Trying To Shift Hex Values, Help Please - c

I'm trying to shift my hex output to the left by one, so that I can display digits above 9 on a 7 segment lcd.
Programming on C, the software I'm using is NIOS II, so that I can reprogram straight onto a DE0 Board.
The aim of this project is to increment the value of the of the LCD by one each time 'button1' is pressed. I have done this successfully however of course after 9 it would need to shift to the left and restart from 1, replacing the position it came from with a 0. I've done a fair bit of research but haven't had any luck so any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Code is below:
#include "sys/alt_stdio.h" //for the alt_putstr function below. Outputs to Eclipse console
#include "altera_avalon_pio_regs.h" //for the I/O functions in the while loop below
#include "sys/alt_timestamp.h" //see Nios II Software Developer’s Handbook, Timestamp Driver
#include "system.h"
#define setHeaderOuts HEADEROUTPUTS_BASE+0x10 //HEADEROUTPUTS_BASE is defined in system.h of the _bsp file. It refers to the base address in the Qsys design
//the hex offset (in this case 0x10, which is 16 in decimal) gives the number of bytes of offset
//each register is 32 bits, or 4 bytes
//so to shift to register 4, which is the outset register, we need 4 * (4 bytes) = 16 bytes
#define clearHeaderOuts HEADEROUTPUTS_BASE+0x14 //to shift to register 5 (the 'outclear' register) we need to shift by 5 * (4 bytes) = 20 bytes, (=0x14 bytes)
// offset of 5 corresponds to the 'outclear' register of the PIO.
int main(void)
alt_putstr("This is the ELEE1062 version of the NIOS processor");
int buttons = 0; //the buttons on the DE0
//int switches = 0; //the switches on the DE0
int count = 0; //general purpose counter
int hexd = 0;
buttons=IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(PUSHBUTTONS1_2_BASE); //read the value of the pushbuttons
while((buttons & 0x01) == 1) // i.e. while pushbutton 1 is not pressed
buttons=IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(PUSHBUTTONS1_2_BASE); //read the value of the pushbuttons
IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(DE0_LEDS_BASE,count); //display the value of count in binary, using the green LEDs
while((buttons & 0x01) == 0) //i.e. while pushbutton 1 is pressed
buttons=IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(PUSHBUTTONS1_2_BASE); //read the value of the pushbuttons
if (count==0)
else if (count==1)
else if ( count==2)
else if ( count==3)
else if ( count==4)
else if ( count==5)
else if ( count==6)
else if ( count==7)
else if ( count==8)
else if ( count==9)
else if ( count>9)
hexd= hexd & ~(1<<count);
//count=alt_timestamp_start(); //start the timer. Timer increments each clock cycle. Clock for ELEE1062_NIOS is 50MHz
//buttons=IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(PUSHBUTTONS1_2_BASE); //read the value of the pushbuttons
//switches=IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(DE0SWITCHES_BASE); //read the value of the switches
IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(SSEG_BASE,hexd); //DE0 7 segment displays all off --notice that a logic '1' turns the segment off
IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(SSEG_BASE,hexd); //DE0 7 segment displays all on
IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(DE0_LEDS_BASE,0x000); //all off --for the green LEDs, a logic '0' turns the LED off
IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(clearHeaderOuts,0x01); //turn off the first pin of the output port
IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(setHeaderOuts,0x01); //turn on the first pin of the output port
//IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(SSEG_BASE,switches); //light up the 7 segment display segments corresponding to how the DE0 switches are set
IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(DE0_LEDS_BASE,buttons); //light up the green LEDs corresponding to which DE0 buttons are pushed
//count=alt_timestamp(); //record the value of the timer, and store in the 'count' variable

Merely shifting won't work. 9 -> 10 (you can call this shifting) but what about 19 -> 20? Since it is clearly a homework or other form of learning, I will not write code for you. You ultimate goal is to represent numbers on 7 segment led display. Think from that. So as an input you have binary number (count) and output should be led pin signals. Your task is to convert one into another. Led is operating essentially with decimal radix, so you first need to convert binary to series of decimal digits and then convert them to pin signals (this code you have already). To use all four digits you need to convert your number into format 0x11223344 where number denotes led position. 0xF9A4B099 is 1234 (if I am not mistaken).

