Running into a heap corruption with WinSock2 application - heap-memory

I have a feeling it's a stupid error, but I am making a echo server to identify packets, and output the data, then resend it back. It works on some packets, but one I'm trying to echo is breaking and saying there is a heap being corrupted.
Vector class, just using as container for now:
class vec2
float x, y;
PlayerData struct:
struct PlayerData
vec2 pos;
int health;
float rotation;
char moveflags;
short playerID;
Packet I'm trying to send:
struct ServerPacket_SyncGame //5
short packetID;
PlayerData data[8];
The next part is messy, but I'll comment it to try to make sense.
ServerPacket_SyncGame* SP_SG = new ServerPacket_SyncGame; //creates packet pointer
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) //assigns the eight playerdata structs in the packet array
SP_SG->data[i].playerID = i;
SP_SG->data[i].health = rand() % 30;
SP_SG->data[i].moveflags = 'D';
SP_SG->data[i].pos.x = rand() % 1000;
SP_SG->data[i].pos.y = rand() % 1000;
SP_SG->data[i].rotation = rand() % 360;
SP_SG->packetID = 5; //assigns the packet id
cout << "\n\nSent data: \n"; ////Outputting the data to be sent
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
cout << "\nPlayer ID: " << SP_SG->data[i].playerID << "\nPosition: ("
<< SP_SG->data[i].pos.x << ", " << SP_SG->data[i].pos.y
<< ")\nHealth: " << SP_SG->data[i].health << "\nRotation: "
<<SP_SG->data[i].rotation << "\nMove Flags: "
<< SP_SG->data[i].moveflags << endl;
void* SP_SG_DAT = (void*)SP_SG; //casting the packet into a void*
char* SP_SG_BUFF = (char*)SP_SG_DAT; //casting from a void* to a char*
send(Socket, SP_SG_BUFF, sizeof(ServerPacket_SyncGame), 0); //sends the char*
char* SP_SG_RCVBUFF = new char; //new buffer for recv
recv(Socket, SP_SG_RCVBUFF, sizeof(ServerPacket_SyncGame), 0); //recv new buffer
void* SP_SG_RCVDAT = (void*) SP_SG_RCVBUFF; //casts char* to void* again
ServerPacket_SyncGame* RCVSP_SG = (ServerPacket_SyncGame*) SP_SG_RCVDAT;
//casts from void* to packet*
cout << "\n\nRecieved Data:\n\n"; //outputs converted received information
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
cout << "\nPlayer ID: " << SP_SG->data[i].playerID << "\nPosition: ("
<< SP_SG->data[i].pos.x << ", " << SP_SG->data[i].pos.y
<< ")\nHealth: " << SP_SG->data[i].health << "\nRotation: "
<<SP_SG->data[i].rotation << "\nMove Flags: "
<< SP_SG->data[i].moveflags << endl;
I've used this method with other packets, and it's worked perfectly, server side this is how it echos:
char* buffer = new char;
char* temp = new char;
int size = recv(Socket, buffer, sizeof(ServerPacket_SyncGame), 0);
memcpy(temp, buffer, size);
send(Socket, (char*)InterpretInfo((void*)temp), size, 0);
InterpretInfo accepts the void* that you cast out of the char* you recieve, it deals with it like this:
void* InterpretInfo(void* data)
short* tempsht = static_cast<short*>(data);
cout << "\n\nRecieved packet ID: " << *tempsht;
This particular packet's ID is 5, this is it's case:
case 5:
cout << " which is ServerPacket_SyncGame\n";
ServerPacket_SyncGame* decoded = (ServerPacket_SyncGame*)data;
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
cout << "Player ID: " << decoded->data[i].playerID ;
cout << "\nPosition: (" << decoded->data[i].pos.x << ", "
<< decoded->data[i].pos.y << ")\n";
cout << "Health: " << decoded->data[i].health
<< "\nRotation: " << decoded->data[i].rotation
<< "\nMove Flags: " << decoded->data[i].moveflags << endl;
It only does it with this packet, and it breaks and says the heap is corrupted when I try to access anything from the packet, though in debug mode I can read all information in the packet clearly.
I need at least 10 rep to post a picture, so here is a link to what I'm talking about in the running code:
Thank you in advanced for any help or insight to help me get this done, I'm still quite novice at C++ and love to learn.

You are allocating only 1 byte for the recv() buffer, but you are trying to read sizeof(ServerPacket_SyncGame) number of bytes into it. You need to change this:
char* SP_SG_RCVBUFF = new char; //new buffer for recv
To this:
char* SP_SG_RCVBUFF = new char[sizeof(ServerPacket_SyncGame)];
Same thing with your for loop:
//char* buffer = new char;
char* buffer = new char[sizeof(ServerPacket_SyncGame)];
//char* temp = new char;
char* temp = new char[sizeof(ServerPacket_SyncGame)];
I would suggest you clean up your code:
ServerPacket_SyncGame* SP_SG = new ServerPacket_SyncGame; //creates packet pointer
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) //assigns the eight playerdata structs in the packet array
SP_SG->data[i].playerID = i;
SP_SG->data[i].health = rand() % 30;
SP_SG->data[i].moveflags = 'D';
SP_SG->data[i].pos.x = rand() % 1000;
SP_SG->data[i].pos.y = rand() % 1000;
SP_SG->data[i].rotation = rand() % 360;
SP_SG->packetID = 5; //assigns the packet id
// don't forget to do error handling on this, and pay attention to the
// return value so you know if you actually sent the entire struct or not...
