I'm using the function sqlite3_prepare_v2 to access to the database but it not returns SQLITE_ERROR( http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/c_abort.html ).I tried to use another db and it was ok.I made a new db(with navicat) the function returns SQLITE_ERROR...The code is ok,the problem regards the db.I thought to make the new db with the command line but where is saved?Any suggestion?
I am developing application with vb.net (2015) and MS Access database. I can work fine with existing database. I have now situation where I need to create database programmatically, for billing purpose. It is the situation where each folder will contain database for company/firm selection.
After searching on the internet / StackOverflow I learned about ADOX. Even got the ready code for it. I applied it in my coding.
Adding reference of Microsoft ADO extend 2.8 and 6.0
Created variable Adx as new Adox.catalog
Then finally wrote Adx.create(olejet provider conn string with data source)
In this step I get an error
COM Class not registered
So I tried to register msadox.dll and msadox28.tlb with regsvr32 and regasm but at that time I get another error:
msadox.dll get registered successfully but error gives in msadox28.tlb
Fail to load -file- becuase it is not a valid .net assembly file
Now I am stuck at this point.
My system is Windows 10 64 bit. I tried to target cpu x86, and any cpu but it didn't work. I got many questions and answer here but didn't understand it.
I tried following connection string and it worked, but it creates old 2000-2003 mdb file. i want to use new access file .accdb
String is :
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\VBProj\Testing\test.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5
EDIT : on 20/9/2021 - MON
First of all Thank you very much #Jimi, your suggestion to use ACE.16 and cleaning solution worked. Thanks a lot
I use the following steps to create MS Access database using ADOX in VB.NET:
Project Menu > Add Reference > COM Section > Select Microsoft ADO Ext. 6.0 for DLL and security
Write connection string at program entry point (form load/sub main) -> Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0;Data Source=D:\VBProj\Testing\test.accdb, assign it to variable connString
Declare adox catalog globally like Public gAdxCat As New ADOX.Catalog
Use its method gAdxCat.create(connString)
That's all - DONE
Again thanks to #jimi
This is the answer to my question (helped by #jimi)
following are the steps to create msaccess database using ADOX in VB.NET and error occurs mention in original questions.
1-Project Menu > Add Reference > COM Section > Select Microsoft ADO Ext. 6.0 for DLL and security (remove ref of 2.8)
2-write connection string at program entry point (form load/sub main) -> "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0;Data Source=D:\VBProj\Testing\test.accdb" assign it to variable connString
3-declare adox catalog globally like Public gAdxCat As New ADOX.Catalog
4-User its method gAdxCat.create(connString)
5-Thats all DONE
again thanks to #jimi
I am facing some troubles while trying to create an IFSFile using IFSFile object from JT400.jar. The problem that I am facing is when the process that calls the JAVA is called by a BATCH user(without login enabled into AS400 machine).
Exception given
Password is *NONE.:XXXXXX com.ibm.as400.access.AS400SecurityException: Password is *NONE.:XXXXXX
at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400ImplRemote.returnSecurityException(AS400ImplRemote.java:2219)
at com.ibm.as400.access.CurrentUser.getUserInfo(CurrentUser.java:79)
at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400ImplRemote.getPassword(AS400ImplRemote.java:1411)
at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400ImplRemote.signon(AS400ImplRemote.java:2507)
at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400.sendSignonRequest(AS400.java:3351)
at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400.promptSignon(AS400.java:2938)
at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400.signon(AS400.java:4246)
at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400.connectService(AS400.java:1336)
at com.ibm.as400.access.IFSFile.chooseImpl(IFSFile.java:630)
at com.ibm.as400.access.IFSFile.copyTo(IFSFile.java:729)
at com.ibm.as400.access.IFSFile.copyTo(IFSFile.java:699)
Code used:
AS400 as400 = new AS400("localhost");
//Obtain the template path
String templatePath ="/HOME/XXX/auth.txt";
IFSFile templateAuth = new IFSFile(as400,templatePath);
templateAuth.copyTo(fileXML + ".xml");
I have check some opened threads but no results obtained. (find below the threads commented)
JT400 Read File From IFS with user without password
Java IFSFile on Iseries testing over PC
There is any option to generate an IFSFile when the process is called by a BATCH user(note that when the process is called by a user with login enabled, the process is working as expected)
I need something similar to what is done when a JDBCAppender is created, JDBCAppender object allows setUser(null) and setPassword(null) to enable batch users to write into a table.
Thanks all!
I have recently had a similar problem when trying to use CommandCall whilst running under a profile with PASSWORD is *NONE. I (eventually) solved it by using the native Java toolbox at /QIBM/ProdData/Java400/jt400ntv.jar (which happens to be a symbolic link). I didn't have to make any code changes:
AS400 as400 = new AS400();
CommandCall cc = new CommandCall(as400);
String wrkenvvar_cmd = MessageFormat.format("ADDENVVAR ENVVAR('JAVA_HOME') VALUE(''{0}'') REPLACE(*YES)",path);
boolean ok = cc.run(wrkenvvar_cmd);
I hope that helps.