The following function will return a u32 value composed of four bytes with LED values for the digit display. Note that I don't know what order your display wants the digit in, so you might need to byteswap the return value or something. Also, this function will provide leading zeros for the LED display - you might need to modify things so those show as blanks on the display.
typedef unsigned int u32;
static char led_digits[] = { 0xc0, 0xf9, 0xa4, 0xb0, 0x99, 0x92, 0x82, 0xd8, 0x80, 0x90 };
u32 four_digits( int x)
unsigned char c[4];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
int digit = x % 10;
x = x / 10;
c[i] = led_digits[digit];
return (u32)(c[3] << 24) | (u32)(c[2] << 16) | (u32)(c[1] << 8) | (u32)c[0];


AnalogValue PIC16F18875 serial print problem

I am having troubles with my curiousity HPC board. I am new to microchip and i want to read the analogValue of the onboard potentiometer. I am using a serial converter to display the value in a terminal on my PC.
It works fine, EXCEPT when i fully turn the potentiometer from beginning to end, the analogValue goes from 0 to 255, drops to 0, goes up to 255, drops to 0, goes up to 255, drops to 0 and goes up to 255. I expected it to go from 0 to 1023. All my variables are 16 bits. The uC is the PIC16F18875 and the serial converter is UM230XB.
How can this be? All the variables and constant have the right size (unless i am missing one)
This is the main.c:
void main(void){
static uint16_t adcResult; // Used to store the result of the ADC
adcResult = ADCC_GetSingleConversion(POT_CHANNEL);
console_print("Value = ");
This is the ADCC_GetSingleConversion function:
adc_result_t ADCC_GetSingleConversion(adcc_channel_t channel){
// select the A/D channel
ADPCH = channel;
// Turn on the ADC module
ADCON0bits.ADON = 1;
//Disable the continuous mode.
ADCON0bits.ADCONT = 0;
// Start the conversion
ADCON0bits.ADGO = 1;
// Extra NOP() instruction required; See rev. A2 errata:
// Wait for the conversion to finish
while (ADCON0bits.ADGO)
// Conversion finished, return the result
return ((adc_result_t)((ADRESH << 8) + ADRESL));
ADC_result_t is also 16 bits.
You should cast the 8 Bit value of ADRESH to a 16 Bit value before the left shift, otherwise the result of the shift is always 0.
return ((adc_result_t)(((uint16_t)ADRESH << 8) + ADRESL));

Multiple LEDs and using and input button

I am really stuck on part a and b for problem 1 below. I am really confused on how to change the multiply and divide functions to change pins/LED’s, using the << and >> functions instead.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Multiple LEDs and using and input button
Modify the C program:
a. Instead of using the multiply and divide functions to change pins/LED’s, use the << and >> functions. References: Deitel and Deitel “C, How to Program and
b. Change the clock frequency in the program to 1 MHz and make the on/off time of each LED .1 seconds. This should make the rotation visibly faster. (Remember to change the _XTAL_FREQ value since this is used for the __delay_ms() function built into XC8)
Low Pin Count board (16F1829 on board) and 44-Pin Demo Board are both on same backboard. (You only use the 16F1829 for this lab.)
PICKIT 3 programmer with USB cable
MPLAB X (I used v3.00 but a different version may be on lab computers))
Microchip XC8 C Compiler User Manual
PIC16F1829 Data Sheet
PICkit 3 User’s Guide
Low Pin Count Board User Guide
“C How to Program” Deitel, Pearson/Prentice-Hall (Any edition)
Internet Browser Search Engine for research (Google, Bing, etc)
The code is below.