send(Socket, (char*)SP_SG, sizeof(ServerPacket_SyncGame), 0);
delete SP_SG;
SP_SG = new ServerPacket_SyncGame;
// don't forget to do error handling on this, and pay attention to the
// return value so you know if you actually received the entire struct or not...
recv(Socket, (char*)SP_SG, sizeof(ServerPacket_SyncGame), 0); //recv new buffer
delete SP_SG;
ServerPacket_SyncGame buffer;
// don't forget to do error handling on this, and pay attention to the
// return value so you know if you actually received the entire struct or not...
int size = recv(Socket, &buffer, sizeof(ServerPacket_SyncGame), 0);
if (size > 0)
// don't forget to do error handling on this, and pay attention to the
// return value so you know if you actually sent the entire struct or not...
send(Socket, (char*)InterpretInfo(&buffer), size, 0);


How to access content of repeated message data

I want to use protocol buffer to send and receive the following type using gRPC
std:array<std::complex<int>, 2> bar_array;
Sources used to get idea: 1, 2
What I have done so far
My approach (Intentionally I am omitting here the unnecessary code)
proto file
syntax = "proto3";
package expcmake;
message child_data {
repeated int32 child_data_list = 1;
message Address {
child_data child_data_var = 8;
repeated child_data parent_data_list = 9;
Here, at first I have made a dummy std:array<std::complex<int>, 2> data. Then, I have filled the child_data_list with the std::complex<int> data. After each filling of real and imaginary part I have pushed them in the parent_data_list. Also, at this moment I have cleared the child_data_list.
Client message name is NameQuery, while Server message name is Address
In Server side both message are passed as pointer
class AddressBookService final : public expcmake::AddressBook::Service {
virtual ::grpc::Status GetAddress(::grpc::ServerContext* context, const ::expcmake::NameQuery* request, ::expcmake::Address* response)
// omitting unnecessary lines
// populate bar_array with std::complex<int> data
std::complex<int> z4 = 1. + 2i, z5 = 1. - 2i; // conjugates
bar_array = {z4, z5};
std::cout << "bar array printing whose size: " << bar_array.size() << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i < bar_array.size(); i++) {
std::cout << bar_array[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
// Use parent_data_list protocol buffer message type to fill with the content of bar_array
for (int i = 0; i < bar_array.size(); i++){
// Use child_data protocol buffer message type to fill with the content of complex int data
// Use parent_data_list protocol buffer message type to fill with the content of child_data -> child_data_list data
response->add_parent_data_list() -> child_data_list();
// clear the child_data message. Reason to keep child_data_list new in every iteration otherwise add_child_data_list will append new data (eg: 1,2,1,-2) which is wrong. Expected is (1,2) then (1,-2)
// This is zero which I have got. Without clearing it is 4 which is also correct I believe as per the concept of protocol buffer message type
std::cout << "response->mutable_child_data_var()->child_data_list_size(): " << response->mutable_child_data_var()->child_data_list_size() << std::endl;
// This is 2 which meets my requirement
std::cout << "response->parent_data_list_size(): " << response->parent_data_list_size() << std::endl;
// omitting unnecessary lines
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Setup request
expcmake::NameQuery query;
expcmake::Address result;
// printing the content of child_data -> child_data_list data array/container. There I have seen 1,2,1,-2 if I don't do the clear operation on child_data_list in server side. So, I guess it is correctly got the data
for(int i = 0; i < result.mutable_child_data_var()->child_data_list_size(); i++)
std::cout << "Child Data at index [" << i << "]: " << result.mutable_child_data_var()->child_data_list(i) << std::endl;
// This one making problem
// printing the content of parent_data_list type/container
// for(int i = 0; i < result.parent_data_list_size(); i++){
// std::cout << "Parent Data at index [" << i << "]: " << result.mutable_parent_data_list(i) << std::endl; // This give me the memory address
// Tried others to fetch the data but failed. Eg: result.parent_data_list(i) // failed
// }
Snippet from the generated pb file
// repeated int32 child_data_list = 1;
int child_data_list_size() const;
int _internal_child_data_list_size() const;
void clear_child_data_list();
::PROTOBUF_NAMESPACE_ID::int32 _internal_child_data_list(int index) const;
_internal_child_data_list() const;
void _internal_add_child_data_list(::PROTOBUF_NAMESPACE_ID::int32 value);
::PROTOBUF_NAMESPACE_ID::int32 child_data_list(int index) const;
void set_child_data_list(int index, ::PROTOBUF_NAMESPACE_ID::int32 value);
void add_child_data_list(::PROTOBUF_NAMESPACE_ID::int32 value);
child_data_list() const;
// .expcmake.child_data child_data_var = 8;