I have an Access database was created, it's working perfectly. After successfully splitting the database to back and front end I shared the _be file in shared drive and front end file in my local, I tried to run the front end and I am getting error when macro is executing:
I even put the back and front end in my local machine but still I am getting the error, I tried to remove the macros but still getting errors since I am not the one developed this application.
Dim fdb As Database
Dim utab As Table, otab As Table
DBEngine.SystemDB = "System.mdw"
Set fdb = CurrentDb()
Set utab = fdb.OpenTable("Users")
Set otab = fdb.OpenTable("Organization")
After tracing the function findorg() I found this error
Item not found in the collection
For this line
Set utab = fdb.OpenTable("Users")
I tried to change the code to be
Set utab = fdb.Rescordsets("Users")
But still I am getting the same error.
Note that I am using back and front end, I have all my tables linked.
"Users" table is not linked in the database in which you are running this code. Link it again and check, check for all tables that should also be linked.
i was able to solve the issue by using DAO 3.6 object library, as i found that the current database application is using DAO 2.5, so i recompiled the application and fixed all errors. also i managed to rename the functions that's been called by macro, i found that in macro when i write calling function as findorg() will not work, but in function name i specify "findorg" between double quote, which run successfully.
I am having issues attempting to connect to two different databases in one Qt Application. I have my information database that stores all the information collected by the application and the new Log database which allows me to track all the changes that occur to the Application, button presses, screen loads etc, for easy debugging after its release. Separately, the databases work perfectly, but when I try to use both of them, only one will work. I read that this could be because I wasn't naming the connections and obviously only the most recently connected database could use the default connection. However when I give the databases names they wont work at all, isOpen() will return true on both, but as soon as they attempt to execute a query I get the errors
"QSqlQuery::prepare: database not open"
"QSqlError(-1, "Driver not loaded", "Driver not loaded")"
My two database declarations are:
database_location = filepath.append("/logger.sqlite");
logDB = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", "LoggerDatabaseConnection");
for the Logger Database connection and :
database_location = filepath.append("/db.sqlite");
db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", "NormalDB");
Also when I am running the first query on the databases to see if their tables exist I am using
QSqlQuery query("LoggerDatabaseConnection");
and likewise for the normal database, but I am still getting connection issues even after declaring the database connection to run the query on.
The database used for the application is declared as a static QSqlDatabase in a namespace to create a global effect, so everyone can access it, that was a previous programmer, and I created the Log database as Singleton with a private database connection. Like I said both versions of the code work separately but when they are together they are fighting each other. I know there is a huge debate over the proper design of Singleton vs Dependecy Injection, but again the code works separately so I am happy with how it is designed for now. If there is any missing information or if you have any ideas, please let me know. Thank you.
QSqlQuery query("LoggerDatabaseConnection");
The first parameter of the constructor is the query, not the connection name. It will use the default connection since you specified no database object.
Try something like this:
QSqlQuery query1("YourFirstQuery", db);
QSqlQuery query2("YourSecondQuery", logDB);
Important: Also do not forget to open and close the database before / after using it by calls to QSqlDatabase::open() and QSqlDatabase::close().
The correct way to have multiple databases is to not use the pointer returned from the static addConnection method. You should use the connectionName argument:
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsqldatabase.html#addDatabase-1 during initilization and query usage:
void MyClass::initDb(QString dbPath, QString connName)
// initial db usage, etc
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(YOUR_DRIVER, connName);
// open it, etc
void MyClass::updateThing(QString val, QString name, QString connName)
QString q = QString("UPDATE THINGS SET val=%1 WHERE name=%2").arg(val, name);
// add the reference to your database via the connection name
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(connName);
QSqlQuery query(db);
// handle the query normally, etc
I am looking for a way to let my C# (4.0) app send data to a SQL Server 2008 instance, asynchronously. I kind of like what I saw at http://nayyeri.net/asynchronous-command-execution-in-net-2-0 but that is not quite what I am looking for.
I have code like this:
// myDataTable is a .NET DataTable object
SqlCommand sc= new SqlCommand("dbo.ExtBegin", conn);
SqlParameter param1 = sc.Parameters.AddWithValue("#param1", "a");
SqlParameter param2 = sc.Parameters.AddWithValue("#param2", "b");
SqlParameter param3 = sc.Parameters.AddWithValue("#param3", myDataTable);
param3.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;
param3.TypeName = "dbo.MyTableType";
int execState = sc.ExecuteNonQuery();
And because the myDataTable is potentially large, I don't want the console app to hang while it sends the data to the server, if there are 6 big loads I want them all going at the same time without blocking at the console app. I don't want to send serially.
All ideas appreciated, thanks!
set the AsynchronousProcessing property on the connection string to True.
Use BeginExecuteNonQuery
But what is dbo.ExtBegin doing? It all depends on it, as the calls may well serialize on locks in the database (at best) or, at worst, you may get incorrect results if the procedure is not properly designed for concurency.
Create a thread and execute the query within that thread, make sure not to have subsequent database calls that would cause race conditions.
My first thought would be to spawn a new thread for the inserts, and have the main thread check the spawned thread's execution with AutoResetEvent, TimerCallback, and Timer objects.
I do it in Silverlight all the time.
Take a look at using Service Broker Activation. This will allow you to call a stored proc and have it run on it's own thread why you continue on the current thread.
Here is an excellent article that goes over how to do this.