LEDs on for approximately 0.5 sec.
PIC: 16F1829 Enhanced Mid-Level
Compiler: XC8 v1.34
IDE: MPLABX v3.00 */
#include <pic16f1829.h> //Not required but this is the reference used by "C" for names and location on uC
#include <htc.h> //refers on HiTech C, Microchip purchased HiTech
#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000 //Used by the XC8 delay_ms(x) macro
#define switch PORTAbits.RA2 // Can use RA2 instead of PORTAbit.RA2 to define pin attached to switch
//instead of saying PORTAbits.RA2 each time
//config bits for the PIC16F1829
//Initialization subroutine
void initialize(void) {
ANSELC=0; //All pins of Port C are digital I/O
ANSA2=0; //switch pin, RA2, is digital IO
TRISA2 = 1; //switch is an input
TRISC = 0; //all pins of Port C are outputs
OSCCON = 0b01101000; // 4 MHz
unsigned char i1; //only need 4 bits to count to 16. unsigned character variable is 8 bits long
// Here is main(). There are many ways to do this 4-pin (LED) sequence
void main(void)
i1=1; //Start the main program with the variable =1. Could have done this during its definition
while (1) //runs continuously until MCU is shut off
if (switch==1) //Button not pressed pin at 5V
{ i1=1; }
while (switch==1) //Button not pressed
PORTC=i1; //Note that writing to PORTC writes to LATC
if (i1==16)
{ i1=1; }
if (switch==0) //Button pressed pin at ground
{ i1=8; }
while (switch==0) //Button pressed
if (i1==0)
{ i1=8; }
a. Instead of using the multiply and divide functions to change
pins/LED’s, use the << and >> functions. References: Deitel and Deitel
“C, How to Program and
Left shift value << n is integer multiplication of value by 2^n or value*(2^n)
Right shift value >> n is integer division of value by 2^n or value/(2^n))
When you have some var and you use one of the shift operators, you are taking the value of whatever var is and shifting the binary digits (bits) that represent it's value to the left or the right.
A basic example of this:
uint8_t var = 1; //0b00000001 in binary
var <<= 1; //var is now 0b00000010, that is 1*(2^1) or 2
var >>= 1; //var is now 0b00000001, that is 2/(2^1) or 1
There is a huge caveat for using the shift operator and that is that whenever you shift bits you are filling 0s in from the opposite direction that you are shifting so you have to pay attention to the integer size.
uint8_t var = 1;
var <<= 4; //var is now 0b00010000, 4 zeros filled in on the right
var = 1;
var <<= 8; //var is now 0b00000000, because 8 zeros were filled in on the right!
Now with regard to how you use this to manipulate the pins on a microcontroller, you would take some variable that increments or decrements and shift left or right by that variable and assign the resulting value to the register in the module that controls that pin, which in this case is the PORTx module. In your code that would look like this:
if (switch == 1) //Button not pressed pin at 5V
i1 = 0; //initialize to 0
while (switch == 1) //Button not pressed
PORTC = (1 << i1++); //set will set just one pin at a time, the first will be pin 0, the next pin 1, and so on
if (i1 == 8){
i1 = 0; //reset variable
if (switch == 0) //Button pressed pin at ground
i1 = 0; //initialize to 0
while (switch == 0) //Button pressed
PORTC = (0x80 >> i1++); //this will set 1 pin at a time, the first will be pin 7, the next will be pin 6, and so on
if (i1 == 8)
i1 = 0; //reset variable
b. Change the clock frequency in the program to 1 MHz and make the
on/off time of each LED .1 seconds. This should make the rotation
visibly faster. (Remember to change the _XTAL_FREQ value since this is
used for the __delay_ms() function built into XC8)
This portion of your code:
OSCCON = 0b01101000; // 4 MHz
Actually configures the frequency of the oscillator used by the microcontroller for its clock signal. However, it is important for you to know the source of that clock signal, which according to the datasheet is controlled by Configuration Word 1. This is set in the #pragma config FOSC=INTOSC portion of your code.