bool has_child_data_var() const;
bool _internal_has_child_data_var() const;
void clear_child_data_var();
const ::expcmake::child_data& child_data_var() const;
PROTOBUF_MUST_USE_RESULT ::expcmake::child_data* release_child_data_var();
::expcmake::child_data* mutable_child_data_var();
void set_allocated_child_data_var(::expcmake::child_data* child_data_var);
const ::expcmake::child_data& _internal_child_data_var() const;
::expcmake::child_data* _internal_mutable_child_data_var();
void unsafe_arena_set_allocated_child_data_var(
::expcmake::child_data* child_data_var);
::expcmake::child_data* unsafe_arena_release_child_data_var();
// repeated .expcmake.child_data parent_data_list = 9;
int parent_data_list_size() const;
int _internal_parent_data_list_size() const;
void clear_parent_data_list();
::expcmake::child_data* mutable_parent_data_list(int index);
::PROTOBUF_NAMESPACE_ID::RepeatedPtrField< ::expcmake::child_data >*
const ::expcmake::child_data& _internal_parent_data_list(int index) const;
::expcmake::child_data* _internal_add_parent_data_list();
const ::expcmake::child_data& parent_data_list(int index) const;
::expcmake::child_data* add_parent_data_list();
const ::PROTOBUF_NAMESPACE_ID::RepeatedPtrField< ::expcmake::child_data >&
parent_data_list() const;
I guess
Is the filling of the message field is incorrectly done !! Though the size is not saying that
I am not catching the protobuf syntax(which is generated in the pb file) in right way to fetch the data
Need suggestions(helpful if can provide the syntax too).
The mutable_* prefixed APIs are for mutating (modifying/adding) elements and they return a pointer. The mutable_* and set_* APIs should only be used while filling the data. Once data is filled, you should not be using mutable_* APIs to check sizes. After receiving the response from the server, the client will most probably be consuming it, not mutating. You need to update the client-side accordingly.
Also, you can use a range-based for loop to iterate over child_data_list of child_data_var like this:
const auto child_data_list = result.child_data_var().child_data_list();
for (const auto element : child_data_list)
// process element
Apart from that, you're using std::array (a fixed-size array) i.e. std:array<std::complex<int>, 2>, alternatively here's another way to model this without repeated which does not represent a fixed-size array.
syntax = "proto3";
package pb;
message Complex {
int32 real = 1;
int32 imag = 2;
message Compound {
Complex c1 = 1;
Complex c2 = 2;
The message Complex emulates an std::complex type and Compound an std::array with only 2 elements c1 and c2.
With this, you can easily convert the protobuf message to std::complex and vice versa. Once converted to std::complex, you can perform its supported operations as needed.
Compile complex.proto:
protoc --cpp_out=. ./complex.proto
For the C++ API, look for the accessors in the generated complex.pb.h file under public. The official doc Protocol Buffer Basics: C++ also lists the C++ API examples under The Protocol Buffer API section.
Here's a complete C++ example with the above complex.proto:
#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
#include <array>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "complex.pb.h"
namespace my {
using complex = std::complex<int>;
using compound = std::array<std::complex<int>, 2>;
int main()
const auto my_c1 = my::complex{ 1, 2 };
const auto my_c2 = my::complex{ 2, 4 };
const auto my_compound_1 = my::compound{ my_c1, my_c2 };
std::cout << "my_compound_1 [size: " << my_compound_1.size() << "]\n";
std::cout << "my_c1: " << my_c1 << '\n';
std::cout << "my_c2: " << my_c2 << '\n';
pb::Compound pb_compound;
std::cout << "\npb_compound:\n";
const auto serialized_compound = pb_compound.SerializeAsString();
// send
// receive
pb::Compound deserialized_compound;
if (!deserialized_compound.ParseFromString(serialized_compound))
std::cerr << "[ERROR] Parsing failed!\n";
std::cout << "\n\npb_compound (deserialized):\n";
const auto pb_c1 = deserialized_compound.c1();
const auto pb_c2 = deserialized_compound.c2();
const auto my_c3 = my::complex{ pb_c1.real(), pb_c1.imag() };
const auto my_c4 = my::complex{ pb_c2.real(), pb_c2.imag() };
const auto my_compound_2 = my::compound{ my_c3, my_c4 };
std::cout << "my_compound_2 [size: " << my_compound_2.size() << "]\n";
std::cout << "my_c3: " << my_c3 << '\n';
std::cout << "my_c4: " << my_c4 << '\n';
const auto sum = my_c3 + my_c4;
std::cout << "sum: " << sum << '\n';
Compile with g++:
g++ main.cpp -o pb_complex `pkg-config --cflags --libs protobuf`
$ ./pb_complex
my_compound_1 [size: 2]
my_c1: (1,2)
my_c2: (2,4)
c1 {
real: 1
imag: 2
c2 {
real: 2
imag: 4
pb_compound (deserialized):
c1 {
real: 1
imag: 2
c2 {
real: 2
imag: 4
my_compound_2 [size: 2]
my_c3: (1,2)
my_c4: (2,4)
sum: (3,6)
The way I was accessing the filed parent_data_list was wrong. I am posting the approach which has solved the issue.
