How to Set a Title/Description for a Subscription Calendar (webcal:// ICS file) - calendar

I have a calendar app for which I provide subscriptions by linking client using the "webcal://" protocol. It's working quite nicely. What I'd like to know is if there is a way title it in the receiving calendar application, such as Outlook, iPhone, Google, etc?
Currently, when loaded into Outlook it is displayed as the name of the web script from which it came. For instance if the script is (using ColdFusion) Create_ICS_File.cfm then Outlook shows it as "Create_ICS_File in Internet Calendars".
On the iPhone it shows up in Calendar as the full web address including URL variables. For example:
Is the a way, in the ICS file or otherwise, to set a title on these subscriptions?

Using the X-WR-CALNAME - The display name of the calendar
should do the trick
See also
How do I change the display name of an iCalendar in Outlook?


Images in Google data studio dashboard working for editor but not working for viewer

I use google form to collect images. The images are stored in a folder in google drive. The folder is shared publicly so that all the photos within the folder are also public if the link is available. The responses are stored in google sheet and converted to a accessible file that i.e. change from "" to "" so that images are directly accessible. The google sheet is connected with google data studio. I need to show these images in the data studio dashboard. What I could find as solution was to create a table with the image URLs. Using a table, I've tried to do the following
Created a new field in google data studio and added image function with a link as mentioned above.
Instead of creating a new field, changed the type of image URL column to URL as well as image.
Both above are working for me as an editor (during edit or view as shared in below images. But when I share the dashboard as a link and view it in incognito mode, it is not working. I hope I'm able to explain.
Google Form Link:
Google sheet where data is collected : + also Embedded in google data studio
Google Data Studio link:
Its working for me as editor, but as a viewer in above link, its not working as visible in above data studio link
But as a viewer (incognito mode) images are not visible.
Actually, the images work for any user logged into its own Google account. The problem is really experienced when the dashboard is open with no logged user.
Diving into the problem, it seems to be related with the number of redirects that Google Drive need to access the image. Reproducing your dashboard I was able to see the error ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS in browser's Dev Mode.
Steps in logged mode:
302 Redirect to https://*
The image is returned
Steps in non logged mode:
302 Redirect to https://*
302 Redirect to
The image is returned
If you look into Dev Mode, it is possible to note that the URL ended with "/nonceSigner" is accessed dozens of times when not logged (the same does not happen when logged). This means that Data Studio start a loop trying to access the image, which triggers a "retry" operation when it sees a double redirect.
Curiously, this does not happen when using the standard Image control (instead of table chart, that reads from a DataSource), so it seems to be a bug in the Table chart component.
So you're out of luck. My suggestion is to use Cloud Storage instead of Google Drive, since it seems you're using some undocumented features and they'll surely break at some time.
Another option is to report this bug to DataStudio team (report here). There are Data Studio developers that activelly answer questions in StackOverflow (like Minhaz Kazi), so try to drive their attention to this issue.
I was having a related issue here - a colleague was not able to view images in a data studio dashboard, even though he was able to view the same files directly in Drive. It turned out to only be a problem using the Brave browser! I can't figure out what exactly was going on, but posting here in case it helps someone else.

Add .ics from URL to Google calendar only shows 'busy'

I am developing a web application which dynamically distributes several .ics files on the web space. So now I am trying to observe those .ics files from mail clients like macOS calendar app, Outlook or Google calendar. Everything works simply perfect with all except Google calendar:
If I am trying to import the calendar from an URL (here) I just get displayed 'busy' as subject for each event (example). This is a weird problem because it works like charm in all other apps. It also works fine if I download the current .ics file and import it statically. (So this can not be only an .ics content problem)
Well, I already checked out several related issues/questions (see bottom) but none provided a capable/correct solution.
Interesting to mention (the last related question brought me to this):
It works if I rearrange the paths and names to the following:
It does not work if I use some of the following patterns:
I also posted this problem in Googles calendar forums but the recommended to post something here.
Thanks for your help in advance!
my web ical url does not work in google calendar
iCalendar events imported in Google Calendar are empty
Events from iCal Feed URL Display as "Busy" in Google Calendar
Try the provided solution in this SO post:
The calendar's URL that I provided GCal did not end in a filename (I
use a PHP framework with URL rewriting). I updated the URL, appending
"/calendar.ics" to it and subscribed to the URL in GCal, and now all
events seem to display fine, showing all details.
After some experiments I decided to use an ICS validator found on google. It displayed that the MIME-Type of the URLs result may be misconfigured (text/plain should be text/calendar).
I already noticed this while accessing URLs like and seeing plain .ics file content instead of downloading this file. This seems to depend on the browser, some browsers auto interpret this type correctly but Google seems to do not.
However: There's a configuration file named web.xml in my applications WEB-INF. I defined the MIME-Type manually for files ending with *.ics:
<web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="3.1">
Now even Google Calendar recognizes the whole calendar content independent from the URL it was distributed from.
Okay after intense testing there orruced no more problems with any calendar so this seems to be the solution in my case. Outlook, macOS calendar app and Mozilla Thunderbird seem to guess the MIME-Type correctly, Google does not.

Pre Poulate a Text Field with a URL

I have a mobile simulator at and was wondering if there is a script or way to populate the text field so that I can send a sampole of the customer mobile website to them.
Maybe I need to change it to a php file or something.
So I would like to send them to say
That website uses javascript within the page to load the entered URL within their "emulator" and does support passing parameters as the web page is not a "real" web form.
If you have a specific question about the functionality of a specific website, then why not contact them
There are alternative online mobile emulators which do support the funcitonality you require, such as:

Javascript library to create calendar uri/links to Google, Yahoo, Outlook , iCal?

I have seen a very specific and professional web page widget (e.g. and Please help me find the library that creates the links.
I have looked at Need a service that build calendar (iCal, outlook) links, but that answer seems to address the need for an on-screen calendar, not just the links.
Alternatively you can create below registry entry and anchor link/button to open the outlook calendar
below is the markup
<button id="outlookCalendarBtn" onclick="'outlookwebcal:')">
Open Outlook Calendar
Create below registry entry
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="URL:Outlook Add Internet Calendar"
"URL Protocol"=""
#="\"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\root\\office16\\Outlook.exe\" /select outlook:calendar"
Even I was looking for the same library Mr.Richard but after reaching for 3 days I finally found this.
But iCal is not included in this library you need to add it explicitly.

silverlight in html EMAIL body

I have a news letter which i did in silverlight, is there a way to send it in email. like as you include html tags, is there a way to include silverlight xap package in it.
Probably better to reference a webpage containing your silverlight content.
Technically, you could put the path to the .xap hosted on a website into an HTML email body, but nearly all mail clients will not display this - most even prevent images from loading by default.
Most email systems will prevent you from embedding active content like SilverLight, as it presents a security risk. Your only option probably is to put your SilverLight app on the web, and just email a link to it.
Don't if you want your newsletter to be read by anyone. See this article for a good list of do's and don'ts when sending emails.
Don't listen to those guys, they're probably FlashHeads... ;)
Besides that they give up too easily. More power to ya!
I assume this newsletter is for an audence that specifically desires your content: i.e a club or similar organization that doesn't have a windows based webserver.
What you do is attach the file in such a way that they drag a zip containing the files that would normally be served from a website to the hard drive - right click - extract all then they run it by clicking on an HTML file with .htm extension that hosts the silverlight plugin instead of an aspx file.
One note that probably won't matter to you is that without a server backing this up the content can't really send you back any info but it CAN get dynamic info that comes from say RSS feeds or WCF services hosted on the web.