To obtain 1 MHz you will want to change that line to this:
OSCCON = 0b01011000; // 1 MHz
This is found in the OSCCON register description in the datasheet.
The __delay_ms function uses the _XTAL_FREQ to calculate a delay which is why you are being told to change this line of your code:
#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000
To this
#define _XTAL_FREQ 1000000

How to create bitfield out of existing variables in C

I am working on a Motorola HCS08 µCU in CodeWarrior V10.6, I am trying to create an extern bitfield which has bits from existing registers. The way the bitfields are created in the µCU header is like
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef union {
byte Byte;
struct {
byte PTAD0 :1;
byte PTAD1 :1;
byte PTAD2 :1;
byte PTAD3 :1;
byte PTAD4 :1;
byte PTAD5 :1;
byte PTAD6 :1;
byte PTAD7 :1;
} Bits;
extern volatile PTADSTR _PTAD #0x00000000;
#define PTAD _PTAD.Byte
#define PTAD_PTAD0 _PTAD.Bits.PTAD0
#define PTAD_PTAD1 _PTAD.Bits.PTAD1
#define PTAD_PTAD2 _PTAD.Bits.PTAD2
#define PTAD_PTAD3 _PTAD.Bits.PTAD3
#define PTAD_PTAD4 _PTAD.Bits.PTAD4
#define PTAD_PTAD5 _PTAD.Bits.PTAD5
#define PTAD_PTAD6 _PTAD.Bits.PTAD6
#define PTAD_PTAD7 _PTAD.Bits.PTAD7
Which will let the register value be changed either by PTAD = 0x01, or PTAD_PTAD0 = 1, for example. This definition is basically the same for PTAD, PTBD, PTCD, ... PTGD, the only thing changing is the address.
My attemp to create a custom bitfield out of the previous existing variables is
typedef union {
byte Byte;
struct {
byte *DB0;
byte *DB1;
byte *DB2;
byte *DB3;
byte *DB4;
byte *DB5;
byte *DB6;
byte *DB7;
} Bits;
I would create and initialize the bitfield as LCDDSTR lcd = {{&PTGD_PTGD6, &PTBD_PTBD5, ...}}, because by some reason, the initialization like LCDSTR lcd = {*.Bits.DB0 = &PTGD_PTGD6, *.Bits.DB1 = &PTBD_PTBD5, ...} (treating it as a struct, please correct me again) advice in How to initialize a struct in accordance with C programming language standards does not work with this compiler (it does work on an online compiler).
However, as you may see I am sort of grouping the bits, and (if it would work) I would be able to change the values of the actual register by doing *lcd.Bits.DB0 = 1, or something like that, but if I do lcd.Byte = 0x00, I would be changing the last (I think) byte of the memory address contained in lcd.Bits.DB0, you know, because the struct doesn't actually contains the data, but the pointers instead.
How would I go on achieving a struct that is able to contain and modify bits from several registers? (I guess the problem here is that in memory the bits are not one next to the other, which I guess would make it easier). Is it even possible? I hope it is.
How would I go on achieving a struct that is able to contain and modify bits from several registers? (I guess the problem here is that in memory the bits are not one next to the other..
I don't think you can do it with a struct. That is because bitfields by definition have to occupy the same or contiguous addresses.
However macros may be useful here
#define DB0 PTGD_PTGD6
#define DB1 PTBD_PTBD5
And to clear the bits to all 0's or set to all 1's you can use a multiline macro
#define SET_DB(x) do { \
PTGD_PTGD6 = x; \
PTBD_PTBD5 = x; \
...... \
} while(0)
How would I go on achieving a struct that is able to contain and modify bits from several registers?
You can't.
