Auto scrolling in AngularJs - angularjs

I'm trying to achieve auto scrolling with circular scrolling in AngularJS. There is a jQuery plugin which does exactly what I want.
Is there a way to achieve this using AngularJS (since many advise not to use jQuery with AngularJS)?


Angular js dir-paginate with animations

I am using dir-paginate with filtering and ordering.I want to implement animations for better UI and i cant seem to find a reference.
I am aware of but this seems to work for ng-repeat not for dir-paginate.
What am i missing.
I am not using Bootstrap, instead materializecss.

Angular Animation Javascript VS CSS.

I saw an animation directive that said animations are done best with javascript. Is this the case?
I am using Angular 1.3 and want a plug and play solution for animation. Can you explain the difference in the JS vs CSS question and direct me to a source to get it implemented FAST?
I have an APP I want to launch tomorrow. I wrote it in Angular quickly but am having trouble with animations.
If you wanna animate angular directives ng-show/hide, ng-repeat, etc then css animations are the way to go. All you do is add some classes to you css file with animations and off you go as long as you have included the NgAnimate as a dependency.
If you wanna implement your own directive animations then JS is the way using $animate service.
Check out year of moo, Matias does a great job of showing them.

can I use EJS with AngularJS?

Hi I am new to AngularJS. I have great web app already running with JQuery and jQuery UI.
Now I want to completely get rid of JQuery and am going to migrate to Angularjs because of its MVC (MVW) pattern.
So my jQuery application is running with EJS for templates and entirely DOM manipulation. But when I think about Angular js, I have doubts. Can I still use EJS or not?
So please guide me whether I can use or not.
Another doubt is, let's assume I have list page. It is updated dynamically, and it will display 10 records first then based on user scroll, the next 10 records will be appended in the DOM after AJAX. Can we append to the DOM dynamically using Angular?
How do I achieve these kind of things in Angular?
You can use EJS (server or client side) in combination with Angular but there's no need and you'll probably overcomplicate things. AngularJS is very capable for manipulating the DOM by itself in a very separation of concerns kind of way. The most elegant way to work with Angular is to have a RESTful backend and just serve some static html/js files from a webserver.
As for endless scrolling, there are tons of ready to use plugins (modules) to choose from or you can write your own. Basically this will need a view with a ng-repeat directive to display the currently loaded items and a directive that will notify a controller/scope to load more items when the user is scrolling down.
A nice simple article can be found here.
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Yes of course you can use EJS with Angular JS. You might want to have a look at this;
And about your DOM manipulation question. Yes you can append DOM dynamically using Angular JS. Angular JS have a strong feature of two way data binding which dynamically updates its DOM content when a model variable changes.
Have a look at this:

AngularJS ng-repeat alternative

I'm new to angularjS.
I have angularJS working in parallel with jQuery Mobile.
In my case ng-repeat is not allowing JQM styles(specifically Slider Style), to get applied.
Just want to know is there an alternative for ng-repeat in angularJS to use.
Thanks in Advance

Amazing Slider and Angular JS

I am trying to find a solution for an image slider such as Amazing Slider and how to integrate it in my e-commerce web-app which I have developed using Angular JS. I want to have features such as lightbox and a slider with thumbnails underneath, and also video integration. I know its a lot to ask but its a shame that this very strong framework lacks (to my knowledge) a proper image viewer. Has anyone tried this integration before? Are there any other solutions. After doing a google search all I found is bootstrap UI and a gist for lightbox. But these are not anywhere near of what I am asking for. Please advise.
The reason AngularJS does not have such an inbuilt facility is that AngularJS was not meant to address such things. Its an application framework. It is not meant to be a UI framework.
Having said that, I am assuming you have the images you want to render in some sort of collection in AngularJS. So you can just write a very simple directive which will take your collection as a ng-model and render the slider for you. This allows you to reuse this component in multiple places in your app.
If you have only one place in your app that you need the slider, then just a simple ng-repeat will suffice.