A little change in proto file
syntax = "proto3";
package expcmake;
message child_data {
repeated int32 child_data_list = 1 [packed=true];
message Address {
repeated child_data parent_data_list = 1;
Reason to use packed see this
class AddressBookService final : public expcmake::AddressBook::Service {
virtual ::grpc::Status GetAddress(::grpc::ServerContext* context, const ::expcmake::NameQuery* request, ::expcmake::Address* response){
// omitting unnecessary lines
// populate bar_array with std::complex<int> data
std::complex<int> z4 = 1. + 2i, z5 = 1. - 2i; // conjugates
bar_array = {z4, z5};
// Now goal is to pass this bar_array as a protobuf message
// Use parent_data_list protocol buffer message type to fill with the content of bar_array
for (int i = 0; i < bar_array.size(); i++){
// make a 2D array. Eg: std::array<std::complex<int>>. In each iteration, new sub_content will be added (here sub_content means child_data_list)
response->add_parent_data_list() -> child_data_list();
// Followings are filling the child_data_list with the required data(Real and Imag part of the complex data which is already generated)
return grpc::Status::OK;
After the completion of the iteration, A 2D type of message will be generated which is parent_data_list = [[child_data_list], [child_data_list]]. Don't consider it as a real scenario. Just for presentation I am using it.
std::cout <<"Using Mutable" << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i < result.parent_data_list_size(); i++){
for(int j = 0 ; j<result.mutable_parent_data_list(i)->child_data_list_size(); j++){
std::cout << "Value [" << i << "][" << j << "]: " << result.mutable_parent_data_list(i)->child_data_list(j) << std::endl;
// Following is same as before. Added as I was in turmoil to understand the properties generated by protobuf. Hope could be helpful for beginners like me
std::cout <<"Without Mutable property" << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i < result.parent_data_list_size(); i++){
for(int j = 0 ; j < result.parent_data_list(i).child_data_list_size(); j++){
std::cout << "Value [" << i << "][" << j << "]: " << result.parent_data_list(i).child_data_list(j) << std::endl;
In client side I am accessing the child_data_list with index which is not properly mimic the C++ style. Would be great if I can in one line print the value of parent_data_list[n] data. As far I have studied the generated pb.h file my understanding is that it is not possible as no return function I have not found without index for the repeated field. Or may be I am missing something important again.

Writing 9-bit values to byte array (or EEPROM) without wasting remaining bit in the following byte

I could not found an answer with google so i went for it and programmed quite a few hours.
I want to save 9-bit values to eeprom without wasting the other 7 bits.
I save values that would be up to 500 and i have not much EEPROM left.
The same principle can be applied to arrays, which i did just to not waer down the EEPROM.
So I made this little program:
* Write only a certain number of bits to EEPROM.
* keeps the other bit in the byte of the eeprom as they are.
* Working version with 9 bits:
* 2019-10-03 15:57
* 2019-10-03 22:09 tested with chars too
* 2019-10-04 08:25 works with 7 bit chars also!
* 2019-10-04 12:27 fixed the combining of oldByte and new values in writeBitsToEEPROM(), because chars like 'รถ' altered previous bit (left side) that should not have been altered.
#include "arduino.h"
#include "EEPROM.h"
#include "math.h"
//TODO: change back to original value
byte fakeEEPROM[ARRAY_SIZE] = {0};
String byteToString(byte value){
char byteChar[9];
byteChar[8] = '\0'; //we need a terminator
for(int i=7; i>=0; i--){
byteChar[7-i] = (value & (1 << i)) ? '1' : '0';
return String(byteChar);
String byteToString(unsigned long value, byte bytesToRead){
String str1 = byteToString(value >> 8);
String str2 = byteToString(value & 0xFF);
return str1 + " " + str2;
int globBlockStartAdress = 0;
byte globNumberOfBits = 0;
int globBlockSizeBytes = 0;
bool initBitBlock(int blockStartAdress, int blockCount, byte numberOfBits) {
globBlockStartAdress = blockStartAdress;
globNumberOfBits = numberOfBits;
// calc needed number of bytes and roud up
int tempBlockSize = blockCount * numberOfBits / 8;
if(blockCount * numberOfBits % 8)
// make number of bytes even
if(tempBlockSize % 2)
globBlockSizeBytes = tempBlockSize;
if(blockStartAdress + globBlockSizeBytes > EEPROM_SIZE)
return false;
return true;
* Writes 1 to 9 bits to "internalAdress" within a designated block in eeprom
void writeBitsToEEPROM(unsigned int bitsToBeWritten, int internalAdress){
//TODO: check if value is not higher than what can be stored
// if(bitsToBeWritten){
// }
int trueEEPROMAdress = globBlockStartAdress + internalAdress * globNumberOfBits / 8;
if(trueEEPROMAdress + 1 >= ARRAY_SIZE || internalAdress * globNumberOfBits / 8 >= globBlockSizeBytes){
Serial.print("globBlockSizeBytes: ");
Serial.println("FEHLER writeBitsToEEPROMWTF: ");
Serial.println(trueEEPROMAdress + 1);
Serial.println(internalAdress * globNumberOfBits / 8 );
byte startBitOfEEPROMByte = (internalAdress * globNumberOfBits) % 8;
unsigned int oldIntFromEEPROM = (fakeEEPROM[trueEEPROMAdress] << 8) | fakeEEPROM[trueEEPROMAdress + 1];
//Todo: change to eeprom
//filter out only the bits that need to be kept.