A structure must represent a single, continuous block of memory -- otherwise, operations like taking the sizeof the structure, or performing operations on a pointer to one would make no sense.
If you want to permute the bits of a value, you will need to find some way of doing so explicitly. If the order of your bits is relatively simple, this may be possible with a few bitwise operations; if it's weirder, you may need to use a lookup table.
Beyond that: bitfields in C are pretty limited. The language does not make a lot of guarantees about how a structure containing bitfields will end up laid out in memory; they are generally best avoided for portable code. (Which doesn't apply here, as you're writing code for a specific compiler/microcontroller combination, but it's worth keeping in mind in general.)
Your union does unfortunately not make any sense, because it forms a union of one byte and 8 byte*. Since a pointer is 16 bit on HCS08, this ends up as 8*2 = 16 bytes of data, which can't be used in any meaningful way.
Please note that the C structure called bit-fields is very poorly specified by the standard and therefore should be avoided in any program. See this.
Please note that the Codewarrior register maps aren't remotely close to following the C standard (nor MISRA-C).
Please note that structs in general are problematic for hardware register mapping, since structs can contain padding. You don't have that problem on HCS08 specifically, since it doesn't require alignment of data. But most MCUs do require that.
It is therefore better to roll out your own register map in standard C if you have that option. The port A data register could simply be defined like this:
#define PTAD (*(volatile uint8_t*)0x0000U)
#define PTAD7 (1U << 7)
#define PTAD6 (1U << 6)
#define PTAD5 (1U << 5)
#define PTAD4 (1U << 4)
#define PTAD3 (1U << 3)
#define PTAD2 (1U << 2)
#define PTAD1 (1U << 1)
#define PTAD0 (1U << 0)
As we can tell, defining the bit masks is mostly superfluous anyway, as PTAD |= 1 << 7; is equally readable to PTAD |= PTAD7;. This is because this was a pure I/O port. Defining textual bit masks for status and control registers on the other hand, increases the readability of the code significantly.
If you want to modify bits from several registers, you'd do something like the following:
Assume we have a RGB (red-green-blue) LED, common cathode, with 3 colors connected to 3 different pins on 3 different ports. Instead of beating up the PCB designer, you could do this:
#define RGB_RED_PIN 1
#define RGB_BLUE_PIN 5
#define RGB_GREEN_PIN 3
You can now set these independently of where they happen to be located on the hardware:
void rgb_init (void)
void rgb_yellow (void)
And so on. Examples were for HCS08 but the same can of course be used universally on any MCU with direct port I/O.
It sounds like an approach such as the following is along the lines of where you would like to go with a solution.
I have not tested this as I do not have the hardware however this should provide an alternative to look at.
This assumes that you want to turn on particular pins or turn off particular pins but there will not be a case where you will want to turn on some pins and turn off other pins for a particular device in a single operation. If that should be the case I would consider making the type of RegPinNo be an unsigned short to include an op code for each register/pin number combination.
This also assumes that timing of operations is not a critical constraint and that the hardware has sufficient horsepower such that small loops are not much of a burden on throughput and hogging CPU time needed for other things. So this code may need changes to improve optimization if that is a consideration.
I assume that you want some kind of a easily readable way of expressing a command that will turn on and off a series of bits scattered across several areas of memory.
The first thing is to come up with a representation of what such a command would look like and it seems to me that borrowing from a char array to represent a string would suffice.
typedef byte RegPinNo; // upper nibble indicates register number 0 - 7, lower nibble indicates pin number 0 - 7
const byte REGPINNOEOS = 0xff; // the end of string for a RegPinNo array.
And these would be used to define an array of register/pin numbers as in the following.
RegPinNo myLed[] = { 0x01, 0x12, REGPINNOEOS }; // LED is addressed through Register 0, Pin 0 and Register 1, Pin 1 (zero based)
So at this point we have a way to describe that a particular device, an LED in this case, is addressed through a series of register/pin number items.
