Drupal Omega Theme - drupal-7

I am trying to understand Omega theme in Drupal.
I cannot understand the js class that is referred in the tag in html5 starterkit. I figured that I had to tweak style settings there in order to adjust the height of sections/ zones or regions in terms of percentage.
What is that js class in the html tag?


Add a font face css in reactjs

fabricjs can change the font of a text in a canvas to a font family. For that the font needs to exist in the browser, either CSS or emb link.
I now want to add dynamically a font from a resource (google, self hosted ect) to the css populating it in the document via #font-face. I don't want to just list all fonts in the css beforehand because it can be a huge list. Is it possible to modify the running css in reactjs to add a font face to it?
Use CSS-in-JS solutions like emotion, styled component or radium

TopBar Navigation example for PrimeNG's Omega layout?

Is there a working example of using PrimeNG's omega layout to create a top navigation bar, besides using the ui components?
Or is this something programmers must create themselves within the css files?

How can we dynamically hide sidebar for a page in omega theme?

I want to hide second side bar for a page. I am using omega theme.
How can I do that.
We can use Delta and Context module to configure omega theme for hiding some regions from a particular page or "A types of pages" in drupal.
Here is a very great tutorial -

Custom Theme in Drupal Omega

I am new in drual custom theme designing. I am using Omega theme as bae theme and i created sub theme. I know how to add region and zone. But i am not getting any tutorial how change layout. I enabled custom theme and its showing grid system as front page. I want my custom front page. Any solution or tutorial for creating theme using subtheme.
I am also learning about Omega theme and I have found several free tutorials on this topic.
I recommend http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Iob6XLRBdQ&feature=share&list=PL15BE2E8313A4E809
to get going :)

Drupal dynamic module for responsive slideshow

I am currently working on drupal responsive theme.For this I am creating my own custom theme.
For making it responsive I have used twitter bootstrap. I have used carousel plugin for slideshow which works well in html.
The images in the slideshow are static that is I have hard-coded there path.But in drupal I want to choose images dynamically as in wordpress or joomla module.
Is it possible? If it is not than is there any slideshow module for drupal which can solve my problem?
Thanks in advance
FlexSlider is an excellent module for this. Unfortunately it's not quite as configurable as Views Slideshow, but Views Slideshow requires hacking to get it responsive as it inserts width/height attributes directly in the DOM.
if I understood right, try to add the "img-fluid" class to the image and don't set the width for any container