//EEPROM.get(trueEEPROMAdress, oldEEPROMByteBits);
// there might be bits in the byte that we dont want to change. left side and right side
unsigned int mask1KeepFromEEPROM = (0xFFFF << (16 - startBitOfEEPROMByte));
unsigned int mask2KeepFromEEPROM = (0xFFFF >> (startBitOfEEPROMByte + globNumberOfBits));
//if(16 - startBitOfEEPROMByte - numberOfBits > 0)
//mask2KeepFromEEPROM= (0xFFFF >> (startBitOfEEPROMByte + numberOfBits));
// masks combined
unsigned int maskIntToKeepFromEEPROM = mask1KeepFromEEPROM | mask2KeepFromEEPROM;
int newEEPROMInt = (oldIntFromEEPROM & maskIntToKeepFromEEPROM) | ((bitsToBeWritten << (16 - globNumberOfBits - startBitOfEEPROMByte) & ~maskIntToKeepFromEEPROM));
//Todo: change to eeprom
//EEPROM.update(trueEEPROMAdress, newEEPROMByteBitsA);
fakeEEPROM[trueEEPROMAdress] = (newEEPROMInt >> 8);
fakeEEPROM[trueEEPROMAdress + 1] = (byte) newEEPROMInt;
if(trueEEPROMAdress + 1 > BLOCK_BYTE_COUNT){
Serial.println("FEHLER writeBitsToEEPROM");
Serial.println(trueEEPROMAdress + 1);
// Serial.print("trueEEPROMAdress: ");
// Serial.println(trueEEPROMAdress);
// Serial.print("internalAdress: ");
// Serial.println(internalAdress);
// Serial.print("globNumberOfBits: ");
// Serial.println(globNumberOfBits);
// Serial.print("bitsToBeWritten: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(bitsToBeWritten,2));
// Serial.print(" mask1KeepFromEEPROM: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(mask1KeepFromEEPROM,2));
// Serial.print("mask2KeepFromEEPROM: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(mask2KeepFromEEPROM,2));
// Serial.print("maskIntToKeepFromEEPROM: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(maskIntToKeepFromEEPROM,2));
// Serial.print("oldIntFromEEPROM: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(oldIntFromEEPROM,2));
// Serial.print("newEEPROMInt: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(newEEPROMInt,2));
// Serial.print("512: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(512, 2));
// Serial.print("65535: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(65535, 2));
unsigned int ReadBitsFromEEPROM(int internalAdress){
int trueEEPROMAdress = globBlockStartAdress + internalAdress * globNumberOfBits / 8;
byte startBitOfEEPROMByte = (internalAdress * globNumberOfBits) % 8;
if(trueEEPROMAdress + 1 > BLOCK_BYTE_COUNT)
Serial.println("FEHLER readBits");
unsigned int oldIntFromEEPROM = (fakeEEPROM[trueEEPROMAdress] << 8) | fakeEEPROM[trueEEPROMAdress + 1];
//Todo: change to eeprom
//filter out only the bits that need to be kept.
//EEPROM.get(trueEEPROMAdress, oldEEPROMByteBits);
unsigned int mask1KeepFromEEPROM = (0xFFFF << (16 - startBitOfEEPROMByte));
unsigned int mask2KeepFromEEPROM = (0xFFFF >> (startBitOfEEPROMByte + globNumberOfBits));
unsigned int maskIntToKeepFromEEPROM = mask1KeepFromEEPROM | mask2KeepFromEEPROM;
unsigned int valueFromEEPROM = ~maskIntToKeepFromEEPROM & oldIntFromEEPROM;
// Serial.print("trueEEPROMAdress: ");
// Serial.println(trueEEPROMAdress);
// Serial.print("internalAdress: ");
// Serial.println(internalAdress);
// Serial.print("numberOfBits: ");
// Serial.println(numberOfBits);
// Serial.print(" mask1KeepFromEEPROM: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(mask1KeepFromEEPROM,2));
// Serial.print("mask2KeepFromEEPROM: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(mask2KeepFromEEPROM,2));
// Serial.print("maskIntToKeepFromEEPROM: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(maskIntToKeepFromEEPROM,2));
// Serial.print("oldIntFromEEPROM: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(oldIntFromEEPROM,2));
return (valueFromEEPROM >> (16 - globNumberOfBits - startBitOfEEPROMByte));
void setup() {
Serial.print(F("\n# Programversion: "));
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.println("Setup finished");
void printEEPROM(){
for(int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++){
byte b;
//Todo: change to eeprom
//EEPROM.get(i, b);
b = fakeEEPROM[i];
Serial.print(" ");
void testNumbers() {
while( ! Serial.available());
String input = Serial.readString();
unsigned int value = input.toInt();
initBitBlock(1, 15, 9);
// Serial.print("value: ");
// Serial.println(byteToString(value));
for(int i = 0; i < BIT_BLOCKS_COUNT;i++){
for(int j = 0; j < BLOCK_BYTE_COUNT; j++){
fakeEEPROM[j] = 0xFF;
Serial.println("FEHLER testNumbers");
// Serial.print("EEPROM before: ");
// printEEPROM();
writeBitsToEEPROM(value, i);
Serial.print("Returned: ");
// Serial.print("EEPROM after: ");
// printEEPROM();
// Serial.println();
#define CHAR_COUNT 16
void testChars() {
// Serial.println("bits?");
// while( ! Serial.available());
// String input = Serial.readString();
// unsigned int value = input.toInt();
initBitBlock(1, CHAR_COUNT, 7);
while( ! Serial.available());
String input = Serial.readString();