Next lets create a small library of functions that will use this representation to actually modify the specific pins in specific registers by traversing this array of register/pin numbers and performing an operation on it such as setting the bit in the register or clearing the bit in the register.
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef union {
byte Byte;
struct {
byte PTAD0 : 1;
byte PTAD1 : 1;
byte PTAD2 : 1;
byte PTAD3 : 1;
byte PTAD4 : 1;
byte PTAD5 : 1;
byte PTAD6 : 1;
byte PTAD7 : 1;
} Bits;
// Define a pointer to the beginning of the register area. This area is composed of
// 8 different registers each of which is one byte in size.
// We will address these registers as Register 0, Register 1, ... Register 7 which just happens
// to be how C does its zero based indexing.
// The bits representing pins on the PCB we will address as Pin 0, Pin 1, ... Pin 7.
extern volatile PTADSTR (* const _PTAD) = 0x00000000;
void SetRegPins(RegPinNo *x)
byte pins[] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80 };
int i;
for (i = 0; x[i] != REGPINNOEOS; i++) {
byte bRegNo = (x[i] >> 4) & 0x07; // get the register number, 0 - 7
byte bPinNo = x[i] & 0x07; // get the pin number, 0 - 7
_PTAD[bRegNo].Byte |= pins[bPinNo];
void ClearRegPins(RegPinNo *x)
byte pins[] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80 };
int i;
for (i = 0; x[i] != REGPINNOEOS; i++) {
byte bRegNo = (x[i] >> 4) & 0x07; // get the register number, 0 - 7
byte bPinNo = x[i] & 0x07; // get the pin number, 0 - 7
_PTAD[bRegNo].Byte &= ~pins[bPinNo];
void ToggleRegPins(RegPinNo *x)
byte pins[] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80 };
int i;
for (i = 0; x[i] != REGPINNOEOS; i++) {
byte bRegNo = (x[i] >> 4) & 0x07; // get the register number, 0 - 7
byte bPinNo = x[i] & 0x07; // get the pin number, 0 - 7
_PTAD[bRegNo].Byte ^= pins[bPinNo];
You would use the above something like the following. Not sure what a time delay function would look like in your environment so I am using a function Sleep() which takes an argument as to the number of milliseconds to delay or sleep.
void LightLed (int nMilliSeconds)
RegPinNo myLed[] = { 0x01, 0x12, REGPINNOEOS }; // LED is addressed through Register 0, Pin 0 and Register 1, Pin 1 (zero based)
SetRegPins(myLed); // turn on the LED
Sleep(nMilliSeconds); // delay for a time with the LED lit
ClearRegPins(myLed); // turn the LED back off
Edit - A Refinement
A more efficient implementation that would allow multiple pins to be set in a particular register at the same time would be to define the use of RegPinNo as being an unsigned short` with the upper byte being the register number and the lower byte being the pins to manipulate as a bit mask for the byte.
With this approach you would have a SetRegPins() function that would look like the following. A similar change would be needed for the other functions.
void SetRegPins(RegPinNo *x)
int i;
for (i = 0; x[i] != REGPINNOEOS; i++) {
byte bRegNo = (x[i] >> 8) & 0x07; // get the register number, 0 - 7
byte bPinNo = x[i] & 0xFF; // get the pin mask
_PTAD[bRegNo].Byte |= bPinNo;
And the typedefs would look like:
typedef unsigned short RegPinNo; // upper byte indicates register number 0 - 7, lower byte provides pin mask
const byte REGPINNOEOS = 0xffff; // the end of string for a RegPinNo array.
