Artificial Intelligence Studies [closed] - artificial-intelligence

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Closed 9 years ago.
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My task is to conduct a study on artificial intelligence that answer maybe just 20 questions.
I tried to look for a study and term papers on google and i'm having a hard time to find some related literature to start my study.
My knowledge on artificial intelligence is small.
Where can i find some related literature for the said study? My goal is just to make an AI that answer question related to processes that our school conduct. Please be easy on me. I know that i'm a noob.

Read this :
And build from there. You can use Google Scholar to find actual scientific papers once you've found the keywords you want.


How did you learn BackboneJS? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm having a difficult time understanding its tutorials.
Either they are too advanced or do not work
If you are an advanced user, please tell me how you started off.
Derick Bailey has a blog post on this, although it's a bit old:
They way I started (although with Marionette which is built on top of Backbone) was to create some small projects to see how the various parts worked together:
To help other people along, I then wrote a book that builds a non-trivial application step by step:
If you learn best by digging in source code, you can see it here:

Basic information about sybase [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have knowledge of sql-server but i am trying to learn Sybase, I need some basic help in that, please ignore if my questions are too silly.
Where can i get this database (sybase) for practice, I went on the official site, but it asks me to fill lot of details, is it changeable ?
2.Can you please suggest a basic book for this?
How different is it form SQL-Server?
For a free product it's the least you can do to fill in a form
No. I learnt from online help.
SQL Server was actually built from Sybase many years ago back at version 6.0 (maybe 25 years ago) but has now of course branched off. You'll find a lot of the functions are the same.

References for Bayesian and Neural networks [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What are the best tutorials you found so far about Neural and Bayesian networks?
I don't need books but, instead, some basic introduction to understand and use related libraries.
These tutorials from Andrew Moore are a very good -- and not too heavy -- introduction to machine learning topics: There is a tutorial for both neural networks and Bayesian networks.
My text for this sort of stuff in school was 'Pattern Classification' by Duda, Hart, and Stork.
There is an implementation of bayesian networks called JavaBayes, I consider a good software, read the doicumentation provided at the site.

What is a manhattan database? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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A friend of mine was interviewing for a data warehouse and Business Object role But he was asked about the Manhattan database?
I have Googled "Manhattan database" and even searched for it on Bing and Yahoo but have found no relevant information.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Perhaps this? Manhattan Data Warehouse
manhattan is the distributed db from twitter
The closest thing may be Microsoft project Madison, which is an auto-scalable data-warehouse appliance. The interviewer may have mixed-up Manhattan with Madison (Square Garden) which happens to be located in Manhattan.
Or, maybe he/she did it on purpose to see how good was your friend at data cleaning and conforming. :)

BASE24 tutorial or learning material [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does someone know where I can find a tutorial or material relating to Base24? I'm referring to Base24 the product by ACI. My understanding is that they use a programming language called 'TAL' which has similarities to Cobol and C.
I've searched the net and I have only found job opportunities for Base24 developers but hardly any learning resources.
TAL stands for "Transaction Application Language" and is supported by HP.
There's a programmer's guide here and a reference manual here.
I googled for base24 programming and the second hit was this