char testString[CHAR_COUNT] = {'\0'};
input.toCharArray(testString, CHAR_COUNT, 0);
for(int j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE; j++){
fakeEEPROM[j] = 0;//xFF;
for(int i = 0; i < CHAR_COUNT; i++){
Serial.print("EEPROM before: ");
writeBitsToEEPROM(testString[i], i);
Serial.print("EEPROM after: ");
Serial.println("Returned: ");
for(int i = 0; i < CHAR_COUNT; i++){
Serial.print((char) ReadBitsFromEEPROM(i));
void loop(){
which of course it not complete. Its just for saving those 9-bit values.
My question is: Has anyone else programmed a function like this - or knows where to find this - that is not limited to 9 bits (10 bits will span over 3 bytes)?
This function should take the number of bits given by bitsPerVal from each value in the input array pVals and pack them into the byte array pointed to by pOutBytes:
#include <stdint.h>
void pack_bits(uint32_t *pVals, size_t numVals, int bitsPerVal, uint8_t *pOutBytes)
uint32_t mask = ~(UINT32_MAX << bitsPerVal);
int outBitsLeft = 8;
int inBitsLeft = bitsPerVal;
while(numVals > 0)
if(inBitsLeft > outBitsLeft)
inBitsLeft -= outBitsLeft;
*pOutBytes |= (*pVals & mask) >> inBitsLeft;
mask >>= outBitsLeft;
outBitsLeft = 0;
outBitsLeft -= inBitsLeft;
*pOutBytes |= (*pVals & mask) << outBitsLeft;
mask = ~(UINT32_MAX << bitsPerVal);
inBitsLeft = bitsPerVal;
if(0 == outBitsLeft)
outBitsLeft = 8;
The array pointed to by pOutBytes must suitably sized (ie ((numVals*bitsPerVal) + 7) / 8) and initialised to zero before calling. You can write it to your EEPROM after.
Hopefully this works well, I have done much testing on it though.
Here is an example of how 10 bits (actually 16-bits when written...) from 2 different fields could write to 16-bits of output.
struct EEPROM_Output
uint16_t a : 9; // 0 - 511 can be stored here
uint16_t b : 1; // 0 or 1 here.
uint16_t pad : 6; // Future use - we place this here to make it obvious that there are bits remaining.
void foo()
struct EEPROM_Output save;
save.a = 100;
save.b = 1;
WriteToEEPROM(&save, sizeof(save));

Constructor Operator << Device and Test Dynamic Array

#include iostream
#include cmath
#include fstream
#include cstdlib
#include string
using namespace std;
class Device {//Input and store Device Description and Serial Numbers
static string serial_number;
static string device_description;
Device() {
serial_number = ("6DCMQ32");
device_description = ("TheDell");
Device(string s, string d) {
serial_number = s;
device_description = d;
string Device::device_description;
string Device::serial_number;
class Test {//Input and store Test Description, recent day, and month;
Calculate the next day
static string Test_Description;
static int recent_month, recent_day, recent_year, new_month;
static int nmonth, next_month, next_day, next_year, max_day;
Test() {
Test_Description = ("Virtual");
static void getMonth() {//Calculates the next/new month
next_month = recent_month + nmonth;
new_month = next_month % 12;
if (next_month >= 12) {
cout << "The next Date: " << new_month << " / ";
else {
cout << "The next Date: " << next_month << " / ";
static void getDay() { //Calculates day of next month
if (new_month == 4 || new_month == 6 || new_month == 9 || new_month == 11) {
max_day = 30;
else if (new_month == 2) {
max_day = 29;
else {
max_day = 31;
if (recent_day > max_day) {
cout << max_day << " / ";
else {
cout << recent_day << " / ";
static void getYear() {// Calculate the year of next month
next_year = recent_year + next_month;
if (next_year >= 12) {
cout << recent_year + (next_month / 12) << endl;
else {
cout << next_year << endl;
static void getDate() {// Collects the output of each element of next date
Test::getMonth(), Test::getDay(), Test::getYear();
string Test::Test_Description;
int Test::recent_month;
int Test::recent_day;
int Test::recent_year;
int Test::new_month;
int Test::nmonth;
int Test::next_month;
int Test::next_day;
int Test::next_year;
int Test::max_day;
class Lab : public Device, public Test {
static int n;
friend istream & operator>>(istream & in, Lab & lab) {// Inputs
cout << "Enter Device Desciption and Serial Number: ";
getline(in, device_description);
getline(in, serial_number);
cout << "Enter Test Desciption: ";
getline(in, Test_Description);
cout << "Enter the Number of months: ";
in >> nmonth;
cout << "Enter the Most Recent Date(mm/dd/yyyy): ";
in >> recent_month >> recent_day >> recent_year;
return in;
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, Lab & lab) {//Outputs
everything in Device Class
out << Lab::device_description << endl;
out << Lab::serial_number << endl;
out << Lab::Test_Description << endl;
return out;
static void getN() {
cout << "Enter the number of devices: ";
cin >> n;
static void getWrite() {
Lab *obj = new Lab[n];
if (obj == 0) {
cout << "Memory Error";
for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) {