And these elements would be used like:
void LightLed (int nMilliSeconds)
RegPinNo myLed[] = { 0x0002, 0x0103, REGPINNOEOS }; // LED is addressed through Register 0, Pin 1 and Register 1, Pin 0 and Pin 1 (zero based)
SetRegPins(myLed); // turn on the LED
Sleep(nMilliSeconds); // delay for a time with the LED lit
ClearRegPins(myLed); // turn the LED back off

how to make a 3D mask

Currently I meet one technique issue, which makes me want to improve the previous implementation, the situation is:
I have 5 GPIO pins, I need use these pins as the hardware identifier, for example:
pin1: LOW
pin2: LOW
pin3: LOW
pin4: LOW
pin5: LOW
this means one of my HW variants, so we can have many combinations. In previous design, the developer use if-else to implement this, just like:
if(PIN1 == LOW && ... && ......&& PIN5 ==LOW)
HWID = variant1;
else if( ... )
but I think this is not good because it will have more than 200 variants, and the code will become to long, and I want changed it to a mask. The idea is I treat this five pins as a five bits register, and because I can predict which variant I need to assign according to GPIOs status(this already defined by hardware team, they provide a variant list, with all these GPIO pins configuration), therefore, the code may look like this:
variant 0x0 //GPIO config 1
variant 0xF3 //GPIO config 243
then I can first read these five GPIO pins status, and compare to some mask to see if they are equal or not.
However, for GPIO, it has three status, namely: LOW, HIGH, OPEN. If there is any good calculation method to have a 3-D mask?
You have 5 pins of 3 states each. You can approach representing this in a few ways.
First, imagine using this sort of framework:
#define LOW (0)
#define HIGH (1)
#define OPEN (2)
uint16_t config = PIN_CONFIG(pin1, pin2, pin3, pin4, pin5);
// do something
switch(config) {
// do something;
uint16_t config_max = PIN_CONFIG(OPEN, OPEN, OPEN, OPEN, OPEN);
uint32_t hardware_ids[config_max + 1] = {0};
// init your hardware ids
hardware_ids[PIN_CONFIG(LOW, HIGH, HIGH, LOW, LOW)] = 0xF315;
hardware_ids[PIN_CONFIG(LOW, LOW, HIGH, LOW, LOW)] = 0xF225;
// look up a HWID
uint32_t hwid = hardware_ids[config];
This code is just the sort of stuff you'd like to do with pin configurations. The only bit left to implement is PIN_CONFIG
Approach 1
The first approach is to keep using it as a bitfield, but instead of 1 bit per pin you use 2 bits to represent each pin state. I think this is the cleanest, even though you're "wasting" half a bit for each pin.
#define PIN_CLAMP(x) ((x) & 0x03)
#define PIN_CONFIG(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) \\
(PIN_CLAMP(p1) & \\
(PIN_CLAMP(p2) << 2) & \\
(PIN_CLAMP(p3) << 4) & \\
(PIN_CLAMP(p4) << 6) & \\
(PIN_CLAMP(p5) << 8))
This is kind of nice because it leaves room for a "Don't care" or "Invalid" value if you are going to do searches later.
Approach 2
Alternatively, you can use arithmetic to do it, making sure you use the minimum amount of bits necessary. That is, ~1.5 bits to encode 3 values. As expected, this goes from 0 up to 242 for a total of 3^5=243 states.
Without knowing anything else about your situation I believe this is the smallest complete encoding of your pin states.
(Practically, you have to use 8 bits to encode 243 values, so it's higher 1.5 bits per pin)
#define PIN_CLAMP(x) ((x) % 3) /* note this should really assert */
#define PIN_CONFIG(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) \\
(PIN_CLAMP(p1) & \\
(PIN_CLAMP(p2) * 3) & \\
(PIN_CLAMP(p3) * 9) & \\
(PIN_CLAMP(p4) * 27) & \\
(PIN_CLAMP(p5) * 81))
Approach 1.1
If you don't like preprocessor stuff, you could use functions a bit like this:
enum PinLevel (low = 0, high, open);
void set_pin(uint32_t * config, uint8_t pin_number, enum PinLevel value) {
int shift = pin_number * 2; // 2 bits
int mask = 0x03 << shift; // 2 bits set to on, moved to the right spot
*config &= ~pinmask;
*config |= (((int)value) << shift) & pinmask;
enum PinLevel get_pin(uint32_t config, uint8_t pin_number) {
int shift = pin_number * 2; // 2 bits
return (enum PinLevel)((config >> shift) & 0x03);
This follows the first (2 bit per value) approach.
