Files open as completely empty in Dreamweaver - file

While using dreamweaver I connected to my website and attempted to work on a file on my remote server (the actual site server) and when I opened it there was NO CODE AT ALL. When I logged into the actual site, the file functioned normally and when I went to the file manager on the actual site, the file was perfectly fine. Please help!
Also ,when I try to open a file, it gives me an error "This page may have dynamically-related files that can only be discovered by the server" When I tell Dreamweaver to try and discover them it tells me they "could not be resolved". I have never had this dynamic file thing pop up and I do not have any dynamically-related files that I am aware of, I do not even know what they are and I opened these same files without an issue last week when I updated some.

Found the answer, was a corrupted cache. Followed directions here:
Dreamweaver's cache is kept in a file in its Configuration folder. That file name depends on OS:
For Windows it is WinFileCache-<randomString>.dat
For MAC it is MacFileCache-<randomString>.dat
Deleting of that file clears the cache. After restarting Dreamweaver is creating new one. Location of the cache file differs for each version and operating system. Here is a list of locations depending on DW version and OS:
For Dreamweaver CC:
Vista, 7 & 8: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC\<language>\Configuration
XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC\<language>Configuration\
Once I cleared it and rebooted and restarted it worked fine!


STM32 Build Error "cannot open linker script file" despite having it

I am running STM32CubeIDE version 1.6.0 (which is writing in C) on a Windows 7 virtual machine running on Parallels. I am trying to "build" my code, but when I do I get an error that says:
cannot open linker script file \MAC\Home\Documents\STM32CubeIDE\A1\STM32L476RGTX_FLASH.ld: No such file or directory
I've checked and have found the file from both the mac and PC side of my computer. If I had to guess, the issue is that the link the program is looking for is
but the ACTUAL link is
with TWO back slashes.
If anyone can help with this, I'd really appreciate it, I've also attached images below of the error and finding the file on both operating systems respectively in case it helps:
This isn't a fix but a workaround: try mapping the shared directory \\MAC to a drive letter.
From Microsoft Support:
Select Start > Computer > Map Network Drive.
In the Drive list, select any available drive letter.
In the Folder box, type the path of the folder or computer, or select Browse to find the folder or computer. To connect every time you log on to your computer, select the Reconnect at logon check box.
Select Finish.

Does Visual Studio 2012 Save Files That Fool Dropbox?

I am using VS2012 for a new Windows Store app. I have two machines, a Win8 PC and a MacBook Pro, both using the same DropBox account to keep work files synced. Here is the problem. I currently work solely on the PC, using VS2012. Yet I continually get a popup dialog message that the file I have been editing and testing with has been modified by another program, do I want to reload it?
I decline to reload it, and then go to a separate text editing program to compare the two files.
Here is what I find.The file labeled "home.js" still contains the original contents from when I started my editing session. The file labeled "home (Dell1405's conflicted copy 2013-02-08).js" agrees with my latest updates. So it seems that DropBox has tried to sync the newer copy of the file, but is lead to believe that file is from another source, and so marks it a a conflicted copy.
So the "new" file that VS alerted me about is actually the latest copy that was saved when I ran my project in debug mode, and it agrees with the code shown in the VS edit window.
So my question is: While debugging, is VS saving my code file in some temporary area different than the disk location where I see it? And is this what is confusing DropBox (and me)? If so, how can I fix it?
I guess I could shut down DropBox on my PC before starting to work, but then I'd have to resort to sneaker-net to move edited images from my Mac to PC.

NetBeans 7.0 Randomly delete files from server on 'Download' command

I add a new PHP Project from Remote Server
I download the source files to my PC
When Netbeans downloads the files, it randomly deletes files from server.
Why does this happen?
My configuration is:
Netbeans 7.0, default configurations.
Remote Sever via SSH. (sftp)
This issue has been logged, reproduced and apparently fixed for 7.1 target.
In the meantime, after each full download of your site, do a Find inside the Remote Log console window for the DELE (match case, whole word) command. This will identify for you which files were deleted and you can re upload them.
If that's too tedious and you have time for a coffee break, simply re-upload your entire directory after downloading it.
It seems to have to do with the Upload On Save feature, so if you turn that off, presumably the issue should go away as well.
You can grab the latest nightly and the issue should also be resolved, according to the primary committer.

An Error Occurred While Downloading A Required File

I'm not sure if this is the right forum or not, since I have no idea what's causing this problem. I have a WPF application that was compiled into a setup project. After building the setup project, there are two files: setup.exe and [Program Name].msi. I put both files in the same directory in an ASP.NET website, served via IIS 7.5. Everything was working fine for about a week, until I started getting the error:
"An error occured while downloading a
required file. You may retry
downloading the file or cancel setup."
This happens when I click on a link on my website for the setup.exe file. After seeing this error, there's a tab labeled "Details" which I can click to display the message:
"An error occurred trying to download
'[website url for the .msi file]'. See
the setup log file located at
sequence].tmp\install.log' for more
I looked at this file, but it just restates that there was a problem downloading the .msi file. Can anyone offer me some suggestions? I'm really stumped on this, and have no idea where to go...
Many thanks for the help!
EDIT: This appears to be a problem with the computer that I'm downloading the program to. I tried downloading and installing the program on a different computer, and everything worked fine. Apparently, I must have changed some setting on my computer to cause this, although I'm not sure what that is...
So you're trying to download these files directly? Could the server be preventing the download of the .msi file type? How is the download taking place? Is it user initiated?
I was experiencing the same issue this morning and I finally figured out that it caused by either one (or both) of the following settings in IIS:
Compression: I had compression enabled for both static and dynamic files
Output Caching: I had bit Enable cache and Enable Kernel Cache enabled
I cleared all of the above check boxes and after that the setup.exe downloaded the MSI without a problem!
You connection was interrupted just try the preview command you type and also check your connection

Cannot delete, a file with that name may already exist

This is starting to vex me. I recently decided to clear out my FTP, and stumbled across an old Wordpress install I forgot I had (oh yes, very security conscious me). Anyway, for some reason deleting the directory failed so I investigated to see what was causing the blockage and I've narrowed it down to a file in wp-content.
Now when I try to delete this file I can get two errors. I've tried in Windowx Explorer (FTP) and the Web Control Panel's File Manager. Here's some error shots:
As you can see my File manager thinks the file is a Symbolic Link. While it scares me that
my web server is host to an obviously religoious artifact I'm also heavily confused by the situation.
I've tried renaming the file.
I've refreshed the FTP view.
I've tried moving the file to another dir (which worked, no success on deletion though).
I've tried editing the file and then deletion.
And I'm at a loss. Is there a special way to delete SymLinks? I've never heard of them, until now.
Oho Windows you really are a magician of sorts. I decided to take a look at my FTP via command prompt and guess what? The file doesn't exist. Whether ftp ignores symlinks I don't know but I'm about to give up :P
First of all, try emailing your webhost either for SSH-access or to remove the symlink for you.
If you get SSH-access, use:
unlink index.php
Or if neither works: Create a PHP file there (for instance remove.php) that contains:
<?php unlink("./index.php") ?>
Then open that file in your browser, afterwards remove the remove.php file.