cin >> obj[i];
cout << endl;
ofstream myfile("Device.txt");
myfile.write((char *)obj, n * sizeof(Lab));
delete[] obj;
static void getRead() {
ifstream file2("Device.txt");
Lab *obj2 = new Lab[n];
if (obj2 == 0) {
cout << "Memory Error";
} *)obj2, n * sizeof(Lab));
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cout << obj2[i];
cout << endl;
delete[] obj2;
/*void getSearch(){
int Lab::n;
void main() {
Lab L;
The Output I get is TheDell 6DCMQ32, Virtual when I entered my inputs. The date is correct the only problem is the Device Description, Serial Number, and Test Device.
Problem with Operator << in File i/o reading where it outputs the values in the Constructor
Purpose: is to enter the number of months for the next test date of device with input of serial number,
Device Description, Test Description, recent date, and the number of months of two tests. At the end the
program must be searched by having the user to input the serial number and the next date, if these two are
valid everything in the device is listed out.
Short of writing your application, I will do my best to give you some direction.
#include <iostream> // Note the '<' and '>' this is to specify is a language provided include
// More includes with the same issue...
using namespace std; // this is general considered bad=practice see for details
//Input and store Device Description and Serial Numbers
class Device
{ // Notice the white space makes it easier to read...
//static string serial_number; // declaring this static means _EVERY_ device will have the same serial number
//static string device_description; // same as above
string serialNumber;
string deviceDesc;
Device() : serialNumber("6DCMQ32"), deviceDesc("TheDell")
//serial_number = ("6DCMQ32"); // Not the best place for initialization
//device_description = ("TheDell"); // Not the best place for initialization
//Device(string s, string d) // you never actually use this
// serial_number = s;
// device_description = d;
//string Device::device_description; // This is a sign that you variable will be shared between everyone - not required if you remove the static
//string Device::serial_number; // This is a sign that you variable will be shared between everyone - not required if you remove the static
// This suffers from the same probles as the `class device` above
class Test
// Lots of stuff was here just trying to short the answer....
// Mostly has the same culprits mentions for the device
// This is one of the fucntions which gets called when you are trying to "save" the info to a file
static void getMonth(/* ostream & out */) // you need this as a paramater
next_month = recent_month + nmonth;
new_month = next_month % 12;
if (next_month >= 12)
// This function has no idea is needs to redirect the out put to a file...
// its only outputting to the standard console
cout << "The next Date: " << new_month << " / ";
//cout << "The next Date: " << next_month << " / ";
// using the new parameter in comments
// you can now save to your file
out << /*"The next Date: " <<*/ next_month << " / "; // no I comment out your extra message since you file reading does not look for that
// Again we have the same general misuse of C++ ( please keep learning! hopefully I am point you in the right direction )
class Lab : public Device, public Test
static int n;
friend istream & operator>>(istream & in, Lab & lab)
// Inputs
cout << "Enter Device Desciption and Serial Number: ";
getline(in, device_description);
getline(in, serial_number);
cout << "Enter Test Desciption: ";
getline(in, Test_Description);
cout << "Enter the Number of months: ";
in >> nmonth;
cout << "Enter the Most Recent Date(mm/dd/yyyy): ";
in >> recent_month >> recent_day >> recent_year;
return in;
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, Lab & lab) {//Outputs
everything in Device Class
out << Lab::device_description << endl;
out << Lab::serial_number << endl;
out << Lab::Test_Description << endl;
// Here you should pass the output pipe
getDate(/* out */);
return out;
static void getN() {
cout << "Enter the number of devices: ";
cin >> n;
static void getWrite()
// there's no real need to be using a pointer or memory allocation
//Lab *obj = new Lab[n];
// you can simply use
Lab obj[n];
//if (obj == 0)
// cout << "Memory Error";
// exit(1);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cin >> obj[i];
cout << endl;
ofstream myfile("Device.txt");
//myfile.write((char *)obj, n * sizeof(Lab)); // I've never tried writting an object's memory as a char* to file
// usually I like to generate a human readable output
std::string objBuffer = obj.getSaveBuffer(); // you will need to implement this `getSaveBuffer()` functions
myfile << objBuffer; // This can save lots of different value types for you! see
//delete[] obj; // since there is no more new; we dont need a delete!
