How can i read tcp/udp header in application layer without using raw sockets? - c

Is there any "Api or system calls" to get whole packet from network layer without cutting the headers?

You can't, unless your un-named operating system provides it via the recvmsg() function, which I believe Linux can do. Otherwise your question embodies a contradiction in terms.


Partially Porting PJLIB - Without IOQUEUE, select abstraction, and socket abstraction API

I would like to use the PJSIP library to implement a small SIP softphone on an embedded system. Since this embedded system does not offer Linux or support POSIX, I would like to port the PJLIB library only partially, as described here ( The threading function can be deactivated via a macro, but I'm not quite sure yet how I have to set up this new transport function or where exactly it has to be included so that I can also bypass the IOQUEUE implementation and the PJLIB socket abstraction.
On my embedded system (Keil RTX) I can allocate a UDP socket and register a callback which is called on a network event. I also have a send function which I can use to send data packets. Although I have already looked into the stack, I can't find a way to get started.
Has anyone already dared to the partial porting and can give me a brief assistance. Thank you !
See how Symbian port worked (I think it might be removed from recent versions, but it should be still downloadable) - it was also based on non-POSIX sockets. Create your own platform-specific socket file and ioqueue file.

How to create a custom packet in c?

I'm trying to make a custom packet using C using the TCP/IP protocol. When I say custom, I mean being able to change any value from the packet; ex: MAC, IP address and so on.
I tried searching around but I can't find anything that is actually guiding me or giving me example source codes.
How can I create a custom packet or where should I look for guidance?
A relatively easy tool to do this that is portable is libpcap. It's better known for receiving raw packets (and indeed it's better you play with that first as you can compare received packets with your hand crafted ones) but the little known pcap_sendpacket will actually send a raw packet.
If you want to do it from scratch yourself, open a socket with AF_PACKET and SOCK_RAW (that's for Linux, other OS's may vary) - for example see and the full code at . Note you need to be root (or more accurately have the appropriate capability) to do this.
Also note that if you are trying to send raw tcp/udp packets, one problem you will have is disabling the network stack automatically processing the reply (either by treating it as addressed to an existing IP address or attempting to forward it).
Doing this sort of this is not as simple as you think. Controlling the data above the IP layer is relatively easy using normal socket APIs, but controlling data below is a bit more involved. Most operating systems make changing lower-level protocol information difficult since the kernel itself manages network connections and doesn't want you messing things up. Beyond that, there are other platform differences, network controls, etc that can play havoc on you.
You should look into some of the libraries that are out there to do this. Some examples:
libnet -
libdnet -
If your goal is to spoof packets, you should read up on network-based spoofing mitigation techniques too (for example egress filtering to prevent spoofed packets from exiting a network).

How to push skb in specific point of Linux network stack?

I want to push skb to prerouting point of Linux network stack. Is there any way to do this?
I used dev_queue_xmit() and netif_rx() functions, but I don't think they can push skb in prerouting point of Linux network stack.
I'm not entirely clear where this skb originates from. In userland, there are two ways to do this. One is to use a tun device (and simply write the packet in). The other is to use libpcap (which has the little known feature of sending raw packets hidden amongst all the receive stuff).
You say you want to do this by registering an ioctl (presumably meaning adding your own ioctl) then calling the ioctl from user space. It isn't immediately obvious why you would want to do that when you can already achieve this without modifying the kernel. However, if you did want to do this, what I'd do is follow the path the tun driver uses, and do the equivalent of write()-ing to the tun device in your new ioctl. That might mean having a tun-like interface hanging around to act as the source for the packets. I suspect packets in the system need a source interface of sorts.
I suspect you want libpcap or libnetfilter_queue hereafter collectively referred to as userland queuing. Userland queuing will route all packets matching some rule (you define) to your userland application. The dev_queue_* and netif_* functions apply to kernel level routing and are not relevant to userland applications.
Userland queuing has performance implications and depending on the library you use you will have to use a specific method of re-injecting your packet back into the netfilter queues.
I think the function you are looking for is ip_queue_xmit(), which is where IPV4 implementation starts checking tables, filters, etc.

capturing network packet in c

This question might sound fool, because I know there are bunch of frameworks that does it for you. What I want is actually get in touch with low level C API deeply and able to write a program that sits on computer and intercepts packets between local machine and outer spaces. I tried to figure it out by looking at open source code (i.e. tcpdump) but it's quite difficult for me to find out which file actually performs network sniffing. Any suggestions would be appreciated !
You have to use raw socket. Here's an example.
At least for what concern Linux and Unix like operating systems. I don't know about Windows.
If you're using a UNIX based system[*] then the simplest mechanism is libpcap, which is part of the tcpdump project.
Your process will need root privileges to be able to access the network interface (as would also be the case with raw sockets).
Usually you'll end up having to decode ethernet frames, IP headers, etc yourself, although for most protocols this isn't that hard.
[*] It is actually available for Win32 as well, but I've not used it under Windows myself.

Hooking into the TCP Stack in C

It's not just a capture I'm looking to do here. I want to first capture the packet, then in real time, check the payload for specific data, remove it, inject a signature and reinject the packet into the stack to be sent on as before.
I had a read of the ipfw divert sockets using IPFW and it looks very promising. What about examples in modifying packets and reinjecting them back into the stack using divert sockets? Also, as a matter of curiosity, would it be possible to read the data from the socket using Java or would this restrict me with packing mangling and reinjecting etc?
See divert sockets: Divert Sockets mini HOWTO.
They work by passing traffic matching a certain ipfw rule to a special raw socket that can then reinject altered traffic into the network layers.
If you're just looking for packet capture, libpcap is very popular. It's used in basic tools such as tcpdump and ethereal. As far as "hooking into the stack", unless you plan on fundamentally changing the way the way the networking is implemented (i.e. add your own layer or alter the behavior of TCP), your idea of using IPF for packet modification or intervention seems like the best bet. In Linux they have a specific redirection target for userspace modules, IPF probably has something similar or you could modify IPF to do something similar.
If you are just interested in seeing the packets, then libpcap is the way to go. You can find it at:
It's possible to do this in userspace with the QUEUE or NFQUEUE iptables target I think. The client application attaches to a queue and receives all matching packets, which it can modify before they're re-injected (it can also drop them if it wants).
There is a client library libnetfilter_queue which it needs to link against. Sadly documentation is minimal, but there are some mailing list posts and examples knocking around.
For performance reasons, you won't want to do this to every packet, but only specific matching ones, which you'll have to match using standard iptables rules. If that doesn't do enough, you'll need to write your own netfilter kernel module.
I was going to echo other responses that have recommended iptables (depending on the complexity of both the patterns that you're trying to match and the packet modifications that you want to make) - until I took notice of the BSD tag on the question.
As Stephen Pellicer has already mentioned, libpcap is a good option for capturing the packets. I believe, though, that libpcap can also be used to send packets. For reference I'm pretty sure that tcpreplay uses it to replay pcap formatted files.
