUnmasked !== "" && oldValueUnmasked!==valUnmasked && !isDeletion) {
var charIndex = maskCaretMap.indexOf(caretPos);
if (charIndex === -1) {
charIndex = maskCaretMap.indexOf(caretPos+1);
Now, before updating the value, mask will do a concatenation of the characters in the old value and those in the new value, depending on the position of the cursor (caret).
It's by no means an ironproof solution, but it should give you an idea of where to look if you want to customise the input more or check that this change does not break anything else.
I think that the way typed characters are inserted or overwrite input text depends on the keyboard current insert mode. Users can simply change the default pressing the Ins key.
The only way to change it from code would be forcing an Ins key press but this isn't allowed in Javascript.

Show progress bar when sending pages to the printer (WPF)

I am creating printouts in WPF using flow documents. These printouts are set in separate window where DocumentViewer is placed.
When user clicks print I would like to show a progress bar that informs about current page that is sending to the printer. How can I do this?
I'm not sure exactly where your print code is, or where you want the progress bar, but I did something similar to this recently. This will be in
First of all, create a new progressbar in the same class as the code you use to send the page to the printer. Then, we're going to take advantage of the "top-down" order in a block of code to change the progress bar.
The progress bar's value should be set to "0" be default. Now, in the code for sending the page to the printer, you're going to increase the progressbar's value (such as with the code "MyProgressBar.Value = MyProgressBar.Value + 1"). Put this code in between each line of the code you want to show progress for.
I would change the "+ 1" part of the code, however, to another value, so your progress bar progresses equally after each step. If you have three lines of code, then use "+ 33" (100\3), four lines use "+ 25", etc.
Finally, at the end of the code, set "MyProgressBar.Value = 100"
This only works, however, if you have access to a code longer than one line. For one line of code, I'm not sure how this works, unless you can get to the block of code that line points to.
If you have to use code from another class, you may need to do something like...
Dim MyWindowWhereProgressIs As New MyWindowWhereProgressIs
And then, each time you need to change the value, try...
MyWindowWhereProgressIs.MyProgressBar.Value = MyWindowWhereProgressIs.MyProgressBar.Value + 1
I'm not entirely sure whether or not those last two lines of code will work, as I'm away from Visual Studio right now, but it is worth a shot.