// The logic of what you read suffers the same general issues as the write.
// Also what/how you read is very far from the save so I can't venture into any solutions
// I'm hoping this will kick start you to figuring it out on your own =)
static void getRead() {
ifstream file2("Device.txt");
Lab *obj2 = new Lab[n];
if (obj2 == 0) {
cout << "Memory Error";
} *)obj2, n * sizeof(Lab));
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cout << obj2[i];
cout << endl;
delete[] obj2;
/*void getSearch(){
int Lab::n;
// A program that runs should always return a numeric result indicating success or failure
//void main() {
int main()
Lab L; // Since everything in all your classes is static this didnt really add anything
// you done need an object if the object contains nothing
system("pause"); // this is also bad practice, see
// I personally like `getchar()` because it's easy and quick

How do you convert a string holding a date from DD-MM-YYYY to MM-DD-YYYY

I have been working on this for about a week and for some reason I just can't get past it. I am getting an out of range error when I am searching the elements of the array, and attempt to move the characters I need to a need array.
void showFileDateCleansed(string first[], string last[], string birthday[])
string tempHoldDD[10];
string tempHoldMM[10];
The stuff below is working so Ijust commented it out until I figure out the isssue I am having with the dates
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
first[i].at(0) = toupper(first[i].at(0));
last[i].at(0) = toupper(last[i].at(0));
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout << first[i] << " ";
cout << last[i] << "\n";
int d = 0; //Im using this to keep track of whether I have passed the delimiter in the text file "-"
bool done = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
done = false;
int c = 0;//this is used for the character within the element of the array, it increments at the bottom so that it moves to the next character.
while (done != true)
// <TK> Check for invalid character
if (c == 0)
std::cout << "Invalid character at index: " << i << std::endl;
if (birthday[i].at(c) == '-')
d += 1;
done = true;
switch (d)
case 0:
// Try catch to prevent the out of range exception from crashing.
// Debug
std::cout << "C: " << c << std::endl;
// create a temporary variable for the value.
char temp = birthday[i].at(c);
tempHoldDD[i].at(c) = temp;
/*catch (std::out_of_range const& exc)
std::cout << exc.what() << '\n';
//cout << tempHoldMM[c] << "\n";
case 1:
// Try catch to prevent the out of range exception from crashing.
// Debug
std::cout << "C: " << c << std::endl;
// create a temporary variable for the value.
char temp = tempHoldMM[i].at(c);
birthday[i].at(c) = temp;
catch (std::out_of_range const& exc)
std::cout << exc.what() << '\n';
//cout << tempHoldMM[c] << "\n";
c += 1;
Your case 1 in your switch statement doesn't have a break statement, so it will fall through to case 2, where c is incremented. Could that make c get out of range too fast?

How to convert netmask to network prefix length?

I am doing some programming, I wanna convert the netmask to network prefix length.
For example ----> 24.
Finally I write some code to do so.
const char *network = "";
int n = inet_addr(netowrk);
int i = 0;
while (n > 0) {
n = n << 1;
i will be the network count
You should first try to compile your code, it can help you a lot. There are compilations errors because you mistyped variable name "netowrk"
To calculate prefix instead to left shift you should try with right shift and instead of using inet_addr try inet_pton().
For more details go through the post IPv4 to decimal different values?
Here you can check the code:
int main()
const char *network = "";
int n;
inet_pton(AF_INET, network, &n);
int i = 0;
while (n > 0) {
n = n >> 1;
printf("network = %s, suffix = %d\n", network, i);
I cannot add comments, but be aware that Jaymin's answer is dependent on the host byte order. You should use ntohl(3) to convert the address returned by inet_pton to host byte order, and then left shift, right shift, or bit-count to get the prefix length.
For that matter, you really ought to be passing a struct sockaddr_in into inet_pton...
As for netmask, we know that the value is always a continuous series of set bits followed by zero bits. there are no zero bits in between.
So given that we know that max set bits could be only 32, counting the number of zero bits makes a smaller loop count to calculate the prefix len.
unsigned int n = 0xFFFFFE00; // ( => 23 bits
int zerobits = 0;
while ((n & 0x1) == 0) {
n = n >> 1;
return (32 - zerobits);
So here , the loop count is only for the number of zero bits (9 in this case).
This works for IPv4 networks.
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
// const char *network = "";
// const char *network = "";
// const char *network = "";
const char *network = "";
int ret;
int count_ones = 0;
std::uint8_t byte;
std::uint8_t buf[sizeof(struct in_addr)];
ret = inet_pton(AF_INET, network, &buf);
// assert(ret > 0);
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(struct in_addr); i++) {
// std::cout << int(buf[i]) << std::endl;
byte = buf[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
count_ones += (byte & 1);
byte >>= 1;
std::cout << "network: " << network << ", suffix: " << count_ones << std::endl;
