TopBar Navigation example for PrimeNG's Omega layout? - primeng

Is there a working example of using PrimeNG's omega layout to create a top navigation bar, besides using the ui components?
Or is this something programmers must create themselves within the css files?


Possible to inject material UI styles into iframe?

I'm using material UI 4.9.x and it doesn't seem possible to use MUI in an iframe with the global styles.
I'm trying to use a React portal to inject the content into the iframe.
THAT part works and my MUI context menu works properly, just has the wrong styles.
I'm trying to inject the styles via CssBaseline but that gets injected into the host window not the iframe window.
I've verified this by looking at the DOM and I can see the elements created there under and not in the iframe.
How would I go about injecting this, completely, into the iframe window.
One idea I had was to change the current / global document and window objects to represent the iframe but worried that might be too hacky.

side content bar material ui

I'm interested in creating a content nav bar, similar to this one
This screenshot is taken from Material UI's site, but I haven't been able to find a component inside the library that resembles it. Is there one? Is there a way repurpose either a Drawer of an App Bar to replicate it?
If it’s always visible on the page that is just a normal div really.
Set it up in your component (or wherever your routes are defined) so it is on every page

How can we dynamically hide sidebar for a page in omega theme?

I want to hide second side bar for a page. I am using omega theme.
How can I do that.
We can use Delta and Context module to configure omega theme for hiding some regions from a particular page or "A types of pages" in drupal.
Here is a very great tutorial -

EXTJS-applying a different theme to a specific component?

we use the ExtJS "gray" theme in our app, is there a way i can use the "Accessibility" theme for a specific component? a window which includes a very basic form
The extjs theme is applied using CSS style sheets on certain html element types with certain classes. Once you load a second theme css into the same page, the first theme is overwritten completely.
So it is not possible to mix them in a single app.
You would have to use two HTML pages, which load different style sheets, but same ext.js, and use two different browser windows or an iframe.

Drupal Omega Theme

I am trying to understand Omega theme in Drupal.
I cannot understand the js class that is referred in the tag in html5 starterkit. I figured that I had to tweak style settings there in order to adjust the height of sections/ zones or regions in terms of percentage.
What is that js class in the html tag?