Approach 1.2
YET ANOTHER WAY using C's cool bitfield syntax:
struct pins {
uint16_t pin1 : 2;
uint16_t pin2 : 2;
uint16_t pin3 : 2;
uint16_t pin4 : 2;
uint16_t pin5 : 2;
typedef union pinconfig_ {
struct pins pins;
uint16_t value;
} pinconfig;
pinconfig input;
input.value = 0; // don't forget to init the members unless static
input.pins.pin1 = HIGH;
input.pins.pin2 = LOW;
printf("%d", input.value);
input.value = 0x0003;
printd("%d", input.pins.pin1);
The union lets you view the bitfield as a number and vice versa.
(note: all code completely untested)
This is my suggestion to solve the problem
#define LOW 0
#define HIGH 1
#define OPEN 2
#define MAXGPIO 5
int main()
int gpio[MAXGPIO] = { LOW, LOW, OPEN, HIGH, OPEN };
int mask = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAXGPIO; i++)
mask = mask << 2 | gpio[i];
printf("Masked: %d\n", mask);
for (int i = 0; i < MAXGPIO; i++)
printf("GPIO %d = %d\n", i + 1, (mask >> (2*(MAXGPIO-1-i))) & 0x03);
return 0;
A little explanation about the code.
I am using 2 bits to save each GPIO value. The combinations are:
00: LOW
01: HIGH
02: OPEN
03 is Invalid
I am iterating the array gpio (where I have the acquired values) and creating a mask in the mask variable shifting left 2 bits and applying an or operation.
To get the initial values I am just making the opposite operation shifting right 2 bits multiplied by the amount of GPIO - 1 and masking with 0x03
I am applying a mask with 0x03 because those are the bit I am interested.
This is the result of the program
$ cc -Wall test.c -o test;./test
Masked: 38
GPIO 1 = 0
GPIO 2 = 0
GPIO 3 = 2
GPIO 4 = 1
GPIO 5 = 2
Hope this helps

pic 16f84a timer / counting code not behaving as expected

I am basically learning about pic external interrupts on the pic16f84a microcontroller. Basically i want to count every press of a button attached to pin B0 (RB0/T0CKI) and display results from a seven segment display. I am using hitech c compiler.
char get7SegmentCode(char value)
case 0b00000000:
return (char)0b00111111 ; //0 code
case 0b00000001:
return (char)0b00110000 ; //1 code
case 0b00000010:
return (char)0b01011011 ; //2 code
case 0b00000011:
return (char)0b010011111 ; //3 code
return (char)0b00000000 ; //all code
void main()
//declare portb for output and porta upper 4 pins for output and lower 4 for input
CLRWDT();//clear watchdog timer
OPTION_REG = 0b00111000;//RBPU:PORTB pull-ups are disabled,
//INTEDG:Interrupt on falling edge of RB0/INT pin
//T0CS:Transition on RA4/T0CKI pin
//T0SE:Increment on high-to-low transition on RA4/T0CKI pin
//PSA:Prescaler assigned to the WDT
char timerval= TMR0;//read tmr0 into variable
char restrictedtimerval= timerval & 0x0f;//force upper 4bits to zero to restrict value to 0 - f
PORTB= get7SegmentCode(restrictedtimerval);
Unfortunately when I simulate this code in proteus vsm, the seven segment display just shows '0' no matter how many times i press the switch. Why is this happening?
PS: This is my circuit.
Pin RA4/T0CKI is fifth bit named RA4 of port A.
So your initiation code must be
