How to adjust the UTC format on a X axis of shield UI Chart - shieldui

I am using Shield UI Chart and have a datetime X axis, which I declare so:
axisX: {
axisType: 'datetime'
I am not quite sure about the values of dataStart, where in the documentation I see:
dataStart: Date.UTC(2010, 0,1),
Why is there a 0?

The month and days arrays in the dataStart collection start (as do arrays mostly do) from 0 and not from 1. Therefore January 1-st 2010 will be
dataStart: Date.UTC(2010, 0,1),
We have the following format:
dataStart: Date.UTC(YYYY, M, D),


Time Series chart showing dates with intervals filled with dots

I have a datastudio time series chart where the x axis represents the dates in a month which is got from a query and the y axis represents the cpu utilization value for a instance, The break down dimension is the instancename. When I create the time series chart, the x-axis does not display all the datas, it displays dates with 2 days interval which is filled by dots. Is there any way i can fill the dates instead of the dots in a continuous pattern.
As per the given answer below I have updated this question. Now the unnecessary dots have been removed and it displays the dots only for which there is data, but is there any ways that the dates can be continuous for which there is data, ex as per the below chart there is data for all the dates between July8 to July 23 for the particular instance gcp-wsus, but it still displays dates with a 2 day gap interval July8,July11,July14 etc.
Can this gap be filled with dates also? Thanks
In a Time Series Chart, It can be achieved by changing the Missing Data value from the default (Line to Zero) to Linear Interpolation:
Google Data Studio Report and a GIF to elaborate:

SSRS report with stored procedure Dataset and aggregation by month - how to handle "empty" months?

I have a SSRS report which calls a stored procedure to return a two columns dataset - one column is a Date and the other is a calculated column I created to show the month in the format MMM-YYYY.
Using this dataset I have created an aggregated bar chart report which shows the number of records per month for each month value which has at least one record in the dataset, however I would like to be able to include on the chart any months within the range of the dataset even if they do not contain any records.
So for example, where at the moment I see the following data points on my chart:
Month Count
----- -----
Oct-2015 2
Nov-2015 5
Jan-2016 3
Feb-2016 6
Dec-2015 is missing because my Dataset didn't return any records for it, so I would like to be able to plot a zero Count value on the chart for this month.
Now I know how I would normally do this in SQL, with some kind of calendar table LEFT JOINed in so that I can return the months with zero counts, but can I achieve the same in SSRS with a stored procedure as the target of the main dataset?
If your grouping is on a date/time (or a number), you can make the axis type for it Scalar.
Create your chart, with Count as the value and Month as the Category Group
Right-click the grouped axis (horizontal in my example below) and go to the Axis Properties
Change the Axis type to Scalar, and change the Interval type to Months
Still in the axis properties, change the Number Category to Date, and the Type to Jan 2000 (or use a custom format)
My first instinct was to aggregate by an actual date, converted to the first of the month, instead of your MMM-yyyy string. However, it appears that SSRS (2008 R2 in my case) recognises text in the format MMM-yyyy as a valid date, so your existing procedure shouldn't need changing.

SQL date values converted to integers

Ok, I can't understand this thing.
A customer of mine has a legacy Windows application (to produce invoices) which stores date values as integers.
The problem is that what is represented like '01.01.2002' (value type: date) is indeed stored in SQL Server 2000 as 731217 (column type: integer).
Is it an already known methodology to convert date values into integers (for example - I don't know - in order to make date difference calculations easier?)
By the way, I have to migrate those data into a new application, but for as much I googled about it I can't figure out the algorithm used to apply such conversion.
Can anybody bring some light?
It looks like the number of days since Jan 1st 0000 (although that year doesn't really exists).
Anyway, take a date as a reference like Jan 1st 2000 and look what integer you have for that date (something like 730121).
You then take the difference between the integer you have for a particular date and the one for your reference date and you that number of days to your reference date with the DATEADD function.
DATEADD(day, *difference (eg 731217 - 730121)*, *reference date in proper SQLServer format*)
You can adjust if you're off by a day a two.

SSRS Gantt Chart - Change to date format

As per attached image, i have dates running along the X axis that starts on the 1st Jan 2012 and then increases monthly.
My problem is the format is displaying the month/day/year and I want day/month/year.
I have looked at Horizontal Axis Properties and under 'Number' but Date does not seem to be there.
Does anyone have any suggestions on changing the format.
Use 'Custom' and supply a date formatting string such as dd/MM/yyyy will give 01/09/2010 for example.

Reporting Services Chart - Hard Coded Series

I am developing an SSRS 2008 report which contains a number of simple charts. On the x axis I have the 12 months of this year - Jan 2009 thru December 2009. On the Y is an integer value ranging from 0 to 100 in increments of 10. I am plotting the number of times an issue occurred per month. So January could have a value of 10, February 30, etc. etc.
I would like to have a horizontal line/series that is constant and shows the yearly average for 2008. So, say the average was 30 issues per month in 2008, I would like for that line to be shown in my chart. Basically, I want to draw a straight line across the chart for that value... I can see how to add more complex series, but this seemingly simple task is getting the better of me.
Doe anyone have any idea how this could be accomplished?
Thanks in advance,
[Update] To add some further details, I am already pulling the average for each row in my dataset and have it set up as its own series. However, rather than plotting a line, this approach plots individual points for each month. While this is close to what I want, I need to join the dots so to speak. The chart is of the Error Bar (Range) variety.
Can you use a column / line hybrid chart? If so then add a constant or dynamic target value to the chart:
Design the chart.
On the Data tab in the Chart Properties dialog box, add a new data value (for example, Target).
Set the target value (see the example in Figure 9 on link this uses a constant target value of 100000 across all categories but you can do it dynamically too). Make sure to use an expression starting with = (equals). Otherwise, the value is not interpreted as a numeric value.
See the example on the MS charts page at
Add the yearly average to each row in the underlying the query. Add data series on just that value.
I managed to solve this issue myself.
As I mentioned, I was using an Error Bar graph. Right-clicking on the series of interest, I was able to change the graph type for that particular series - essentially leaving me with a chart with multiple graphs in it...particularly simple if you know where to look - which i did not! Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
